
Maritime Announces Purchase Agreement to Acquire Point Rousse Project From Signal Gold and Related Offering of up to US$5 Million of Convertible Senior Secured Notes

Maritime Announces Purchase Agreement to Acquire Point Rousse Project From Signal Gold and Related Offering of up to US$5 Million of Convertible Senior Secured Notes

海事宣布从Signal Gold收购Point Rousse项目的收购协议,并通过相关方式发行高达500万美元的可转换优先有担保票据
newsfile ·  2023/06/19 07:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - June 19, 2023) - Maritime Resources Corp. (TSXV: MAE) ("Maritime" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a share purchase agreement with Signal Gold Inc. ("Signal" or the "Vendor") dated June 16, 2023 pursuant to which the Vendor will sell, assign and transfer to the Company and the Company will purchase all of the shares of Point Rousse Mining Inc. (the "Transaction"), which owns all of the property, assets, mineral rights, royalties and liabilities underlying the Point Rousse Project located in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador (the "Project"), for aggregate consideration of C$4 million plus the assumption of certain liabilities associated with the Project, comprised of: (i) C$3 million in cash (the "Cash Purchase Price"); and (ii) 23,970,218 common shares (the "Consideration Shares") in the capital of the Company issued at a deemed price of approximately C$0.04172 per Consideration Share, plus the applicable assumed liabilities. The Consideration Shares will be subject to a statutory four-month and one day hold period from the date of issuance. In order to provide certainty for the completion of the Transaction, the Company obtained two separate commitment letters to provide the Company with the Cash Purchase Price.

安大略省多伦多-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年6月19日)-海洋资源公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:MAE)(“海洋”或“公司”)很高兴至宣布与Signal Gold Inc.(“Signal Gold Inc.”)达成股份购买协议。讯号“或”供应商),据此,卖方将出售、转让和转让给本公司,本公司将购买Point Rousse Mining Inc.(The交易记录拥有位于纽芬兰和拉布拉多省的Point Rousse项目的所有财产、资产、采矿权、特许权使用费和债务。项目),总代价为400万加元,外加承担与项目有关的某些负债,包括:(I)300万加元现金(现金收购价“);及(Ii)23,970,218股普通股(”对价股份“)本公司按每股代价股份约0.04172加元的价格发行的股本,加上适用的承担负债。代价股份将自发行日期起有法定的四个月零一天持有期。为确保交易完成,本公司取得两份独立承诺书,向本公司提供现金收购价。

Shoreline Aggregates Inc. ("Shoreline"), an aggregate producer and export company has provided a C$1 million commitment letter in support of the Transaction. Shoreline has has been operating on the Point Rousse site since inception, repurposing the "waste" rock from the Pine Cove pit as the feed for its base and asphalt aggregate business. Following completion of the Transaction, Maritime will provide Shoreline with access to the existing crusher, dock, stockpiles and site roads for transporting, crushing, loading and shipping aggregate for future continuance of its operations on the Point Rousse site.

海岸线集合体公司(“海岸线),一家骨料生产商和出口公司提供了一份100万加元的承诺书,以支持这笔交易。海岸公司自成立以来一直在Point Rousse现场运营,重新利用松树湾坑中的“废”岩石作为其基地和沥青集料业务的饲料。交易完成后,Sea将为Shoreline提供现有的破碎机、码头、库存和现场道路,用于运输、粉碎、装载和运输集料,以供其未来继续在Point Rousse现场的运营。

The terms of the Transaction were negotiated at arm's length. The Transaction is expected to constitute an Expedited Acquisition under Policy 5.3 of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV"). The completion of the Transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including the approval of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology (NL) and the TSXV. Closing of the Transaction is expected to occur in July, 2023.

这笔交易的条款是在保持一定距离的情况下谈判达成的。根据多伦多证券交易所创业板交易所(The TSX Venture Exchange)的政策5.3,这项交易预计将构成加速收购。TSXV交易的完成取决于惯例的成交条件,包括工业、能源和技术部部长(NL)和TSXV的批准。交易预计在2023年7月完成。

"We are pleased to announce this transaction with Signal Gold to acquire the Point Rousse Project in Newfoundland and Labrador. These assets are a natural fit with our consolidation and development plans in the Baie Verte district with the key asset being the Pine Cove mill, a fully permitted gold processing facility rated at 1,400 tonnes per day with a large capacity tailings storage facility and access to port infrastructure. The addition of the Pine Cove mill facility, which was recently operating in Q1 of this year, provides an opportunity to bring our Hammerdown project online faster and at a lower cost than what was planned in the 2022 Feasibility Study," comments Garett Macdonald, President and CEO. "With ownership of both Baie Verte district gold processing plants (Pine Cove and Nugget Pond) Maritime will have tremendous operating flexibility and a strategic platform for future mineral processing of both precious and base metals throughout the district. Looking ahead, we see an exciting opportunity for custom mineral processing together with the importing and exporting of concentrates utilizing the existing port infrastructure. As we continue to advance Hammerdown and the long pipeline of exploration prospects in the district, we look forward to working with all stakeholders to deliver long term value for shareholders and communities alike."

我们很高兴宣布与Signal Gold达成交易,收购纽芬兰和拉布拉多的Point Rousse项目。这些资产与我们在Baie Verte区的整合和发展计划非常吻合,关键资产是Pine Cove磨坊,这是一个完全许可的黄金加工设施,日产量为1,400吨,拥有大容量尾矿存储设施和港口基础设施。Pine Cove磨坊设施的增加,为我们提供了一个机会,使我们的Hammerdown项目以更快的速度和更低的成本投入使用,比2022年可行性研究中计划的更快,成本更低,Garett Macdonald,总裁和首席执行官评论道。拥有Baie Verte地区黄金加工厂(Pine Cove和Nugget Pond)后,Sea将拥有巨大的运营灵活性,并为整个地区未来贵金属和贱金属的矿物加工提供一个战略平台。展望未来,我们看到了一个令人兴奋的机会,即定制矿物加工以及利用现有港口基础设施进出口精矿。随着我们继续推进Hammerdown和该地区漫长的勘探前景管道,我们期待着与所有利益相关者合作,为股东和社区带来长期价值。

Convertible Note Offering


Maritime also announces that it has entered into an agreement with SCP Resource Finance LP ("SCP") to complete a brokered private placement (the "Offering") of convertible senior secured notes (the "Notes") of the Company at a price of US$1,000 per Note, less a 2.00% origination discount, for gross proceeds of up to US$5 million. The Notes will mature 36 months (the "Maturity Date") following the date of issuance (the "Closing Date") and each US$1,000 principal amount of the Notes will bear interest ("Interest") at 8.5% per annum, calculated and paid semi-annually in arrears on the last day of January and July in each applicable calendar year. The Company may, at its sole discretion, subject to the approval of the TSXV, elect to pay accrued interest in cash or in common shares ("Shares") at a price per share equal to the Market Price (as defined in the policies of the TSXV) of the Shares on the trading day immediately preceding the date on which such interest is due. The obligations of the Company under the Note will be secured against all of the assets of the Company and its sole subsidiary, 2823988 Ontario Corp., which will also guarantee the Notes.

海事还宣布,它已与SCP资源金融有限公司(“SCP Resources Finance LP”)达成协议。SCP“)完成经纪私募(”供奉“)可转换优先担保票据(“备注),每张债券的价格为1,000美元,减去2.00%的发行折扣,总收益不超过500万美元。债券将于36个月内到期(到期日“)在发出日期后(“截止日期“)债券本金为1,000美元,并会派息(“利息按年息8.5%计算,每半年于适用公历年度1月及7月最后一日支付一次。本公司可全权酌情决定以现金或普通股支付应累算利息(股票“),每股价格相等于紧接该等利息到期日期前一个交易日股份的市价(定义见多伦多证券交易所保单)。本公司在票据项下的责任将以本公司及其唯一附属公司安大略省2823988公司的所有资产作为抵押,而安大略省安大略省唯一附属公司亦将为票据提供担保。

Holders of the Notes will be entitled to convert the principal and accrued and unpaid Interest under the Notes at any time prior to the Maturity Date into Shares at a conversion price to be determined. If at any time following 120 days after the Closing Date, the volume weighted average price of the Shares on the TSXV equals or exceeds 175% of the conversion price (as converted based on the Bank of Canada exchange rate then in effect) for 20 consecutive trading days, the Company will have the right, in its sole discretion, to force the conversion of the principal amount of the Notes then outstanding into Shares at the conversion price. The Notes will not be redeemable until 18 months after the Closing Date. Thereafter, the Notes will be redeemable in whole (or in part) at the option of the Company (the "Redeemed Notes") for consideration of (i) cash equal to 102% of the principal amount to be redeemed (plus accrued and unpaid interest) and (ii) the issuance of common share purchase warrants ("Warrants") of the Company with the economic equivalent of the value of the Redeemed Notes based on a Black Scholes value using the lowest allowable exercise price.

债券持有人将有权于到期日前任何时间将债券项下的本金及应计及未付利息转换为股份,转换价格待定。如果在收盘后120天后的任何时间,多伦多证券交易所股票的成交量加权平均价等于或超过转换价格的175%(根据当时有效的加拿大银行汇率转换)在连续20个交易日内,本公司将有权全权酌情强制将当时已发行债券的本金按换股价转换为股份。该批债券将于截止日期后18个月才可赎回。其后,债券将可由本公司选择全部(或部分)赎回(“赎回票据“)代价:(I)相当于本金102%的现金(加上应计及未付利息)及(Ii)发行普通股认购权证(“认股权证“),其经济等值为根据Black Scholes价值使用最低允许行使价格赎回票据的价值。

In connection with the Offering, the Company has agreed to pay the SCP a cash commission equal to 4.0% of the gross proceeds of the Offering, as well as to issue to SCP such number of Warrants ("Broker Warrants") of the Company as is equal to 2.0% of the gross proceeds of the Offering divided by conversion price and exercisable at the Market Price as at the Closing Date for a period of 24 months following closing.


The net proceeds of the Offering are expected to be used to fund the Cash Purchase Price as well as for general working capital and corporate purposes. The Notes and Broker Warrants (including the underlying Shares) will be subject to a statutory hold period of four months plus one day following the Closing Date. Subject to customary closing conditions, including applicable TSXV approvals, the Offering is expected close in July, 2023.


Qualified Persons


Disclosure of a scientific or technical nature in this news release has been approved by Mr. Garett Macdonald, P.Eng., President and CEO of Maritime. Mr. Macdonald is a QP and he has verified the data disclosed in this news release.

本新闻稿中的科学或技术性质的披露已得到Garett Macdonald先生,P.Eng,总裁先生和Sea首席执行官的批准。麦克唐纳是一名QP,他已经核实了本新闻稿中披露的数据。

About Maritime Resources


Maritime holds a 100% interest directly and subject to option agreements entitling it to earn 100% ownership in the Green Bay Property. This includes the former Hammerdown gold mine and the Orion gold project plus the Whisker Valley exploration project, all located in the Baie Verte Mining District near the town of King's Point, Newfoundland and Labrador. The Hammerdown Gold Project is characterized by near-vertical, narrow mesothermal quartz veins containing gold associated with pyrite. Hammerdown was last operated by Richmont Mines between 2000 and 2004. The Company also owns the gold circuit at the Nugget Pond metallurgical facility in Newfoundland and Labrador and the Lac Pelletier gold project in Rouyn Noranda, Québec.

Sea直接持有100%的权益,并受期权协议的限制,该协议使其有权获得Green Bay物业的100%所有权。这包括前Hammerdown金矿和猎户座金矿项目以及胡须谷勘探项目,所有这些项目都位于纽芬兰和拉布拉多市国王角镇附近的Baie Verte矿区。Hammerdown金矿项目的特点是近垂直、窄的中热石英脉,其中含有与黄铁矿共生的金。Hammerdown上一次由Richmont Mines运营是在2000年至2004年。该公司还拥有纽芬兰和拉布拉多的Nugget Pond冶金厂的金矿回路,以及位于QuéBEC的Rouyn Noranda的Lac Pelletier金矿项目。

On Behalf of the Board:


Garett Macdonald, MBA, P.Eng.
President and CEO
1900-110 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON M5C 1T4
Phone: (416) 365-5321
1900-110 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON M5C 1T4

多伦多扬格街1900-110号,M5C 1T4
多伦多扬格街1900-110号,M5C 1T4



Caution Regarding Forward Looking Statements:


Certain of the statements made and information contained herein is "forward-looking information" within the meaning of National Instrument 51-102, Continuous Disclosure Obligations of the Canadian Securities Administrators. These statements and information are based on facts currently available to the Company and there is no assurance that actual results will meet management's expectations. Forward-looking statements and information may be identified by such terms as "anticipates", "believes", "targets", "estimates", "plans", "expects", "may", "will", "could" or "would". While the Company considers its assumptions to be reasonable as of the date hereof, forward-looking statements and information are not guarantees of future performance and readers should not place undue importance on such statements as actual events and results may differ materially from those described herein. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The forward-looking statements in this news release include without limitation, statements with respect to the terms of the Transaction and the Offering, the anticipated benefits of the Transaction to the Company, the anticipated closing date of the Transaction and the Offering, the use of proceeds of the Offering, and the timing of the approval of the TSXV, among others. All forward-looking information contained in this press release is given as of the date hereof, and is based on the opinions and estimates of management and information available to management as of the date hereof. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable securities laws.


Forward-looking statements also include statements concerning the Hammerdown Gold Project (the "Hammerdown Project") Feasibility Study including the low capital intensity and rapid payback of the Hammerdown Project, the exploration upside relating to the Hammerdown Project, the pursuit of mine life extensions, the potential to increase mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates, returns and free cash flow relating to the Hammerdown Project, capital financing processes relating to the Hammerdown Project, the potential integration of the Pine Cove mill and plan to update the feasibility study to support future project financing, development of the future next drill program on the Hammerdown Project, exploration and development of the Orion deposit, "Run of Mine" ore scheduled to be mined from the Project, timing of submission of the Hammerdown Project Development Plan and the Progressive Rehabilitation and Closure Plan for Hammerdown, timing of future site construction, timing to first gold production, length of construction period for the Hammerdown Project, timing of completion of required permitting, timing for approvals to be obtained for the closure and development plans relating to the Project, availability of capital financing, the non-equity portion of any construction capital financing, timing of completion of construction capital financing process, amongst other things, which involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking information

前瞻性表述还包括有关Hammerdown Gold Project(“Hammerdown Project”)可行性研究的表述,其中包括Hammerdown项目的低资本密度和快速回报、与Hammerdown项目有关的勘探收益、延长矿山寿命的追求、增加矿产资源和矿产储量估计的潜力、与Hammerdown项目有关的回报和自由现金流、与Hammerdown项目有关的资本融资过程、松湾磨坊的潜在整合以及计划更新可行性研究以支持未来的项目融资、Hammerdown项目未来下一次钻探计划的开发、猎户座矿床的勘探和开发。计划从该项目开采的“露天”矿石,提交锤击项目发展计划和锤击逐步恢复和关闭计划的时间,未来现场建设的时间,首次黄金生产的时间,锤击项目的建设期,所需许可的完成时间,与项目有关的关闭和开发计划获得批准的时间,资本融资的可用性,任何建筑资本融资的非股权部分,建筑资本融资过程的完成时间,除其他外,涉及已知和未知的风险、不确定因素和其他可能导致实际结果的因素。公司的业绩或成就,或行业结果,与该等前瞻性信息明示或暗示的任何未来结果、业绩或成就存在重大差异

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