
MCI Announces Closing of Strategic Transaction With WELL Health, Changes Name to HEALWELL AI, and Debuts as AI and Data Science Focused Healthcare Technology Business

MCI Announces Closing of Strategic Transaction With WELL Health, Changes Name to HEALWELL AI, and Debuts as AI and Data Science Focused Healthcare Technology Business

MCI宣布完成与WELL Health的战略交易,更名为HEALWELL AI,并作为专注于人工智能和数据科学的医疗保健技术业务首次亮相
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/10/02 07:00



  • MCI Onehealth Technologies Inc. has been renamed HEALWELL AI Inc. (TSX: AIDX) to better reflect the company's renewed vision and focus.
  • HEALWELL has significantly strengthened its balance sheet by: (1) Completing a convertible debenture unit financing for gross proceeds of $10 million led by WELL Health and a syndicate of investors, including Mr. Brian Paes-Braga, Managing Partner of SAF Group; and (2) Discharging and fully satisfying its secured debt obligations of more than $11M.
  • HEALWELL and WELL Health have established a strategic alliance that positions HEALWELL to become a significant player in the multi-billion-dollar data sciences and preventative care industry.
  • HEALWELL has expanded its board and management team with several new additions including the appointment of Hamed Shahbazi, Chairman and CEO of WELL Health Technologies, to the board of HEALWELL.
  • MCI Onehealth Technologies Inc.已更名为HEALWELL AI Inc.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:AIDX),以更好地反映公司新的愿景和重点。
  • HEALWELL通过以下方式显著加强了资产负债表:(1)完成了由WELL Health和包括SAF集团管理合伙人Brian Paes-Braga先生在内的投资者集团牵头的总收益为1000万美元的可转换债券单位融资;(2)履行并完全履行其超过1100万美元的有担保债务。
  • HEALWELL和WELL Health已经建立了战略联盟,使HEALWELL成为价值数十亿美元的数据科学和预防保健行业的重要参与者。
  • HEALWELL扩大了其董事会和管理团队,增加了几位新成员,包括任命WELL Health Technologies董事长兼首席执行官哈米德·沙巴齐为HEALWELL董事会成员。

TORONTO, ON, Oct. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HEALWELL AI Inc. (f/k/a MCI Onehealth Technologies Inc.) ("HEALWELL" or the "Company") (TSX: AIDX), a healthcare technology and data science company focused on preventative care, is pleased to announce that it has successfully completed the strategic transaction with WELL Health Technologies Corp. ("WELL") that was first announced on July 20, 2023 (the "Transaction"). The Transaction comprised, among other things, a private placement offering of convertible debenture units for gross proceeds of $10 million, a sale of the Company's clinical assets1 in Ontario to WELL, and the satisfaction and discharge of the outstanding secured debt of the Company and a number of its subsidiaries.

安大略省多伦多,2023 年 10 月 2 日(环球新闻专线)— HEALWELL AI Inc.(f/k/a MCI Onehealth Technologies Inc.)专注于预防保健的医疗技术和数据科学公司(“HEALWELL” 或 “公司”)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:AIDX)欣然宣布,它已成功完成与WELL Health Technologies Corp.(“WELL”)的战略交易,该交易于2023年7月20日首次宣布(“交易”)。除其他外,该交易包括私募发行可转换债券单位,总收益为1000万美元,出售公司的临床资产1 在安大略省向WELL,并清偿和清偿该公司及其多家子公司的未偿有担保债务。

With the closing of this Transaction, HEALWELL positions itself as a healthcare technology and data science company focused on preventative care, with a vision to improve healthcare and save lives through early identification and detection of disease. HEALWELL leverages AI to empower patients and doctors to deliver increased access, reduce healthcare costs, and improve patient outcomes. The Company has been re-named from its former name, MCI Onehealth Technologies Inc., to HEALWELL AI Inc., to better reflect this renewed vision and focus. In addition, HEALWELL has entered into a strategic alliance agreement with WELL that positions the Company for newfound growth and expansion opportunities as an emerging artificial intelligence (AI) enabled healthcare technology company.

随着本次交易的完成,HEALWELL将自己定位为一家专注于预防性护理的医疗保健技术和数据科学公司,其愿景是通过早期发现和发现疾病来改善医疗保健并挽救生命。HEALWELL 利用人工智能使患者和医生能够提供更多的可及性、降低医疗保健成本并改善患者预后。该公司已从以前的名称MCI Onehealth Technologies Inc. 更名为HEALWELL AI Inc.,以更好地反映这一新的愿景和重点。此外,HEALWELL已与WELL签订了战略联盟协议,这为公司作为一家支持人工智能(AI)的新兴医疗保健技术公司提供了新的增长和扩张机会。

Dr. Alexander Dobranowski, CEO of HEALWELL, commented, "We are very pleased to announce the successful completion of this critical strategic transaction with WELL Health, one of the leading technology-enabled healthcare companies in North America, and a place where our providers will thrive as they continue to serve patients in our communities. Furthermore, the strategic partnership and alliance with WELL Health will position HEALWELL with the necessary resources and clinical access to maximize our ability to execute against our mission, both in Canada and the USA."

HEALWELL首席执行官亚历山大·多布拉诺夫斯基博士评论说:“我们很高兴地宣布,与WELL Health的这项关键战略交易已成功完成。WELL Health是北美领先的技术型医疗保健公司之一,我们的提供商将在继续为社区患者提供服务的同时蓬勃发展。此外,与WELL Health的战略伙伴关系和联盟将为HEALWELL提供必要的资源和临床渠道,以最大限度地提高我们在加拿大和美国执行使命的能力。”

Hamed Shahbazi, CEO of WELL Health, commented, "I am pleased to be joining the board of HEALWELL and helping further this very important strategic alliance. WELL is on a mission to tech-enable healthcare providers and we can't think of a more important goal for the company than to make sure we are leading in the field of AI-enabled preventative health and the support it can provide our providers and their patients. We are making a significant long-term commitment and are looking forward to helping build a world-class company that will benefit both HEALWELL and WELL shareholders given our status as the largest investor in HEALWELL after completing this important round of funding."

WELL Health首席执行官哈米德·沙巴齐评论说:“我很高兴加入HEALWELL董事会,帮助进一步发展这个非常重要的战略联盟。WELL的使命是为医疗保健提供商提供技术支持,对于公司来说,最重要的目标莫过于确保我们在人工智能驱动的预防性健康领域处于领先地位,以及它可以为我们的提供者及其患者提供的支持。鉴于我们在完成本轮重要融资后作为HEALWELL的最大投资者的地位,我们正在做出重要的长期承诺,并期待帮助建立一家世界一流的公司,这将使HEALWELL和WELL的股东都受益。”

Mr. Brian Paes-Braga, Managing Partner of SAF, commented, "I am very pleased to be personally joining the HEALWELL AI corporate journey as a major investor in this round, alongside our partners at WELL Health, resulting in the strengthening and re-capitalization of the HEALWELL balance sheet. I believe HEALWELL has the potential to not just be a first mover and leader in AI, healthcare technology, and data science in Canada, but also the foundation for a platform to expand globally. What excites me most about this initiative is the laser focus from management and WELL on delivering on the promise of AI-enabled preventative health, ensuring that this generational opportunity in technology, value creation, and health is stewarded thoughtfully."

SAF管理合伙人Brian Paes-Braga先生评论说:“我很高兴能与我们在WELL Health的合作伙伴一起作为本轮的主要投资者亲自加入HEALWELL AI的企业之旅,从而加强了HEALWELL资产负债表并进行了资本重组。我相信HEALWELL不仅有可能成为加拿大人工智能、医疗保健技术和数据科学领域的先行者和领导者,而且有可能成为全球扩张平台的基础。这项计划最令我兴奋的是,管理层和WELL将重点放在兑现基于人工智能的预防性健康的承诺上,确保周到地管理科技、价值创造和健康领域的这一代人机会。”

Strategic Alliance Agreement


The Company has entered into a strategic alliance agreement with WELL to accelerate the growth and development of its AI-enabled healthcare technologies and to leverage those technologies for the benefit of WELL's care providers and their patients. The strategic alliance agreement sets up a framework under which both companies plan to co-develop and roll out AI based decision support tools to WELL's newly expanded network of clinics and providers which will now include the clinics previously owned by MCI.


The strategic alliance agreement establishes a unique relationship between the two companies to harness their collective resources and expertise to drive growth and enhance the experience of doctors and patients in WELL's clinics. It is also expected that the companies will collaborate on capital allocation opportunities within the AI enabled digital health marketplace particularly as it relates to helping doctors detect and diagnose diseases as early as possible.


New Directors and Management


The Company is excited to announce that it has appointed two new directors to the board of the Company, Mr. Hamed Shahbazi and Mr. Erik Danudjaja, both from WELL. The Company has also expanded its management team, adding Mr. Blake Corbet as SVP of Corporate Development. Additional information on the new appointees is set out below:

该公司很高兴地宣布,已任命两名来自WELL的新董事哈米德·沙巴齐先生和埃里克·达努贾亚先生为公司董事会成员。该公司还扩大了管理团队,增加了Blake Corbet先生为企业发展高级副总裁。有关新任命者的其他资料载列如下:

Hamed Shahbazi, Board Director

Hamed Shahbazi,董事会董事

Mr. Shahbazi is the Founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of WELL and has over 25 years of experience as a technology focused operator and executive. Over the past five years Mr. Shahbazi has led WELL to become the dominant digital healthcare company in Canada with over $750 million in annual revenue. Previously, he founded TIO Networks a multi-channel payment solution provider, specializing in bill payment and other financial services, which was acquired by PayPal in July 2017 for CAD$304 million. Over his career, Mr. Shahbazi has gained extensive experience in strategic mergers & acquisitions, both as an operator and board member with more than 70 successful transactions.

Shahbazi先生是WELL的创始人、首席执行官兼董事长,作为专注于技术的运营商和高管,拥有超过25年的经验。在过去的五年中,Shahbazi先生带领WELL成为加拿大占主导地位的数字医疗公司,年收入超过7.5亿美元。此前,他创立了专门从事账单支付和其他金融服务的多渠道支付解决方案提供商TIO Networks,该公司于2017年7月被PayPal以3.04亿加元的价格收购。在他的职业生涯中,Shahbazi先生在战略并购方面积累了丰富的经验,无论是作为运营商还是董事会成员,均成功完成了70多笔交易。

Erik Danudjaja, Board Director

Erik Danudjaja,董事会董事

Mr. Danudjaja is the Senior Associate of Corporate Development & Strategy at WELL. Since joining in 2021, he has been a key contributor to WELL's capital allocation and M&A program helping WELL complete more than a dozen transactions. Before his tenure at WELL, Erik served as an investment analyst at Burgundy Asset Management, focusing on US small and mid-cap equities.


Blake Corbet, SVP of Corporate Development

布莱克·科贝特, 企业发展高级副总裁

Mr. Corbet has over 25 years of experience working as an investment banker in London, Toronto and Vancouver involving financing, advisory and acquisition transactions in a variety of international markets. Most recently, Mr. Corbet ran the Corporate Development group at BBTV Holdings Inc. (TSX: BBTV) joining shortly after that company completed its IPO, and prior to that was co-head of investment banking at PI Financial Corp. As the SVP of Corporate Development at HEALWELL, Mr. Corbet is responsible for Corporate Development activities including acquisitions, divestitures and partnerships.

Corbet先生在伦敦、多伦多和温哥华拥有超过25年的投资银行工作经验,涉及各种国际市场的融资、咨询和收购交易。最近,Corbet先生管理BBTV Holdings Inc.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:BBTV)的企业发展小组,该小组是在该公司完成首次公开募股后不久加入的,在此之前曾担任PI Financial Corp的投资银行业务联席主管。作为HEALWELL的企业发展高级副总裁,Corbet先生负责包括收购、资产剥离和合作伙伴关系在内的企业发展活动。

The Company also announces that Dr. Robert Francis and Mr. Anthony Lacavera have resigned as directors of the Company, effective October 1, 2023, to facilitate onboarding the WELL nominee directors. Each has been a valued member of the board and the Company would like to thank them both for their services and wish them all the best in their future endeavors.


With the above changes, the Company's board continues to be comprised of five directors.


Liquidity Update


The Company has faced significant financial challenges and liquidity constraints since the beginning of the year. With the closing of the Transaction, these challenges have been addressed, and the Company believes that it once again has sufficient capital to continue to operate its business and drive its growth objectives.


Transaction Highlights


Convertible Debenture Financing


The Company completed a private placement of convertible debenture units for aggregate gross proceeds of $10 million. WELL participated in the financing as lead investor, and subscribed for $4.0 million of the total financing. Members of the SAF Group, a Canadian based global alternative capital provider, were key investors alongside WELL in this financing.


Each $1,000 convertible debenture unit consisted of a convertible debenture in the principal amount of $1,000 ("Debentures") and 5,000 warrants to acquire a Class A Subordinate Voting Share of the Company ("Warrants"). The Debentures are unsecured obligations of the Company, mature 5 years from the closing date of the offering, and bear interest at a rate of 10% per annum, which will be payable at maturity. The principal and interest outstanding under the Debentures will be convertible into Class A Subordinate Voting Shares of the Company at any time, at the option of the holder, at a conversion price of $0.20 per Class A Subordinate Voting Share. The Warrants are also exercisable at a price of $0.20/share and expire five years from the closing date of the offering.


The Debentures and Warrants, if fully converted and exercised immediately following the closing of the Transaction, would result in the issuance of 100,000,000 new Class A Subordinate Voting Shares, which would leave existing Class A Subordinate Voting Shareholders holding approximately 35% of the Class A Subordinate Voting Shares.


In connection with the Transaction, the Company will pay a transaction fee of $100,000 to its former financial advisor.


Sale of Ontario Clinics and Corporate Health Division

出售安大略省诊所 和企业健康部

The Company has sold to WELL, under an asset purchase agreement between their respective subsidiaries, twelve of its fourteen medical clinics in Ontario, along with other related assets, for an aggregate purchase price of approximately $1.5 million.


The acquired clinics will join WELL's extensive and efficiently run network of clinics, the largest owned and operated network in Canada, ensuring stability and continued quality of care for patients and healthcare professionals.


The Company, through a wholly-owned subsidiary, has also sold to Medworks Inc. ("Medworks") a number of assets relating to its Corporate Health Services division for a purchase price of $100,000.

该公司还通过全资子公司以10万美元的收购价向Medworks Inc.(“Medworks”)出售了与其企业健康服务部门相关的多项资产。

In connection with each of the asset purchase transactions, the Company has given customary representations, warranties and indemnities that will survive the closing for a period of 1-2.5 years.


Secured Debt Resolution


In connection with the Transaction, the Company and a number of its subsidiaries have fully satisfied and discharged their outstanding secured credit facilities with TD Bank, The First Canadian Wellness Co. Inc. (the "Lender"), a related party to the Company, and WELL. In total, more than $11 million in principal and accrued fees and interest have been satisfied as follows:


  • The Company's $3.1 million secured promissory note from WELL and its $1.5 million facility with TD Bank have been repaid;
  • The Company has been and is continuing to deliver certain non-core assets consisting of debt and equity securities in four private healthcare technologies companies to the Lender in full satisfaction of the $1.5 million facility that was made available to the Company by the Lender on May 18, 2023 (the "New Facility"). The transfer of the non-core assets is being completed in stages, with the first transfer having been completed on August 4, 2023 and the last stage expected to be completed within a short period post-closing.
  • The Company will pay $600,000 to the Lender to partially satisfy the balance of the Company's outstanding obligations to the Lender.
  • WELL has purchased the remainder of the secured credit facility from the Lender and, at closing of the Transaction, discharged the obligations of the Company and a number of its subsidiaries under that facility.
  • 该公司向WELL提供的310万美元有担保本票及其与道明银行的150万美元贷款已偿还;
  • 该公司一直并将继续向贷款人交付由四家私人医疗保健技术公司的债务和股权证券组成的某些非核心资产,这完全满足了贷款人于2023年5月18日向公司提供的150万美元贷款(“新贷款”)。非核心资产的转让正在分阶段完成,第一笔转让已于2023年8月4日完成,最后阶段预计将在收盘后的短时间内完成。
  • 公司将向贷款人支付60万美元,以部分偿还公司对贷款人的未清债务余额。
  • WELL已从贷款人手中购买了剩余的担保信贷额度,并在交易结束时履行了公司及其多家子公司在该融资机制下的义务。

Please refer to the Company's press release dated July 20, 2023 and its amended and restated material change report dated August 31, 2023 for more detail on the New Facility and its repayment.


Call Option


WELL has acquired a call option from Dr. Sven Grail and Dr. George Christodoulou, control persons of the Company, which gives WELL the right to acquire up to 30.8 million Class A Subordinate Voting Shares and 30.8 million Class B Multiple Voting Shares of the Company, representing an aggregate of approximately 93% of the votes attributable to all issued and outstanding shares of the Company (prior to the conversion or exercise of any Debentures or Warrants and after the surrender of certain Class B Multiple Voting Shares as described below).

WELL已从公司控制人Sven Grail博士和George Christodoulou博士手中收购了看涨期权,这使WELL有权收购公司多达3,080万股A类次级有表决权股份和3,080万股B类多重表决权股票,占公司所有已发行和流通股票(在转换或行使任何债券或认股权证之前及之后)的选票的总和约93% 交出某些B类多重表决权股份(如下所述)。

The exercise of the option is conditional on the achievement by the Company of a number of performance milestones designed to demonstrate improvements in the Company's financial and capital markets performance. The option can only be exercised in pairs, such that WELL must concurrently acquire a Class A Subordinate Voting Share and a Class B Multiple Voting Share, and is exercisable for 36 months post-closing. The exercise of the call option is expected to proceed under the private agreement exemption in National Instrument 62-104 – Take-over Bids and Issuer Bids ("NI 62-104"), such that the price of the call option would not be permitted to exceed 115% of the market price of the Class A Subordinate Voting Shares at the time of exercise. If at the time of exercise, the exercise price would exceed 115% of the market price of the Class A Subordinate Voting Shares, the exercise would be subject to the standard rules and procedures applicable to take-over bids under NI 62-104.

期权的行使以公司实现多个业绩里程碑为条件,这些里程碑旨在证明公司金融和资本市场表现的改善。该期权只能成对行使,因此WELL必须同时收购A类次级投票股份和B类多重投票股份,并且可以在收盘后的36个月内行使。预计将在国家仪器62-104中的私有协议豁免下继续行使看涨期权— 收购出价和发行人出价 (“NI 62-104”),因此不允许看涨期权的价格超过行使时A类次级有表决权股票市场价格的115%。如果在行使时,行使价格超过A类次级有表决权股票市场价格的115%,则行使将受适用于NI 62-104下收购出价的标准规则和程序的约束。

Surrender of Class B Shares

交出 B 类股票

On closing of the Transaction an aggregate of 5.2 million Class B Multiple Voting Shares were surrendered to the Company for no consideration and have been cancelled. Following the surrender, the only outstanding Class B Multiple Voting Shares are those subject to the Call Option.


Investor Rights Agreement


On closing of the Transaction, the Company entered into an investor rights agreement with WELL providing WELL with, among other things (a) the right to nominate up to (i) 2 directors or non-voting board observers of the Company, or (ii) a majority of the directors or non-voting board observers of the Company in the event that WELL becomes a control person of the Company having more than 20% of the voting rights attached to all outstanding voting securities of the Company; (b) pre-emptive rights in respect of future issuances of securities of the Company, and (c) qualification and registration rights, in each case subject to standard terms and conditions.

交易完成后,公司与WELL签订了投资者权利协议,除其他外,该协议规定:(a) 提名公司最多 (i) 2名董事或无表决权的董事会观察员,或者 (ii) 如果WELL成为本公司的控股人,拥有与公司所有未发行有表决权证券相关的20%以上的表决权,则提名公司的大多数董事或无表决权的董事会观察员;(b) 与公司未来证券发行有关的优先购买权,以及 (c)资格和注册权,在每种情况下均受标准条款和条件的约束。

Equity Incentive Reorganization

股权激励 重组

In connection with the completion of the Transaction and the renewed vision of the Company, the board of directors of the Company has approved a reorganization of its equity incentive strategy to better align the interests of its board, management, employees and consultants with the new strategic direction of the Company.


The board has approved the grant of a total of 233,187 deferred share units ("DSUs"), 950,000 restricted share units ("RSUs") and 950,000 performance share units ("PSUs, and together with the DSUs and the RSUs, the "Equity Incentives") to acquire Class A Subordinate Voting Shares. The Equity Incentives were granted pursuant to the Company's long-term omnibus equity incentive plan dated December 22, 2020 (the "Plan"). In addition to the Equity Incentive grants, the board has also approved the amendment of the outstanding options for Class A Subordinate Voting Shares previously granted to certain employees, consultants and senior officers of the Company who will continue to serve the Company following completion of the Transaction. The amendments consisted of changing (a) the exercise price of each option to $0.69/share, (b) the expiry date of each option to October 1, 2028, and (c) the vesting terms for any unvested options to vest in annual increments of 25% over the 4 years following the closing of the Transaction.

董事会已批准总共授予233,187个递延股份单位(“DSU”)、95万个限制性股票单位(“RSU”)和950,000个绩效股份(“PSU,以及DSU和RSU一起称为 “股权激励”),以收购A类次级有表决权的股份。股权激励是根据公司2020年12月22日的长期综合股权激励计划(“计划”)发放的。除了股权激励补助金外,董事会还批准了对先前授予公司某些员工、顾问和高级管理人员的A类次级有表决权的未偿还期权的修改,这些员工、顾问和高级管理人员将在交易完成后继续为公司服务。修正案包括:(a)将每个期权的行使价更改为每股0.69美元,(b)将每个期权的到期日改为2028年10月1日,以及(c)任何未归属期权的归属条款,在交易完成后的4年内每年按25%的增量进行归属。

The grants were fixed by the Human Resources and Compensation Committee of the Company after due consideration of the anticipated role of each recipient in the go-forward business, the dilutive effect of the Offering and comparable compensation offered by other similarly positioned businesses. The amendments to the options held by insiders were overwhelmingly approved by the shareholders of the Company at its recent shareholder meeting on September 21, 2023.


The grant of Equity Incentives to the directors and senior officers of the Company, and the amendment of certain options held by senior officers of the Company, were "related party transactions" within the meaning of Multilateral Instrument 61-101 – Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"). In total, 500,000 RSUs and PSUs were granted to Alexander Dobranowski, the CEO of the Company, 150,000 RSUs and PSUs were granted to Scott Nirenberski, the CFO off the Company, 88,405 DSUs were granted to Kingsley Ward, the Chairman of the Company, 79,710 DSUs were granted to Bashar Al-Rehany, a Director of the Company, and 55,072 DSUs were granted to Anthony Lacavera, a former Director of the Company. Among the options amended were 973,333 options held by Alexander Dobranowski, the CEO of the Company, and 486,667 options held by Scott Nirenberski, the CFO of the Company.

向公司董事和高级管理人员发放股权激励以及对公司高级管理人员持有的某些期权的修正属于多边文书61-101所指的 “关联方交易” — 在特殊交易中保护少数证券持有人 (“MI 61-101”)。总共向公司首席执行官亚历山大·多布拉诺夫斯基授予了50万份限制性股票单位和PSU,向公司首席财务官斯科特·尼伦伯斯基授予了15万份限制性股份和PSU,向公司董事长金斯利·沃德授予了88,405份抵押权股份,向公司董事巴沙尔·雷哈尼授予了79,710份DSU,55,072份DSU 授予了该公司前董事安东尼·拉卡维拉。修订后的期权包括公司首席执行官亚历山大·多布拉诺夫斯基持有的973,333份期权,以及公司首席财务官斯科特·尼伦伯斯基持有的486,667份期权。

The Company did not file a material change report 21 days or more in advance of the grants and amendments. The Company believes this is reasonable, as the final details of the grants and amendments had not been finalized until recently and were tied to completion of the Transaction.


Other Information


Owens Wright LLP acted as legal counsel to HEALWELL and Clark Wilson LLP acted as legal counsel to WELL in connection with the Transaction.


Eight Capital acted as financial advisor to WELL Health in connection with the Transaction.

Eight Capital担任WELL Health与该交易有关的财务顾问。

For more details on the Transaction please refer to the Company's press releases dated July 20, 2023, July 27, 2023 and September 21, 2023, as well as the Company's material change reports dated July 28, 2023 and August 31, 2023, and its management information circular dated August 21, 2023, all of which are available for review on the Company's SEDAR+ page at . Copies of the definitive agreements for the Transaction will also be made available for review on the Company's SEDAR+ page in due course.




HEALWELL AI is a healthcare technology company focused on AI and data science for preventative care. Our mission is to improve healthcare and save lives through early identification and detection of disease. As a physician led organization with a proven management team of experienced executives, HEALWELL AI is executing a strategy centered around developing and acquiring technology and clinical sciences capabilities that complement the company's roadmap. HEALWELL is publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "AIDX". For more information, visit

HEALWELL AI是一家医疗保健技术公司,专注于预防性护理的人工智能和数据科学。我们的使命是通过早期发现和发现疾病,改善医疗保健并挽救生命。作为一家由医生领导的组织,拥有一支由经验丰富的高管组成的久经考验的管理团队,HEALWELL AI正在执行一项以开发和获取技术和临床科学能力为中心的战略,以补充公司的路线图。HEALWELL在多伦多证券交易所上市,股票代码为 “AIDX”。欲了解更多信息,请访问 万维网。治愈威尔.ai

About WELL Health Technologies Corp.


WELL's mission is to tech-enable healthcare providers. WELL does this by developing the best technologies, services, and support available, which ensures healthcare providers are empowered to positively impact patient outcomes. WELL's comprehensive healthcare and digital platform includes extensive front and back-office management software applications that help physicians run and secure their practices. WELL's solutions enable more than 28,000 healthcare providers between the US and Canada and power the largest owned and operated healthcare ecosystem in Canada with more than 130 clinics supporting primary care, specialized care and diagnostic services. In the United States WELL's solutions are focused on specialized markets such as the gastrointestinal market, women's health, primary care, and mental health. WELL is publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "WELL" and on the OTC Exchange under the symbol "WHTCF". To learn more about the Company, please visit:

WELL 的使命是为医疗保健提供商提供技术支持。WELL通过开发现有的最佳技术、服务和支持来实现这一目标,从而确保医疗保健提供者有能力对患者的预后产生积极影响。WELL 全面的医疗保健和数字平台包括大量的前台和后台管理软件应用程序,可帮助医生运行和保护他们的诊所。WELL的解决方案为美国和加拿大之间的28,000多家医疗保健提供商提供了支持,并为加拿大最大的自有和运营的医疗保健生态系统提供动力,超过130家诊所为初级保健、专业护理和诊断服务提供支持。在美国,WELL的解决方案专注于专业市场,例如胃肠道市场、女性健康、初级保健和心理健康。WELL在多伦多证券交易所上市,股票代码为 “WELL”,在场外交易所上市,股票代码为 “WHTCF”。要了解有关该公司的更多信息,请访问:

For media enquiries please contact:


Alexander Dobranowski
Chief Executive Officer
416-440-4040 x.201

416-440-4040 x.201

Forward Looking Statements


Certain statements in this press release, constitute "forward-looking information" and "forward looking statements" (collectively, "forward looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws and are based on assumptions, expectations, estimates and projections as of the date of this press release. Forward-looking statements include statements with respect to the go-forward business of the Company following completion of the strategic transaction, the strategic alliance between the Company and WELL, the intention for the Company to white label new AI-enabled healthcare technologies, and the statements regarding the Company having sufficient working capital for future operations. The words "to become", "improve", "growth", "ensuring", "continue", "anticipated", "expect", "proceed", "potential", "future", "consider", "result in", "increase", "deliver", "emerging", "is conditional", "plan", "position", "opportunities", "expansion", "exercise", "ensure", "achieve", "acquire", "complete", "satisfy", "entitle", "subject to" or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain future conditions, actions, events or results "will", "may", "could", "would", "should", "might" or "can", or negative versions thereof, "occur", or "be achieved", and other similar expressions, identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon management's perceptions of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as a number of specific factors and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by HEALWELL as of the date of such statements, are outside of HEALWELL's control and are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies which could result in the forward-looking statements ultimately being entirely or partially incorrect or untrue. Forward looking statements contained in this press release are based on various assumptions, including, but not limited to, the following: HEALWELL's ability to maintain its relationships and to successfully implement its strategic alliance with WELL; HEALWELL's future access to debt and equity financing; HEALWELL's plans for future cost reduction; the availability of working capital and sources of liquidity; HEALWELL's ability to achieve its growth and revenue strategies; the demand for HEALWELL's products and fluctuations in future revenues; the availability of future business ventures, commercial arrangements and acquisition targets or opportunities and HEALWELL's ability to consummate them and to effectively integrate future acquisition targets into its platform; the effects of competition in the industry; the requirement for increasingly innovative product solutions and service offerings; trends in customer growth; the stability of general economic and market conditions; currency exchange rates and interest rates; HEALWELL's ability to comply with applicable laws and regulations; HEALWELL's continued compliance with third party intellectual property rights; and that the risk factors noted below, collectively, do not have a material impact on HEALWELL's business, operations, revenues and/or results. By their nature, forward-looking statements are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties that may be general or specific and which give rise to the possibility that expectations, forecasts, predictions, projections or conclusions will not prove to be accurate, that assumptions may not be correct, and that objectives, strategic goals and priorities will not be achieved.

本新闻稿中的某些声明构成 前瞻性信息 以及适用的加拿大证券法所指的 “前瞻性陈述”(统称为 “前瞻性陈述”),均基于截至本新闻稿发布之日的假设、预期、估计和预测。前瞻性陈述 包括尊重的陈述 对于战略交易完成后的公司未来业务, 战略性的 公司与 WELL 之间的联盟,公司打算为支持人工智能的新医疗保健技术贴上白标,以及有关公司有以下内容的声明 为未来运营提供足够的营运资金 这些话 成为 即兴表演e增长第四确保继续预测d期望 “继续”, 潜力将来考虑结果是增加e交付r出现ing是有条件的计划“地位”、“机会”、“扩张”、“行使”、“确保”、“实现”、“获得”、“完成”、“满足”, “有权”, 视乎而定 或某些未来情况、行动、事件或结果的词语、短语或陈述的变体 可能可以应该可能 要么 能够,或其负面版本, 发生,或 得以实现以及其他类似的表达,用于识别前瞻性陈述。 前瞻性陈述必然基于管理层对历史趋势、当前状况和预期未来发展的看法,以及一些具体因素和假设,尽管这些因素和假设被认为是合理的 治愈威尔 截至此类声明发布之日,不在 治愈威尔的控制权,本质上会受到重大的业务、经济和竞争不确定性和突发事件的影响,这可能导致前瞻性陈述最终完全或部分不正确或不真实。本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性陈述基于各种假设,包括但不限于以下: 治愈威尔维持关系和成功维持关系的能力 实施其战略联盟 用 WELL; 治愈威尔 未来获得债务和股权融资的机会;HEALWELL's 未来降低成本的计划; 营运资金的可用性和来源 l流动性; 治愈威尔实现增长的能力 和收入 策略;对的需求 治愈威尔的产品和未来收入的波动;可用性 未来的商业活动、商业安排和收购目标或机会,以及 治愈威尔完善这些目标并将未来收购目标有效整合到其平台中的能力;行业竞争的影响; 对日益创新的产品解决方案的需求 和提供的服务;客户增长的趋势; 总体经济和市场条件的稳定;货币汇率和利率; 治愈威尔遵守适用法律和法规的能力; 治愈威尔继续遵守第三方知识产权; 而且下述风险因素总体上不会对以下方面产生实质性影响 治愈威尔的业务、运营、收入和/或业绩。就其性质而言,前瞻性陈述受固有的风险和不确定性的影响,这些风险和不确定性可能是一般性的,也可能是具体的,这些风险和不确定性可能导致预期、预测、预测、预测或结论不准确,假设可能不正确,目标、战略目标和优先事项无法实现。

Known and unknown risk factors, many of which are beyond the control of HEALWELL, could cause the actual results of HEALWELL to differ materially from the results, performance, achievements or developments expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risk factors include but are not limited to those factors which are discussed under the section entitled "Risk Factors" in HEALWELL's annual information form dated March 31, 2023, which is available under HEALWELL's SEDAR+ profile at . The risk factors are not intended to represent a complete list of the factors that could affect HEALWELL and the reader is cautioned to consider these and other factors, uncertainties and potential events carefully and not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Forward-looking statements are provided for the purpose of providing information about management's expectations and plans relating to the future. HEALWELL disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward-looking statements, except to the extent required by applicable law. All of the forward-looking statements contained in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements.

已知和未知的风险因素,其中许多是无法控制的 治愈威尔,可能会导致实际结果 治愈威尔 与结果、业绩、成就或发展有重大差异 此类前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示。此类风险因素包括但不限于标题为的部分中讨论的那些因素 风险因素治愈威尔三月份的年度信息表 31,2023,可在下方找到 治愈威尔的 SEDAR+ 个人资料位于 这个 风险因素并不旨在代表可能影响的因素的完整清单 治愈威尔 并提醒读者仔细考虑这些因素和其他因素、不确定性和潜在事件,不要过分依赖前瞻性陈述。无法保证前瞻性陈述会被证明是准确的,因为实际结果和未来事件可能与此类陈述中的预期存在重大差异。提供前瞻性陈述的目的是提供有关管理层对未来的预期和计划的信息。 治愈威尔 除非适用法律要求,否认有任何意图或义务更新或修改任何前瞻性陈述,无论是由于新信息、未来事件还是其他原因,也没有解释后续实际事件与此类前瞻性陈述之间的任何实质性差异的意图或义务。本新闻稿中包含的所有前瞻性陈述均受这些警示性陈述的限制。

1 HEALWELL retained one clinic – known as Polyclinic – following the Transaction, where the Company has revenue from Patient Services as well as Technology & Research revenue.

1 交易完成后,HEALWELL保留了一家名为Polyclinic的诊所,该公司在该诊所的收入来自患者服务以及技术与研究收入。

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