
DLP Resources Intersects 56m of 0.59 % CuEq* Within a 790.15m Interval of 0.32% CuEq* on the Aurora Project in Southern Peru

DLP Resources Intersects 56m of 0.59 % CuEq* Within a 790.15m Interval of 0.32% CuEq* on the Aurora Project in Southern Peru

在秘鲁南部的 Aurora 项目上,DLP Resources 在 790.15m 的 0.32% cueQ* 间隔内相交 56m 的 0.59% cueQ*
newsfile ·  2023/08/10 06:00

Cranbrook, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 10, 2023) - DLP Resources Inc. (TSXV: DLP) (OTCQB: DLPRF) ("DLP" or the "Company") announces receipt of complete drill results for drillhole, A23-009 on the Aurora porphyry copper-molybdenum project in southern Peru (Figure 1).

不列颠哥伦比亚省克兰布鲁克-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年8月10日)-DLP Resources Inc. (TSXV:DLP)(OTCQB:DLPRF)(“DLP“或”公司“)宣布收到秘鲁南部Aurora斑岩铜钼项目A23-009钻孔的完整钻探结果(图1)。

Results for the first eight drillholes, A22-001, A22-002, A22-003, A23-004, A23-005, A23-006, A23-007 and A23-008 were released on July 24, 2023 (see DLP Resources Inc. news release of July 24 and Tables 3, 4 and 5 below).

前八个钻孔A22-001、A22-002、A22-003、A23-004、A23-005、A23-006、A23-007和A23-008的结果于2023年7月24日公布(见DLP Resources Inc.7月24日的新闻稿和下面的表3、4和5)。



Drillhole A23-009 was drilled approximately 868m SE of drillhole A23-007. A23-009 intersected significant copper mineralization throughout the hole to a depth of 709.55m where it ended in copper and molybdenum mineralization. The most significant mineralized intervals included:


  • 0.32% CuEq* over 790.15m (0.27% Cu, 0.0095% Mo and 2.39g/t Ag) from 0.40m to 790.15m.
  • 0.44% CuEq* over 314.00m (0.37% Cu, 0.0144% Mo and 2.86g/t Ag) from 303.00m to 617.00m.
  • 0.59% CuEq* over 56.00m (0.52% Cu, 0.0144% Mo and 3.46g/t Ag) from 561.00m to 617.00m.
  • 0.32%CuEq*超过790.15米(0.27%铜、0.0095%钼、2.39克/吨银)0.40~790.15米。
  • 0.44%CuEq*超过314.00米(0.37%铜,0.0144%钼,2.86克/吨银),从303.00m到617.00m。
  • 0.59%CuEq*超过56.00米(0.52%铜、0.0144%钼、3.46克/吨银)由561.00m增加到617.00m。

The complete set of results for A23-009 are summarized in Table 1 below.


Mr. Gendall, President and CEO commented: "A23-009 was drilled on a step out of 868m to the SE of A23-007. This is the first hole drilled by DLP on the SE side of the Aurora project. We are extremely encouraged with the intersection of copper mineralization in A23-009 on this SE side and we will continue to drill on this side during the next six months. A23-010 is currently in progress to a depth of 1000m. The early mineralized porphyry intersections observed in A23-010 to a current depth of 800m are very encouraging. Results are expected in late August."


Aurora Cu-Mo Project – Summary of Drill Results for A23-009


Drillhole A23-009 (Figures 2, 3 and 4) commenced on June 28 and was completed on July 14 at 790.55m. The drillhole was drilled on an azimuth of 340 degrees with a dip of -70 degrees. Coordinates are 8,565,722mN and 190,135mE at an elevation of 2966m.

A23-009号钻孔 (图2、3和4)于6月28日开工,7月14日竣工7.9055亿英镑。钻孔的方位为340度,倾角为-70度。座标为北纬8,565,722英里,东经190,135英里,海拔2966米。

  • 0-0.4m: Overburden
  • 0.4 – 4.35m: Hornfels
  • 4.35 – 212m: Intrusive breccia with QEFP (quartz-eye-feldspar porphyry) and QEFBP (quartz-eye-feldspar-biotite porphyry) with moderate chalcopyrite mineralization and weak molybdenite mineralization. Alteration is predominantly sericite with intermediate argillic overprint.
  • 212 – 350m: QEFP with moderate chalcopyrite mineralization, weak molybdenite mineralization. Alteration is predominantly moderate to strong quartz-sericite alteration with pyrrhotite.
  • 350 – 392m: Intrusive breccia of QEFP with hornfels clasts. Fine sulphide stringers with chalcopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite occur throughout. Alteration is predominantly quartz-sericite.
  • 392 – 577.3m: QEFP with moderate chalcopyrite mineralization and associated pyrrhotite and trace molybdenite. Alteration is predominantly quartz-sericite.
  • 577.3 – 624m: Intrusive polymictic breccia with QEFP and hornfels clasts. Moderate chalcopyrite mineralization with pyrite and trace Mo. Alteration is predominantly quartz-sericite.
  • 624 – 790.55m: Silicified hornfels with micro veinlets of sulphides consisting of pyrite and chalcopyrite with disseminated pyrrhotite. Fluorite veinlets are observed in this interval.
  • 0-0.4m:覆盖
  • 0.4-4.35米:Hornfels
  • 4.35-212m:侵入角砾岩,含QEFP(石英-眼-长斑岩)和QEFBP(石英-眼-长石-黑云母斑岩),黄铜矿中等,辉钼矿弱。蚀变以绢云母为主,中间有泥质叠印。
  • 212-350m:QEFP为中等黄铜矿矿化,弱辉钼矿成矿。蚀变以中-强石英绢云母蚀变为主,伴生磁黄铁矿。
  • 350-392m:具角质碎屑的QEFP侵入角砾岩。含黄铜矿、黄铁矿和磁黄铁矿的细粒硫化物串石随处可见。蚀变以石英绢云母为主。
  • 392-577.3m:QEFP,黄铜矿矿化中等,伴生磁黄铁矿和微量辉钼矿。蚀变以石英绢云母为主。
  • 577.3-624米:具有QEFP和Hornfels碎屑的侵入型多粒角砾岩。含黄铁矿和微量钼的中度黄铜矿矿化。蚀变以石英绢云母为主。
  • 624-790.55米:硅化角闪石,具微细脉的硫化物,由黄铁矿和黄铜矿组成,带有浸染的磁黄铁矿。在这段时间内观察到了萤石细脉。

Table 1. Summary of Drill Results for Diamond Drillhole A23-009. All grades are length-weighted averages of samples within the interval reported.


Hole From To Interval1 Description Cu (total) Mo Ag Cueq*
ID m m m % % g/t %
A23-009 0.40 790.55 790.15 Primary/Hornfels+Breccia+Porphyry 0.27 0.0095 2.39 0.32
Includes 303.00 617.00 314.00 Primary/Hornfels+Breccia+Porphyry 0.37 0.0144 2.86 0.44
561.00 617.00 56.00 Primary/Porphyry + Breccia 0.52 0.0144 3.46 0.59
孔洞 从… 间隔1 描述 CU(总计) CuEq*
ID号 M M M 百分比 百分比 克/吨 百分比
A23-009 0.40 790.55 790.15 原生/角砾岩+角砾岩+斑岩 0.27 0.0095 2.39 0.32
包括 303.00 617.00 314.00 原生/角砾岩+角砾岩+斑岩 0.37 0.0144 2.86 0.44
561.00 617.00 56.00 原生/斑岩+角砾岩 0.52 0.0144 3.46 0.59

Note: *Copper equivalent grades (CuEq) are for comparative purposes only. Mo, Cu and Ag values are uncut and recovery is assumed to be 100% for the entire drilled length of A23-009. The project is at an early stage of exploration and conceptual recoveries of Cu 85%, Mo 82%, and Ag 75% are assigned to the CuEq calculations. Conversion of metals to an equivalent copper grade based on these metal prices is relative to the copper price per unit mass factored by conceptual recoveries for those metals normalized to the conceptualized copper recovery. The metal equivalencies for each metal are added to the copper grade. The formula for this is: CuEq % = Cu% + (Mo% * (Mo recovery / Cu recovery) * (Mo $ per lb / Cu $ per lb) + (Ag g/t * (Ag recovery / Cu recovery) * (Ag $ per oz/ 31.1034768) / (Cu $ per lb* 22.04623))

注:*铜当量品级(CuEq)仅供比较。未切割钼、铜和银值,假设A23-009的整个钻井长度的回收率为100%。该项目正处于勘探的早期阶段,铜85%、钼82%和银75%的概念性回收率被指定用于CuEq计算。根据这些金属价格将金属换算为同等铜品级的价格与单位质量铜价相关,而单位质量铜价是由那些归一化为概念化铜回收率的金属的概念性回收率来考虑的。每种金属的金属当量被添加到铜等级中。其公式为:CuEq%=Cu%+(Mo%*(钼回收率/铜回收率)*(每磅钼元/每磅铜元)+(Ag g/t*(银回收率/铜回收率)*(每盎司银元/31.1034768)/(每磅铜元*22.04623)

*Copper equivalent calculations use metal prices of Cu - US$3.34/lb, Mo - US$11.86/lb and Ag - US$21.87/oz.


1 Intervals are downhole drilled core lengths. Drilling data to date is insufficient to determine true width of mineralization. Mo, Cu and Ag values are uncut.


Table 2: A23-009 Diamond drillhole location, depth, orientation and inclination.


Hole Easting Northing Elevation Length Azimuth Inclination
ID m m m Degrees Degrees
A23-009 190,135 8,565,722 2966 790.55 340 -70
孔洞 向东 北距 高程 长度 方位角 倾角
ID号 M M M 学位 学位
A23-009 190,135 8,565,722 2966 790.55 340 -70

Co-ordinates are in WGS84 Zone 19S


Quality Control and Quality Assurance


DLP Resources Peru S.A.C a subsidiary of DLP Resources Inc. supervises drilling and carries out sampling of HTW and NTW core. Logging and sampling are completed at a secured Company facility situated on the project site. Sample intervals are nominally 1.5 to 2m in length. Drill core is cut in half using a rotary diamond blade saw and samples are sealed on site before transportation to the ALS Peru S.A.C. sample preparation facility in Arequipa by Company vehicles and staff. Prepared samples are sent to Lima by ALS Peru S.A.C. for analysis. ALS Peru S.A.C. is an independent laboratory. Samples are analyzed for 48 elements using a four-acid digestion and ICP-MS analysis (ME-MS61). In addition, sequential copper analyses are done and reports, soluble copper using sulphuric acid leach, soluble copper in cyanide leach, residual copper and total copper. ALS meets all requirements of International Standards ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and ISO 9001:2015 for analytical procedures.

DLP Resources秘鲁公司是DLP Resources Inc.的子公司,负责监督钻探并对HTW和NTW岩心进行采样。采伐和取样在位于项目现场的安全公司设施中完成。采样间隔的标称长度为1.5到2米。使用旋转金刚石锯片将钻芯切成两半,并在现场将样品密封,然后由公司车辆和工作人员将样品运送到位于阿雷基帕的ALS秘鲁S.A.C.样品制备设施。准备好的样品由ALS秘鲁S.A.C.送到利马进行分析。ALS秘鲁S.A.C.是一个独立的实验室。使用四酸消化和电感耦合等离子体质谱(ME-MS61)分析样品中的48种元素。此外,还进行了铜的连续分析,报道了硫酸浸出的溶解铜、氰化浸出的溶解铜、残留铜和总铜。ALS符合国际标准ISO/IEC 17025:2005和ISO9001:2015对分析方法的所有要求。

DLP Resources independently monitors quality control and quality assurance ("QA/QC") through a program that includes the insertion of blind certified reference materials (standards), blanks and pulp duplicate samples. The company is not aware of any drilling, sampling, recovery or other factors that could materially affect the accuracy or reliability of the data reported from 0m to 790.55m in A23-009.

DLP Resources通过一个项目独立监控质量控制和质量保证(“QA/QC”),该项目包括插入盲目认证的标准物质、空白和纸浆复制样品。该公司不知道有任何钻探、采样、回收或其他因素可能会对A23-009报告的0米至790.55米数据的准确性或可靠性产生重大影响。

Aurora Project


Aurora Project as an advanced stage porphyry copper-molybdenum exploration project in the Province of Calca, SE Peru (Figure 1). The Aurora Project was previously permitted for drilling in 2015 but was never executed. Thirteen historical drillholes, drilled in 2001 and 2005 totaling 3,900m were drilled over an area of approximately 1000m by 800m, cut significant intervals of copper and molybdenum mineralization. From logging of the only three remaining holes DDA-01, DDA-3A and DDA-3 and data now available, it appears that only three of the thirteen holes tested the enriched copper zone and only one hole drilled deep enough to test the primary copper and molybdenum zone (see DLP Resources Inc. news release of May 18, 2021)

Aurora项目是秘鲁东南部加尔卡省的一个高级斑岩铜钼勘探项目(图1)。奥罗拉项目此前曾在2015年获准钻探,但从未执行过。于二零零一年及二零零五年共钻了13个历史钻孔,共3,900米,钻探面积约为1000米乘800米,切断了铜、钼矿化的显著间隔。从仅剩的三个孔DDA-01、DDA-3A和DDA-3的测井和现在可用的数据来看,13个孔中似乎只有3个测试了富集区,只有一个孔钻得足够深,可以测试原生铜和钼区(参见DLP Resources Inc.2021年5月18日的新闻稿)。

Salient historic drillhole data of the Aurora Project are:


  • 190m @ 0.57% Cu, 0.008% Mo in DDA-1 with a high-grade intercept of 20m @ 1.01% Cu related to a supergene enrichment zone of secondary chalcocite;

  • 142m @ 0.5% Cu, 0.004% Mo in DDA-3;

  • 71.7m @ 0.7% Cu, 0.007% Mo in DDA-3A (see historical Focus Ventures Ltd. news release July 11, 2012); and

  • One of the historical holes ABC-6 drilled on the edge of the system intersected 78m @ 0.45% Cu and 0.107% Mo (Figure 2)

  • 与次生辉铜矿表生富集带相关的高截距为20M@1.01%铜;

  • 在DDA-3中加入142M+0.5%Cu+0.004%Mo;

  • DDA-3A中7170万@0.7%铜,0.007%钼(见历史焦点风险投资有限公司2012年7月11日的新闻稿);以及

  • 在系统边缘钻出的ABC-6历史孔之一,在0.45%铜和0.107%钼的情况下相交78m(图2)

A review of the historical drilling indicates that the majority of the thirteen holes were drilled in the leached and partially leached zones of the porphyry system. Ten of the thirteen holes never fully tested the oxide and secondary enrichment zone and/or the primary copper zone at depth encountered in DDA-01. Copper-molybdenum mineralization is hosted by quartz-feldspar porphyries intruded into slates-hornfels and pelitic sandstones belonging to the Ordovician (439 - 463 ma) Sandia Formation.

对历史钻探的回顾表明,13个孔中的大多数是在斑岩系统的淋滤带和部分淋滤带钻探的。在13个孔中,有10个从未完全测试过DDA-01中遇到的氧化物和二次富集区和/或主铜区。铜钼矿化赋存于侵入板岩-角砾岩和泥质砂岩中的石英-长石斑岩中,属奥陶系(439-463 Ma)桑迪亚组。

Table 3: Aurora Drill Results for Holes A23-001 to A23-003


Hole From To Interval1 Description Cu (total) Mo Ag CuEq*
ID m m m % ppm ppm %
A22-001 0.5 22.45 0.5 Partially Leached 0.12 51.23 2.98 0.16
22.45 388 365.55 Oxidized/Mixed/Primary 0.33 114.16 3.64 0.33
Includes 22.45 145.8 123.35 Oxidized/Mixed 0.49 36.49 4.20 0.54
Includes 100.35 145.8 45.45 Enriched 0.64 17.41 3.40 0.67
Includes 100.35 124.3 23.95 Enriched 0.87 23.7 3.43 0.87
Includes 108.65 124.3 15.65 Enriched 1.09 32.75 3.00 1.10
145.8 172.9 21.1 #Fault zone/Mixed 0.23 68.79 1.16 0.27
172.9 388 215.1 Primary 0.24 167.96 3.47 0.33
Includes 298.85 326 27.15 Primary 0.48 31.15 7.01 0.55
Includes 366 388 22 Primary - Mo rich 0.21 573.45 1.43 0.42
Hole From To Interval1 Description Cu (total) Mo Ag CuEq*
ID m m m % ppm ppm %
A22-002 0.10 89.40 89.30 Leached 0.04 48.38 0.55 0.04
89.40 208.00 118.60 Partially Leached 0.22 67.24 2.53 0.24
208,00 422.40 214.40 Oxidized/Mixed/Primary 0.35 113.88 3.95 0.41
Includes 244.00 296.00 52.00 Primary 0.52 130.55 4.53 0.53
422.40 479.00 56.60 Primary (Late Porphyry) 0.09 72.09 1.29 0.10
479.00 561.60 82.60 Primary - Mo rich 0.19 349.49 1.34 0.20
Hole From To Interval1 Description Cu (total) Mo Ag CuEq*
ID m m m % ppm ppm %
A22-003 2.70 38.00 35.3 Partially leached 0.12 48.89 1.17 0.14
38.00 702.30 664.3 Partially leached /Mixed/Enriched/Primary 0.33 483.14 3.23 0.52
Includes 38.00 132.00 94.00 Partially leached with sulphides 0.21 103.24 3.78 0.28
Includes 132.00 350.00 218.00 Mixed sulphides/Enrichment 0.69 161.77 5.65 0.79
Includes 206.00 350.00 144.00 Enriched 0.75 96.52 5.87 0.83
Includes 258.00 350.00 92.00 Enriched 0.83 71.07 6.81 0.91
Includes 350.00 522.00 172.00 Primary (intermineral) 0.22 258.80 2.47 0.33
Includes 522.00 702.30 180.30 Primary (Moly rich) 0.07 1283.78 0.73 0.51
孔洞 从… 间隔1 描述 CU(总计) CuEq*
ID号 M M M 百分比 百万分之 百万分之 百分比
A22-001 0.5 22.45 0.5 部分淋洗 0.12 51.23 2.98 0.16
22.45 388 365.55 氧化/混合/初级 0.33 114.16 3.64 0.33
包括 22.45 145.8 123.35 氧化/混合 0.49 36.49 4.20 0.54
包括 100.35 145.8 45.45 丰富 0.64 17.41 3.40 0.67
包括 100.35 124.3 23.95 丰富 0.87 23.7 3.43 0.87
包括 108.65 124.3 15.65 丰富 1.09 32.75 3.00 1.10
145.8 172.9 21.1 ****断裂带/混杂 0.23 68.79 1.16 0.27
172.9 388 215.1 主要 0.24 167.96 3.47 0.33
包括 298.85 三百二十六 27.15 主要 0.48 31.15 7.01 0.55
包括 366 388 22 富钼原生元素 0.21 573.45 1.43 0.42
孔洞 从… 间隔1 描述 CU(总计) CuEq*
ID号 M M M 百分比 百万分之 百万分之 百分比
A22-002 0.10 89.40 89.30 淋滤 0.04 48.38 0.55 0.04
89.40 208.00 118.60 部分淋洗 0.22 67.24 2.53 0.24
208,00 422.40 214.40 氧化/混合/初级 0.35 113.88 3.95 0.41
包括 244.00 296.00 52.00 主要 0.52 130.55 4.53 0.53
422.40 479.00 56.60 原生(晚斑岩) 0.09 72.09 1.29 0.10
479.00 561.60 82.60 富钼原生元素 0.19 349.49 1.34 0.20
孔洞 从… 间隔1 描述 CU(总计) CuEq*
ID号 M M M 百分比 百万分之 百万分之 百分比
A22-003 2.70 38.00 35.3 部分淋洗 0.12 48.89 1.17 0.14
38.00 702.30 664.3 部分淋滤/混合/浓缩/原生 0.33 483.14 3.23 0.52
包括 38.00 132.00 94.00 部分用硫化物浸出 0.21 103.24 3.78 0.28
包括 132.00 350.00 218.00 混合硫化物/浓缩 0.69 161.77 5.65 0.79
包括 206.00 350.00 144.00 丰富 0.75 96.52 5.87 0.83
包括 258.00 350.00 92.00 丰富 0.83 71.07 6.81 0.91
包括 350.00 522.00 172.00 原生(矿物间) 0.22 258.80 2.47 0.33
包括 522.00 702.30 180.30 初级(富钼) 0.07 1283.78 0.73 0.51

Table 4: Aurora Drill Results for Holes A23-004 to A23-006


Hole From To Interval1 Description Cu (total) Mo Ag CuEq*
ID m m m % % g/t %
A23-004 0 700.9 700.9 Leached/Mixed/Enriched/Primary 0.18 0.142 2.47 0.70
Includes 0 34 34 Leached 0.04 0.064 1.07 0.27
34 110.9 76.9 Partially leached 0.19 0.066 2.83 0.46
110.9 333 222.1 Mixed/Enriched/Primary 0.46 0.056 5.88 0.72
Includes 110.9 264 153.1 Mixed/Enriched 0.53 0.058 7.07 0.86
333 421 88 Primary (Molybdenum rich) 0.05 0.149 0.78 0.56
421 502 81 Primary (Molybdenum rich) 0.12 0.152 0.84 0.64
502 700.9 198.9 Primary (Molybdenum rich) 0.02 0.273 0.17 1.07
Hole From To Interval1 Description Cu (total) Mo Ag CuEq*
ID m m m % % g/t %
A23-005 0 693.4 693.4 Leached/Mixed/Enriched/Primary 0.11 0.144 1.95 0.64
Includes 0 20 20 Leached 0.03 0.092 23.23 0.58
20 130 110 Partially leached 0.12 0.059 2.79 0.36
130 188 58 Mixed/Enriched 0.43 0.054 3.38 0.66
188 302 114 Primary 0.14 0.076 1.38 0.42
302 472 170 Primary (Molybdenum rich) 0.10 0.11 1.05 0.50
472 693.4 221.4 Primary (Molybdenum rich) 0.03 0.259 0.95 0.95
Hole From To Interval1 Description Cu (total) Mo Ag CuEq*
ID m m m % % g/t %
A23-006 0 14.7 14.7 No core recovered - - - -
14.7 91 76.3 Partially leached 0.10 0.061 3.00 0.33
91 708.5 617.5 Mixed/Enriched/Primary 0.17 0.148 1.82 0.69
Includes 91 127 36 Mixed/Enriched 0.62 0.031 9.10 0.80
321 708.55 387.55 Primary (Molybdenum rich) 0.07 0.205 0.74 0.78
500 708.55 208.55 Primary (Molybdenum rich) 0.08 0.260 0.86 0.98
孔洞 从… 间隔1 描述 CU(总计) CuEq*
ID号 M M M 百分比 百分比 克/吨 百分比
A23-004 0 700.9 700.9 淋滤/混合/浓缩/主要 0.18 0.142 2.47 0.70
包括 0 34 34 淋滤 0.04 0.064 1.07 0.27
34 110.9 76.9 部分淋洗 0.19 0.066 2.83 0.46
110.9 三百三十三 222.1 混合/丰富/主要 0.46 0.056 5.88 0.72
包括 110.9 二百六十四 153.1 混合/浓缩 0.53 0.058 7.07 0.86
三百三十三 四百二十一 88 原生元素(富钼) 0.05 0.149 0.78 0.56
四百二十一 502 八十一 原生元素(富钼) 0.12 0.152 0.84 0.64
502 700.9 198.9 原生元素(富钼) 0.02 0.273 0.17 1.07
孔洞 从… 间隔1 描述 CU(总计) CuEq*
ID号 M M M 百分比 百分比 克/吨 百分比
A23-005 0 693.4 693.4 淋滤/混合/浓缩/主要 0.11 0.144 1.95 0.64
包括 0 20个 20个 淋滤 0.03 0.092 23.23 0.58
20个 130 110 部分淋洗 0.12 0.059 2.79 0.36
130 188 58 混合/浓缩 0.43 0.054 3.38 0.66
188 三百零二 114 主要 0.14 0.076 1.38 0.42
三百零二 472 一百七十 原生元素(富钼) 0.10 0.11 1.05 0.50
472 693.4 221.4 原生元素(富钼) 0.03 0.259 0.95 0.95
孔洞 从… 间隔1 描述 CU(总计) CuEq*
ID号 M M M 百分比 百分比 克/吨 百分比
A23-006 0 14.7 14.7 未恢复核心 - - - -
14.7 91 76.3 部分淋洗 0.10 0.061 3.00 0.33
91 708.5 617.5 混合/丰富/主要 0.17 0.148 1.82 0.69
包括 91 127 36 混合/浓缩 0.62 0.031 9.10 0.80
三百二十一 708.55 387.55 原生元素(富钼) 0.07 0.205 0.74 0.78
500人 708.55 208.55 原生元素(富钼) 0.08 0.260 0.86 0.98

Note: *Copper equivalent grades (CuEq) are for comparative purposes only. Mo, Cu and Ag values are uncut and recovery is assumed to be 100% for the entire drilled length of A23-01, A23-02, A23-003, A23-04, A23-05 and A23-06. The project is at an early stage of exploration and conceptual recoveries of Cu 85%, Mo 82%, and Ag 75% are assigned to the CuEq calculations. Conversion of metals to an equivalent copper grade based on these metal prices is relative to the copper price per unit mass factored by conceptual recoveries for those metals normalized to the conceptualized copper recovery. The metal equivalencies for each metal are added to the copper grade. The formula for this is: CuEq % = Cu% + (Mo% * (Mo recovery / Cu recovery) * (Mo $ per lb / Cu $ per lb) + (Ag g/t * (Ag recovery / Cu recovery) * (Ag $ per oz/ 31.1034768) / (Cu $ per lb* 22.04623)).


*Copper equivalent calculations use metal prices of Cu - US$3.34/lb, Mo - US$11.86/lb and Ag - US$21.87/oz.


1 Intervals are downhole drilled core lengths. Drilling data to date is insufficient to determine true width of mineralization. Mo, Cu and Ag values are uncut.


Table 5. Summary of Drill Results for Diamond Drillhole A23-007 and A23-008. All grades are length-weighted averages of samples within the interval reported.


Hole From To Interval1 Description Cu (total) Mo Ag Cueq*
ID m m m % % g/t %
A23-007 0 708.25 708.25 Partially Leached/Primary/Hornfels 0.25 0.0137 3.07 0.33
Includes 0 99 99 Partially leached/Hornfels 0.30 0.0004 4.91 0.34
99 206 107 Leached Hornfels 0.18 0.0004 3.54 0.21
206 406 200 Primary/Hornfels 0.37 0.0030 3.83 0.42
Includes 206 254 48 Primary/Hornfels 0.57 0.0020 5.33 0.61
254 272 18 Primary/Hornfels 0.24 0.0032 1.78 0.26
272 306 34 Primary/Hornfels 0.48 0.0030 6.33 0.53
306 356 50 Primary/Hornfels 0.23 0.0034 1.91 0.24
356 378 22 Primary/Hornfels 0.50 0.0030 5.65 0.55
406 639.5 233.50 Primary/Porphyry 0.17 0.0146 1.88 0.19
639.5 708.25 68.75 Primary/Hornfels 0.18 0.0814 1.51 0.19
A23-008 0 3.10 3.10 No core Recovered - - - -
3.1 703.65 700.55 Primary/Hornfels+Porphyry 0.10 0.0852 1.18 0.40
Includes 3.1 39 35.90 Primary/Hornfels 0.21 0.0035 2.26 0.24
123 188.55 65.55 Primary/Hornfels 0.23 0.0086 5.41 0.30
402 703.65 301.65 Primary/Porphyry 0.03 0.1548 0.26 0.56
孔洞 从… 间隔1 描述 CU(总计) CuEq*
ID号 M M M 百分比 百分比 克/吨 百分比
A23-007 0 708.25 708.25 部分淋洗/原生/角质 0.25 0.0137 3.07 0.33
包括 0 九十九 九十九 部分淋洗/Hornfels 0.30 0.0004 4.91 0.34
九十九 206 一百零七 浸出的霍恩费尔斯 0.18 0.0004 3.54 0.21
206 406 200个 初级/角质 0.37 0.0030 3.83 0.42
包括 206 二百五十四 48 初级/角质 0.57 0.0020 5.33 0.61
二百五十四 二百七十二 18 初级/角质 0.24 0.0032 1.78 0.26
二百七十二 三百零六 34 初级/角质 0.48 0.0030 6.33 0.53
三百零六 三百五十六 50 初级/角质 0.23 0.0034 1.91 0.24
三百五十六 三七八 22 初级/角质 0.50 0.0030 5.65 0.55
406 639.5 233.50 原生/斑岩 0.17 0.0146 1.88 0.19
639.5 708.25 68.75 初级/角质 0.18 0.0814 1.51 0.19
A23-008 0 3.10 3.10 未恢复核心 - - - -
3.1 703.65 700.55 原生/角质+斑岩 0.10 0.0852 1.18 0.40
包括 3.1 39 35.90 初级/角质 0.21 0.0035 2.26 0.24
123 188.55 65.55 初级/角质 0.23 0.0086 5.41 0.30
四百零二 703.65 301.65 原生/斑岩 0.03 0.1548 0.26 0.56

Note: *Copper equivalent grades (CuEq) are for comparative purposes only. Mo values are cut to 0.5% and Cu and Ag values are uncut and recovery is assumed to be 100% for the entire drilled length of A23-007 and A23-008. The project is at an early stage of exploration and conceptual recoveries of Cu 85%, Mo 82%, and Ag 75%. are assigned to the CuEq calculations. Conversion of metals to an equivalent copper grade based on these metal prices is relative to the copper price per unit mass factored by conceptual recoveries for those metals normalized to the conceptualized copper recovery. The metal equivalencies for each metal are added to the copper grade. The formula for this is: CuEq % = Cu% + (Mo% * (Mo recovery / Cu recovery) * (Mo $ per lb / Cu $ per lb) + (Ag g/t * (Ag recovery / Cu recovery) * (Ag $ per oz/ 31.1034768) / (Cu $ per lb* 22.04623)).


*Copper equivalent calculations use metal prices of Cu - US$3.34/lb, Mo - US$11.86/lb and Ag - US$21.87/oz.


1 Intervals are downhole drilled core lengths. Drilling data to date is insufficient to determine true width of mineralization. Mo values are cut to 0.5% and Cu and Ag values are uncut.


Figure 1: DLP Project areas in Peru with Aurora Project Shown.


Figure 2: Aurora Project – Simplified geology showing historic drilling and drilling by DLP in 2022-2023 with A23-009 and A23-010 (in progress) highlighted in red numbering.


Figure 3: Aurora Project – Simplified NW-SE geological section showing DLP drillholes in yellow and historic drillhole of Vena in red.


Figure 4: Aurora Project – NW-SE section showing positions of historic drilling and current DLP drillholes numbered in red. Downhole values for copper and molybdenum are shown as bar graphs for assigned intervals with Cu % on right and Mo ppm on left of drillhole.

图4:Aurora Project-NW-SE部分,显示历史钻井和当前DLP钻孔的位置,用红色编号。铜和钼的井下值以条形图的形式显示在指定的井段内,铜的百分比在钻孔的右侧,钼的百万分率在钻孔的左侧。

Qualified Person


David L. Pighin, consulting geologist and co-founder of DLP Resources, is the qualified person of the Company as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Pighin has reviewed and approved the technical contents of this news release.

David·L·培根,咨询地质学家,DLP Resources联合创始人,是国家仪器43-101定义的公司合格人员。Pighin先生已经审查并批准了本新闻稿的技术内容

About DLP Resources Inc.

关于DLP Resources Inc.

DLP Resources Inc. is a mineral exploration company operating in Southeastern British Columbia and Peru, exploring for Base Metals and Cobalt. DLP is listed on the TSX-V, trading symbol DLP and on the OTCQB, trading symbol DLPRF. Please refer to our web site for additional information.

DLP Resources Inc.是一家在不列颠哥伦比亚省东南部和秘鲁运营的矿产勘探公司,勘探贱金属和钴。DLP在多伦多证券交易所上市,交易代码为DLP,在OTCQB上市,交易代码为DLPRF。有关更多信息,请参阅我们的网站。



Ian Gendall, CEO & President
Jim Stypula, Executive Chairman
Robin Sudo, Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary
Maxwell Reinhart, Investor Relations
Telephone: 250-426-7808

DLP Resources Inc.
电子邮件: 邮箱

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements relate to future events or future performance and reflect the expectations or beliefs of management of the Company regarding future events. Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" or "occur". This information and these statements, referred to herein as "forward‐looking statements", are not historical facts, are made as of the date of this news release and include without limitation, statements regarding discussions of future plans, estimates and forecasts and statements as to management's expectations and intentions with respect to drilling on the Aurora Project in Peru.


These forward‐looking statements involve numerous risks and uncertainties and actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things drill results expected from the Aurora Project in Peru.


Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, forward-looking information or financial out-look that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws. We seek safe harbor.


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