
Penbar Capital Ltd. Announces Letter of Intent for Proposed Business Combination With Emissions EV Technologies Ltd.

Penbar Capital Ltd. Announces Letter of Intent for Proposed Business Combination With Emissions EV Technologies Ltd.

Penbar Capital有限公司宣布与Emissions EV Technologies Ltd.拟议中的业务合并意向书。
newsfile ·  2023/10/04 12:55

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 4, 2023) - Penbar Capital Ltd. (TSXV: PEM.P) ("Penbar") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a non-binding letter of intent dated October 3, 2023 (the "LOI") with Emissions EV Technologies Inc. ("Emissions EV") pursuant to which Penbar proposes to acquire all of the issued and outstanding securities of Emissions EV in exchange for the issuance of securities of Penbar, which will result in Emissions EV becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of Penbar (the "Transaction"). The Transaction, assuming the completion of the Financing (as defined below), will result in a reverse take-over by Emissions EV where the existing shareholders of Emissions EV will own a majority of the outstanding common shares of Penbar (the "Penbar Shares") and Penbar is anticipated to be renamed, subject to shareholder approval, to a name to be determined by Emissions EV (the "Resulting Issuer"). Upon completion of the Transaction, it is anticipated that the Resulting Issuer will be an industrial issuer focused on the design, manufacturing, and production of cutting-edge electrically powered industrial and commercial vehicles.

Penbar Capital有限公司 (TSXV: PEm.P) (下称"股份公司")很高兴宣布,该公司已于2023年10月3日签订了一份非约束性意向书("意向书"),并与Emissions EV Technologies Inc.("Emissions EV")达成交易,将通过发行股份来收购Emissions EV的所有已发行和流通证券的收购交易,最终使Emissions EV成为Penbar的全资子公司(下称"交易")。

Trading of the Penbar Shares will be halted in accordance with the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV") and will remain halted until such time as all required documentation in connection with the Transaction has been filed with and accepted by the TSXV and permission to resume trading has been obtained from the TSXV.

根据TSX Venture Exchange(下称 "TSXV")的政策,Penbar股票交易将被暂停,直到与交易有关的所有必需文件已被提交并获得TSXV批准,方可恢复交易。

The Qualifying Transaction


Penbar is a capital pool company and intends that the Transaction will constitute its "Qualifying Transaction" under the policies of the TSXV. The Transaction will not constitute a non-arm's length qualifying transaction or a related party transaction pursuant to the policies of the TSXV.


Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the LOI, Penbar and Emissions EV will negotiate and enter into a definitive agreement (the "Definitive Agreement") incorporating the principal terms of the Transaction as described in the LOI and this press release. There is no assurance that a Definitive Agreement will be successfully negotiated or entered into. The LOI is expected to be superseded by the Definitive Agreement.

根据意向书的条款和条件,Penbar和Emissions EV将进行谈判并签署一份明确协议("明确协议"),将交易主要条款纳入LOI及本新闻稿中描述的交易中。不能保证能够成功达成明确协议。预计LOI将被明确协议取代。

As consideration for the acquisition of all of the outstanding securities of Emissions EV, holders of issued and outstanding common shares of Emissions EV ("Emissions EV Shares") will receive one (1) Resulting Issuer common share (the "Resulting Issuer Common Shares") for each one (1) Emissions EV Share (the "Exchange Ratio"). Excluding any securities issued in connection with the Financing (as defined below), immediately prior to the closing of the Transaction, it is anticipated that: (i) holders of Emissions EV Shares will hold 67,091,767 Emissions EV Shares; (ii) holders of 15,500,000 common share purchase warrants of Emissions EV will be entitled to receive an aggregate of approximately 15,500,000 warrants of the Resulting Issuer pursuant to the Exchange Ratio; and (iii) holders of 10,000,000 performance warrants will be entitled to receive an aggregate of approximately 10,000,000 performance warrants of the Resulting Issuer pursuant to the Exchange Ratio. The final structure of the Transaction is subject to the receipt of tax, corporate and securities law advice by both Penbar and Emissions EV.

为了收购Emissions EV的所有已发行和流通证券,发行和流通的Emissions EV普通股股东将按照交换比率每持有1股Emissions EV股份,将获得1股后续发行的普通股("股份比率"), 不包括与融资有关的任何证券,有关交易的收盘前预计:(i) Emissions EV股份持有人将持有67091767股发行和流通的Emissions EV股份;(ii) 发行和流通的15500000项Emissions EV普通股购买权持有人将有权按照交换比率获得Resulting Issuer的大约15500000项普通股认股权; (iii)10000000项业绩认股权持有人将按照股票比率获得Resulting Issuer的约10000000项业绩认股权。交易的最终结构取决于Penbar和Emissions EV均接受税务、公司和证券法律建议。

Immediately prior to the completion of the Transaction, it is anticipated that: (i) Penbar will consolidate its issued and outstanding Penbar Shares on the basis of approximately two (2) pre-consolidation Penbar Shares for each one (1) post-consolidation Penbar Share (the "Penbar Consolidation Ratio") as a condition to the completion of the Transaction (the "Penbar Capital Consolidation"). All incentive stock options of Penbar are anticipated to be adjusted on the basis of the Penbar Consolidation Ratio. Prior to or concurrent with the completion of the Transaction, the parties will use commercially reasonable efforts in order to complete a financing (the "Financing"), with such Financing to be priced as and in an amount as is mutually agreed to by the parties. Further terms and conditions of the Financing will be announced by the parties at a later date.

交易完成前,预计:(i)Penbar将根据交易条件将股权合并,即每2股合并为1股("Penbar Consolidation Ratio"),作为完成交易的条件("Penbar Capital Consolidation")。Penbar所有激励股票期权都将根据Penbar Consolidation Ratio进行调整;(ii) 双方将在或与交易完成同时,商业上公正合理地努力完成融资("融资"),融资金额和定价数量由交易各方商定。融资的进一步条款和条件将由各方在以后的日期公布。

Conditions of the Transaction


The completion of the Transaction is subject to a number of conditions precedent, including but not limited to: satisfactory due diligence review; negotiation and execution of the Definitive Agreement and accompanying transaction documents; approval by the boards of directors of each of Penbar and Emissions EV; if necessary, approval of the shareholders of each of Penbar and Emissions EV for all matters required in connection with the Transaction, including the Penbar Capital Consolidation and name change; obtaining necessary third party approvals; closing of the Financing for minimum aggregate gross proceeds to be determined by the parties; and the TSXV's approval for listing the shares of the Resulting Issuer. There can be no assurance that the Transaction or the Financing will be completed as proposed, or at all.

交易完成受多个前提条件的限制,包括但不限于:满意的尽职调查;协商并签署明确协议和相应的交易文件;Penbar和Emissions EV各自董事会的批准;如有必要,Penbar和Emissions EV各自股东的批准,用于与交易有关的所有议题,包括Penbar资本合并和更名;获得必要的第三方批准;融资金额达到双方商定的最低金额;TSXV批准上市后,Resulting Issuer股份的上市。不能保证交易或融资将按照拟议的方式完成,或将完全按照拟议的方式完成。

Sponsorship of Transaction


Sponsorship of a qualifying transaction of a Capital Pool Company is required by the TSXV unless exempt in accordance with the policies of the TSXV. Penbar intends to apply for such an exemption.

资助资本池公司的符合条件交易,除非根据TSXV的政策豁免,否则必须符合TSXV的要求。 Penbar打算申请这种豁免。

Trading Halt


Trading in the securities of Penbar will be halted until the completion of the Transaction.


Additional Information


If and when a Definitive Agreement is executed, Penbar will issue a subsequent press release in accordance with the policies of the TSXV containing details of the Definitive Agreement and additional terms of the Transaction, including information relating to sponsorship, summary financial information in respect of Emissions EV, and to the extent not contained in this press release, additional information with respect to the Financing, history of Emissions EV, and the proposed directors, officers, and insiders of the Resulting Issuer upon completion of the Transaction.

如果签署了明确协议,Penbar将按TSXV规定发布后续新闻稿,包含明确协议的详细信息和交易的其他条款,包括与赞助有关的信息、与Emissions EV相关的简要财务信息,以及在本新闻稿中未包含的有关融资、Emissions EV历史记录以及交易完成后Resulting Issuer的拟议董事、董事长、高管及内部人员等额外信息。

About Emissions EV Technologies Ltd.

关于Emissions EV Technologies Ltd.

Located in New Westminster, British Columbia, Emissions EV specializes in the design, manufacturing, and production of cutting-edge electrically powered industrial and commercial vehicles. Emissions EV is dedicated to revolutionizing the logistics and production sector by providing sustainable transportation solutions that are at the forefront of the EV industry today. Emissions EV collaborative approach involves close engagement with its customers, allowing them to contribute their unique needs and insights to the project, ensuring that the machines that are created for their use are completely without compromise.

Emissions EV位于不列颠哥伦比亚省新威斯敏斯特市,专注于先进电动工业和商业车辆的设计、制造和生产。Emissions EV致力于通过提供目前在EV行业处于领先地位的可持续交通解决方案,彻底改变物流和生产领域。Emissions EV的协作方法涉及与其客户的密切联系,以便他们贡献自己独特的需求和见解,确保所创建的用于他们使用的机器完全没有妥协。

Based in New Westminster, British Columbia, Emissions EV creates environmentally friendly, efficient, and reliable vehicles that not only meet industry standards and regulatory requirements but also partner with local suppliers and vendors to manage and maintain the strictest in compliance and finished product quality.

Emissions EV位于不列颠哥伦比亚省新威斯敏斯特市,创建环保、高效和可靠的车辆,不仅符合行业标准和法规要求,而且与当地供应商和供应商合作,管理和维护最严格的合规性和成品质量。

By combining our technical capabilities with its ingenious design engineering support, Emissions EV aims to drive innovation, reduce emissions, and usher in a brighter, more sustainable future in hard to decarbonize sectors of global industry.

Emissions EV将其技术能力与其巧妙的设计工程支持相结合,旨在驱动创新,减少排放量,并在难以减碳的全球工业领域迎来更加光明、更可持续的未来。

About Penbar Capital Ltd.

关于Penbar Capital Ltd.

Penbar Capital Ltd. is a capital pool company created pursuant to the policies of the TSXV. It does not own any assets, other than cash or cash equivalents and its rights under the LOI. The principal business of Penbar is to identify and evaluate opportunities for the acquisition of an interest in assets or businesses and, once identified and evaluated, to negotiate an acquisition or participation subject to acceptance by the TSXV so as to complete a Qualifying Transaction in accordance with the policies of the TSXV.

Penbar Capital Ltd.是一个根据TSXV政策创建的资金池公司,除了现金或现金等价物和LOI下的权利之外,它不拥有任何资产。Penbar的主要业务是确定和评估收购资产或业务的机会,并一旦确定和评估,根据TSXV的政策进行收购或参与,以便在符合TSXV政策的情况下完成合格交易。

For further information please contact:


Penbar Capital Ltd.
David Eaton, CEO
Phone: (604) 688-9588

Penbar Capital Ltd.
David Eaton, CEO
电话:(604) 688-9588

All information in this press release relating to Emissions EV has been provided by Emissions EV and is the sole responsibility of Emissions EV.

本新闻稿中有关Emissions EV的所有信息均由Emissions EV提供,Emissions EV亦对此负全部责任。

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities described herein in the United States. The securities described herein have not been registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act"), or any state securities law and may not be offered or sold in the "United States", as such term is defined in Regulation S promulgated under the U.S. Securities Act, unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration requirements is available.

本新闻发布并不构成要约或邀请购买所述证券。所述证券没有根据《1933年修正版美国证券法》(“美国证券法”)或任何州证券法登记,可能不会在“美国”(如根据美国证券法规的Regulation S定义的)内供或出售,除非根据美国证券法和适用的州证券法或豁免其登记要求。

Cautionary Note


Completion of the Transaction is subject to a number of conditions, including but not limited to, TSXV acceptance and, if applicable pursuant to TSXV requirements, majority of the minority shareholder approval. Where applicable, the Transaction cannot close until the required shareholder approval is obtained. There can be no assurance that the Transaction will be completed as proposed or at all.


Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the management information circular or filing statement to be prepared in connection with the transaction, any information released or received with respect to the Transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon. Trading in the securities of a Capital Pool Company should be considered highly speculative.


The TSXV has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.


Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.


Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws relating to the proposal to complete the Transaction and associated transactions, including statements regarding the terms and conditions of the Transaction, the name change of Penbar, the Penbar Capital Consolidation, the Financing, the use of proceeds of the Financing, and the proposed directors and officers of the Resulting Issuer. The information about Emissions EV contained in the press release has not been independently verified by Penbar. Although Penbar believes in light of the experience of its officers and directors, current conditions and expected future developments and other factors that have been considered appropriate that the expectations reflected in this forward-looking information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on them because Penbar can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. Readers are cautioned to not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Actual results and developments may differ materially from those contemplated by these statements depending on, among other things, the risks that the parties will not proceed with the Transaction, the Penbar Capital Consolidation, the name change of Penbar, the Financing, the appointment of the proposed directors and officers of the Resulting Issuer and associated transactions, or that the ultimate terms of the Transaction, the Penbar Capital Consolidation, the name change, the Financing, the appointment of the proposed directors and officers of the Resulting Issuer and associated transactions will differ from those that currently are contemplated, or that the Transaction, the Penbar Capital Consolidation, the name change of Penbar, the Financing, the appointment of the proposed directors and officers of the Resulting Issuer and associated transactions will not be successfully completed for any reason (including the failure to obtain the required approvals or clearances from regulatory authorities). The terms and conditions of the Transaction may change based on Penbar's due diligence and the receipt of tax, corporate and securities law advice for both Penbar and Emissions EV. The statements in this press release are made as of the date of this press release. Penbar undertakes no obligation to comment on analyses, expectations or statements made by third-parties in respect of Penbar, Emissions EV, their securities, or their respective financial or operating results (as applicable). There can be no assurance that the Transaction will be completed or, if completed, will be successful.

该新闻稿包含适用证券法规定的有关完成交易和相关交易的建议的“前瞻性信息”,包括有关交易的条款和条件,Penbar的更名,Penbar Capital重新组合,融资,融资收益的使用以及拟议中的公司董事和高管的声明。新闻稿中有关Emissions EV的信息未经Penbar独立核实。尽管Penbar根据其官员和董事的经验,当前状况及预计的未来发展等因素,认为本前瞻性信息反映的期望是合理的,但由于Penbar无法保证这些信息是正确的,因此不应过度依赖它们。读者应注意不要过度依赖前瞻性信息。这些声明可能会因Penbar的尽职调查和接收Penbar和Emissions EV的税务,公司和证券法律建议而发生变化。本新闻稿中的声明是截至发布日期的声明。Penbar不承诺对与Penbar,Emissions EV,它们的证券或它们各自的财务或营运结果(如适用)有关的第三方的分析、期望或声明发表评论。无法保证该交易将被完成或,如果完成,将获得成功。

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