
Compass Trench Sampling Along the Tarabala Prospect Identifies Several Wide High-grade Mineralized Zones

Compass Trench Sampling Along the Tarabala Prospect Identifies Several Wide High-grade Mineralized Zones

塔拉巴拉勘探区沿线的 Compass 海沟采样发现了几个宽阔的高品位矿化带
newsfile ·  2023/09/13 07:30

Highest-Grade Interval at Massala; Includes 20 m at 4.13 g/t Au


Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - September 13, 2023) - Compass Gold Corp. (TSXV: CVB) (Compass or the Company) provides an update on the recent trenching sampling program at the Tarabala prospect, located on the Company's Sikasso Property in southern Mali (Figure 1).

安大略省多伦多-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年9月13日)-指南针黄金公司(多伦多证券交易所代码:CVB)(指南针(该公司)提供了位于公司位于马里南部的Sikasso地产的Tarabala探矿最近的沟渠取样计划的最新情况(图1)。



  • Assay results have been received from five trenches, each 5 m deep and totalling 211 m in length at Tarabala and Massala

  • Best interval from Massala: 20 m at 4.13 g/t Au, including 4 m @ 19.19 g/t Au (5 m depth)

    • Widest intercept: 24 m @ 1.24 g/t Au (1 m depth)

    • Highest-grade interval: 1 m @ 71.60 g/t Au (5 m depth)

  • Best interval from Tarabala: 12 m at 0.86 g/t Au, including 2 m @ 3.81 g/t Au (5 m depth)

  • 化验结果来自塔拉巴拉和马萨拉的五个战壕,每个战壕深5米,总长211米

  • 从马萨拉出发的最佳距离:20米,4.13克/吨金,其中4米@19.19克/吨金(5米深)

    • 最宽截距:24米@1.24克/吨金(1米深)

    • 最高品位区间:1米@71.60克/吨金(深度5米)

  • 距离塔拉巴拉的最佳距离:12米,含金0.86g/t,含金2米,含金3.81克/吨(深度5米)

The objective of the trenching program was to test several sections of the 3.5-kilometre Tarabala trend to determine which sections contain the strongest gold mineralzation, including the best widths and grades, to support the commencement of a small mining operation. The trenching looked to find gold grades in the range of 0.8 g/t Au, which are believed to be sufficient to support a small near-surface mining operation. While the results along the Tarabala section of the trend achieved these objectives, the trenching at Massala along the northern end of the trend, returned widths and grades that far exceeded these objectives. Additional trenching is being planned after the rainy season ends in October on two of the most favourable zones at Massala.


Compass CEO, Larry Phillips, said, "The results from the recent trenching at Massala are extremely encouraging. The higher-grade intersections indicate that the first small mining operation could be located at this northern end of the Tarabala trend. With some additional trenching on either side of the Massala trench (MATR001), we should be able to quantify the tonnage of mineralization before proceeding with the metallurgical studies to determine recoveries and optimal processing methods."


Dr. Madani Diallo, Director and Country Manager, added, "These findings affirm our belief that several small-scale near-surface gold mines could be developed at Tarabala and Massala. It is important to note that the mineralization present in the trenches corresponds with mineralization identified by drilling at depths of over 100 metres. This suggests that, after near surface mining down to depths of 20 to 30 metres, there remains the potential to conduct larger scale open pit mining down to 100 metres or more."

董事和国家经理Madani Diallo博士“这些发现证实了我们的信念,即塔拉巴拉和马萨拉可以开发几个小型近地表金矿。值得注意的是,战壕中存在的矿化与在100米深的钻探发现的矿化相对应。这表明,在近地面开采到20至30米深后,仍有潜力进行更大规模的露天开采,深至100米或更深。”

Next Steps


The Company is developing a plan and budget to excavate more trenches closer to trench MATR001, which, of the two trenches at Massala, returned the best grade. Once a budget has been completed, Management will determine what funding will be required in addition to existing cash, in order to complete the program. Depending on funding, this work would be initiated in November when the rains abate. The assay results from that program, combined with the planned metallurgical study, would be used to perform a resource estimate on the near-surface mineralization and provide relevant and more detailed information concerning the potential for a near-surface small mining operation at Tarabala.


Figure 1: Location of Tarabala and Massala prospects where trenching was completed. Additional artisanal workings along the Tarabala and Massala faults are also displayed.


Recent Tarabala and Massala Trench Sampling Results


Three trenches (TATR001 to 003) were excavated at the Tarabala prospect to test the surface expression of a mineralized structure encountered during previous drilling (see Compass Press release April 18, 2023). That drilling intersected gold mineralization over a distance of 1,800 m, with widths up to 25 m, and slighly narrower zones with higher grades, e.g., 16 m @ 1.51 g/t Au (SAAC02) and 19 m @ 1.68 g/t Au (SARC022).


Trench TATR001 was excavated on a plateau 70 m south of the most extensive artisinal gold workings on property. The plateau is the result of a hard iron-cemented crust (termed cuirass or hard cap), that makes artisanal mining very difficult. Trenches TATR002 and TATR003 were located to the south of the eroded plateau and excavated in much softer laterite.


Mapping of the walls of TATR001 indicated the presence of numerous, highly broken-up narrow (1-5 cm) oxidized quartz veins. Sampling at depths of 1 and 4 m produced several discrete 1 m intervals, containing a maximum of 0.54 g/t Au. Bedrock RC drilling beneath the trench defined a mineralized zone that contained 25 m @ 0.58 g/t Au (from 67 m, SARC003), which included 3 m @ 1.14 g/t Au, from 75 m.

地图上的城墙TATR001表明存在大量高度破碎的狭窄(1-5厘米)氧化石英脉。在1米和4米深处采样产生了几个连续的1米间隔,最大含金量为0.54g/t。沟下的基岩RC钻探确定了一个矿化带,含金量为25m@0.58g/t(从67m开始,SARC003),其中包括3m@1.14g/t Au,从75m开始。

Trenches TATR002 and TATR003 are located 350 m and 400 m, respectively, to the south of TARR001. Due to the abundance of artisanal workings in the area, TATR003 was offset 50 m to the south. The trenches were selected to test the surface expression of a mineralized zone identified by drilling, including 5 m @ 1.23 g/t Au (SAAC082). The results from TATR002 indicate that mineralization was encountered at each depth tested (Table 1), and correlated between the depths. Discrete mineralized zones varied from 3 m @ 1.77 g/t Au (5 m depth) to 12 m @ 0.86 g/t Au (2 m depth). TATR003 tested mineralization in the hanging wall (to the east) and located three zones 2-3 m wide, with the best grade being 2 m @ 1.54 g/t Au (5 m depth).

战壕TATR002TATR003分别位于南面350米和400米处TARR001。由于该地区有大量的手工作业,TATR003向南偏移了50米。选择这些战壕是为了测试通过钻探确定的矿化带的表面表达,包括5米@1.23克/吨Au(SAAC082)。结果来自于TATR002表明在测试的每个深度都遇到了矿化(表1),并在不同深度之间进行了关联。不连续的矿化带从3米@1.77克/吨Au(5米深)至12米@0.86g/t Au(2米深)。TATR003在上盘(以东)进行了矿化测试,发现三个矿化带宽2-3m,最佳品位为2m@1.54g/t Au(深度为5m)。

Trench MATR001 at Massala (Figure 1) was selected to test the surface expression of a mineralized zone identified by drilling, including 24 m @ 2.35 g/t Au (SAAC123). The trench was excavated in heavily laterized rock, with only a surfical cuirass developed. Channel samples at depths of 1, 2 and 5 m were analysed and the results presented in Table 1. The 1 m depth sample identified gold mineralization over 24 m @ 1.24 g/t Au, the 2 m depth sample 18 m @ 1.44 g/t Au, and the 5 m depth sample 20 m @ 4.13 g/t Au (including 1 m @ 71.6 g/t Au), Figure 2. The sampling is in excellent agreement with the previous drilling.

沟槽材料001At Massala(图1)被选择来测试通过钻探确定的矿化带的表面表达,包括24米@2.35克/吨Au(SAAC123)。这条战壕是在红化程度很高的岩石中挖掘出来的,只发育了一种表面粗糙的角砾石。分析了1米、2米和5米深的河道样品,结果如表1所示。1米深的样品识别出24米@1.24克/吨Au,2米深度的样品18米@1.44克/吨Au,和5米深的样品20米@4.13克/吨金(包括1m@71.6g/t Au),图2。取样与以前的钻探非常吻合。

MATR002 was excavated 350 m to the south of MATR001, and was designed to test a narrow mineralized zone intercepted in SAAC235 containing 3 m @ 1.11 g/t Au. Sampling at a depth of 1 and 4 m over the 29 m length of this trench did not dectect gold grades greater than 0.13 g/t Au. It is likely that the trench did not continue far enough eastward to intercept the mineralization.


Figure 2: Map showing the location of the completed trenches at the Tarabala and Massala prospects.


Table 1. Results of channel sampling from trenches at Massala and Tarabala prospect.


Trench Level From (m) To (m) 1, 2 Interval (m) Au (g/t)
MATR001 1 m 5 20 15 0.39
MATR001 1 m 24 48 24 1.24
41 48 7 3.5
45 46 1 18.4
MATR001 2m 33 51 18 1.44
41 45 4 3.35

47 51 4 1.96

5m 33 53 20 4.13
40 53 13 6.23
41 42 1 71.6
TATR002 1 m 20 29 9 0.48

2 m 16 28 12 0.86
26 28 2 3.81

3 m 11 18 7 0.51

26 33 7 0.87

4 m 21 27 6 1.36
(still open)
32 34 2 0.72

5 m 15 16 1 1.19

24 27 3 1.77
TATR003 5 m 24 27 3 0.37

32 34 2 0.3

43 45 2 1.54
沟槽 水平 发件人(M) 至(M) 1、2间隔(M) Au(克/吨)
材料001 1米 5. 20个 15个 0.39
材料001 1米 24个 48 24个 1.24
41 48 7. 3.5
45 46 1 18.4
材料001 2M 33 51 18 1.44
41 45 4. 3.35

47 51 4. 1.96

5M 33 53 20个 4.13
40岁 53 13个 6.23
41 42 1 71.6
TATR002 1米 20个 29 9 0.48

2米 16年 28 12 0.86
26 28 2. 3.81

3米 11. 18 7. 0.51

26 33 7. 0.87

4米 21岁 27 6. 1.36
32 34 2. 0.72

5米 15个 16年 1 1.19

24个 27 3. 1.77
TATR003 5米 24个 27 3. 0.37

32 34 2. 0.3

43 45 2. 1.54

1True thicknesses are interpreted as 70-90% of stated intervals.
2 Intervals use a 0.2-gram-per-tonne gold cut-off value.


Figure 3: Cross section through trench MATR001 at Massala showing the location of the mineralization.


Technical Details


Both trenches at each of Tarabala and Massala were excavated to a depth of 5 m. Trench lengths varied from 28 to 50 m at Tarabala, and 29 to 70 m at Massala to account for the width of the mineralization projected to surface from the previous drilling programs at both prospects. The total length of the trenches was 211 m. Continuous horizontal channel samples were collected every metre for the length of the trench. One-metre vertical channel samples were collected from 0 to 5 m depth, at a maximum of 5 m along the trench. Sometimes the interval was reduced in areas of obvious mineralization characterized by veining and discolouration. Some of the samples were merged to produce 2 m wide composites in areas of enhanced quartz veining in trenches MATR001 and TATR002.


The excavation was performed by a local contractor under the supervision of Compass geologists. All samples were prepared by Compass staff, and an appropriate number of standards, duplicates and blanks were submitted and analyzed for gold using cyanide-leach (LeachWELL) analysis at SGS (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso).


About Compass Gold Corp.


Compass, a public company having been incorporated into Ontario, is a Tier 2 issuer on the TSX- V. Through the 2017 acquisition of MGE and Malian subsidiaries, Compass holds gold exploration permits located in Mali that comprise the Sikasso Property. The exploration permits are located in three sites in southern Mali with a combined land holding of 1,173 sq. km. The Sikasso Property is located in the same region as several multi-million-ounce gold projects, including Morila, Syama, Kalana and Komana. The Company's Mali-based technical team, led in the field by Dr. Madani Diallo and under the supervision of Dr. Sandy Archibald, P.Geo, is conducting the current exploration program. They are examining numerous anomalies first noted in Dr. Archibald's August 2017 "National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report on the Sikasso Property, Southern Mali."

Compass是一家已在安大略省注册成立的上市公司,是多伦多证交所的二级发行人。通过2017年收购MGE和马里子公司,Compass持有位于马里的黄金勘探许可证,这些许可证构成了Sikasso的资产。勘探许可证位于马里南部的三个地点,土地总面积为1173平方米。公里。Sikasso金矿与几个数百万盎司的黄金项目位于同一地区,包括Morila、Syama、Kalana和Komana。该公司驻马里的技术团队由Madani Diallo博士领导,在P.Geo Sandy阿奇博尔德博士的监督下,正在进行当前的勘探计划。他们正在研究阿奇博尔德博士在2017年8月发表的《关于马里南部锡卡索地产的国家仪器43-101技术报告》中首次指出的许多异常情况。

Qualified Person


This news release has been reviewed and approved by EurGeol. Dr. Sandy Archibald, P.Geo, Compass's Technical Director, the Qualified Person for the technical information in this news release under National Instrument 43-101 standards.

本新闻稿已由EurGeol审阅和批准。指南针技术董事的P.Geo桑迪·阿奇博尔德博士,根据National Instrument 43-101标准,有资格获得本新闻稿中的技术信息。

Forward‐Looking Information


This news release contains "forward‐looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws, including statements regarding the Company's planned exploration work and management appointments. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward‐looking information. Actual results and developments may differ materially from those contemplated by such information. The statements in this news release are made as of the date hereof. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward‐looking information except as required by applicable law.


For further information please contact:


Compass Gold Corporation
Larry Phillips - Pres. & CEO
T: +1 416-596-0996 X 302

电话:+1 416-596-0996 X 302

Compass Gold Corporation
Greg Taylor - Dir. Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
T: +1 416-596-0996 X 301

电话:+1 416-596-0996 X 301





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