VANCOUVER, BC, July 11, 2023 /CNW/ - TinOne Resources Inc. (TSXV: TORC) (OTCQB: TORCF) (Frankfurt: 57Z0) ("TinOne" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it been granted a total of 243 km2 of new exploration tenure in northeast Tasmania. In addition, the Company has applied for another 133 km2, which has been recommended to be granted in the coming months. The road-accessible tenements, collectively called the Mount Maurice Project, are considered prospective for tin and lithium mineralization. While northeast Tasmania has historically been a tin and tungsten producing region, recent exploration by several companies surrounding TinOne's tenements have focussed efforts on lithium prospectivity.
Dominant land position: The acquisition of the Mount Maurice project strengthens the Company's position in northeast Tasmania focused on tin and lithium exploration.
Prospective for tin and lithium mineralization: The Mount Maurice project is centered on a complex granite batholith containing greisen zones considered prospective for tin and lithium mineralization.
Road accessible project: A forestry road network provides access across the project.
"We believe northeast Tasmania is a prime jurisdiction for the discovery of tin and lithium deposits," commented Chris Donaldson, Executive Chairman. "Our recent exploration results, specifically the discovery of lithium mineralization at our Aberfoyle project, just 20 kilometres south of Mount Maurice, has led us to re-evaluate the lithium potential of many Devonian-aged tin-tungsten bearing granites across northeast Tasmania. This evaluation led us to stake the Mount Maurice project an area that has received little modern exploration but contains documented greisen alteration zones hosted in prospective Devonian aged granites. We look forward to getting boots on the ground and exploring this new project."
Mineral Exploration Licences
The southern edge of the Mount Maurice tenements are approximately 20 kilometres north of the company's Aberfoyle Sn-W-Li project (see March 15th, 2023 news release; Figure 1). The road accessible claims are underlain by the 35 by 15 kilometre polyphase Scottsdale granitic batholith considered to be prospective for tin and lithium mineralization. The area has seen very limited historic exploration besides a regional stream sediment geochemical surveys, focused geological mapping, and minor trenching. Trenching results from the Mount Maurice Sn-Cu showing, central to the project, returned grades of up to 0.78% Sn and 1.4% Cu from quartz veins cutting greisenised (coarse mica altered) granite (Ellis, 1984). These mineralized occurrences have yet to be drill tested and lithium analyses have never been performed on any of the rock or stream sediment samples. A phase 1 reconnaissance-style exploration program comprised of project-wide stream sediment surveys, prospecting and rock-chip sampling is currently being planned.
The project was acquired via staking and represents an accretive addition to the Company's exploration-stage project portfolio in northeast Tasmania. The northern tenement (EL36/2022) at Mount Maurice has been granted while the southern tenement (EL39/2022) is under application and is expected to be granted in the coming months.
Ellis, P.D., 1984, Relinquishment Report, Mt. Maurice, EL 43/82, Northeast Tasmania, Open File,
不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华,2023 年 7 月 11 日 /CNW/- TinOne 资源公司 (多伦多证券交易所股票代码:TORC)(OTCQB:TORCF)(法兰克福:57Z0)(”TinOne“或者”公司“)很高兴地宣布,它在塔斯马尼亚州东北部获得了总共243平方公里的勘探使用权。此外,该公司还申请了另外133平方公里的土地,建议在未来几个月内予以批准。这些通往道路的物业单位统称为莫里斯山项目,被认为具有锡和锂矿化的前景。尽管塔斯马尼亚州东北部历来是锡和钨产区,但最近几家公司围绕TinOne的物业单位进行的勘探都集中在了锂的前景上。
土地占据主导地位: 收购莫里斯山项目巩固了公司在塔斯马尼亚州东北部专注于锡和锂勘探的地位。
锡和锂矿化的前景: 莫里斯山项目以复杂的花岗岩基石为中心,其中包含被认为具有锡和锂矿化前景的格雷森带。
道路无障碍项目: 林业道路网络为整个项目提供了通道。
莫里斯山物业单位的南部边缘位于该公司Aberfoyle Sn-W-Li项目以北约20公里处(见2023年3月15日新闻稿;图1)。道路通行主张的基础是35乘15千米的多相斯科茨代尔花岗岩基石,该岩石被认为有望进行锡和锂矿化。除了区域溪流沉积物地球化学调查、重点地质测绘和小型挖沟外,该地区的历史勘探非常有限。Mount Maurice Sn-Cu的挖沟结果显示,该项目的核心,石英矿脉切割灰化(粗云母变性)花岗岩的返回品位高达0.78%和1.4%的铜(Ellis,1984年)。这些矿化矿点尚未经过钻探测试,也从未对任何岩石或溪流沉积物样本进行过锂分析。目前正在计划一项第一阶段的侦察式勘探计划,包括项目范围内的溪流沉积物调查、勘探和岩屑采样。
Ellis,P.D.,1984 年,《放弃报告》,Mt.Maurice,EL 43/82,塔斯马尼亚东北部,Open File,