
Transforming The Cannabis Ad Space: Leafwire Unveils B2B Retargeting Audience

Transforming The Cannabis Ad Space: Leafwire Unveils B2B Retargeting Audience

改变大麻广告空间:Leafwire 公布了 B2B 重定向受众
Benzinga ·  2023/06/21 14:15

In an industry where diversity is its strength but can also be its biggest challenge, Leafwire has launched the largest retargeting audience in the Cannabis B2B industry. This new venture allows advertisers to purchase ads across more than 10,000 websites, such as CNN, ESPN and USA Today, specifically targeting the dynamic cannabis business community.


Navigating through the advertising landscape to reach the cannabis business community has traditionally been a conundrum. The variety of roles within the industry, from growers, budtenders and greenhouse builders to accountants, scientists and marketers, makes it a complex demographic to pin down.


Cannabis enthusiasts and consumers have platforms like Weedmaps, Leafly and Dutchie for accessibility. However, these platforms don't cater to the business community within the industry, which, until now, has been a significant gap in the marketplace.


Peter Vogel, CEO of Leafwire said, "We saw a gap in the marketplace and realized we needed a new way to reach the incredibly diverse cannabis industry. That led us to build the ′Leafwire B2B Cannabis Omnichannel."

彼得·沃格尔Leafwire的首席执行官说:“我们看到了市场上的一个缺口,意识到我们需要一种新的方式来接触到极其多样化的大麻行业。这导致我们建立了‘Leafwire B2B大麻全渠道’。”

In collaboration with MediaJel and one of the world's largest ad networks, Leafwire has assembled an impressive audience of cannabis business professionals, earning it the title of the largest re-targeting audience in the cannabis business industry. They achieved this by establishing partnerships with several cannabis news sites and some of the largest industry conferences.


This audience comprises more than 500,000 recognizable "digital fingerprints," extending its reach to more than 3.2 million devices, including phones, tablets and desktop computers. Now, the Leafwire B2B Cannabis Omnichannel has enabled targeted advertising that was previously deemed impossible.

这一受众包括50多万个可识别的“数字指纹”,将其覆盖范围扩展到320多万台设备,包括手机、平板电脑和台式电脑。现在,Leafwire B2B大麻全方位渠道实现了以前被认为不可能的定向广告。

Jake Litke, CEO of MediaJel, emphasized the importance of the precision enabled by this new venture: "The cornerstone of effective marketing is reaching the right audience at the right time. This is where the 'Leafwire B2B Cannabis Omnichannel' shines - it allows for a targeted approach that's as precise as a well-located real estate investment."

杰克·利特克MediaJel首席执行官强调了这家新企业带来的精准性的重要性:“有效营销的基石是在正确的时间接触到正确的受众。这就是‘Leafwire B2B大麻全方位渠道’的闪光点-它允许有针对性的方法,就像地理位置良好的房地产投资一样精确。”

With programmatic advertising, advertisers can show 500,000 impressions to their targeted audience for a relatively modest investment. As these campaigns run longer, they continuously improve, like a fine wine maturing with age, thus providing a more precise and efficient marketing strategy.


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