
CE Brands Reports Fourth Quarter 2023 and Fiscal Year 2023 Financial Results

CE Brands Reports Fourth Quarter 2023 and Fiscal Year 2023 Financial Results

GlobeNewswire ·  2023/07/27 17:00

CALGARY, Alberta, July 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CE Brands Inc. (TSXV: CEBI) ("CE Brands", "we", "our", or the "Company"), a data-driven consumer-electronics company, today announced its financial results for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023 ("Q4 2023") and the year ended March 31, 2023 ("Fiscal 2023"). The audited consolidated financial statements for Fiscal 2023 and accompanying notes and Management's Discussion and Analysis for Fiscal 2023 ("MD&A") are available on SEDAR at and on CE Brands' website at .

艾伯塔省卡尔加里,2023年7月27日(环球通讯社)——数据驱动的消费电子公司CE Brands Inc.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:CEBI)(“CE品牌”、“我们” 或 “公司”)今天公布了截至2023年3月31日的三个月期间(“2023年第四季度”)和截至2023年3月31日的财年(“2023财年”)的财务业绩。经审计的2023财年合并财务报表及其附注以及管理层2023财年的讨论与分析(“MD&A”)可在SEDAR上查阅,网址为 并在 CE Brands 的网站上 。

Except as otherwise indicated, all amounts in the press release are expressed in Canadian dollars.


Q4 2023 and Fiscal 2023 Highlights

2023 年第四季度和 2023 财年亮点

  • Total revenue of approximately $1.50 million in Q4 2023 was lower by 55% compared with approximately $3.29 million in the three-month period ended March 31, 2022 ("Q4 2022"). The reason can be attributed to lower business-to-consumer sales of moto smartwatches on e-commerce platforms. The total revenue for Fiscal 2023 has been consistent with that of the prior year, being a decrease of 4%.
  • Gross loss of approximately $2.4 million in Q4 2023, from a gross profit of approximately $0.66 million in Q4 2022, representing a decrease of approximately 472%. Gross loss of approximately $4.2 million in Fiscal 2023, from a gross profit of approximately $1.5 million in the year ended March 31, 2022 ("Fiscal 2022"), representing a decrease of approximately 381%. This decrease can be attributed to $0.5 million of write-offs of Kodak branded inventory and a $1.8 million liability related to non-cancellable inventory purchase commitments due to the Company's termination of its contract with Kodak. Additionally, the decision to withdraw from the Moto 150 and Moto 200 smartwatch launches led to the write-off of all materials associated with it in Fiscal 2023.
  • Net loss of approximately $17.3 million in Q4 2023, up by 488% compared with $2.9 million in Q4 2022. Net loss of approximately $28.0 million in Fiscal 2023, up by 175% compared with $10.0 million in Fiscal 2022. The increase in net loss was due to impairment of assets of $9.96 million along with additional Cost of Products and Services leading to lower gross profit and increased spend across wages and contractors pay, royalty, technology related expense, legal, accounting, general and administrative and professional fees expenses.
  • 2023年第四季度的总收入约为150万美元,与截至2022年3月31日的三个月期间(“2022年第四季度”)的约329万美元相比,下降了55%。原因可以归因于电子商务平台上摩托车智能手表的企业对消费者的销量下降。2023财年的总收入与上年持平,下降了4%。
  • 2023年第四季度的总亏损约为240万美元,而2022年第四季度的毛利润约为66万美元,下降了约472%。2023财年的总亏损约为420万美元,而截至2022年3月31日的年度(“2022财年”)的毛利约为150万美元,下降了约381%。这一下降可以归因于柯达品牌库存注销了50万美元,以及由于公司终止与柯达的合同,与不可取消的库存购买承诺相关的180万美元负债。此外,退出Moto 150和Moto 200智能手表发布的决定导致所有与之相关的材料在2023财年被注销。
  • 2023年第四季度的净亏损约为1,730万美元,与2022年第四季度的290万美元相比增长了488%。2023财年的净亏损约为2,800万美元,与2022财年的1,000万美元相比增长了175%。净亏损的增加是由于996万美元的资产减值以及额外的产品和服务成本导致毛利下降以及工资和承包商工资、特许权使用费、技术相关费用、法律、会计、一般和行政及专业费用支出方面的支出增加。

"Fiscal 2023 was a challenging year for CE Brands. Global macro events continued to result in delays in manufacturing and contributed to higher material costs for our product lines, which despite stable performance sales volumes, put significant pressure on the bottom line," said Kalvie Legat, Interim Chief Executive Officer of CE Brands. "We have made several key management and organizational structure changes, which moving forward will enable us to both reduce our corporate costs and focus on growing our key business lines and move the Company to profitability."

“对于消费电子品牌来说,2023财年是充满挑战的一年。全球宏观事件继续导致生产延迟,并导致我们产品线的材料成本上涨,尽管销售量表现稳定,但这给利润带来了巨大压力。” CE Brands临时首席执行官Kalvie Legat表示。“我们已经进行了几项关键的管理和组织结构变革,向前迈进将使我们既能降低公司成本,又能专注于发展关键业务领域,推动公司实现盈利。”

"We continue to see strengthening in the global consumer markets and we are very excited about the [upcoming/recent] launch of our new Vitalist [smart watch/health monitoring] product line [in late 2023/by the end of 2023/in Q3] and our ongoing partnership with Motorola and anticipated expansion of Moto Watch line," continued Mr. Legat.

莱加特继续说:“我们继续看到全球消费市场的走强,我们对 [即将/最近] 推出的新的Vitalist [智能手表/健康监测] 产品线 [2023年底/到2023年底/第三季度] 以及我们与摩托罗拉的持续合作以及Moto Watch系列的预期扩张感到非常兴奋。”

Post-Q4 2023 Updates

2023 年第四季度后更新

  • On June 6, 2023, the Company announced it is expanding its ecosystem of watches and wearables with the launch of Vitalist, a connected health brand that aims to connect consumers' biometric data with blood and saliva biomarker data. See the previous news release dated June 6, 2023.
  • On June 26, 2024, eBuyNow eCommerce Ltd. ("EBN"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, made a voluntary assignment into bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada). See the previous news release dated June 26, 2023.
  • 2023年6月6日,该公司宣布将推出Vitalist,扩大其手表和可穿戴设备生态系统。Vitalist是一个互联健康品牌,旨在将消费者的生物识别数据与血液和唾液生物标志物数据联系起来。请参阅 2023 年 6 月 6 日发布的先前新闻稿。
  • 2024年6月26日,公司的全资子公司eBuyNow电子商务有限公司(“EBN”)根据该协议自愿转让破产 《破产和破产法》 (加拿大)。参见之前于 2023 年 6 月 26 日发布的新闻稿。



The Company continues to take steps to mitigate the impacts of the ongoing supply constraints on semiconductor chip manufacturing and global supply chain disruptions through supply-chain improvements and strategically prioritizing the Company's product portfolio to conserve cash and improve near-term profitability. In order to continue to meet customer demand and fulfill growing order backlog, the Company anticipates pursuing additional financing for working capital and general corporate purposes, principally to ensure the Company has sufficient financing on hand for the purchase of inventory.


Due to the working capital and liquidity constraints that the Company has faced and a slower than anticipated return to full operations in our partner factories, the Company withdraws all previously disclosed financial guidance due to the uncertainty in forecasting operating results.


The Company anticipates that it will require additional financing to address the Company's working capital and other financing needs and support the Company's Motorola and Vitalist product launches and sales described below. See "Forward-Looking Information", "Going Concern" and "Other Risk Factors" in the MD&A.

该公司预计,将需要额外的融资来满足公司的营运资金和其他融资需求,并支持该公司摩托罗拉和Vitalist产品的发布和销售,如下所述。请参阅 MD&A 中的 “前瞻性信息”、“持续经营” 和 “其他风险因素”。

Motorola Products


With a focus on continuous product development and expansion, the Company is actively engaged with its research and development partners to bring four new Motorola branded smartwatches to the market. These devices are at various stages of development. The Company is committed to making the Motorola branded smartwatches accessible to a wide range of consumers. The four new models will be competitively priced, ranging from US$49 to US$149. The Company anticipates delivering these new smartwatches to distributors during the year ended March 31, 2024.


Vitalist Products


On June 6, 2023, the Company announced the launch of Vitalist, an inhouse smartwatch health brand. With a focus on affordability and market availability, Vitalist will specialize in cost-effective smartwatches that integrate with a dedicated application experience. By combining user-friendly design, at-home biomarker testing, and wellness improvement planning, Vitalist aims to empower users to gain deeper insight into, and track how their daily activities and interventions impact, their long-term health.


In addition to providing comprehensive smartwatch features, Vitalist will offer bundled biomarker testing services. This means that users will be able to conveniently test their biomarkers, gaining valuable insights into their health. By leveraging the power of smartwatch data and biomarker analysis, the Company anticipates that Vitalist will create an ecosystem that enables users to make informed decisions about their well-being.


Beyond biomarker testing, Vitalist will take a holistic approach to health. The brand will offer personalized health supplement interventions that are tailored to the specific needs of users based on their biomarker and biometric data. By analyzing the collected information, Vitalist will be able to generate custom training and dietary supplement plans, enabling users to manage their biomarkers and achieve their health goals.


With Vitalist, the Company plans to foster an ecosystem that promotes proactive health management through the integration of smartwatches, biomarker testing services, and health supplement interventions that allow users to track their progress, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to enhance their overall health and well-being.


Based on internal market research, the Company intends to bring multiple smartwatch and smart ring products to market in the upcoming fiscal year under the Vitalist brand, to reach market segments where Motorola branded products may not be appropriate (for example, to reach iPhone users with a keen interest in hormone levels) and also to be able to launch a portfolio of off-the-shelf hardware products already being manufactured under non-exclusive brand names in other countries, of which the research and development requires limited resources in order to introduce to the market, and of which the products are not aligned with Motorola brand licensing requirements.


The Company anticipates that it will require additional financing to address the Company's working capital and other financing needs and support the Company's product launches and sales. See the "Forward-Looking Information", "Going Concern" and "Other Risk Factors" sections of the MD&A.

该公司预计,将需要额外的融资来满足公司的营运资金和其他融资需求,并支持公司的产品发布和销售。请参阅 MD&A 的 “前瞻性信息”、“持续经营” 和 “其他风险因素” 部分。

Selected Financial Information1


Three months ended
March 31, 2023
Year ended
March 31, 2023
2023 2022 2023 2022
Total revenue 1,495,143 3,290,802 7,565,377 7,297,081
Gross profit (Loss) (2,447,758 ) 658,890 (4,177,852 ) 1,486,003
Net loss (17,342,713 ) (2,951,727 ) (28,073,361 ) (10,253,560 )
Total comprehensive loss (17,565,354 ) (2,959,498 ) (27,976,457 ) (10,199,339 )
Total assets 1,995,279 13,901,561 1,995,279 13,901,561
Total liabilities (24,561,078 ) (9,050,147 ) (24,561,078 ) (9,050,147 )
Loss per share (0.69 ) (0.12 ) (1.11 ) (0.45 )
2023 2022 2023 2022
总收入 1,495,143 3,290,802 7,565,377 7,297,081
毛利(亏损) (2,447,758) ) 658,890 (4,177,852) ) 1,486,003
净亏损 (17,342,713) ) (2,951,727) ) (28,073,361) ) (10,253,560) )
综合损失总额 (17,565,354 ) (2,959,498) ) (27,976,457) ) (10,199,339 )
总资产 1,995,279 13,901,561 1,995,279 13,901,561
负债总额 (24,561,078) ) (9,050,147) ) (24,561,078) ) (9,050,147) )
每股亏损 (0.69) ) (0.12 ) (1.11) ) (0.45) )

Any references in this press release to the "Company" refer to EBN and its direct or indirect subsidiaries for information provided in respect of any period prior to June 18, 2021, which is the date on which the Company's Qualifying Transaction (as defined in the policies of the TSXV) was completed pursuant to which the business of EBN became the business of CE Brands. Subsequent to June 18, 2021, the "Company" refers to the consolidated operations of CE Brands and its direct or indirect subsidiaries and the historical operations of EBN and its direct or indirect subsidiaries.

本新闻稿中任何提及 “公司” 的内容均指EBN及其直接或间接子公司,以获取有关2021年6月18日之前任何时期的信息,即公司的合格交易(定义见多伦多证券交易所政策)完成之日,根据该日期,EBN的业务成为CE Brands的业务。2021年6月18日之后,“公司” 是指CE Brands及其直接或间接子公司的合并业务,以及EBN及其直接或间接子公司的历史业务。

1 MLTA Note: Consider adding comparative information, i.e., columns for Q4 2022 and Fiscal 2022.

1 MLTA注意:考虑添加比较信息,即2022年第四季度和2022财年的栏目。

For more information, please see CE Brands' corporate presentation, which is available on CE Brands' website at .

欲了解更多信息,请参阅 CE Brands 的公司介绍,该演示文稿可在 CE Brands 的网站上找到,网址为 。

Shareholder Call Information


CE Brands will hold a virtual-only annual and special meeting of shareholders (the "Meeting") on Friday, July 28, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. Calgary time. The Meeting will be followed by a shareholder update call and will be facilitated by Kalvie Legat, Interim Chief Executive Officer, who will review the Company's Q4 2023 and Fiscal 2023 results and related financial performance.

CE Brands将于卡尔加里时间2023年7月28日星期五上午9点举行仅限虚拟的年度和特别股东大会(“会议”)。会议之后将举行股东最新情况电话会议,临时首席执行官卡尔维·莱加特将主持会议,他将审查公司2023年第四季度和2023财年的业绩和相关的财务业绩。

The Company will answer pre-submitted questions at the conclusion of prepared remarks. Investors are invited to submit their questions in advance to


You may attend the Meeting and the shareholder update call at . Please note that only registered shareholders and duly appointed proxyholders who have registered with AGM Connect prior to the voting cut-off date will be able to submit questions and vote at the Meeting. Any shareholder or appointed proxyholder who has not registered with AGM Connect prior to the voting cut-off date will be able to attend the Meeting as guests, but guests will not be able to vote or ask questions.

您可以通过以下方式参加会议和股东更新电话会议 。请注意,只有在投票截止日期之前在AGM Connect注册的注册股东和正式任命的代理持有人才能在会议上提交问题和投票。在投票截止日期之前未在AGM Connect注册的任何股东或指定代理持有人都可以作为嘉宾参加会议,但来宾将无法投票或提问。

A recording of the shareholder update call will be made available on the Company's website at .

股东更新电话会议的录音将在公司的网站上公布,网址为 。

About CE Brands

关于 CE 品牌

CE Brands Inc. develops products with leading manufacturers and iconic brand licensors by utilizing proprietary data that identifies key market opportunities. With sales today in over 70 countries, our innovative, highly repeatable process, which we call the "CE Method", has created an optimal growth path for CE Brands to be the premier global licensed brand manufacturer.

CE Brands Inc. 利用专有数据识别关键市场机会,与领先的制造商和标志性品牌许可方一起开发产品。如今,我们的销售遍及70多个国家,我们创新的、高度可重复的流程(我们称之为 “CE方法”)为CE品牌成为全球首屈一指的授权品牌制造商开辟了最佳增长路径。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its regulation services provider (as defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.


Forward-Looking Information


In general, forward-looking information refers to disclosure about future conditions, courses of action, and events. The use of any of the words "anticipates", "believes", "expects", "intends", "plans", "will", "would", and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking information. More particularly and without limitation, this press release includes forward-looking information with respect to the Company's capital requirements and intention to pursue additional financing opportunities; its plans for the Motorola product segment, the status of the Motorola product segment relative to those plans, and the anticipated timing to advance the Motorola product segment; and its plans for the Vitalist product segment, the status of the Vitalist product segment relative to those plans, and the anticipated timing to advance the Vitalist product segment.

一般而言,前瞻性信息是指有关未来状况、行动方针和事件的披露。使用 “预期”、“相信”、“期望”、“打算”、“计划”、“将”、“将” 等任何词语以及类似的表述都旨在识别前瞻性信息。更具体地说,但不限于,本新闻稿包括有关公司资本要求和寻求更多融资机会意向的前瞻性信息;其摩托罗拉产品部门的计划、摩托罗拉产品细分市场相对于这些计划的状况以及推进摩托罗拉产品板块的预期时机;以及其Vitalist产品板块的计划、与这些计划相关的Vitalist产品板块的状况以及推进Vitalist产品的预期时机段。

The forward-looking information is based on certain key expectations and assumptions, including the continuance of manufacturing operations at the Company's partner factories in Asia, the timing of product launches, shipments and deliveries, forecast sales price and sales volume of the Company's products and the ability of the Company to secure additional sources of financing in the 2023 and 2024 calendar years.


There can be no assurance that the Company will be able to secure additional financing in the future and/or access funding under its account receivables facilities and credit facilities on the terms contemplated, in a timely manner or at all. If the Company fails to secure additional financing and/or access funding under its account receivables facilities and credit facilities, then the Company may have insufficient liquidity and capital resources to operate its business resulting in material uncertainty regarding the Company's ability to meet its financial obligations as they become due and continue as a going concern.


Although CE Brands believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking information is based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking information because CE Brands cannot give any assurance that it will prove to be accurate. By its nature, forward-looking information is subject to various risks and uncertainties, which could cause the actual results and expectations to differ materially from the anticipated results or expectations expressed in this press release. Such risks and uncertainties include, without limitation: the risks described in the "Other Risk Factors" section of the MD&A the impact of the evolving Covid-19 pandemic and associated supply chain issues, on the Company's business, operations and sales; the impact of the EBN bankruptcy on the Company; the impact of the termination of the Company's contract with Kodak; reliance on third party manufacturers and suppliers; the Company's ability to stabilize its business and secure sufficient capital, including the funding under its account receivables facilities and credit facilities, which may not be available in a timely manner or at all; the Company's available liquidity being insufficient to operate its business and meet its financial commitments, which could result in the Company having to refinance or restructure its debt, sell assets or seek to raise additional capital, which may be on unfavorable terms, if available at all; the inability to implement the Company's objectives and priorities for 2023 and beyond, which could result in financial strain on the Company and continued pressure on the Company's business; the Company's expectations with respect to anticipated revenue growth in 2023 and beyond; anticipated product launches and commercial partnerships; risks associated with developing and launching new products; increased indebtedness and leverage; the fact that historical and projected financial information may not be representative of the Company's future results; the inability to position the Company for long-term growth; risks associated with issuing new equity including the possible dilution of the Company's outstanding common shares; the value of existing equity following the completion of any financing transaction; the Company defaulting on its obligations, which could result in the Company having to file for bankruptcy or undertake a restructuring proceeding; the Company being put into a bankruptcy or restructuring proceeding; and the risk factors included in CE Brand's other continuous disclosure documents available on SEDAR at . Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on this forward-looking information, which is given as of the date of this press release, and to not use such forward-looking information other than for its intended purpose. CE Brands undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities law.

尽管CE Brands认为此类前瞻性信息所依据的预期和假设是合理的,但不应过分依赖前瞻性信息,因为CE Brands无法保证这些信息将被证明是准确的。就其本质而言,前瞻性信息受各种风险和不确定性的影响,这可能导致实际业绩和预期与本新闻稿中表达的预期结果或预期存在重大差异。此类风险和不确定性包括但不限于:MD&A “其他风险因素” 部分中描述的风险、不断演变的Covid-19疫情和相关供应链问题对公司业务、运营和销售的影响;EBN破产对公司的影响;公司终止与柯达合同的影响;对第三方制造商和供应商的依赖;公司稳定业务和获得足够资本的能力,包括应收账款融资机制下的资金以及可能无法及时或根本无法获得的信贷额度;公司的可用流动性不足以运营业务和履行其财务承诺,这可能导致公司不得不再融资或重组债务、出售资产或寻求筹集额外资金,如果有的话,条件可能不利;无法实现公司2023年及以后的目标和优先事项,这可能会给公司带来财务压力公司以及对公司业务的持续压力;公司对2023年及以后预期收入增长的预期;预期的产品发布和商业合作伙伴关系;与开发和推出新产品相关的风险;负债和杠杆率的增加;历史和预计财务信息可能无法代表公司未来业绩的事实;无法为公司的长期增长做好准备;与发行新股相关的风险,包括公司已发行普通股可能的稀释;现有价值的价值任何融资交易完成后的股权;公司拖欠债务,这可能导致公司不得不申请破产或进行重组程序;公司进入破产或重组程序;以及CE Brand在SEDAR上提供的其他持续披露文件中包含的风险因素 。提醒读者不要过分依赖截至本新闻稿发布之日提供的这些前瞻性信息,也不要将此类前瞻性信息用于其预期目的以外的用途。除非适用的证券法要求,否则CE Brands没有义务公开更新或修改任何前瞻性信息,无论是由于新信息、未来事件还是其他原因。

Further Information


For further information about CE Brands, please contact:

有关 CE 品牌的更多信息,请联系:

Kalvie Legat
Interim Chief Executive Officer

Kalvie Legat

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