
Urbana Corporation Congratulates Blue Ocean Technologies on Its New Partnership With the Tokyo Stock Exchange

Urbana Corporation Congratulates Blue Ocean Technologies on Its New Partnership With the Tokyo Stock Exchange

Urbana Corporation祝贺蓝海科技与东京证券交易所建立新的合作伙伴关系
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/08/08 11:47



TORONTO, Aug. 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Urbana Corporation ("Urbana" or the "Corporation") (TSX and CSE: URB, URB.A) congratulates Blue Ocean Technologies, LLC ("Blue Ocean") of New Jersey on its new strategic partnership with the Tokyo Stock Exchange (the "Strategic Partnership"). As part of the new partnership, the TSE is expected to make a 5% investment into Blue Ocean Technologies. The transaction is anticipated to close September 2023. Urbana's ownership remains at approximately 35% of Blue Ocean.

多伦多,2023年8月8日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——厄巴纳公司(“Urbana” 或 “公司”)(多伦多证券交易所和CSE:URB,URB.A)祝贺新泽西州蓝海科技有限责任公司(“蓝海”)与东京证券交易所建立新的战略合作伙伴关系(“战略伙伴关系”)。作为新合作伙伴关系的一部分,东京证券交易所预计将向Blue Ocean Technologies投资5%。该交易预计将于2023年9月完成。Urbana的所有权仍占蓝海的35%左右。

Urbana is optimistic having the Tokyo Stock Exchange as a co-investor in Blue Ocean and believes that this new Strategic Partnership between the two organizations will accelerate Blue Ocean's growth in the Asia-Pacific region.


The full text of Blue Ocean's press release, on August 7, 2023, on this Strategic Partnership is below.

Blue Ocean 于 2023 年 8 月 7 日发布的关于该战略伙伴关系的新闻稿全文如下。

Blue Ocean is a unique capital markets fintech company empowering global investors by making trading possible during U.S. overnight trading hours through its proprietary trading platform.

Blue Ocean是一家独特的资本市场金融科技公司,通过其自有交易平台使美国隔夜交易时段的交易成为可能,从而为全球投资者提供支持。

For further information contact:


Elizabeth Naumovski
Investor Relations
(416) 595-9106

(416) 595-9106

Certain statements in this news release constitute "forward-looking" statements that involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Urbana to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Unless required by applicable securities law, Urbana does not assume any obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

本新闻稿中的某些陈述构成 “前瞻性” 陈述,涉及已知和未知的风险、不确定性和其他因素,这些因素可能导致Urbana的实际业绩、业绩或成就与此类前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的任何未来业绩、业绩或成就存在重大差异。除非适用的证券法要求,否则Urbana不承担任何更新这些前瞻性陈述的义务。

Blue Ocean Technologies & Tokyo Stock Exchange Announce Partnership & Strategic Investment

蓝海科技与东京证券交易所 宣布合作伙伴关系和战略投资

Blue Ocean ATS Gains Footprint into Japan

Blue Ocean ATS 进入日本的足迹

NEW YORK and TOKYO, Aug. 7, 2023 -- Blue Ocean Technologies, LLC (BOT), a unique capital markets fintech leader in global afterhours trading, and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) announced today a strategic partnership expanding the trading customer base of both Blue Ocean ATS, the Blue Ocean trading platform, and TSE. As part of the new partnership, the TSE will make a 5% investment into Blue Ocean Technologies. The transaction is expected to close September 2023.

纽约和东京,2023年8月7日——全球盘后交易领域独特的资本市场金融科技领导者Blue Ocean Technologies, LLC(BOT)和东京证券交易所(TSE)今天宣布建立战略合作伙伴关系,扩大蓝海交易平台Blue Ocean ATS和TSE的交易客户群。作为新合作伙伴关系的一部分,东京证券交易所将向Blue Ocean Technologies投资5%。该交易预计将于2023年9月完成。

As part of the new strategic alliance, Blue Ocean Technologies will enter the Japanese trading market for the first time adding to its continued growth within the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. TSE will provide BOT reliable, transparent, and efficient trading access in Japan by leveraging its expertise on Japanese market structure and regulation. TSE will also seek to provide Blue Ocean ATS' customers cross-border trading opportunities of Japanese equities.

作为新战略联盟的一部分,Blue Ocean Technologies将首次进入日本交易市场,为其在亚太地区(APAC)地区的持续增长锦上添花。TSE将利用其在日本市场结构和监管方面的专业知识,为BOT提供可靠、透明和高效的日本交易准入。东京证券交易所还将寻求为Blue Ocean ATS的客户提供日本股票的跨境交易机会。

Brian Hyndman, President and CEO of Blue Ocean Technologies and Blue Ocean ATS, commented, "Today we are delighted to take a strategic step in our mission of increasing our footprint within the Asia-Pacific region. Our partnership with the Tokyo Stock Exchange is both a strategic development for Blue Ocean and for all Japanese investors, providing them the opportunity to trade US stocks during their daytime hours. Furthermore, we are very excited to have a global capital markets leader like the TSE validate our business model with their investment, which will contribute to our overall business growth, technology and infrastructure development while providing new trading choices and transparency for local Japanese investors," he added.

Blue Ocean Technologies和Blue Ocean ATS总裁兼首席执行官Brian Hyndman评论说:“今天,我们很高兴能在增加我们在亚太地区的足迹这一使命中迈出战略性的一步。我们与东京证券交易所的合作对Blue Ocean和所有日本投资者来说都是一项战略发展,为他们提供了在白天交易美国股票的机会。此外,我们很高兴有像东京证券交易所这样的全球资本市场领导者通过投资来验证我们的商业模式,这将有助于我们的整体业务增长、技术和基础设施发展,同时为日本本地投资者提供新的交易选择和透明度,” 他补充说。

"Blue Ocean ATS is a unique and ambitious US equities trading venue operating in the Asian time zone, and we are looking forward to working with them," said Hiroki Kawai, Senior Executive Officer of Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. "We hope to expand the business and customer base of both Blue Ocean and TSE to provide a variety of investment opportunities to investors in both Japan and the US."

东京证券交易所高级执行官Hiroki Kawai说:“Blue Ocean ATS是一个独特而雄心勃勃的美国股票交易场所,在亚洲时区运营,我们期待与他们合作。我们希望扩大蓝海和东京证券交易所的业务和客户群,为日本和美国的投资者提供各种投资机会。”

In addition to Blue Ocean Technologies' growth within Japan, Blue Ocean has a presence in other key APAC markets such as South Korea and Hong Kong. Blue Ocean Technologies is approximately 35% owned by Urbana Corporation, a Canadian, publicly traded investment company.

除了Blue Ocean Technologies在日本的增长外,Blue Ocean还涉足其他主要亚太市场,例如韩国和香港。蓝海科技由加拿大上市投资公司Urbana Corporation持有约35%的股权。

About Blue Ocean Technologies:


Blue Ocean Technologies, LLC (BOT) is a unique capital markets fintech company empowering global investors by making trading possible during US overnight trading hours. Blue Ocean ATS, LLC, and its trading system Blue Ocean Alternative Trading System (BOATS), currently trade US National Market System (NMS) stocks from 8:00 pm to 4:00 am ET from Sunday – Thursday. Founded in 2019, Blue Ocean ATS is on a mission to transform US trading to Global trading via its flagship service, Blue Ocean Session, providing access and transparency to subscribers in all time zones during non-traditional US market hours. For more information, visit or contact us at

Blue Ocean Technologies, LLC(BOT)是一家独特的资本市场金融科技公司,通过在美国隔夜交易时段进行交易,为全球投资者提供支持。Blue Ocean ATS, LLC及其交易系统蓝海另类交易系统 (BOATS) 目前在美国东部时间周日至周四晚上 8:00 至凌晨 4:00 交易美国国家市场系统 (NMS) 股票。Blue Ocean ATS 成立于 2019 年,其使命是 将美国贸易转变为全球贸易 通过其旗舰服务, 蓝海会议, 在非传统的美国市场时段为所有时区的订阅者提供访问权限和透明度。欲了解更多信息,请访问或通过 联系我们。

SOURCE Blue Ocean Technologies, LLC


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