
Western Metallica Launches Field Work at Recently Acquired Peruvian Copper Projects

Western Metallica Launches Field Work at Recently Acquired Peruvian Copper Projects

Western Metallica对最近收购的秘鲁铜业项目启动实地考察
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/10/03 13:07

Figure 1


Location of the three Caña Brava porphyry clusters, major interpreted alteration zones and property coverage.

TORONTO, Oct. 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Western Metallica Resources Corp. (TSXV: WMS) ("Western Metallica" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on current activities and near-term operational plans as it relates to the Company's Peruvian acquisitions. The Company has now retained a Peruvian-based team to oversee day-to-day operations and exploration work at its recently acquired Turmalina and Caña Brava Projects, two highly prospective copper-molybdenum porphyry properties located in Northern Peru.

多伦多,2023年10月3日(环球通讯社)--西部金属资源公司。(TSXV:WMS)(“西部金属城“或”公司“)很高兴提供与公司在秘鲁的收购有关的当前活动和近期运营计划的最新情况。公司现在聘请了一支秘鲁团队来监督其最近收购的TurMalina和Caña Brava项目的日常运营和勘探工作,这两个项目位于秘鲁北部,具有很高的前景。

Gregory Duras, Western Metallica's CEO and Director, commented, "We are very excited to have secured the services of highly regarded professionals with the right combination of expertise and experience in the Peruvian mineral exploration industry. Although we only recently finalized the acquisition of the Turmalina and Caña Brava Projects, we are keen to commence our field work as soon as possible and update the market on our upcoming activities. As Western Metallica repositions itself as a copper-focused mineral exploration firm operating within mining-friendly and highly-prospective under-explored jurisdictions, management expects its various stakeholders to benefit from the accretive value generated from advancing its Peruvian programs and as it achieves operational milestones."

西部金属公司首席执行官兼董事首席执行官格雷戈里·杜拉斯评论道:我们非常高兴能获得秘鲁矿产勘探业专业知识和经验的完美结合,获得备受尊敬的专业人士的服务。虽然我们最近才敲定了对特尔马利纳和Caña Brava项目的收购,但我们渴望尽快开始我们的实地工作,并向市场通报我们即将开展的活动的最新情况。随着Western Metallica将自己重新定位为一家专注于铜的矿产勘探公司,在采矿友好和高度预期的勘探不足的司法管辖区内运营,管理层预计其各种利益相关者将从推进其秘鲁计划和实现运营里程碑所产生的增值价值中受益。“

Western Metallica plans to commence its exploration field activities at Caña Brava during the second half of October, which will include mapping supported by Short Wave Infra-Red (SWIR) spectrometry analyses. These activities will be aimed at outlining the extent of the porphyry-related alteration, the potential lateral and vertical zonation, defining potential controlling structures and favourable host lithologies, as well as systematic rock sampling aimed at defining anomalies and vectors to the mineralized centres. Based on initial interpretation of collected data, Western Metallica believes there is potential at Caña Brava for a cluster of medium-sized porphyry copper-molybdenum systems of above average grade. The encouraging initial data coupled with the Company's expertise in exploration and development, and strong cash position with ~$3 million in capital to advance operations into 2024, puts it in a prime position to unlock the untapped potential of this newly-acquired copper project.

Western Metallica计划于10月下旬开始其在Caña Brava的勘探田活动,其中将包括由短波红外光谱分析支持的测绘。这些活动的目的将是概述与斑岩有关的蚀变程度、潜在的横向和垂直分带、确定潜在的控制构造和有利的寄主岩性,以及系统的岩石取样,目的是确定矿化中心的异常和矢量。根据对收集的数据的初步解释,Western Metallica认为,在Caña Brava有潜力找到一群中等品位以上的斑岩铜钼系统。令人鼓舞的初步数据,加上公司在勘探和开发方面的专业知识,以及雄厚的现金状况(约300万美元的资本可将运营推进到2024年),使其处于有利地位,可以释放这一新收购铜矿项目的未开发潜力。



Western Metallica recently announced the acquisition of 100% of the issued and outstanding shares in Consolidated Copper Corp., which holds an option to acquire 100% of the mineral claims, rights and interests in two Cu-Mo projects located in Northern Peru: Caña Brava and Turmalina (refer to press release dated August 10th, 2023). These prospective polymetallic projects lie within a copper-porphyry region that has seen notable exploration and production success, on the Miocene Cu-Mo porphyry belt which extends from Northern Peru into Ecuador, and hosts world class deposits such as La Granja (First Quantum), Cañariaco (Alta Copper), and Rio Blanco (Zijin Mining Group). Both projects are well located in proximity ports and major paved roads, and each project is comprised of large mineral concessions conducive to future project scalability.

Western Metallica最近宣布收购联合铜业公司100%的已发行和流通股,后者拥有收购位于秘鲁北部的两个铜钼项目Caña Brava和Turmarina(TURM.N:行情)的100%矿权、权利和权益的选择权.请参阅8月10日的新闻稿这是,2023年)。这些潜在的多金属项目位于勘探和生产取得显著成功的铜斑岩地区,位于从秘鲁北部延伸到厄瓜多尔的中新世铜钼斑岩带上,拥有La Granja(第一量子)、Cañariaco(阿尔塔铜矿)和Rio Blanco(紫金矿业)等世界级矿床。这两个项目都位于邻近的港口和主要的铺面道路上,每个项目都由有利于未来项目可伸缩性的大型矿产特许权组成。

Figure 1 - Location of the three Caña Brava porphyry clusters, major interpreted alteration zones and property coverage.


Caña Brava is a highly prospective 4,900-hectare copper-molybdenum project (including newly staked extensions) located in the La Libertad Department of northern coastal Peru, only 35 kilometers inland from the Peruvian coast and at an elevation of 1,500 metres in the western Cordillera of the Peruvian Andes, neighboring large emerging copper discoveries such as Hudbay's Llaguen Cu-Mo Project. Caña Brava hosts three known partially eroded porphyry centres; "Caña Brava 1", a well-defined 800-metre by 600-metre sized porphyry centre located on the Northwestern sector of the project, preliminarily mapped by Compañía Minera Anaconda in the 1990's, in addition to "Caña Brava 2" and "Luz Maria" located on the Northeastern and Southern sector of the project area, respectively. The "Caña Brava 1" porphyry has also been the object of a reconnaissance sampling program conducted by Agregados Minerales Industriales SAC in 2015, consisting of 27 assayed samples that averaged 0.1% Cu, with grades up to 0.8% Cu; mapping which indicates the potential existence of a well-developed supergene enrichment profile. Recent processing of remote sensing data revealed the presence of wider advanced-argillic, phyllic and propyllitic alteration zones which have yet to be mapped. The Company intends to conduct a drone-based airborne magnetic survey over an area of ~5,000 hectares, along 100-metre spaced lines, which, coupled with the existing surface mapping data, will support field program targeting.

Caña Brava是一个前景广阔的4,900公顷铜钼项目(包括新标记的扩建项目),位于秘鲁北部沿海的La Libertad省,距离秘鲁海岸仅35公里,位于秘鲁安第斯山脉科迪莱拉西部海拔1,500米处,毗邻大型新兴铜矿发现,如Hudbay的Llaguen铜钼项目。Caña Brava有三个已知的部分被侵蚀的斑岩中心:“Caña Brava 1”,这是一个定义明确的斑岩中心,位于项目西北部,由CompañÍa Minera Anaconda在1990年‘S绘制的初步地图上,此外还有分别位于项目区东北部和南部的“Caña Brava 2”和“Luz Maria”。“Caña Brava 1”斑岩也是Agregados Minerales Industriales SAC在2015年进行的一项勘测采样计划的对象,该计划包括27个化验样品,平均铜含量为0.1%,品位高达0.8%铜;填图表明可能存在发育良好的表生富集层。最近对遥感数据的处理显示,存在更广泛的高级泥质、千粒状和丙基岩蚀变带,这些带尚未绘制地图。该公司打算沿着100米间隔的线路,在约5,000公顷的区域内进行基于无人机的航空磁力调查,再加上现有的地形图数据,将支持现场计划目标。

Although the Company is now strategically refocused on advancing its Peruvian exploration plans given compelling data and regional implications for future discoveries, Western Metallica's technical team has finalized the acquisition of gravimetric and magnetic data over its wholly-owned Nueva Celti copper project, located in Andalucia, Spain (refer to press release dated July 11th, 2023). The program delineated the possible extension of the known mineralized body to the north, beyond the regional normal-slip Penaflor faulting system, as well as indicated the presence of a new magnetic anomaly located immediately northeast from the know Nueva Celti deposit. Both anomalies merit further investigation with the execution of certain induced polarization (IP) pole-dipole lines aimed at investigating the possible source of these anomalies beneath a 150-200 metre depth Miocene marlstone cover.

尽管鉴于令人信服的数据和对未来发现的地区性影响,该公司现在从战略上重新专注于推进其秘鲁勘探计划,但Western Metallica的技术团队已经敲定了对其位于西班牙安达卢西亚的全资拥有的Nueva Celti铜矿项目的重磁数据的收购(请参阅7月11日的新闻稿这是,2023年)。该方案圈定了已知矿化体可能向北延伸到区域正常滑动Penafler断裂系统之外,并表明在KnowNueva Celti矿床的东北方向存在新的磁异常。这两个异常都值得进一步研究,利用某些激发极化(IP)极-偶极线,目的是调查150-200米深的中新世泥灰岩盖层下这些异常的可能来源。

Peruvian Operations


The Company is pleased to report that it has successfully built the core of its Peruvian team, filling the exploration, office, and operations management positions, along with engaging a consulting firm experienced within the region of both projects. The exploration manager, Ramon Medina, is a proficient senior geologist with over 25 years of experience evaluating, exploring, and developing greenfield and brownfield precious and base metals projects in Latin and North America, who previously held the position of Exploration Manager for Hochschild Mining in Peru. The office manager, Daniela Principe, an International Business graduate with a diploma in Logistics and Operations, and 10 years of experience in the mining sector, including the position of management assistant for several mineral exploration companies in Peru. The operations manager, Julio Calderon, holds over 20 years of experience in the Peruvian mining industry as field, administration, and logistic supervisor for various publicly-listed firms, including vast experience managing field programs and managing community relations in rural parts of Peru. Western Metallica also engaged a social consultancy firm, experienced in both Piura and La Libertad Departments, that recently concluded an onsite stakeholder map and will provide the Company with updated information on surface rights as it relates to both projects. The initial step of establishing relationships with local communities and designing a social engagement plan is critical prior to launching field work in Peru.

该公司很高兴地报告,它已经成功地建立了其秘鲁团队的核心,填补了勘探、办公室和运营管理职位,并聘请了一家在这两个项目所在地区具有经验的咨询公司。勘探经理Ramon Medina是一位熟练的高级地质学家,在拉丁美洲和北美拥有超过25年的评估、勘探和开发绿地和棕地贵金属和贱金属项目的经验,曾担任秘鲁Hochschild矿业的勘探经理一职。办公室经理丹妮拉·普林西比是国际商务专业的毕业生,拥有物流和运营文凭,并在矿业领域拥有10年的经验,包括在秘鲁几家矿产勘探公司担任管理助理的职位。运营经理Julio Calderon在秘鲁采矿业拥有20多年的经验,曾在多家上市公司担任现场、行政和物流主管,包括在秘鲁农村地区管理现场项目和管理社区关系的丰富经验。Western Metallica还聘请了一家在Piura和La Libertad部门都有经验的社会咨询公司,该公司最近完成了现场利益相关者地图,并将向公司提供与这两个项目相关的地表权的最新信息。在秘鲁开展实地工作之前,与当地社区建立关系和设计社会参与计划的第一步至关重要。

Qualified Persons


The technical and scientific information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Giovanni Funaioli, Eur.Geol., Vice President Exploration of Western Metallica, who is a "Qualified Person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. Mr. Giovanni Funaioli is an employee of the Company and is not considered independent under NI 43-101.

本新闻稿中的技术和科学信息已由欧洲地质勘探部副主任乔瓦尼·富奈奥利先生审阅和批准,他是西部金属勘探公司的总裁副主任,他是国家仪器43-101-矿产项目披露标准中定义的“合格人员”。Giovanni Funaioli先生是该公司的雇员,根据NI 43-101不被认为是独立的。

The technical information relating to the Caña Brava and Turmalina Projects is historical in nature and has not been independently verified by the Company.

与CAÑa Brava和Turmarina项目相关的技术信息具有历史性质,未经公司独立核实。

About Western Metallica Resources Corp.


Western Metallica is an Ontario registered company with its head office in Toronto, Ontario, trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under symbol WMS. Western Metallica is in the business of mineral resource exploration and development, its principal being its 100% owned Nueva Celti Copper Property in the Ossa Morena belt in Andalusia, Spain, and three other Spanish gold projects in the "Navelgas Gold Belt" in Asturias, Spain (Penedela, Valledor and Sierra Alta). Western Metallica also holds options to acquire a 100% interest in two copper projects in Peru; Caña Brava, in La Libertad Province, and Turmalina, in Piura Province.

Western Metallica是一家在安大略省注册的公司,总部位于安大略省多伦多,在多伦多证券交易所创业板交易,代码为WMS。Western Metallica从事矿产资源勘探和开发业务,其主要业务是其在西班牙安达卢西亚Ossa Morena带的Nueva Celti铜矿以及西班牙Asturias“Navelgas金矿带”的另外三个西班牙金矿项目(Penedela、Valledor和Sierra Alta)。Western Metallica还拥有收购秘鲁两个铜矿项目100%权益的选择权:La Libertad省的Caña Brava和皮乌拉省的特尔马利纳。

Further information of the Company can be found at:


For more information please contact:


Western Metallica Resources Corp.
Gregory Duras
Chief Executive Officer


Investor Relations


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


The TSXV has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release. Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.


This press release contains statements that constitute "forward-statements." Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements, or developments to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.


Although the Company believes, in light of the experience of its officers and directors, current conditions and expected future developments and other factors that have been considered appropriate that the expectations reflected in this forward-looking information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on them because the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. When used in this press release, the words "estimate", "project", "belief", "anticipate", "intend", "expect", "plan", "predict", "may" or "should" and the negative of these words or such variations thereon or comparable terminology are intended to identify forward-looking statements and information. The forward-looking statements and information in this press release include information relating to the planned drill program and the development of the Company's projects and other mining projects and prospects thereof, the impact of the management additions on the Company ; and the potential and economic viability of the Caña Brava and Turmalina Projects. Such statements and information reflect the current view of the Company. Risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in those forward-looking statements and information.

尽管本公司认为,根据其高级管理人员和董事的经验、当前状况和预期未来发展以及其他被认为合适的因素,这些前瞻性信息中反映的预期是合理的,但不应过度依赖这些预期,因为本公司不能保证这些预期将被证明是正确的。本新闻稿中使用的“估计”、“项目”、“信念”、“预期”、“打算”、“预期”、“计划”、“预测”、“可能”或“应该”以及这些词语的否定或此类变体或类似术语旨在识别前瞻性陈述和信息。本新闻稿中的前瞻性陈述和信息包括与计划中的钻探计划、公司项目和其他采矿项目的发展及其前景、增加管理层对公司的影响、以及Caña Brava和Turmarina项目的潜力和经济可行性有关的信息。这些陈述和信息反映了公司当前的观点。可能导致实际结果与这些前瞻性陈述和信息中预期的大不相同的风险和不确定因素。

By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.


The forward-looking information contained in this news release represents the expectations of the Company as of the date of this news release and, accordingly, is subject to change after such date. Readers should not place undue importance on forward-looking information and should not rely upon this information as of any other date. The Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


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