
Silo Wellness Announces LOI to Acquire NUGL/Kaya in a Transaction Valued at CAD $43,289,624.60; CSE to Halt Trading Until Shareholder Approval

Silo Wellness Announces LOI to Acquire NUGL/Kaya in a Transaction Valued at CAD $43,289,624.60; CSE to Halt Trading Until Shareholder Approval

Silo Wellness宣布以价值43,289,624.60加元的交易收购Nugl/Kaya的意向书;CSE将在股东批准之前暂停交易
newsfile ·  2023/08/29 05:05

Eugene, Oregon--(Newsfile Corp. - August 29, 2023) - Silo Wellness, Inc. (CSE: SILO) (OTCQB: SILFF) (FSE: 3K7A) ("SILO") has confirmed its intention to acquire all of the issued and outstanding securities of NUGL Inc. (OTC Pink: NUGL) ("NUGL" or "TargetCo") in a transaction valued at CAD $43,289,624.60, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the binding Letter of Intent executed on August 28, 2023 in an arms-length transaction.

俄勒冈州尤金-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年8月29日)-Silo Wellness,Inc.(CSE:SILO)(OTCQB:SILFF)(FSE:3K7A)(以下简称“思洛”)已确认有意以43,289,624.60加元的交易收购NUGL Inc.(OTC Pink:NUGL)(或“TargetCo”)的所有已发行和未偿还证券,符合2023年8月28日签署的具有约束力的意向书中的条款和条件。

Terms of the Transaction:


  • SILO shall hold an annual and general special shareholders meeting to obtain approval for the acquisition of NUGL/Kaya, to elect a new board that would result in a change of control of the resulting issuer, and for a potential share consolidation and potential name change.

  • SILO will acquire 100% of the issued and outstanding shares of NUGL in exchange for 2,010,000,000 shares from treasury (all shares herein are pre-consolidation), for a purchase price of CAD $40,200,000.00.

  • NUGL stock options, warrants, and other convertible securities will be adjusted to receive SILO Common Shares on an economically equivalent basis.

  • Silo Wellness will issue common shares in a best-efforts private placement financing to raise gross proceeds of CAD $250,000.00 to $2M at 2 cents per share to validate the purchase price and cover costs to close the transaction, as well as provide additional capital for strategic growth post-merger.

  • Finder's fee of 3% of the transaction shall be paid to NUGL board member Benjamin Kaplan and 3% to Silo CEO Mike Arnold for a total of 64,934,437 shares issued each.

  • The final structure of the Transaction is subject to receipt of final tax, corporate, and securities law advice and securities regulatory and CSE approval for both SILO and NUGL.

  • The combined market cap of the two companies at the CAD $0.02/share valuation would be CAD $43,289,624.60. NUGL shares are valued at CAD $0.0461 (USD $0.0344). Silo shares are valued at CAD $0.02. The effective time of the transaction will result in the listing of the shares of the combined company on the Canadian Securities Exchange ("CSE"). The CSE is likely to keep the stock halted until such shareholder decision due to the size of the transaction, the change of control, and the definition of fundamental change under the rules.

  • Audited financial information about NUGL Inc. will be provided to shareholders prior to the special shareholders meeting to vote on this acquisition. This information will also be included in the press release announcing the signing of the definitive agreement.

  • 思洛将召开年度和股东特别大会,以获得对NUGL/Kaya收购的批准,选举一个将导致由此产生的发行人控制权变更的新董事会,并可能进行股份整合和可能的名称更改。

  • 思洛将以40,200,000.00加元的收购价格,从库房获得NUGL 100%的已发行和流通股,以换取20.1亿股(此处所有股份均为合并前股份)。

  • NUGL股票期权、认股权证和其他可转换证券将进行调整,以在经济对等的基础上获得思洛普通股。

  • Silo Wellness将以最大努力进行私募融资,发行普通股,以每股2美分的价格筹集25万加元至200万加元的毛收入,以验证收购价格并弥补完成交易的成本,并为合并后的战略增长提供额外资本。

  • 交易的3%将支付给NUGL董事会成员本杰明·卡普兰,3%将支付给思洛首席执行官Mike·阿诺德,每股发行64,934,437股。

  • 交易的最终结构取决于收到关于思洛和NUGL的最终税收、公司法和证券法咨询以及证券监管和CSE批准。

  • 以每股0.02加元的估值计算,两家公司的总市值将为43,289,624.60加元。NUGL的股票价值0.0461加元(合0.0344美元)。思洛的股票价值0.02加元。交易的生效时间将导致合并后公司的股票在加拿大证券交易所(“CSE”)上市。由于交易的规模、控制权的变化以及规则中对根本变化的定义,CSE可能会让股票暂停交易,直到股东做出这样的决定。

  • 有关NUGL公司的经审计的财务信息将在特别股东大会投票表决这项收购之前提供给股东。这一信息也将包括在宣布签署最终协议的新闻稿中。

Contact Silo Wellness:
Mike Arnold, CEO
IR at silo wellness dot com


For more information about Silo Wellness or to book a Jamaican psychedelic retreat, please visit .

欲了解更多关于Silo Wellness的信息或预订牙买加迷幻疗养地,请访问。

For NUGL Media and Investor Relations, please contact:


David L. Kugelman
(866) 692-6847 Toll Free - U.S. & Canada
(404) 281-8556 Mobile and WhatsApp
Skype: kugsusa


About Silo Wellness


Silo Wellness Inc., founded in Oregon and a leader in psilocybin wellness retreats, is unwavering in its dedication to destigmatize and democratize transformative psychedelic experiences. Oregon trial lawyer and entrepreneur Mike Arnold founded Silo Wellness in 2018, and it stands as the state's only publicly traded company actively providing psilocybin experiences to clients. The company's retreats, currently set in the breathtaking landscapes of Jamaica with expansion plans in Oregon, facilitate personal healing journeys.

Silo Wellness Inc.成立于俄勒冈州,是裸盖菇素健康疗养院的领导者,该公司坚定不移地致力于使变革性迷幻体验去污名化和民主化。俄勒冈州的庭审律师兼企业家Mike·阿诺德于2018年创立了思洛健康公司,它是该州唯一家积极为客户提供裸盖菇素体验的上市公司。该公司的务虚会目前设在牙买加令人叹为观止的风景中,并计划在俄勒冈州扩张,为个人疗伤之旅提供便利。

Silo Wellness has received significant media recognition for its groundbreaking work, notably including a feature in Anderson Cooper's CNN documentary, 'Magic Mushrooms: Can They Change Your Mind?' During this documentary (now on HBO Max), CNN Correspondent David Culver experiences on-camera psilocybin therapy, illuminating the transformative power of these experiences. It further emphasizes Silo Wellness's ambitious plans for a rural psilocybin service center in the Portland area, complete with overnight accommodations, pending land use permits. Acknowledging potential challenges and competition in this emergent field, Silo Wellness remains resolute in its mission to bring the healing power of psilocybin to those in need.

Silo Wellness因其开创性的工作而获得了媒体的高度认可,尤其是安德森·库珀在CNN的纪录片《神奇蘑菇:他们能改变你的想法吗?》中的一个特写。在这部纪录片(现在HBO Max)中,美国有线电视新闻网记者David·卡尔弗在镜头前体验了裸盖菇素治疗,阐明了这些经历的变革性力量。它进一步强调了Silo Wellness雄心勃勃的计划,即在波特兰地区建立一个农村裸盖菇素服务中心,并提供过夜住宿,等待土地使用许可。认识到这一新兴领域的潜在挑战和竞争,思洛健康公司仍坚定不移地履行其使命,将裸盖菇素的治愈能力带给有需要的人。

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About Kaya Group and NUGL Inc.


Kaya is a leader in Jamaica's fast-growing hospitality and tourism industry through its three Kaya Herb House retail locations and Gap Café wellness center. Kaya Herb House Drax Hall near Ocho Rios is Jamaica's first legal Medical Marijuana dispensary and the company's flagship retail complex. It is also the base for Kaya's cultivation and processing operations. The second Kaya Herb House in Kingston is minutes from the Bob Marley Museum, Jamaica House, the Office of the Prime Minister, and the French Embassy in the heart of Kingston within the golden triangle. Kaya's third retail location in the historic town of Falmouth is minutes from the cruise ship terminal and about 30 minutes from Montego Bay. Kaya recently opened the first phase of its Wellness Center at The Gap Café, located in the pristine hills of the Jamaican Blue Mountains, approximately 21 miles from Kingston outside the entrance to Holywell Recreation Park. The Gap Café has been a Jamaican treasure for nearly a century. Kaya has operated it as a wellness center since December 2022.

卡亚是牙买加快速增长的酒店和旅游业的领导者,通过其三个卡亚药草之家零售点和盖普咖啡馆́健康中心。Ocho Rios附近的Kaya Herb House Drax Hall是牙买加第一家合法的医用大麻药房,也是该公司的旗舰零售综合体。它也是卡亚种植和加工业务的基地。金斯敦的第二家Kaya草药之家距离金三角内的鲍勃·马利博物馆、牙买加之家、总理办公室和法国大使馆只有几分钟的路程。卡亚在历史悠久的小镇法尔茅斯的第三个零售点距离邮轮码头几分钟车程,距离蒙特哥湾约30分钟车程。卡亚最近在盖普咖啡馆́开设了第一期健康中心,该咖啡馆位于牙买加蓝山的原始丘陵中,距离金斯敦约21英里,位于霍利韦尔娱乐公园的入口处。盖普咖啡馆́近一个世纪以来一直是牙买加的宝藏。自2022年12月以来,Kaya一直将其作为健康中心运营。

Kaya offers tours of Kaya Farm at its Drax Hall location, with more than 45 different genetics being cultivated and processed. All of our Kaya Herb House retail locations include:

Kaya提供在Drax Hall位置的Kaya农场之旅,有超过45种不同的基因正在培育和加工。我们所有的Kaya Herb House零售点包括:

  • A Dab Bar Consumption Lounge.

  • An authentic Italian thin-crust pizzeria.

  • Our world-renowned Square Grouper bar.

  • 一间轻柔的酒吧消费休息室。

  • 正宗的意大利薄皮披萨店。

  • 我们享誉世界的Square Grouper酒吧。

Kaya targets the potential multibillion-dollar industry for developing, marketing, and distributing psilocybin mushrooms, which are legal in Jamaica, through its Kaya Extracts division. For more information about Kaya, please visit .


Follow Kaya on social media using the links below:


  • Kaya Herb House Instagram

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The NUGL platform provides companies in the cannabis industry with targeted networking and advertising opportunities to expand their reach by connecting with consumers where cannabis is legal.


To view the source version of this press release, please visit


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