
Franklin Wireless Expands Into Artificial Intelligence (AI) Family Safeguarding Solutions: A New Journey of Innovation

Franklin Wireless Expands Into Artificial Intelligence (AI) Family Safeguarding Solutions: A New Journey of Innovation

Franklin Wireless 扩展到人工智能 (AI) 家庭保护解决方案:创新新征程
Accesswire ·  2023/09/05 09:00

SAN DIEGO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / September 5, 2023 / Franklin Wireless Corp. (NASDAQ:FKWL), a pioneering force in broadband data communications, is thrilled to announce its latest introduction into the realm of Software Solutions.

加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥/ACCESSWIRE/2023 年 9 月 5 日/ 宽带数据通信领域的先驱力量富兰克林无线公司(纳斯达克股票代码:FKWL)很高兴地宣布其最新进入软件解决方案领域。

With a distinguished track record in hardware and software, particularly within the 4G/5G domain while collaborating with Tier 1 operators, Franklin has consistently risen to the challenge of intricate market segments, offering streamlined and secure solutions. From the successful launch of the Pintrac suite of solutions to the recent rollout of JEXtream Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions, Franklin empowers consumers, businesses, and educational institutions to effortlessly oversee and regulate their devices through a user-friendly, secure portal.

富兰克林在硬件和软件方面有着卓越的业绩,尤其是在4G/5G领域,同时与一级运营商合作,始终如一地迎接错综复杂的细分市场的挑战,提供简化和安全的解决方案。从成功推出Pintrac解决方案套件到最近推出的jExtream移动设备管理(MDM)解决方案,Franklin 通过用户友好、安全的门户网站,让消费者、企业和教育机构能够毫不费力地监督和监管其设备。

Building upon the foundation of past achievements, Franklin is now embarking on a journey to expand its product portfolio, setting its sights on Family Safety and Security. The upcoming product lines will initially target the enhancement of home/family internet experiences and the cultivation of healthy digital habits. These innovative Family Safety solutions are designed to transcend both the domestic and external environments.


Franklin has currently been awarded several key patents in the U.S. and Korea and several more patents are pending. These patents are not only intended to amplify the value of its hardware products but also to create future business prospects in collaboration with broadband wireless, wired data service, and artificial intelligence (AI).

富兰克林目前已在美国和韩国获得多项关键专利,还有几项专利正在申请中。这些专利不仅旨在扩大其硬件产品的价值,还旨在与宽带无线、有线数据服务和人工智能 (AI) 合作创造未来的业务前景。

President of Franklin Wireless OC Kim expressed his enthusiasm for this strategic expansion. "We're delighted to introduce an extensive suite of solutions centered around family safety and security. The unveiling of the JEXtream Family series marks a pivotal milestone for Franklin Wireless as we uphold our commitment to delivering app-enabled software solutions," stated Kim. "JEXtream empowers customers to effectively oversee, streamline, and secure connected devices, ensuring the safety of families and the seamless operation of businesses. Eventually with artificial intelligence (AI) in the near future."

富兰克林无线OC总裁金表达了他对这一战略扩张的热情。“我们很高兴推出一套以家庭安全和保障为中心的广泛解决方案。JeXtream Family系列的推出标志着富兰克林无线的一个关键里程碑,因为我们坚持提供支持应用程序的软件解决方案的承诺,” Kim说。“jExtream使客户能够有效地监督、简化和保护联网设备,确保家庭安全和企业的无缝运营。最终将在不久的将来出现人工智能(AI)。”

The Family Safety series will initially cater to parents and children. However, Franklin's commitment to innovation will soon result in offerings tailored for seniors, pets, and family businesses all seamlessly integrated into the Family series of products. These solutions will operate under a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model, delivered through subscription-based plans. Following the rollout of JEXtream family solutions, JEXtream business solutions will step in to streamline business operations securely, thereby inherently reducing overall operational costs with broadband wireless and wired data service.

“家庭安全” 系列最初将迎合父母和孩子的需求。但是,富兰克林对创新的承诺很快将促成为老年人、宠物和家族企业量身定制的产品无缝整合到Family系列产品中。这些解决方案将在软件即服务 (SaaS) 模式下运行,通过基于订阅的计划交付。在推出jExtream系列解决方案之后,jExtream业务解决方案将介入安全地简化业务运营,从而通过宽带无线和有线数据服务从根本上降低总体运营成本。

About Franklin Wireless


Franklin Wireless (FKWL) stands as a frontrunner in integrated solutions, harnessing the latest advancements in 4G LTE and 5G technologies. Augmented by subscription-based software services, these solutions empower users with remote capabilities, including mobile device management (MDM) and software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN). For additional information, please visit

富兰克林无线(FKWL)利用4G LTE和5G技术的最新进展,成为集成解决方案的领跑者。通过基于订阅的软件服务,这些解决方案为用户提供了远程功能,包括移动设备管理 (MDM) 和软件定义广域网 (SD-WAN)。欲了解更多信息,请访问

Safe Harbor Statement


Certain statements in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements, expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

本新闻稿中的某些声明构成1933年《证券法》第27A条和1934年《证券交易法》第21E条所指的 “前瞻性陈述”。此类前瞻性陈述涉及已知和未知的风险、不确定性和其他因素,这些因素可能导致公司的实际业绩、业绩或成就与此类前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的任何未来业绩、业绩或成就存在重大差异。

Contact Information


Investor Relations
Franklin Wireless
+1 858 623 0000

+1 858 623 0000

SOURCE: Franklin Wireless

来源: 富兰克林无线

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