
Azincourt Energy Receives Results of 2023 Drilling Program at the East Preston Uranium Project

Azincourt Energy Receives Results of 2023 Drilling Program at the East Preston Uranium Project

Azincourt Energy 收到 2023 年东普雷斯顿铀项目钻探计划的结果
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/08/17 09:00

Figure 1: East Preston Project Location – Western Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada


Figure 1: East Preston Project Location – Western Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada

Figure 2: 2023 Target areas and Drill Hole Locations at the East Preston Uranium Project with the area of dravite and kaolinite clay alteration highlighted in red.


Figure 2: 2023 Target areas and Drill Hole Locations at the East Preston Uranium Project with the area of dravite and kaolinite clay alteration highlighted in red.
  • Elevated uranium, dravite clay alteration identified in K and H-Zones
  • K带和H带中发现的高铀、镁铝粘土蚀变

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AZINCOURT ENERGY CORP. ("Azincourt" or the "Company") (TSX.V: AAZ, OTCQB: AZURF), is pleased to announce that the sample analysis has finally been received from the 2023 exploration program at the East Preston uranium project in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada.

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省,2023年8月17日(环球通讯社)阿辛考特能源公司。(“AzinCourt”或“公司”)(TSX.V:AAZ,OTCQB:AZURF)很高兴地宣布,加拿大萨斯喀彻温省阿萨巴斯卡盆地的East Preston铀矿项目的2023年勘探项目最终收到了样品分析。

Drilling for the 2023 program at the East Preston Project consisted of a total of 3,066 meters completed in 13 drill holes between February and March 2023. Drilling was focused on the G, K, H, and Q zones (Figure 3) with results reported in a news release dated March 28th, 2023.


Winter 2023 Diamond Drilling Program Highlights


A total of 687 samples were collected throughout the program and sent to the Geoanalytical Laboratory at the Saskatchewan Research Council in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan for analysis. As was reported in a news release dated July 11, 2023, there was a delay with the analytical results. After a review of the initial data received from the lab, there were significant quality control issues noted within the results. As part of the quality control process, standards with a known concentration of uranium are inserted in the sample batches. These samples are analyzed to confirm that the results for that batch of samples are within an acceptable range based on the results of the standards. The issues noticed manifested as anomalous results occurring in the samples analyzed immediately following several of the standards. As a result, these samples were reanalyzed. Once the issue was identified, confirmed, and resolved, the company requested that all samples of the affected batches be run through the process to ensure a complete consistent data set.


Analysis of the results shows uranium enrichment within the previously identified clay alteration zones along the K, and H- target zones. Uranium enrichment is identified as uranium (U) values and a uranium/thorium ratio (U/Th) above what would normally be expected in the given rock type or area.


Drilling on the northeast trending G-Zone (Figure 2) identified extensive hydrothermal alteration and evidence of east-west cross-cutting structures along the southern portion of the zone. The primary rock types in the alteration zone are granodiorite and diorite gneiss with average expected values of 2-3 ppm U and U/Th ratios of 0.25-0.3. Elevated radioactivity was intersected in EP0045 and EP0047 and EP0047 returned elevated U and U/Th values. While this is a good sign, the alteration zone does not display the upgraded clay alteration halo seen at Zones K and H.


Illite and kaolinite are both indicators of hydrothermal alteration typically found within alteration halos of unconformity uranium deposits. Dravite is a boron-rich clay which is typically found within a larger clay package in close proximity to uranium mineralization in the system. Both illite and dravite have been identified as being significant vectors for the recent Patterson Lake North discovery by F3 Uranium approximately 60 km to the northwest of the East Preston project.


On the north end of the K-Zone (Figure 2), drilling intersected extensive structure and hydrothermal clay alteration within the structural zone. Samples of clay alteration were analyzed by Short Wavelength Infrared Reflectance (SWIR, sometimes referred to as "PIMA") to confirm the clay species. All three holes contained illite and kaolinite clay species, with EP0049 also having dravite identified within the structural zone. EP0049 also returned elevated Thorium.


The H-Zone covers a change in orientation of the structural and conductive trend from north south to southwest trending (Figure 2). Drilling intersected an intense graphitic fault zone with hydrothermal alteration. The Illite clay alteration halo identified in the K-Zone extends south into the H Zone as far south as EP0053. Hole EP0053 intersected elevated radioactivity and both kaolinite and dravite are also present within the illite alteration package. Dravite was also identified in hole EP0052. Rocks in this zone are expected to return values of 0.5-1.5 ppm U and U/Th ratios of 0.25-0.5. Holes EP0052 and EP0056 returned the best analytical results of the program with U/Th ratios of 1.0 and 1.8 respectively, and uranium in the 5-6 ppm range.


The company considers the drilling results to date to be significant, as major uranium discoveries in the Athabasca Basin such as McArthur River, Key Lake, and Millennium were primarily the result of drill testing of strong alteration zones related to conductor features. Identifying and upgrading the strong alteration zones is a significant step forward in identifying the key areas along the conductor trends where more attention is required.


"The alteration we are seeing in the K and H Zones is very encouraging" said VP, Exploration, Trevor Perkins. "The associated elevated uranium present is also very promising and shows that we are vectoring towards something in this area. The identification of dravite and illite clays with the elevated uranium emphasizes that we are on the right track and getting close. This target area will be a top priority moving forward and based on results we may see the north-northwest trending structures taking on more significance for targeting on this trend and others on the property," continued Mr. Perkins.


"We're encouraged by the appropriate clay content in the alteration zones. If you're hunting for a uranium deposit, this is what you need to see," said CEO, Alex Klenman. "The elevated uranium values from the last two drill programs, combined with the confirmed presence of relevant clays and strong U/Th ratios, within these systems, are substantial developments in the progression of the project and should not be underestimated. Although we'd certainly welcome encountering significant mineralization we continue to be well within a practical discovery timeline. We are eager to continue moving the project forward and will begin formulating the next phase of drilling at East Preston. In the meantime, we're active at the Big Hill lithium project in Newfoundland and are awaiting results of the current work program. A follow up program is in the planning stage and will be announced shortly," continued Mr. Klenman.

首席执行官亚历克斯·克伦曼表示:“蚀变带中适当的粘土含量令我们感到鼓舞。如果你正在寻找铀矿,这是你需要看到的。”最近两次钻探项目的铀值升高,再加上在这些系统中证实存在相关的粘土和强劲的铀/钍比,这些都是项目进展中的重大进展,不应被低估。尽管我们当然欢迎遇到重大的矿化,但我们继续在实际发现的时间线内。我们渴望继续推进该项目,并将开始制定东普雷斯顿钻探的下一阶段计划。与此同时,我们正积极参与纽芬兰的Big Hill锂项目,并正在等待当前工作计划的结果。后续项目正在规划阶段,很快就会宣布。

East Preston Targets


The primary target area on the East Preston Project is the conductive corridors from the A-Zone through to the G-Zone (A-G Trend) and the K-Zone through to the H and Q-Zones (K-H-Q Trend) (Figure 2). The selection of these trends is based on a compilation of results from the 2018 through 2020 ground-based EM and gravity surveys, property wide VTEM and magnetic surveys, and the 2019 through 2022 drill programs, the 2020 HLEM survey indicates multiple prospective conductors and structural complexity along these corridors.

East Preston项目的主要目标区域是从A区到G区的导电走廊(A-G趋势)和从K区到H区和Q区的导电走廊(K-H-Q趋势)(图2)。这些趋势的选择是基于2018年至2020年地面电磁和重力调查、全物业VTEM和磁力调查以及2019年至2022年钻探计划的结果汇编,2020年HLEM调查显示这些走廊沿线有多个潜在导体和结构复杂性。

Drilling has confirmed that identified geophysical conductors comprise structurally disrupted zones that are host to accumulations of graphite, sulphides, and carbonates. Hydrothermal alteration, anomalous radioactivity, and elevated uranium have been demonstrated to exist within these structurally disrupted conductor zones.


Permitting and Community Engagement


The permitting process is underway for the 2024-2026 drill programs. Azincourt Energy continues to be engaged in regular meetings with the Clearwater River Dene Nation and other rights holders to ensure that concerns of the local communities are addressed with regards to the East Preston project. A more in-depth engagement process will also be commencing within the next couple of months with the La Loche Metis Local #39. Azincourt looks forward to a continued close working relationship with CRDN and other rights holders to ensure that any potential impacts and concerns are addressed and that the communities can benefit from activities in the area through support of local business, employment opportunities, and sponsorship of select community programs and initiatives. Local businesses are engaged to provide services and supplies and members of the Clearwater River Dene Nation and surrounding communities have been directly employed on site or to provide support and services to keep the camp and programs running.

2024-2026年钻探计划的许可程序正在进行中。AzinCourt Energy继续定期与Clearwater River Dene Nation和其他权利持有人举行会议,以确保解决当地社区对East Preston项目的关切。更深入的接触过程也将在未来几个月内与La Loche Metis Local#39开始。AzinCourt期待着与CRDN和其他权利持有者继续保持密切的工作关系,以确保解决任何潜在的影响和关切,并通过支持当地商业、就业机会和赞助选定的社区项目和倡议,使社区能够从该地区的活动中受益。当地企业受雇提供服务和用品,Clearwater River Dene Nation和周围社区的成员直接受雇于现场或提供支持和服务,以维持营地和方案的运行。

Figure 1: East Preston Project Location – Western Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada


Figure 2: 2023 Target areas and Drill Hole Locations at the East Preston Uranium Project with the area of dravite and kaolinite clay alteration highlighted in red.


About East Preston


Azincourt controls a majority 78.4% interest in the 25,000+ hectare East Preston project as part of a joint venture agreement with Skyharbour Resources (TSX.V: SYH), and Dixie Gold. Three prospective conductive, low magnetic signature corridors have been discovered on the property. The three distinct corridors have a total strike length of over 25 km, each with multiple EM conductor trends identified. Ground prospecting and sampling work completed to date has identified outcrop, soil, biogeochemical and radon anomalies, which are key pathfinder elements for unconformity uranium deposit discovery.

作为与天港资源公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:SYH)和Dixie Gold的合资协议的一部分,AzinCourt控制着25,000公顷East Preston项目78.4%的多数股权。在这处房产上已经发现了三条预期的导电性、低磁性特征走廊。这三条不同的走廊总走向长度超过25公里,每条走廊都确定了多个电磁导体趋势。迄今已完成的地面勘探和采样工作已查明露头、土壤、生物地球化学和氡异常,它们是发现不整合铀矿床的关键勘查元素。

The East Preston Project has multiple long linear conductors with flexural changes in orientation and offset breaks in the vicinity of interpreted fault lineaments – classic targets for basement-hosted unconformity uranium deposits. These are not just simple basement conductors; they are clearly upgraded/enhanced prospectively targets because of the structural complexity.


The targets are basement-hosted unconformity related uranium deposits similar to NexGen's Arrow deposit and Cameco's Eagle Point mine. East Preston is near the southern edge of the western Athabasca Basin, where targets are in a near surface environment without Athabasca sandstone cover – therefore they are relatively shallow targets but can have great depth extent when discovered. The project ground is located along a parallel conductive trend between the PLS-Arrow trend and Cameco's Centennial deposit (Virgin River-Dufferin Lake trend).

这些目标是与NexGen的Arrow矿床和Cameco的Eagle Point矿类似的基底不整合相关铀矿。东普雷斯顿靠近西部阿萨巴斯卡盆地的南缘,那里的目标处于没有阿萨巴斯卡砂岩覆盖的近地表环境中--因此它们是相对较浅的目标,但在被发现时可以有很大的深度。该项目的场地位于一条平行的导电走向上,这条走向介于LS-Arrow走向和Cameco的百年矿藏之间(维尔京河-达弗林湖走向)。

Qualified Person


The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101 and reviewed on behalf of the company by C. Trevor Perkins, P.Geo., Vice President, Exploration of Azincourt Energy, and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

本新闻稿中的技术信息是根据国家仪器43-101中规定的加拿大法规要求准备的,并由C.Trevor Perkins,P.Geo,AzinCourt Energy勘探副总裁和国家仪器43-101定义的一名合格人员代表公司进行审查。

About Azincourt Energy Corp.


Azincourt is a Canadian-based resource company specializing in the strategic acquisition, exploration, and development of alternative energy/fuel projects, including uranium, lithium, and other critical clean energy elements. The Company is currently active at its joint venture East Preston uranium project located in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, and the Big Hill lithium project, located in southwestern Newfoundland.

AzinCourt是一家总部位于加拿大的资源公司,专门从事替代能源/燃料项目的战略性收购、勘探和开发,包括铀、锂和其他关键的清洁能源元素。该公司目前活跃在其位于萨斯喀彻温省阿萨巴斯卡盆地的合资企业East Preston铀项目和位于纽芬兰西南部的Big Hill锂项目。



"Alex Klenman"
Alex Klenman, President & CEO


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For further information please contact:


Alex Klenman, President & CEO
Tel: 604-638-8063


Azincourt Energy Corp.
1430 – 800 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 2V6

温哥华,BC V6C 2V6

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:


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