
Xali Gold Turns Exploration Attention From Mexico to South America

Xali Gold Turns Exploration Attention From Mexico to South America

Xali Gold将勘探注意力从墨西哥转移到南美
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/08/03 07:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Xali Gold Corp. (TSXV:XGC) ("Xali Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to advise that it has decided to review exploration opportunities in South America including Peru and provides an update on Mexican assets.

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省,2023年8月3日(Global Newswire)--Xali Gold Corp.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:XGC)(以下称“Xali Gold”或“公司”)欣然通知您,该公司已决定评估包括秘鲁在内的南美地区的勘探机会,并提供墨西哥资产的最新情况。

"Our assets in Mexico are very attractive such that we expect to be able to generate cash flow in the near future, which would allow us to continue working on other opportunities without incurring equity dilution," says Joanne Freeze, President and CEO of Xali Gold. "With the exception of El Oro, we are no longer incurring any costs to maintain exploration assets in Mexico. This includes the El Dorado property, which while still of interest, has taken too long to receive drill permits and the Company can no longer justify the holding costs."

夏利黄金首席执行官总裁兼首席执行官乔安妮·弗莱克表示:“我们在墨西哥的资产非常有吸引力,因此我们预计在不久的将来能够产生现金流,这将使我们能够继续致力于其他机会,而不会导致股权稀释。”除了El Oro,我们在墨西哥的勘探资产不再产生任何维护成本。这包括El Dorado资产,虽然仍令人感兴趣,但获得钻探许可的时间太长,公司无法再证明持有成本的合理性。

Peru Properties


With renewed interest in gold and silver exploration in South America, the Company is reviewing options to resume exploration in Peru and other countries. The Company still maintains some properties in Peru including the Lucero Gold Property acquired several years ago.

随着对南美黄金和白银勘探的兴趣重燃,该公司正在评估在秘鲁和其他国家恢复勘探的选择。该公司仍在秘鲁保留一些物业,包括几年前收购的Lucero Gold物业。

Lucero is a high sulphidation disseminated gold prospect occurring within a prolific mineral belt and located between the Tantahuatay and La Zanja mines in Cajamarca, Northern Peru. Gold mineralization has been found to date in three locations in an area extending over 1.3 by 1.0 kilometres ("km") on the Lucero property. Gold mineralization occurs in silicified volcanic rocks and hydrothermal breccias with anomalous gold values ranging from 0.155 to 1.575 grams per tonne ("g/t") over widths of 5 to 20 meters ("m"). The highest grade gold zone found to date (1.575 g/t over 10 m) occurs in a hydrothermal breccia body with vuggy silica fragments which is the typical host for high sulphidation disseminated gold deposits in Peru and elsewhere. The silicified and mineralized zones are hosted by volcanic rocks belonging to the Calipuy Formation which also hosts the Yanacocha (50 million ounces) and Pierina (8 million ounces) gold deposits amongst others. Lucero is located 34 km NW of the Yanacocha Mine, 18 km west of the Tantahuatay Mine and approximately 12 km NE of the La Zanja Mine.

Lucero是位于秘鲁北部卡哈马卡的Tantahuatay和La Zanja矿之间的多产矿带内的高硫化浸染型金矿远景。迄今为止,已在Lucero矿藏上超过1.3×1.0公里(“公里”)的区域内的三个地点发现了金矿化。金矿化赋存于硅化火山岩和热液角砾岩中,异常金值为每吨0.155至1.575克,宽度为5至20米。迄今发现的品位最高的金矿带(1.575克/吨,超过10米)赋存于热液角砾岩体中,其中含有洞穴状的硅质碎屑,这是秘鲁和其他地方高硫化浸染型金矿的典型赋存地。硅化和矿化带赋存于卡利普伊地层的火山岩中,该地层还拥有亚纳科查(5000万盎司)和皮埃里纳(800万盎司)金矿等。Lucero位于Yanacocha矿西北34公里处,Tantahuatay矿以西18公里,La Zanja矿东北约12公里处。

Mexico Properties and Assets


The El Oro Project remains a highly valued asset of the Company with past production of 8 million ounces gold equivalent (gold-silver 1:10) and excellent discovery potential, however exploration focus for El Oro has been temporarily put on hold. The Company is now focused on building local partnerships for our two assets in Mexico, which have strong potential to provide near-term cash flow.

El Oro项目仍然是本公司的一项高价值资产,过去的产量为800万盎司金当量(金银1:10),具有极好的发现潜力,但El Oro的勘探重点已暂时搁置。该公司目前专注于为我们在墨西哥的两项资产建立当地合作伙伴关系,这两项资产具有提供短期现金流的强大潜力。

Sun River Gold ("SRG"), who holds an option on the Mexican Mine Tailings Project at El Oro, has been advancing permitting and providing some cash flow through advances on the Net Profit Interest ("NPI") due once in production. SRG has recently advised the Company that they have received feedback from the Mexican government on the final permit for the El Oro Tailings Project and have now re-submitted the application with the requested updates.

太阳河黄金公司(“SRG”)持有El Oro的墨西哥尾矿项目的期权,该公司一直在通过预付一旦投产就应支付的净利润利息(“NPI”)来推进开采许可并提供部分现金流。SRG最近通知公司,他们已收到墨西哥政府对El Oro尾矿项目最终许可的反馈,现已重新提交申请,并要求进行更新。

The El Oro Tailings Project contains an Inferred Resource* of 1,267,400 Tonnes grading 2.94 gold grams per tonne ("g/t"), 75.12 silver g/t containing 119,900 ounces of gold and 3,061,200 ounces of silver.

El Oro尾矿项目的推断资源量*为1,267,400吨,品位为每吨2.94克黄金,含119,900盎司黄金和3,061,200盎司银,每吨含银75.12克。

Negotiations are also underway with Mexican groups regarding both upgrades and financing commitments to make the San Dieguito de Arriba ("SDA") Plant in Western Mexico fully operational. Xali Gold terminated the previously announced agreement (see January 18, 2023 News Release) with Minera Cinco Reales S.A. de C.V. ("MCR") earlier this month due to MCR's lack of progress. The Company has been advised that MCR's funding is imminent, but Xali Gold believes there are better options for Xali Gold to realize profits with the SDA Plant. As proven by Vane Minerals, the original owner of the plant, there are many small and rich mines in the surrounding area and there is a scarcity of plants with economic proximity to the mines.

目前还在与墨西哥集团就升级和融资承诺进行谈判,以使墨西哥西部的San Diguito de Arriba(“SDA”)工厂全面运营。本月早些时候,由于Minera Cinco Reales C.V.(“MCR”)缺乏进展,哈利黄金终止了此前宣布的与Minera Cinco Reales C.V.(“MCR”)的协议(见2023年1月18日新闻稿)。本公司已被告知,MCR的融资迫在眉睫,但哈利黄金相信,哈利黄金有更好的选择,通过SDA工厂实现利润。正如该工厂的最初所有者Vane Minerals所证明的那样,周围地区有许多小型而丰富的矿山,与这些矿山经济上接近的工厂很少。

*Note: Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. All figures have been rounded to reflect the accuracy of the estimate. For more information see "National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report on the Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate of the Mexico Mine Tailings" prepared by Nadia Caira, P.Geo. and Allan Reeves, P.Geo., dated August 25, 2014 with an effective date of July 8, 2014 available at

*注:矿产资源不是矿产储量,没有证明的经济可行性。所有数字都经过四舍五入,以反映估计的准确性。欲了解更多信息,请参阅Nadia Casa,P.Geo编写的“国家仪器43-101墨西哥尾矿推断矿产资源量估算技术报告”。和艾伦·里夫斯,P.Geo,日期为2014年8月25日,生效日期为2014年7月8日,可在

About Xali Gold


Xali Gold has gold and silver projects in Peru and Mexico. El Oro is a district scale gold project encompassing a well-known prolific high-grade gold dominant gold-silver epithermal vein system in Mexico. The project covers 20 veins with past production and more than 57 veins in total, from which approximately 6.4 million ounces of gold and 74 million ounces of silver were reported to have been produced from just two of these veins (Ref. Mexico Geological Service Bulletin Nr. 37, Mining of the El Oro and Tlapujahua Districts. 1920, T. Flores).

夏利黄金在秘鲁和墨西哥拥有黄金和白银项目。El Oro是一个地区规模的金矿项目,包括墨西哥著名的多产高品位金-银浅成热液矿脉系统。该项目涵盖了20个过去生产过的矿脉,总共超过57个矿脉,据报道仅其中两个矿脉就生产了大约640万盎司黄金和7400万盎司白银。墨西哥地质局公告第37号,埃尔奥罗区和特拉普贾瓦区的采矿。1920年,T.Flores)。

Modern understanding of epithermal vein systems indicates that several of the El Oro district's veins hold excellent discovery potential, particularly below and adjacent to the historic workings of the San Rafael Vein, which was mined to an average depth of only 200 metres.

对低温矿脉系统的现代认识表明,El Oro区的几个矿脉具有很好的发现潜力,特别是在San Rafael矿脉历史悠久的开采井下方和附近,该矿脉的平均开采深度仅为200米。

Xali Gold is dedicated to being a responsible Community partner.


Joanne C. Freeze, P.Geo., President, CEO and Matthew Melnyk, CPG., Director Operations, are Qualified Persons as defined by National Instrument 43-101 for the projects discussed above. Ms. Freeze and Mr. Melnyk have reviewed and approved the contents of this release.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward-looking Information
This news release may contain forward-looking information (as such term is defined under Canadian securities laws) including but not limited to the mineral resource estimate for the Mexico Mine Tailings and information regarding references to historical resource estimates, the potential for discovery on the El Oro Property and other statements that are not historical facts. While such forward-looking information is expressed by Xali Gold in good faith and believed by Xali Gold to have a reasonable basis, they address future events and conditions and are therefore subject to inherent risks and uncertainties including those set out in Xali Gold's MD&A. Factors that cause the actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking information include, without limitation, gold prices, results of exploration and development activities, regulatory changes, defects in title, availability of materials and equipment, timeliness of government approvals, potential environmental issues, availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. Xali Gold expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

本新闻稿可能包含前瞻性信息(该术语根据加拿大证券法定义),包括但不限于对墨西哥尾矿的矿产资源估计、与历史资源估计有关的信息、El Oro矿藏的潜在发现以及其他非历史事实的陈述。虽然该等前瞻性信息乃由Xali Gold真诚表达,并相信其有合理的基础,但该等信息涉及未来事件和条件,因此会受到固有风险和不确定性的影响,包括在Xali Gold的MD&A报告中阐明的风险和不确定性。导致实际结果与前瞻性信息中陈述的内容存在实质性差异的因素包括但不限于金价、勘探和开发活动的结果、监管规定的变化、所有权的缺陷、材料和设备的可用性、政府批准的及时性、潜在的环境问题、资金和融资的可用性以及总体经济、市场或商业状况。除非根据适用的证券法,否则Xali Gold明确表示不打算也不承担任何因新信息、未来事件或其他原因而更新或修改任何前瞻性信息的意图或义务。

On behalf of the Board of Xali Gold Corp.


"Joanne Freeze" P.Geo.
President, CEO and Director


For further information please contact:
Joanne Freeze, President & CEO
Tel: + 1 (604) 689-1957


NR 122

NR 122

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