
Investing in Real Estate in a High Interest Rate Environment

Investing in Real Estate in a High Interest Rate Environment

sharecafe ·  2023/07/31 03:30

Sequoia Asset Management Investment Manager Winston Sammut discusses property opportunities and pitfalls in the current economic climate.

红杉资产管理投资经理温斯顿·萨穆特(Winston Sammut)讨论了当前经济环境下的房地产机会和陷阱。

Paul Sanger: We are talking today with Mr Winston Sammut, an investment manager at Sequoia Asset Management. Winston has over 40 years' investment experience, including 20 years in the listed property industry. Winston was previously the Head of Listed Securities with the ASX-listed property fund manager Charter Hall Group (ASX:CHC). Winston, welcome back to the network.

保罗·桑格: 我们今天正在与红杉资产管理公司的投资经理温斯顿·萨穆特先生交谈。温斯顿拥有超过40年的投资经验,包括在上市房地产行业工作了20年。温斯顿曾在澳大利亚证券交易所上市的房地产基金管理公司Charter Hall Group(ASX: CHC)担任上市证券主管。温斯顿,欢迎回到网络。

Winston Sammut: Thank you.

Winston Sammut: 谢谢。

Paul Sanger: So, let's get into some questions now, Winston, within your sector. Is there specific property exposure that stands out as an opportunity or possibly even a safe haven in the current environment?

保罗·桑格: 所以,现在让我们来谈谈你所在领域的一些问题,温斯顿。在当前的环境中,是否有特定的房地产风险敞口是一个机会,甚至可能是避风港?

Winston Sammut: There are a number of REITs at the moment that are yielding 6 and 7 per cent, which is quite attractive. And they're not in the traditional property sectors that are, I suppose, in areas that do have question marks over them. And by that I mean commercial office space and retail as well. Now, these areas are supported by government funding. So, I'm talking about childcare. I'm talking about retirement and seniors living, not aged care, but retirement and seniors living, and, to some extent, rural assets, given that Australia is the food bowl of Asia.

Winston Sammut: 目前有许多房地产投资信托基金的收益率分别为6%和7%,这很有吸引力。而且他们不在传统的房地产领域,我想这些领域确实有问号。我的意思是商业办公空间和零售空间。现在,这些领域得到了政府资金的支持。所以,我说的是儿童保育。我说的是退休和老年人生活,不是老年护理,而是退休和老年人生活,在某种程度上还有农村资产,因为澳大利亚是亚洲的食物碗。

Paul Sanger: Okay. Moving on, Winston. Do you see a situation at present where valuations have decoupled materially from the outlook? And how would you approach such a scenario?

保罗·桑格: 好吧。继续,温斯顿。你是否看到目前估值与前景严重脱钩的情况?你会如何处理这样的场景?

Winston Sammut: Well, what markets don't like is uncertainty, and there's certainly a lot of uncertainty about valuations. In the property area, we have two different types of valuations that are being looked at, and that is valuations of unlisted investments or direct property funds, and valuations in the listed market, where people can trade daily, buy and sell as they wish, whereas in the unlisted there's windows of redemptions and so on.

Winston Sammut: 好吧,市场不喜欢的是不确定性,而且估值肯定存在很多不确定性。在房地产领域,我们正在研究两种不同类型的估值,那就是非上市投资或直接房地产基金的估值,以及上市市场的估值,人们可以在上市市场进行每日交易,随心所欲地买入和卖出,而在非上市市场中,有赎回窗口等等。

Now, all properties are generally valued once, fully valued once every three years. More recently, they're being valued much more frequently. So, what an entity does generally is they'll get a proper valuation, a full valuation, on a third of the portfolio one year, then another third the next year, and then a third on the third year. So that over a three-year period, all the properties are actually valued.


Now, the unlisted market has been fairly slow to adjust their valuations to reflect the fact that interest rates have gone up quite a bit. Whereas in the listed market, a lot of the stocks that are trading are trading at 25 to 35 per cent discounts to their net asset value. So, they're very, very big discounts.


Now, what is likely going to happen over time, ASIC has said that they are looking at valuations in the unlisted area, so there's probably a bit of pressure for them to adjust accordingly, but they seem to be coming down via the stairs as opposed to via the lift in the listed area. So, I expect more pressure on valuations, particularly if we do see some more rate rises in the next couple of months.


Paul Sanger: Winston, regarding listed property exposures, are currently equity prices reflective of the changes in the property sector, and do you anticipate more downside, particularly in the office space?

保罗·桑格: 关于上市房地产风险敞口,温斯顿目前的股票价格是否反映了房地产行业的变化,你预计会有更多的下行空间,尤其是办公空间的下行空间吗?

Winston Sammut: That is a good question. Look, as I mentioned before, in the listed market, it's probably been overdone on the downside. So, the valuations are probably about where they should be. The most recent valuations in the listed area that have come out have shown prices or values down by 5 to 10 per cent, in some cases a little bit more, whereas in the unlisted market, it's only about 4 per cent or 5 per cent. So we do expect, as I said, some pressure.

Winston Sammut: 这是个好问题。听着,正如我之前提到的,在上市市场,下行可能已经过分了。因此,估值可能与应有的水平差不多。上市领域的最新估值显示,价格或价值下降了5%至10%,在某些情况下略高一点,而在非上市市场中,价格仅为4%或5%左右。因此,正如我所说,我们确实预计会有一些压力。

And in terms of office, the issue with office is that not only is it being hit by increased costs to fund the loans, but there's this work-from-home situation which is reducing the number of peoples that actually turn up into an office, and therefore it's putting pressure on and demand for office space, and pressure on the basis that, for the office REITs to do well, they need to get increased revenue from increased rentals, and that's not happening.


Paul Sanger: Winston, continuing on that theme, the ongoing debate in real estate revolves around whether the vacant office buildings in many cities will ever be filled again. Can I get some more thoughts on this?

保罗·桑格: 温斯顿继续探讨这个主题,房地产领域正在进行的争论围绕着许多城市的空置办公楼是否会再次被填补。我能再想一点想法吗?

Winston Sammut: Well, if Australia's going to follow the situation that's in the US, vacancies are very, very large over there. We are probably not quite as bad at this stage. Post covid, occupancy, as opposed to vacancies, occupancy was probably around 20-25 per cent. That has increased across the board over time. We're probably around 50-60 per cent, maybe in some cases 70 per cent, but we are not back at the 100 per cent, and we are unlikely to be back at the 100 per cent. People do now have a choice, even though some businesses are mandating two to three days in the office, in some cases, four. I know the CBA came out with an edict at the beginning of the year that staff should be in three days a week. That's not being met by the staff, and there's a lot of opposition to that.

Winston Sammut: 好吧,如果澳大利亚要效仿美国的情况,那么那里的空缺非常非常大。在现阶段,我们的表现可能没有那么糟糕。疫情过后,入住率与空缺率相比,入住率可能在20-25%左右。随着时间的推移,这一数字已全面增加。我们可能在50-60%左右,在某些情况下可能为70%,但我们没有回到100%,也不太可能恢复到100%。人们现在确实可以选择,尽管有些企业要求在办公室待两到三天,在某些情况下是四天。我知道 CBA 在年初发布了一项法令,规定员工应该每周待三天。工作人员没有解决这个问题,对此有很多人反对。

So, there are issues in terms of occupancy as opposed to vacancy levels because, in terms of vacancies, a lot of the properties are actually leased and people are paying rent. Businesses are paying rent. But they're just not filling them with people. And that's going to be an issue going forward when they go to renegotiate their lease requirements, their space requirements, and how much they're going to pay for that.


Paul Sanger: Winston, the impact on the office property is evident, but to what extent has the recent inflationary interest rate environment affected the broader property sector?

保罗·桑格: 温斯顿,对办公物业的影响是显而易见的,但是最近的通货膨胀利率环境在多大程度上影响了整个房地产行业?

Winston Sammut: Well, it has affected the broader property sector simply because increased debt costs, borrowing costs do put pressure on the bottom line, and unless you can grow rents at the same pace, you've got a problem because your outlays are more than they were and you can't compensate for that. And that is happening across the board in terms of all the property stocks, because generally they gear their exposures by around 30 per cent, which is the acceptable level. We are not back to the GFC days, where gearing was 40-50 per cent, but 30 per cent is an acceptable level. But even so, when you see rates going from 0.1 to 4.1 in a short period of time, it does impact on your borrowing costs.

Winston Sammut: 好吧,它之所以影响整个房地产行业,仅仅是因为债务成本的增加,借贷成本确实给利润带来了压力,除非你能以同样的速度增长租金,否则你会遇到问题,因为你的支出比以前多,你无法弥补这一点。就所有房地产股而言,这种情况都是全面发生的,因为它们通常会将风险敞口提高约30%,这是可以接受的水平。我们还没有回到全球金融危机时代,当时的资产负债率为40-50%,但30%是可以接受的水平。但即便如此,当你看到利率在短时间内从0.1升至4.1时,它确实会影响你的借贷成本。

Paul Sanger: Okay. Let's wrap things up for our investors. How about give us a few ideas about the stocks you currently favour, those you're closely watching, and just as importantly, the ones you're avoiding?

保罗·桑格: 好吧。让我们为投资者总结一下。给我们一些关于你目前偏爱的股票、你正在密切关注的股票以及同样重要的是你正在避开的股票的想法怎么样?

Winston Sammut: Well, let's attack the avoiding ones. At this stage, we're avoiding over exposure to office, commercial office space. To some extent, we are looking at reducing exposure to the retail sector. But retail, there are different pockets of retail. Discretionary spending has been under pressure and will likely continue to be under pressure given cost-of-living issues. So, people will be spending more on things they don't actually need, as opposed to non-discretionary, which is food, for example. So, in terms of retail, our exposure is on those areas where people have to buy goods, and that's supermarkets, petrol stations -- you've got to fill the car up if you want to travel -- and away from discretionary spending.

Winston Sammut: 好吧,让我们攻击那些避开的人。在现阶段,我们避免过度接触办公室、商业办公空间。在某种程度上,我们正在考虑减少零售业的风险敞口。但是零售业,零售业有不同的领域。全权支出一直承受压力,鉴于生活成本问题,可能会继续承受压力。因此,人们将更多地花在他们实际上不需要的东西上,而不是非自由裁量的,例如食物。因此,在零售方面,我们的风险敞口集中在人们必须购买商品的领域,那就是超市、加油站—— 如果你想旅行,你必须把车装满—— 而不是自由支配的支出。

Also, I mentioned the issue with childcare, which is government-supported. So, not from the point of view of being invested in the childcare operators, but rather the owners of the bricks and mortars. So, stocks like Arena, Charter Hall Social Infrastructure, that own the properties with long leases. They're triple net leases. So by that, it means that all the outgoings are a function of the tenant, not the landlord. So, it's a better sort of investment. And aged or seniors living. Not aged care, but seniors living and retirement living, given the growing population. And again, that's supported by the government in terms of rental assistance. There are areas where you can see that there is demand and there is growth. If we are going to have more people go to work, the female workforce is going to be on demand, as it were, to go out and get work. That puts pressure on them to have children looked after.

另外,我提到了政府支持的托儿问题。因此,不是从投资托儿运营商的角度来看,而是从实体和迫击炮所有者的角度来看。因此,像Arena、Charter Hall Social Infrastructure这样的股票拥有长期租约的房产。它们是三重净租约。因此,这意味着所有支出都是租户的职能,而不是房东的职能。因此,这是一种更好的投资。还有生活的老年人或老年人。鉴于人口的增长,不是老年护理,而是老年人的生活和退休生活。再说一遍,这在租金补助方面得到了政府的支持。在某些领域,你可以看到有需求,也有增长。如果我们要让更多的人去工作,那么女性劳动力就会像以前一样被要求出去工作。这给他们施加了压力,要求他们照顾孩子。

Paul Sanger: Winston Sammut, thank you very much for your time today.

保罗·桑格: Winston Sammut,非常感谢你今天抽出宝贵的时间。

Winston Sammut: It's a pleasure. Thank you.

Winston Sammut: 这是一种荣幸。谢谢。




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