
Northern Superior Reports 2.93 G/t Gold Over 16.3 Metres, 1.30 G/t Gold Over 35.2 Metres and 16.75 G/t Gold Over 2.5 Metres From the Gap and Corsac Fox Zones of the Philibert Project

Northern Superior Reports 2.93 G/t Gold Over 16.3 Metres, 1.30 G/t Gold Over 35.2 Metres and 16.75 G/t Gold Over 2.5 Metres From the Gap and Corsac Fox Zones of the Philibert Project

Northern Superior 报告说,距离菲利伯特项目的 Gap 和 Corsac Fox 区域 2.5 米以上 2.93 g/t 黄金,超过 16.75 g/t 黄金 16.75 g/t 超过 16.3 米
newsfile ·  2023/07/17 07:30

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 17, 2023) - Northern Superior Resources Inc. (TSXV: SUP) (OTCQB: NSUPF) ("Northern Superior" or the "Company") is pleased to report assay results from recent drilling completed in the 300-metre gap between the Arctic Fox and Fennec Fox zones (the "Gap Zone") as well as along a 200-metre gap within the Corsac Trend (see Figures 1 to 5) on the Philibert gold property, located 60 kilometres southwest of Chibougamau, Québec, Canada (the "Philibert Project"; Northern Superior: 75%, SOQUEM: 25%).

安大略省多伦多--(Newsfile Corp. — 2023 年 7 月 17 日)— 北方高级资源公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:SUP)(OTCQB:NSUPF)(”北方优越“或者”公司“)很高兴地报告最近在北极狐和芬内克福克斯区域之间300米的空隙中完成的钻探的化验结果(”间隙区域“)以及沿着 Corsac Trend 内的 200 米间隙行驶(参见图 1 至图 5)位于加拿大魁北克希布加莫西南 60 公里处的 Philibert 黄金地产(”菲利伯特项目“;北方优越:75%,SOQUEM:25%)。

Highlights Include: (Grades uncut; lengths measured along hole, Table 1)

亮点包括: (等级未切割;沿孔测量的长度,表 1)

  • DDH PB-23-439 returned 2.93 g/t Au over 16.3 metres from 186.4 to 202.7 metres, including 6.46 g/t Au over 5.5 metres from the Gap Zone;
  • DDH PB-23-441 returned 1.30 g/t Au over 35.2 metres from 65.0 to 100.2 metres, including 5.44 g/t Au over 4.0 metres and including, 8.35 g/t Au over 1.5 metres from the gap at the Corsac Fox Zone;
  • DDH PB-23-438 returned 16.75 g/t Au over 2.5 metres from 118.0 to 120.5 metres, including 37.2 g/ t Au over 1.1 metres from the Gap Zone;
  • DDH PB-23-432 returned 1.80 g/t Au over 13.4 metres from 126.9 to 140.3 metres, including 16.89 g/t Au over 1.1 metres from the Gap Zone;
  • DDH PB-23-433 returned 1.04 g/t Au over 20.0 metres from 181.0 to 201.0 metres, from the Gap Zone; and
  • DDH PB-23-443 returned 0.48 g/t Au over 49.0 metres from 60.0 to 109.0 metres, from the gap at Corsac Fox Zone.
  • DDH PB-23-439 从 186.4 米到 202.7 米处返回 2.93 g/t Au 超过 16.3 米,包括距离 Gap Zone 5.5 米以上的 6.46 g/t Au;
  • DDH PB-23-441 从 65.0 米到 100.2 米回归 1.30 g/t Au 超过 35.2 米,包括超过 4.0 米的 5.44 g/t Au,包括距离 Corsac Fox Zone 缝隙超过 1.5 米的 8.35 g/t Au;
  • DDH PB-23-438 从 118.0 到 120.5 米处返回 16.75 g/t Au 超过 2.5 米,包括距离 Gap Zone 超过 1.1 米的 37.2 g/t Au;
  • DDH PB-23-432 从 126.9 米到 140.3 米处返回 1.80 g/t Au 超过 13.4 米,包括距离 Gap Zone 超过 1.1 米的 16.89 g/t Au;
  • DDH PB-23-433 从 Gap Zone 回归 1.04 g/t Au 超过 20.0 米,从 181.0 米到 201.0 米;
  • DDH PB-23-443 从 Corsac Fox Zone 的缝隙从 60.0 米到 109.0 米回归 0.48 g/t Au 超过 49.0 米。

Simon Marcotte, President & Chief Executive Officer of Northern Superior, commented: "These results are strategically linking mineralization in two areas where a lack of data was creating gaps in our resource model. Linking mineralization along strike, especially at the Gap Zone, and being able to treat the entire 3 km trend as one resource should have very positive repercussions on the project economics. We can now envision a potential larger, more continuous open pit operation for all zones, which should also facilitate eventual operational access to the higher-grade mineralization at depth. As we eagerly anticipate the impending completion of the mineral resource estimate, we believe it will not only establish Philibert as a pillar within the camp but also propel the Chibougamau Gold Camp to become a globally recognized tier-1 asset."

Northern Superior总裁兼首席执行官Simon Marcotte评论说:“这些结果在战略上将两个地区的矿化联系起来,缺乏数据导致我们的资源模型存在空白。将矿化沿线的矿化联系起来,尤其是在缝隙区,以及 能够将整个 3 千米趋势视为一种资源应该会对项目经济产生非常积极的影响。我们现在可以设想所有区域都有可能进行更大、更持续的露天开采作业,这也应有助于最终进入更高品位的深度矿化。正如我们热切期待矿产资源估算即将完成的那样,我们相信这不仅将使菲利伯特成为该阵营的支柱,而且还将推动Chibougamau黄金阵营成为全球公认的一级资产。”

Drill Program


The Philibert Project is comprised of five main zones, with the northwest and southeast domains being the primary components. Historically, a 300-meter gap has always existed between those two domains where the late aged NE-SW oriented Obatogamau fault transects the NW-SE oriented mineralized Philibert trend. Building on the tremendous success of the recent drilling programs across all five main zones, Northern Superior undertook a 3,000-metre drilling program earlier this year, in order to investigate this gap area. Northern Superior is reporting results for nine drill holes that tested the 300-metre gap between the Arctic Fox and Fennec Fox zones (the Gap Zone) as well as four drillholes that tested the gap at the Corsac Fox Zone (see Figure 1 to 4 and Table 1).

菲利伯特项目由五个主要区域组成,主要组成部分是西北和东南区域。从历史上看,这两个区域之间一直存在300米的间隙,在这两个区域之间,晚期老化的东北-西南方向的奥巴托加莫断层横穿了面向西北南部的矿化菲利伯特趋势。在最近在所有五个主要区域进行的钻探计划取得巨大成功的基础上,Northern Superior在今年早些时候开展了3000米的钻探计划,以调查这一空隙区域。Northern Superior公布了九个钻孔的结果,这些钻孔测试了北极狐和Fennec Fox区域(Gap Zone)之间300米的间隙,以及测试Corsac Fox Zone间隙的四个钻孔的结果 (参见图 1 至 4 和表 1)

The results include infill drilling between the Arctic Fox and Fennec Fox zones where results from drilling completed last year returned high grade intersections including hole PB-22-382 returning 3.86 g/t Au over 15.0 metres starting at 198.0 metres and hole PB-22-379 returning 1.15 g/t Au over 19.4 metres starting at 167.6 metres. Nine (9) additional holes tested the gap including hole PB-23-439 drilled towards the southeast to test mineralization down dip from holes PB-22-382 and 379 which returned 2.93 g/t Au over 16.3 metres starting at 186.4 metres. Drilling tested mineralization to the east towards the Fault and Fennec Fox with hole PB-23-432 returning 1.80 g/t Au over 13.4 metres starting at 126.9 metres. Hole PB-23-431 also tested mineralization to the east but failed to intersect the intended target and drilled along the late aged fault which is not mineralized. On the east side of the fault several holes tested the extension of mineralization to the east of the fault correlating to the new domain in the Gap Zone, all holes intersected altered shear zones but were only weakly mineralized. Towards the west three holes tested mineralization along strike with hole PB-23-438 returning 16.75 g/t Au over 2.5 metres starting at 118.0 metres and hole PB-23-433 returning 1.04 g/t Au over 20.0 metres starting at 181.0 metres.

结果包括在Arctic Fox和Fennec Fox区域之间进行填充钻探,去年完成的钻探结果返回了包括洞在内的高品位十字路口 PB-22-382 返回 3.86 g/t Au 超过 15.0 米 起始高度为 198.0 米还有洞 PB-22-379 返回 1.15 g/t Au 超过 19.4 米 起始高度为 167.6 米。另外九 (9) 个孔测试了间隙,包括孔 PB-23-439 向东南钻探以测试从返回的 PB-22-382 和 379 洞向下倾斜的矿化情况 2.93 g/t Au 超过 16.3 米 起始高度为 186.4 米。钻探测试了东向断层和带洞的 Fennec Fox 的矿化情况 PB-23-432 返回 1.80 g/t Au 超过 13.4 米 起始高度为 126.9 米PB-23-431 还测试了东部的矿化情况,但未能与预定目标相交,并沿着未矿化的晚期老化断层进行了钻探。在断层的东侧,有几个洞测试了矿化向断层以东的延伸,这些矿化与间隙区的新区域有关,所有洞都与改变的剪切带相交,但矿化程度很弱。向西走去,三个洞沿着洞走向测试了矿化 PB-23-438 返回 16.75 g/t Au 超过 2.5 米 起始高度为 118.0 米还有洞 PB-23-433 返回 1.04 g/t Au 超过 20.0 米 起始高度为 181.0 米。

To date, the Corsac Fox Zone has been preliminarily defined over 800 metres along strike and up to 250 metres vertical depth. Four holes tested a 200-metre gap in the Corsac Fox Zone following positive results from the 2022 program including hole PB-22-331 returning 2.11 g/t Au over 27.0 metres starting at 127.0 metres located west of the gap and hole PB-22-325 returning 1.64 g/t Au over 5.3 metres starting at 23.7 metres, located on the east side of the gap. Historic hole PH-93-214 was drilled down dip through the gap and intersected 1.32 g/t Au over 42.0 metres starting at 209 metres. Historically the Corsac Fox Zone was only selectively sampled, and the Company is planning to complete further sampling on the historic core.

迄今为止, Corsac Fox Zone 的初步定义是,沿着冲击距离超过 800 米,垂直深度可达 250 米。 在 2022 年项目(包括洞)取得积极结果之后,四个洞在 Corsac Fox Zone 测试了 200 米的间隙 PB-22-331 返回 2.11 g/t Au 超过 27.0 米 从 127.0 开始米位于缝隙和洞口以西 PB-22-325 返回 1.64 g/t Au 超过 5.3 米 起始高度为23.7米,位于缝隙的东侧。历史性的洞 PH-93-214 向下钻穿过缝隙然后相交 1.32 g/t Au 超过 42.0 米 起始高度为 209 米。从历史上看,Corsac Fox Zone只是有选择地采样的,该公司正计划完成对历史核心的进一步采样。

Results from the 2023 drilling campaign included hole PB-23-441 returning 1.30 g/t Au over 35.2 metres starting at 65.0 metres and drilled off azimuth to the east of hole PB-23-443 which returned 0.48 g/t Au over 49.0 metres starting at 60.0 metres. Mineralization is hosted in a quartz rich gabbro named the Philibert Horizon, part of the Obatogamau Formation, and focused within west-northwest to northwest trending silicified shear zones with moderate dips to the northeast. Mineralization is characterized by strong silicification, ankerite, sericite and fuchsite alteration and quartz-tourmaline and dark grey quartz veining with rare visible gold and up to 2-5% disseminated pyrite and pyrrhotite mineralization. The lower contact is marked by a fault within a graphitic argillite horizon.

2023年钻探活动的结果包括钻孔 PB-23-441 返回 1.30 g/t Au 超过 35.2 米 从 65.0 米处开始,然后从洞以东的方位角钻出 PB-23-443 哪个回来了 0.48 g/t Au 超过 49.0 米 起始高度为 60.0 米。矿化发生在名为菲利伯特地平线的富含石英的辉长岩中,该辉长岩是奥巴托加莫组的一部分,集中在西北偏西向西北向西北向的硅化剪切带内,东北向中度倾斜。矿化的特点是强烈的硅化作用、赤铁矿、蚕丝岩和铬云母的蚀变,以及石英碧玺和深灰色石英脉纹,带有稀有可见的金以及高达 2-5% 的浸染黄铁矿和黄铁矿矿化。下部接触点以石墨质泥质地平线内的断层为标志。

Table 1: Reported Resulted for the Corsac Fox and Gap zones.

表 1:报告的结果 Corsac Fox 和 Gap 区域。

Hole ID From To Width Au g/t Au g/t *
Core Length (m)
PB-23-431 59.5 61.5 2.0 0.54 1 Gap/Fault - A
and 141.3 142 0.7 0.89 1 Gap/Fault - B
and 184.2 185.7 1.5 1.95 3 Gap/Fault - B
PB-23-432 126.9 140.3 13.4 1.80 24 Gap/Fault - A
including 127.4 128.5 1.1 16.89 19 Gap/Fault - A
and 191 198 7.0 1.23 9 Gap/Fault - B
PB-23-433 105.3 111 5.7 2.50 14 Gap/Fault - A
and 127 128.5 1.5 1.73 3 Gap/Fault - A
and 145.5 152.8 7.3 0.35 3 Gap/Fault - A
and 181 201 20 1.04 21 Gap/Fault - B
including 181.9 184.8 2.9 5.72 17 Gap/Fault - B
PB-23-434 73.5 99.2 25.7 0.49 13 Fennec
including 97.9 99.2 1.3 5.50 7 Gap/Fault - A
PB-23-435 11.3 17.5 6.2 1.79 11 Fennec
including 12.3 13.3 1.0 5.06 5 Fennec
PB-23-436 115 117 2.0 0.71 1 Fennec
and 135.4 140 4.6 1.40 6 Fennec
and 177.5 203 25.5 0.70 18 Fennec
including 185 203 18 0.91 16 Fennec
PB-23-437 62.2 69.8 7.6 0.3 2 Arctic Fox
and 118 129 11.0 0.72 8 Gap/Fault - A
PB-23-438 101.7 108.7 7.0 0.37 3 Gap/Fault - A
and 118 120.5 2.5 16.75 42 Gap/Fault - A
including 118 119.1 1.1 37.2 41 Gap/Fault - A
and 142.4 144 1.6 0.88 1 Gap/Fault - B
and 195.5 200 4.5 0.47 2 Gap/Fault - B
PB-23-439 186.4 202.7 16.3 2.93 48 Gap/Fault - A
including 189.2 194.7 5.5 6.46 36 Gap/Fault - A
and 251.5 257.5 6.0 0.47 3 Gap/Fault - B
PB-23-440 53.5 65 11.5 0.51 6 Corsac Fox
including 53.5 55 1.5 2.00 3 Corsac Fox
and 240.5 246.5 6.0 0.37 2 Corsac Fox
PB-23-441 65 100.2 35.2 1.30 46 Corsac Fox
including 80 84 4.0 5.44 22 Corsac Fox
including 98.7 100.2 1.5 8.35 13 Corsac Fox
PB-23-442 85.5 100 14.5 0.35 5 Corsac Fox
including 85.5 89 3.5 0.79 3 Corsac Fox
PB-23-443 60 109 49 0.48 24 Corsac Fox
including 84.5 94 9.5 0.81 8 Corsac Fox
Hole ID 来自 宽度 Au g/t Au g/t *
核心长度 (m)
PB-23-431 59.5 61.5 2.0 0.54 1 间隙/故障-A
141.3 142 0.7 0.89 1 间隙/故障-B
184.2 185.7 1.5 1.95 3 间隙/故障-B
PB-23-432 126.9 140.3 13.4 1.80 24 间隙/故障-A
包括 127.4 128.5 1.1 16.89 19 间隙/故障-A
191 198 7.0 1.23 9 间隙/故障-B
PB-23-433 105.3 111 5.7 2.50 14 间隙/故障-A
127 128.5 1.5 1.73 3 间隙/故障-A
145.5 152.8 7.3 0.35 3 间隙/故障-A
181 201 20 1.04 21 间隙/故障-B
包括 181.9 184.8 2.9 5.72 17 间隙/故障-B
PB-23-434 73.5 99.2 25.7 0.49 13 Fennec
包括 97.9 99.2 1.3 5.50 7 间隙/故障-A
PB-23-435 11.3 17.5 6.2 1.79 11 Fennec
包括 12.3 13.3 1.0 5.06 5 Fennec
PB-23-436 115 117 2.0 0.71 1 Fennec
135.4 140 4.6 1.40 6 Fennec
177.5 203 25.5 0.70 18 Fennec
包括 185 203 18 0.91 16 Fennec
PB-23-437 62.2 69.8 7.6 0.3 2 北极狐
118 129 11.0 0.72 8 间隙/故障-A
PB-23-438 101.7 108.7 7.0 0.37 3 间隙/故障-A
118 120.5 2.5 16.75 42 间隙/故障-A
包括 118 119.1 1.1 37.2 41 间隙/故障-A
142.4 144 1.6 0.88 1 间隙/故障-B
195.5 200 4.5 0.47 2 间隙/故障-B
PB-23-439 186.4 202.7 16.3 2.93 48 间隙/故障-A
包括 189.2 194.7 5.5 6.46 36 间隙/故障-A
251.5 257.5 6.0 0.47 3 间隙/故障-B
PB-23-440 53.5 65 11.5 0.51 6 科萨克·福克斯
包括 53.5 55 1.5 2.00 3 科萨克·福克斯
240.5 246.5 6.0 0.37 2 科萨克·福克斯
PB-23-441 65 100.2 35.2 1.30 46 科萨克·福克斯
包括 80 84 4.0 5.44 22 科萨克·福克斯
包括 98.7 100.2 1.5 8.35 13 科萨克·福克斯
PB-23-442 85.5 100 14.5 0.35 5 科萨克·福克斯
包括 85.5 89 3.5 0.79 3 科萨克·福克斯
PB-23-443 60 109 49 0.48 24 科萨克·福克斯
包括 84.5 94 9.5 0.81 8 科萨克·福克斯

Note: drill results are presented uncapped; lengths represent core lengths.


Sampling and Laboratory


True widths of the intercepts reported in this press release have yet to be determined but are estimated to be 70% to 90% of reported core lengths. All NQ-size split core assays reported for 2023 were obtained by fire assay with ICP-AES finish and samples returning values over 10 ppm Au are re-analyzed, utilizing standard Fire Assay-Gravimetric methods. Samples were shipped to SGS Laboratories with sample preparation done in Val-d'Or, Québec and sample analysis done in Burnaby, British Columbia. Samples with visible gold identified were analyzed by Au-metallic screening on a 1kg sample screened to 106μm, 50g fire assay, gravimetric, AAS or ICP-AES of entire plus fraction and duplicate analysis of minus fraction. The quality assurance and quality control protocol include insertion of blank and standard every 25 samples on average, in addition to the regular insertion of blank, duplicate, and standard samples inserted by SGS Laboratories during the analytical process.

本新闻稿中报告的拦截的真实宽度尚未确定,但估计为报告的核心长度的70%至90%。2023年报告的所有NQ-size分裂岩心测定都是通过火法测定获得的,经过ICP-AES表面处理,并使用标准的火试-重力方法对返回值超过10 ppm Au的样本进行重新分析。样本被运往SGS实验室,样本制备工作在魁北克的Val-d'or完成,样本分析在不列颠哥伦比亚省的本那比完成。通过对筛选到106μm的1kg样品进行金金属筛选,对整个正分数的重量法、AAS或ICP-AES进行重力测定、AAS或ICP-AES以及负分数的重复分析,对鉴定出可见金的样品进行了分析。质量保证和质量控制协议包括平均每 25 个样本插入空白和标准样品,此外还包括定期插入 SGS 实验室在分析过程中插入的空白、重复和标准样本。

The technical content and scientific aspects of this press release have been reviewed and approved by Mrs. Adree DeLazzer, P. Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by the National Instrument 43-101. Mrs. DeLazzer is Vice-President Exploration of Northern Superior and is not considered independent.

本新闻稿的技术内容和科学方面已由国家仪器43-101定义的合格人员Adree DeLazzer女士审查和批准。DeLazzer 夫人是 Northern Superior 探索副总裁,不被认为是独立的

About Northern Superior Resources Inc.


Northern Superior is a gold exploration company focused on the Chibougamau Camp in Québec, Canada. The Company has consolidated the largest land package in the region, with total land holdings currently exceeding 62,000 hectares. The main properties include Philibert, Lac Surprise, Chevrier and Croteau Est. Northern Superior also owns significant exploration assets in Northern Ontario highlighted by the district scale TPK Project.

Northern Superior是一家黄金勘探公司,专注于加拿大魁北克的Chibougamau营地。该公司整合了该地区最大的土地组合,目前总拥有的土地超过62,000公顷。主要房产包括菲利伯特、Lac Surprise、Chevrier 和 Croteau Est。Northern Superior还在安大略省北部拥有大量的勘探资产,该地区规模的TPK项目突显了这一点。

The Philibert Project is located 9 km from IAMGOLD Corporation's Nelligan Gold project which was awarded the "Discovery of the Year" by the Québec Mineral Exploration Association (AEMQ) in 2019. To date, more than C$15 million (historical value) have been spent on the Philibert Project, with more than 77,000 metres of drilling completed. Northern Superior holds a majority stake of 75% in the Philibert Project, with the remaining 25% owned by SOQUEM, and retains an option to acquire the full 100% ownership of the project. Chevrier hosts an inferred mineral resource of 652,000 ounces Au (underground and open pit) and an indicated mineral resource of 260,000 ounces Au.1 Croteau Est hosts an inferred mineral resource of 640,000 ounces Au.2 Lac Surprise hosts the Falcon Zone Discovery, interpreted to be the western strike extension of IAMGOLD Corporation's Nelligan Deposit.

Philibert Project 距离 IAMGOLD Corporation 的 Nelligan Gold 项目 9 公里,该项目被授予”年度发现“由魁北克省矿产勘探协会 (AEMQ) 于 2019 年撰写。迄今为止,菲利伯特项目已花费超过1500万加元(历史价值),完成了超过77,000米的钻探。Northern Superior持有菲利伯特项目75%的多数股权,其余25%由SOQUEM持有,并保留收购该项目全部100%所有权的选择权。Chevrier推断的矿产资源为65.2万盎司金(地下和露天矿),指示的矿产资源为26万盎司金。1 Croteau Est 推断出的矿产资源为 640,000 盎司金。2 Lac Surprise 举办了 Falcon Zone Discovery,它被解释为 IAMGOLD Corporation Nelligan 矿床的西部打击延伸

Northern Superior is a reporting issuer in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Québec, and trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol SUP and the OTCQB Venture Market under the symbol NSUPF. For further information, please refer to the Company's website at or on SEDAR ().

Northern Superior是不列颠哥伦比亚省、艾伯塔省、安大略省和魁北克省的申报发行人,在多伦多证券交易所风险投资交易所交易代码为SUP,在OTCQB风险投资市场交易代码为NSUPF。欲了解更多信息,请访问公司网站或SEDAR ()。



SOQUEM, a subsidiary of Investissement Québec, is dedicated to promoting the exploration, discovery, and development of mining properties in Québec. SOQUEM also contributes to maintaining strong local economies. Proud partner and ambassador for the development of Québec's mineral wealth, SOQUEM relies on innovation, research, and strategic minerals to be well-positioned for the future.


Northern Superior Resources Inc. on Behalf of the Board of Directors


Simon Marcotte, CFA, President and Chief Executive Officer

Simon Marcotte,CFA,总裁兼首席执行官

Contact Information


Simon Marcotte, CFA
President and Chief Executive Officer
Tel: (647) 801-7273

电话:(647) 801-7273

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This Press Release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual results to differ materially from the statements made. When used in this document, the words "may", "would", "could", "will", "intend", "plan", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are subject to such risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause our actual results to differ materially from the statements made, including those factors discussed in filings made by us with the applicable securities regulatory authorities. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties, such actual results of current exploration programs, the general risks associated with the mining industry, the price of gold and other metals, currency and interest rate fluctuations, increased competition and general economic and market factors, occur or should assumptions underlying the forward looking statements prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, or expected. We do not intend and do not assume any obligation to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law. Shareholders are cautioned not to put undue reliance on such forward-looking statements.

本新闻稿包含涉及风险和不确定性的前瞻性陈述,这可能会导致实际业绩与陈述存在重大差异。在本文档中使用时,“可能”、“将”、“可以”、“将”、“打算”、“计划”、“预期”、“相信”、“估计”、“期望” 和类似表达方式旨在识别前瞻性陈述。此类陈述反映了我们目前对未来事件的看法,并受此类风险和不确定性的影响。许多因素可能导致我们的实际业绩与陈述存在重大差异,包括我们在向适用的证券监管机构提交的文件中讨论的那些因素。如果出现其中一种或多种风险和不确定性,例如当前勘探计划的实际结果、与采矿业相关的一般风险、黄金和其他金属的价格、货币和利率波动、竞争加剧以及一般经济和市场因素,或者如果前瞻性陈述所依据的假设被证明不正确,则实际结果可能与本文所述的预期、计划、预期或预期的结果存在重大差异。除非法律要求,否则我们不打算也不承担任何义务更新这些前瞻性陈述。提醒股东不要过分依赖此类前瞻性陈述。

1NI 43-101 Technical Report Mineral Resource Estimation for the Chevrier Main Deposit, Chevrier Project Chibougamau, Quebec, Canada, October 20, 2021, Prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") by Lions Gate Geological Consulting Inc. IOS Services Géoscientifiques Inc. for Northern Superior Resources Inc.

1NI 43-101 技术报告 Chevrier 主矿床矿产资源估算,加拿大魁北克 Chibougamau Chibougamau Chibougamau,2021 年 10 月 20 日,狮门地质咨询公司 IOS Services GeoScientifiques Inc. 为北方高级资源公司根据国家仪器 43-101(“NI 43-101”)编写

2 Chalice Gold Mines Limited and Northern Superior Resources Inc. Technical Report on the Croteau Est Gold Project, Québec, September 2015, Prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") by Optiro Pty Ltd ("Optiro") to Chalice Gold Mines Limited and Northern Superior Resources Inc.

2 Chalice Gold Mines Limited和Northern Superior Resources Inc.关于魁北克克罗托东部黄金项目的技术报告,2015 年 9 月,Optiro Pty Ltd(“Optiro”)根据国家仪器 43-101(“NI 43-101”)向Chalice Gold Mines Limited和Northern Superior Resources Inc.编写

To view the source version of this press release, please visit


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