
ArcWest Announces $2.8 Million Todd Creek Copper-Gold Exploration Program, Funded by Freeport-McMoRan Mineral Properties Canada Inc.

ArcWest Announces $2.8 Million Todd Creek Copper-Gold Exploration Program, Funded by Freeport-McMoRan Mineral Properties Canada Inc.

ArcWest 宣布耗资 280 万美元的 Todd Creek 铜金勘探计划,由加拿大麦克莫兰铜金矿业地产公司资助
newsfile ·  2023/07/26 08:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 26, 2023) - ArcWest Exploration Inc. (TSXV: AWX) ("ArcWest") is pleased to announce 2023 exploration plans for its Todd Creek copper-gold (Cu-Au) project, located in BC's Golden Triangle. The program, with an approved expenditure of $2.8 million, will be funded by Freeport-McMoRan Mineral Properties Canada Inc. ("Freeport"), as per an earn-in agreement announced March 10, 2023. A map of Todd Creek mineral claims that are subject to the Freeport earn-in agreement is available for download here.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.,2023年7月26日)——ArcWest Exploration Inc.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:AWX)(“ArcWest”)欣然宣布其位于不列颠哥伦比亚省金三角的托德溪铜金(Cu-Au)项目的2023年勘探计划。根据2023年3月10日宣布的收益协议,该计划的批准支出为280万美元,将由加拿大麦克莫兰铜金矿业地产公司(“Freeport”)资助。受弗里波特收入协议约束的托德克里克矿产权地图可在此处下载。

ArcWest's 100% owned Todd Creek Cu-Au project adjoins Newcrest Mining's Brucejack mine property (Fig. 1).; in March 2022, Newcrest acquired Pretium Resources and its Brucejack mine in a transaction valued at CAD $3.5 billion. On May 14th, 2023, Newmont announced that it had entered into an agreement to acquire Newcrest in a $19 billion transaction, resulting in the creation of the world's largest gold miner.

ArcWest全资拥有的Todd Creek Cu-Au项目毗邻纽克雷斯特矿业的Brucejack矿产(图1)。2022年3月,纽克雷斯特以价值35亿加元的交易收购了Pretium Resources及其Brucejack矿。5 月 14 日第四,2023年,纽蒙特宣布已达成协议,以190亿美元的交易收购Newcrest,从而创建了世界上最大的黄金矿商。

The Todd Creek project is also situated approximately 40 km southeast of Seabridge Gold's giant KSM-Iron Cap porphyry Cu-Au deposits and Tudor Gold's Treaty Creek Au-Ag-Cu project. Collectively, the KSM-Iron Cap and Treaty Creek deposits represent one of the largest Au-Cu concentrations in North America. Contained metal within Proven plus Probable Reserves at KSM-Iron Cap total 38.8 million ounces (oz) Au, 183 million oz Ag and 10.2 billion pounds of copper (). Tudor has released a measured plus indicated resource estimate for Treaty Creek totaling 17 million oz Au and 93 million oz Ag (). A technical presentation for the Todd Creek project is available for download here.

Todd Creek项目还位于Seabridge Gold的巨型KSM-Iron Cap斑岩铜金矿床和都铎黄金的Treaty Creek Au-Ag-Cu项目东南约40公里处。总的来说,KSM-Iron Cap和Treaty Creek矿床是北美最大的金铜浓度之一。KSM-Iron Cap的探明和可能储量中所含金属总量为3,880万盎司(盎司)Au、1.83亿盎司Ag和102亿磅铜()。都铎发布了Treaty Creek的实测加指示资源估计,总额为1700万盎司金和9300万盎司Ag ()。Todd Creek 项目的技术演示文稿可在此处下载。

Tyler Ruks, President and CEO of ArcWest commented, "ArcWest looks forward to advancing our Todd Creek project with Freeport, one of the world's largest copper miners. Freeport's exploration team has a track record of global copper-gold discoveries that have proceeded to mine development. ArcWest's Todd Creek project is host to one of the largest underexplored copper-gold systems in BC's Golden Triangle, and Freeport's funding of the project is a testament to its potential for hosting a world class copper-gold deposit. In addition to a large mapping and sampling campaign, the 2023 Todd Creek exploration program will include an IP and MT survey by Dias Geophysical of the 12 km long by 3 km wide highly gossanous corridor of variably altered and Cu-Au mineralized lithologies that underlie the west side of Todd Creek valley. The planned survey, using the DIAS32 resistivity/IP system, is a candidate for the largest 3D IP survey ever completed in British Columbia. The Todd Creek corridor is host to widespread Cu-Au occurrences; these are interpreted to be the product of a large and highly underexplored porphyry Cu-Au system with potential to host multiple Cu-Au mineralized centres.

ArcWest总裁兼首席执行官泰勒·鲁克斯评论说:“ArcWest期待与世界上最大的铜矿商之一弗里波特一起推进我们的托德溪项目。Freeport的勘探团队拥有全球铜金发现的记录,这些铜金已进入矿山开发。ArcWest的Todd Creek项目是不列颠哥伦比亚省金三角最大的未开发铜金系统之一的所在地,弗里波特对该项目的资助证明了其拥有世界级铜金矿床的潜力。除了大规模的测绘和采样活动外,2023年Todd Creek勘探计划还将包括Dias Geophysical对托德溪谷西侧底部的长12千米、宽3千米的高光泽走廊进行IP和MT调查,该走廊由可变变化和铜金矿化岩性组成。计划中的调查使用 DIAS32 Resistivity/IP 系统,是不列颠哥伦比亚省有史以来规模最大的三维 IP 调查的候选项目。托德溪走廊是大量铜金矿点的所在地;这些矿点被解释为一个大型且勘探严重不足的斑岩铜金系统的产物,该系统有可能容纳多个铜金矿化中心。

We are especially looking forward to completing follow up work in the Ice Creek area, where recent compilation of historic data has located a large population of strongly Cu-Au mineralized rock samples in an undrilled area, with multiple samples returning assays in excess of 1% Cu and 1 g/t Au. Importantly, some of the strongly Cu-Au mineralized samples in this undrilled target area are described in historic reports as altered porphyry. A distinct magnetic anomaly underlies this untested zone, which is situated to the west of historic drilling and IP geophysical surveys.

我们特别期待在Ice Creek地区完成后续工作,最近汇编的历史数据在未钻探地区发现了大量的强铜金矿化岩石样本,多个样本返回的分析结果超过1%的铜和1 g/t Au。重要的是,历史报告将这个未钻探的目标区域的一些强铜金矿化样本描述为斑岩变化。这个未经测试的区域之下有一个明显的磁异常,该区域位于历史钻探和知识产权地球物理调查的西部。

Mapping and sampling on the property will be completed with support from Charlie Greig and his team, who have a track record of porphyry Cu-Au discovery in northwestern BC. As VP Exploration of GT Gold, Charlie and his team are credited with the discovery of the Saddle North porphyry Cu-Au deposit. In 2021, Newmont announced the acquisition of GT Gold and its Saddle North project in a transaction valued at nearly $400 million.

该物业的测绘和采样将在查理·格雷格及其团队的支持下完成,他们有在不列颠哥伦比亚省西北部发现斑岩铜金的记录。作为 GT Gold 勘探副总裁,查理和他的团队因发现 Saddle North porphyry Cu-Au 矿床而受到赞誉。2021年,纽蒙特宣布以价值近4亿美元的交易收购GT Gold及其Saddle North项目。

ArcWest is in discussions with multiple mining companies regarding potential earn-in agreements for our additional copper-gold projects."


Todd Creek Project: A Highly Underexplored Cu-Au System

Todd Creek 项目:一个开发严重不足的铜金系统

The 12 km by 3 km highly gossanous north-striking corridor on the west side of Todd Creek valley ("the Todd Creek corridor") is underlain by variably Cu-Au mineralized and altered volcanic, intrusive rocks and associated breccias of Early Jurassic age. The corridor is interpreted to be the product of a large and highly underexplored porphyry Cu-Au system of KSM-Iron Cap age; potential exists within the corridor for the discovery of multiple Cu-Au mineralized centres. A map of the 2023 planned 3D IP survey area, including the locations of known Cu-Au mineralized target areas and the results of a 2020 short-wave infrared interpretation, is shown in Fig. 2.

位于托德溪谷(“托德溪走廊”)西侧的12千米乘3公里高度向北冲击的走廊上覆盖着侏罗纪早期不同矿化和变化的Cu-Au火山、侵入性岩石和相关的角砾岩。该走廊被解释为KSM-Iron Cap时代一个大型且勘探严重不足的斑岩Cu-Au系统的产物;走廊内有可能发现多个Cu-Au矿化中心。图 2 显示了 2023 年计划的 3D IP 调查区域的地图,包括已知铜金矿化目标区域的位置以及 2020 年短波红外解读的结果。

Historical drilling at Todd Creek has intercepted significant Cu-Au mineralization at multiple zones throughout the corridor, with intercepts up to 29.75 m of 0.27% Cu and 3.61 g/t Au at the South Zone, intercepts up to 20.95 m of 0.55% Cu and 1.78 g/t Au at Ice Creek, and intercepts up to 12.65 m of 1.58% Cu and 7.61 g/t Au at Fall Creek. The South Zone is host to a non-43-101 compliant historic resource calculated by Noranda Inc. ("Noranda") totaling 207,000 tonnes grading 5.48 g/t Au (Hemlo Gold Mines, 1988 Annual Report). The South Zone is open in multiple directions.

Todd Creek的历史钻探在整个走廊的多个区域拦截了大量的铜金矿化,在南区截获了高达29.75米的0.27%铜和3.61克/吨的金,在冰溪拦截了多达20.95米的0.55%铜和1.78克/吨的金,在Fall Creek拦截了多达12.65米的1.58%铜和7.61克/吨的金。南区拥有不符合43-101标准的历史资源,由Noranda Inc.(“Noranda”)计算,总量为20.7万吨,品位为5.48 g/t Au(Hemlo Gold Mines,1988年年度报告)。南区向多个方向开放。

ArcWest's re-logging of historic drill holes with significant Cu-Au intercepts has resulted in the identification of previously unrecognized porphyry-like veins in multiple zones on the property. At the Orange Mountain target area, shallow inclined holes intercepted Red Chris-like banded quartz-magnetite-chalcopyrite veins. Variably altered volcanic rocks in the South Zone and Fall Creek target areas are host to strongly Cu-Au mineralized zones comprising quartz-hematite/jasperoidal silica-chalcopyrite veining and associated breccias. This style of mineralization may be similar to that at the Hod Maden project in Turkey (SSR Mining/Lidya Mines/Horizon Copper) and K92 Mining's high grade Kora North project in Papua New Guinea. Recent work by K92 suggests that high grade Cu-Au mineralization at Kora North is genetically related to nearby, recently discovered porphyry Cu-Au systems. This suggests potential at Todd Creek for the discovery of porphyry Cu-Au mineralization in the vicinity of the South and Fall Creek zones.

ArcWest重新记录了具有大量铜金截获量的历史钻孔,从而在该物业的多个区域中发现了以前无法识别的斑岩状矿脉。在奥兰治山目标区域,浅倾斜的洞拦截了像红里斯一样的带状石英磁铁矿-黄铜矿脉。南区和Fall Creek目标区域变化不定的火山岩拥有强烈的铜金矿化带,包括石英-赤铁矿/碧玉石脉状的二氧化硅-黄铜矿脉和相关的角砾岩。这种矿化方式可能与土耳其的Hod Maden项目(SSR Mining/Lidya Mines/Horizon Copper)和K92 Mining在巴布亚新几内亚的高品位Kora North项目相似。K92最近的研究表明,Kora North的高品位Cu-Au矿化与附近最近发现的斑岩Cu-Au系统有遗传关系。这表明Todd Creek有可能在南部和Fall Creek地区附近发现斑岩铜金矿化。

Much of the Todd Creek corridor remains unexplored. Data from a 2020 hyperspectral survey outlined several large zones of sericite-iron oxide alteration and coincident colour anomalies which to date have yet to undergo even first pass prospecting. These zones include the southwestern extension of the Yellow Bowl zone, a 2 km long alteration zone west of Orange Mountain, and a large area two km southeast of the VMS zone. The 2023 program will include the first ever mapping and sampling of these highly prospective areas.


ArcWest's corporate and project specific technical presentations are available for download from .

ArcWest 的企业和项目特定技术演示文稿可从以下网址下载。

About ArcWest Exploration Inc.

关于 ArcWest 勘探公司

ArcWest Exploration is a project generator focused on porphyry copper-gold exploration opportunities throughout western North America. The company is in possession of seven 100% owned copper-gold projects throughout BC's premier porphyry copper-gold districts. These include ArcWest's Todd Creek and Oweegee Dome projects, which are two of the largest and most prospective land positions for copper-gold exploration in BC's prolific Golden Triangle. Oweegee Dome neighbours Seabridge Gold's supergiant KSM-Iron Cap-Snowfield porphyry copper-gold deposit and Todd Creek adjoins Newcrest Mining's Brucejack mine property. Several ArcWest projects are currently being advanced through earn-in and joint venture agreements; this includes an agreement with Freeport-McMoRan Mineral Properties Canada Inc. to advance ArcWest's 100% owned Todd Creek copper-gold project. The project generator model allows ArcWest to advance multiple exploration projects simultaneously; enhancing its chances of discovery while minimizing shareholder dilution. The company is managed by an experienced technical team with a track record of discovery and a reputation for attracting well-funded parties, including Freeport-McMoRan, Robert Friedland group companies, ITOCHU, Antofagasta and Teck.

ArcWest Exploration 是一个项目生成器,专注于北美西部的斑岩铜金勘探机会。该公司在不列颠哥伦比亚省首屈一指的斑岩铜金地区拥有七个 100% 持有的铜金项目。其中包括ArcWest的Todd Creek和Oweegee Dome项目,这是不列颠哥伦比亚省多产的金三角地区规模最大、最具潜力的铜金勘探用地。Oweegee Dome 毗邻 Seabridge Gold 的超巨型 KSM-Iron Cap-Snowfield 斑岩铜金矿床,托德·克里克毗邻纽克雷斯特矿业的 Brucejack 矿产。目前正在通过收益和合资协议推进几个ArcWest项目;其中包括与Freeport-McMoran Mineral Properties Canada Inc.达成的推进ArcWest100%持有的托德溪铜金项目的协议。项目生成器模型允许 ArcWest 同时推进多个勘探项目;提高其被发现的机会,同时最大限度地减少股东稀释。该公司由一支经验丰富的技术团队管理,他们的发现记录良好,并以吸引资金充足的各方而闻名,包括麦克莫兰铜金、Robert Friedland集团公司、伊藤忠集团、安托法加斯塔和泰克。

For further information please contact: Tyler Ruks, President and CEO at +1 (604) 638 3695.

欲了解更多信息,请致电 +1 (604) 638 3695 联系:总裁兼首席执行官泰勒·鲁克斯。

Qualified Person


ArcWest's disclosure of a technical or scientific nature in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Nigel Luckman, PGeo, Chief Operating Officer, who serves as a Qualified Person under the definition of National Instrument 43-101.

ArcWest在本新闻稿中披露的技术或科学性质已得到pGeo首席运营官奈杰尔·拉克曼的审查和批准,他是National Instrument 43-101定义下的合格人员。

Investors are cautioned that ArcWest Exploration Inc. has not verified the data from the KSM-Iron Cap, Treaty Creek, Brucejack, Hod Maden and Kora North deposits. Further, the presence and style of mineralization on these properties is not necessarily indicative of similar mineralization on the ArcWest Exploration Inc. property. Historical assays from exploration programs on its properties have not been verified by ArcWest but have been cited from sources believed to be reliable.

提醒投资者,ArcWest Exploration Inc. 尚未核实来自KSM-Iron Cap、Treaty Creek、Brucejack、Hod Maden和Kora North矿床的数据。此外,这些地质上矿化的存在和形式并不一定表明ArcWest Exploration Inc. 物业上有类似的矿化作用。ArcWest尚未证实勘探计划对其属性的历史分析,但引用了据信可靠的消息来源。

This news release contains statements about ArcWest's expectations and are forward-looking in nature. As a result, they are subject to certain risks and uncertainties. Although ArcWest believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on them as actual results may differ materially from the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof, and ArcWest undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or information, except as required by law.


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