
Growth vs Value stock, which is better?

Growth vs Value stock, which is better?

moomoo Courses ·  2020/09/22 22:24  · 独家


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Value investing and growth investing are two different investing styles. Usually, value stocks present an opportunity to buy shares below their actual value, and growth stocks exhibit above-average revenue and earnings growth potential.


Wall Street likes to categorize stocks neatly as either growth or value stocks. The truth is a bit more complicated, as some stocks have elements of both value and growth. Nevertheless, there are important differences between growth and value stocks, and many investors prefer one style of investing over the other.


Growth stocks


Growth companies prioritize going from small, up-and-coming businesses to leaders in their respective industries as quickly as possible. Early on, these types of companies tend to concentrate on building up their revenue, often at the cost of delaying profitability. After a period of time, growth companies start focusing more on maximizing profits.


As those key financial metrics grow, the perceived value of the company rises in the eyes of growth-minded investors. That can create a positive feedback loop. A rising stock price can boost a company's reputation, helping it win even more business opportunities.


Growth stocks tend to have relatively high valuations as measured by price-to-earnings (P/E) or price-to-book (P/B)value ratios. However, they also see faster growth in revenue and income than their peers.


Growth stocks typically share these common characteristics:


  • Strong growth rate (both historic and projected forward). Historically, you want to see smaller companies with a 10%+ growth rate for the past five years and larger companies with 5% - 7%.

  • Strong Return on Equity (ROE).

  • Strong earnings per share (EPS). Pre-tax margins should exceed the past five-year average and the industry average.

  • 强劲的增长率(无论是历史性的还是前瞻性的)。从历史上看,你希望看到过去五年增长率超过10%的小公司和5%-7%的大公司。

  • 强劲的股本回报率(ROE)。

  • 强劲的每股收益(EPS)。税前利润率应该超过过去五年的平均水平和行业平均水平。

If the stock meets or roughly meets these criteria, you are probably looking at a growth stock.


Value stocks


Value stocks are not cheap stocks, but stocks currently trading for relatively cheap valuations relative to their earnings and long-term growth potential. The market has undervalued the stock for a variety of reasons, and the investor hopes to get in before the market corrects the price.

价值型股票不是便宜的股票,而是目前交易价格相对较低的股票。相对便宜的估值 他们的收益和长期增长潜力。由于各种原因,市场低估了该股的价值,投资者希望在市场修正价格之前进场。

Value stocks don't have flashy growth characteristics. Companies considered value stocks tend to have steady, predictable business models that generate modest gains in revenue and earnings over time.


Sometimes, you can find value stocks with companies that are in decline. Still, their stock price is so low that it understates the value of their future profit potential.


Which is better: growth or value?


Both growth stocks and value stocks offer lucrative investment opportunities to their shareholders. The best investment style for you depends largely on your personal financial goals and your investing preferences.


Growth stocks are more likely to be appealing if the following things apply to you:


  • You're not interested in the current income from your portfolio. Most growth companies avoid paying significant dividends to their shareholders. That's because they prefer to use all available cash by reinvesting it directly into their business to generate faster growth.

  • You're comfortable with big stock price moves. The price of a growth stock tends to be extremely sensitive to changes in future prospects for a company's business. When things go better than expected, growth stocks can soar in price. When they disappoint, higher-priced growth stocks can fall back to Earth just as quickly.

  • You're confident that you can pick out winners in emerging industries. You'll often find growth stocks in fast-moving areas of the economy, such as technology. It's common for many different growth companies to compete against each other. You'll need to pick as many of the eventual winners in an industry as you can while avoiding losers.

  • You have plenty of time before you'll need your money back. Growth stocks can take a long time to realize their full potential, and they often suffer setbacks along the way. 

  • 你对你投资组合的当前收入不感兴趣。大多数成长型公司都避免向股东支付高额股息。这是因为他们更喜欢将所有可用现金直接再投资于他们的业务,以实现更快的增长。

  • 你对股价的大幅波动感到自在。成长型股票的价格往往对公司未来业务前景的变化极为敏感。当情况好于预期时,成长型股票的价格可能会飙升。当它们令人失望时,价格较高的成长型股票可能同样会以同样快的速度回落到地球。

  • 你有信心能挑出新兴行业的赢家。你经常会在快速发展的经济领域找到成长型股票,比如科技股。许多不同的成长型公司相互竞争是很常见的。你需要尽可能多地挑选一个行业的最终赢家,同时避免输家。

  • 在你需要退款之前,你还有很多时间。成长型股票可能需要很长时间才能充分发挥其潜力,而且在此过程中往往会遭遇挫折。

Value stocks may look more attractive to you if you seek these characteristics:


  • You want a current income from your portfolio. Many value stocks pay out substantial amounts of cash as dividends to their shareholders. 

  • You prefer more stable stock prices. Value stocks don't tend to see very large movements in either direction. As long as their business conditions remain within predictable ranges, stock price volatility is usually low.

  • You're confident that you can avoid value traps. In many cases, stocks that look cheap are value traps, or cheap for a good reason. It could be that a company has lost its competitive edge, or can't keep up with the pace of innovation. You'll have to be able to look past attractive valuations to see when a company's future business prospects are poor.

  • You want a more immediate payoff from your investment. Value stocks don't turn things around overnight. If a company is successful in getting its business moving in the right direction, however, its stock price can rise quickly. The best value investors identify and buy shares of those stocks before other investors catch on.

  • 你想从你的投资组合中获得当前的收入。许多价值型股票向其股东支付了大量现金作为股息。

  • 你更喜欢稳定的股票价格。价值型股票在这两个方向上都不会出现很大的波动。只要他们的业务状况保持在可预测的范围内,股价波动通常都很低。

  • 你有信心可以避免价值陷阱。在许多情况下,看起来便宜的股票是价值陷阱,或者便宜是有充分理由的。这可能是因为一家公司失去了竞争优势,或者跟不上创新的步伐。你必须能够超越有吸引力的估值,才能看到一家公司未来的业务前景不佳。

  • 你想从你的投资中获得更立竿见影的回报。价值型股票不会在一夜之间扭亏为盈。然而,如果一家公司成功地让其业务朝着正确的方向发展,它的股价就会迅速上涨。最有价值的投资者在其他投资者发现并买入这些股票之前识别并买入这些股票。

Finally, when it comes to overall long-term performance, there's no clear-cut winner between growth and value stocks. Which group outperforms depends a lot on the specific time period that you're considering.


  • When economic conditions are good, growth stocks on average modestly outperform value stocks. 

  • During more difficult economic times, value stocks tend to hold up better. 

  • 当经济状况良好时,成长型股票的平均表现略好于价值型股票。

  • 在更困难的经济时期,价值型股票往往表现得更好。

Tracking growth and value indexes


These trends can be seen in growth and value indexes, which are benchmarks designed to track each group of stocks. 


How to find growth and value stocks in Moomoo?


It's simple to have a full list of all growth stocks simply with the "SPYG" index. And the method below can also be applied when searching for value stocks (just change ticker to "SPYV").


Step 1: Search "SPYG" in Moomoo and click on the first result highlighted below.



Step 2: Open the "Summary" tab on top.


Step 3: Click on the arrow next to "Top 10 Stocks" 



Step 4: Screen all constituent stocks included in the ETF.



Source: The Motley Fool, The Balance

来源:The Motley Fool,The Balance

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