
Marvel Updates Shareholders on Power One Spin-Out, Reserves the Share Symbol "PWRO"

Marvel Updates Shareholders on Power One Spin-Out, Reserves the Share Symbol "PWRO"

漫威向股东通报Power One分拆的最新情况,保留股票代码 “PWRO”
Accesswire ·  2023/10/18 10:45

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / October 18, 2023 / Marvel Discovery Corp. (TSX-V:MARV)(Frankfurt:O4T)(MARVF:OTCQB); ( "Marvel " or the "Company" ) is pleased to report on the status of Power One Resources Corp., ("Power One"). Power One is a reporting issuer, formed by Marvel via a Plan of Arrangement in 2021 through the spin-out of Marvel's Wicheeda North and Serpent River properties. Power One has applied for listing on the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV").

温哥华,BC/ACCESSWIRE/2023年10月18日/Marvel Discovery Corp.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:MARV)(法兰克福:O4T)(MARVF:OTCQB);(“漫威“或“公司”)很高兴地报告Power One Resources Corp.(“Power One”)的状况。Power One是一家报告发行商,由漫威在2021年通过安排计划剥离漫威的Wicheeda North和Serpent River资产而成立。Power One已申请在多伦多证券交易所创业板(“多伦多证券交易所”)上市。

Power One has received general comments from the TSXV requesting certain updates to its draft Listing Application. It has obtained auditor reviews of its interim financial statements, has raised sufficient funds to undertake an initial work program on the Serpent River property, has reserved trading symbol " PWRO ", and generally stands ready to list on the TSXV once the Listing Application has been accepted. Please see SEDAR, for Power One's most recent financial statements.

Power One已收到TSXV的一般意见,要求对其上市申请草案进行某些更新。它已经获得了审计师对其中期财务报表的审查,已经筹集了足够的资金来开展蛇河地产的初步工作计划,并保留了交易代码。PWRO“,一旦上市申请获接纳,一般随时准备在多伦多证券交易所上市。有关Power One的最新财务报表,请参阅SEDAR。

  • Marvel holds a large equity stake in Power One, approximately 15%.
  • Marvel and Power One are the largest landholders adjacent to Radio Fuels Energy Corp.'s (CSE: "CAKE") Pele Mountain deposit.
  • Marvel and Power One's Wicheeda projects are adjacent to Defense Metals Corp.'s (TSXV: DEFN) project - One of the largest Rare Earth projects in Canada which comprises of 6.4 million tonne measured mineral resource averaging 2.86% (TREO), and 27.8 million tonne indicated mineral resource averaging 1.02 TRE, cut-off grade 0.5%TREO. 1
  • Marvel holds a 2% NSR on both of Power One's mineral properties. Power One can purchase 50% of each NSR for the Serpent River project and the Wicheeda project for $1.5 million at any time and $1 million within a five-year period respectively.
  • 漫威持有Power One的大量股权,约占15%。
  • 漫威和Power One是毗邻无线电燃料能源公司S贝勒山矿藏的最大土地所有者。
  • 漫威和Power One的Wicheeda项目毗邻国防金属公司的S(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:DEFN)项目,该项目是加拿大最大的稀土项目之一,包括640万吨实际矿产资源量平均2.86%(TREO)和2780万吨指示矿产资源量平均1.02TREE(截止品位0.5%TREO)。1
  • 漫威对Power One的两个矿产资产都持有2%的NSR。Power One可以随时以150万美元的价格购买蛇河项目和Wicheeda项目每个NSR的50%,并在五年内分别以100万美元的价格购买。

The Serpent River project (the "Project") is located 15 kilometres east of Elliot Lake, Ontario. Limited drilling by Rio Algom in 1974 at the Pecors East showing on the Project reported a non-National Instrument 43-101 compliant historic resource of 20 million tonnes (Mt) averaging 0.037% uranium 3 . Immediately west of the Serpent River Project is Pele Mountain's Eco Ridge uranium/rare earth element project which is now owned by Radio Fuels. 2 In July 2011, Pele Mountain announced the positive results of a preliminary economic assessment study outlining 34.6 Mt at grades of 0.040% U 3 O 8 and 1,455 parts per million TREO (total rare earth oxides) 3 .

《蛇河》该项目位于安大略省埃利奥特湖以东15公里处。1974年,里约热内卢阿尔戈姆在Pecors East进行的有限钻探显示,该项目报告了一个非国家仪器43-101兼容的历史资源量,2000万吨(公吨),平均含0.037%的铀3.。紧邻蛇河项目以西的是贝勒山的Eco Ridge铀/稀土元素项目,该项目现在归Radio Fuels所有。2.2011年7月,贝勒山宣布了一项初步经济评估研究的积极结果,该研究概述了34.6Mt的0.040%U级3.O8个和1,455 ppm TREO(总稀土氧化物)3.

Figure 1 . Marvel and Power One's land holdings in the Elliott Lake Camp, Ontario.
图1。漫威和Power One在安大略省埃利奥特湖营地的土地持有。

Contact-style nickel-copper-plus-or-minus-platinum-group-element mineralization on the Project is supported by drilling in 2015 by Marvel. Hole P15-23 intersected 0.33 gram per tonne palladium plus platinum plus gold (g/t Pt-Pd-Au), 0.11% Cu and 0.04% Ni over 12 metres (m). This style of mineralization was intersected in gabbroic rocks within the Pecors anomaly. The Pecors anomaly is a strong regional magnetic high that extends for 18 kilometres (km) southeast-northwest and up to 4 km wide. The anomaly is located 15 km west of the East Bull intrusive suite, where recent drilling by Grid Metals Corp. (TSXV: GRDM) intersected 14.0 m of 1.2 g/t palladium equivalent (Pd_Eq) in hole EBL21-10 including a 1.0 m interval of 7.0 g/t Pd_Eq (see press release dated June 17, 2021). Canadian Palladium Resources Inc's (CSE: BULL) recent drilling results (see press release dated Sept. 22, 2021) reported a 19 m intersection grading 1.77 g/t Pd_Eq from its East Bull property. This result appears to be an extension to its NI 43-101 compliant inferred resource estimate of 11.1 million tonnes grading 1.46 g/t Pd_Eq 4 .

该项目的接触式nickel-copper-plus-or-minus-platinum-group-element矿化得到了漫威2015年钻探的支持。P15-23孔每吨0.33克钯+铂+金(g/t铂-钯-金),0.11%铜和0.04%镍12米(M)。这种类型的矿化与Pecors异常中的辉长岩相交。Pecors异常是一种强地区性磁高压,向东南-西北方向延伸18公里,宽达4公里。异常位于East Bull侵入岩套以西15公里处,Grid Metals Corp.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:GRDM)最近的钻探在EBL21-10孔与14.0米1.2克/吨钯当量(Pd_Eq)相交,包括1.0米间隔7.0 g/t Pd_Eq(见2021年6月17日的新闻稿)。加拿大钯资源公司(CSE:Bull)最近的钻探结果(见日期为9月1日的新闻稿)。22,2021)报告了一个19米的十字路口,其东牛地产的PD_Eq等级为1.77 g/t。这一结果似乎是其符合NI 43-101的推断资源估计的扩展,该估计为1110万吨,分级为1.46 g/t Pd_Eq4.

Figure 2 . Pecors Magnetic Anomaly 7km long by 3 km wide, Elliott Lake Ontario

The Wicheeda property is located approximately 80 km northeast of the city of Prince George and approximately 50 km east of the community of Bear Lake, B.C. The property is readily accessible by all-weather gravel roads and is close to major infrastructure, including power transmission lines, railway, and major highways. Geologically, the project is situated in the Foreland belt and within the Rocky Mountain trench, a major continental geologic feature. The Foreland belt contains part of a large alkaline igneous province stretching from the Canadian Cordillera to the southwestern United States and hosts several carbonatite and alkaline complexes. These include the Aley (niobium), Rock Canyon rare earth element mineral and Wicheeda (REE) alkaline complexes which contain the high concentrations of REE's.

维切达的财产位于乔治王子城东北约80公里,不列颠哥伦比亚省熊湖社区以东约50公里处。全天候砾石路很容易到达,靠近主要基础设施,包括输电线路、铁路和主要高速公路。从地质上讲,该项目位于前陆带和落基山脉海沟内,落基山脉海沟是主要的大陆地质特征。前陆带包括从加拿大科迪勒拉延伸到美国西南部的一个大型碱性火成岩省的一部分,并拥有几个碳酸盐和碱性杂岩。其中包括Aley(Nb)、Rock Canyon稀土元素矿物和Wicheeda(REE)碱性杂岩,它们含有高浓度的稀土元素。

Figure 3. Marvel and Power One's projects in the Wicheeda Camp, Prince George B.C
图3。漫威和Power One在公元前乔治王子的维切达营地的项目

In 2010, an airborne geophysical survey was conducted by Aeroquest and soil geochemical sampling by Electric Metals on behalf of Marvel was completed over a portion of the Wicheeda claims. The airborne geophysical program consisted of 654-line km of AeroTEM helicopter-borne, time-domain electromagnetic, plus radiometric surveying flown at high-resolution 50-metre line spacing. The survey covered a 29.4-square-kilometre area and was successful in mapping the magnetic and conductive properties of the geology. Within the assessment report from 2010 (No. 32361), comments from key observations and notes from Intrepid Geophysics include: "The electromagnetic data suggests that there may be an unmapped fault in the centre of the block. The magnetic data shows a subtle feature in the centre of the block, slightly offset from the interpreted fault. It is recommended that the airborne survey be followed up by a geochemical survey and property-scale mapping."

2010年,AeroQuest进行了一次航空地球物理调查,并由Electric Metals代表Marvel完成了对Wicheeda主张的一部分进行土壤地球化学采样。空中地球物理计划包括654线公里的航空瞬变电磁直升机携带的时间域电磁,以及以高分辨率50米线间距飞行的辐射测量。这项调查覆盖了29.4平方公里的区域,成功地绘制了地质的磁性和导电性地图。在2010年的评估报告(编号32361)中,来自Intreid地球物理的关键观察和笔记的评论包括:“电磁数据表明,地块中心可能存在一个未映射的断层。地块中心的磁性数据显示出一个微妙的特征,与解释的断层略有偏离。建议在航空调查之后进行化探调查和属性比例尺绘图。”



  1. Technical Report on the Eco Ridge Mine Project, Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada for Pele Mountain Resources by Roscoe Postle Associates Ltd., effective date June 20, 2012.
  2. Technical Report and Initial Mineral Resource Estimate on the East Bull Platinum Group Metals Property, Gerow Township, Sudbury Mining Division, Ontario for 21C Metals Inc by PGE Mining Consultants Inc., effective date April 15, 2019.
  1. 关于加拿大安大略省埃利奥特湖Eco Ridge矿山项目的技术报告,由Roscoe Postle Associates Ltd.为贝勒山资源撰写,生效日期为2012年6月20日。
  2. PGE矿业咨询公司对安大略省萨德伯里矿业事业部Gerow镇East Bull白金集团金属资产的21C Metals Inc.的技术报告和初步矿产资源估计,生效日期为2019年4月15日。

Qualified Person


The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Mike Kilbourne, P.Geo., who is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. The QP has not completed sufficient work to verify the historic information on the additional acquired ground particularly regarding historical exploration, neighbouring companies, and government geological work.


About Marvel Discovery Corp.


Marvel, listed on the TSX Venture Exchange for over 25 years, is a Canadian based emerging resource company. The Company is systematically exploring its extensive property positions in:


  • Newfoundland (Slip, Gander North, Gander South, Victoria Lake, Baie Verte, and Hope Brook - Au Prospects )
  • Atikokan, Ontario (BlackFly - Au Prospect )
  • Elliot Lake, Ontario (East Bull - Ni-Cu-PGE Prospect)
  • Quebec (Duhamel - Ni-Cu-Co prospect & Titanium, Vanadium, and Chromium Prospect)
  • Prince George, British Columbia (Wicheeda North - Rare Earth Elements Prospect)
  • 纽芬兰(斯普利普、甘德北、甘德南、维多利亚湖、贝弗特和霍普布鲁克--Au前景)
  • 安大略省阿提科坎(黑蝇-Au前景展望)
  • 安大略省埃利奥特湖(东牛-镍-铜-前列腺素E展望
  • 魁北克(Duhamel-镍铜钴远景及钛、钒、铬远景
  • 不列颠哥伦比亚省乔治王子(Wicheeda North-稀土元素展望)

The Company's website is:




Marvel Discovery Corp.


"Karim Rayani"


Karim Rayani


President/Chief Executive Officer, Director


Tel: 604 716-1036 email:


Disclaimer for Forward-Looking Information:

Certain statements in this release are forward-looking statements which reflect the expectations of management. Forward-looking statements consist of statements that are not purely historical, including any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations, or intentions regarding the future. Forward-looking statements in this press release relate to, among other things: completion of the proposed Arrangement. Actual future results may differ materially. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. There is no assurance any of the conditions for closing will be met. Forward-looking statements reflect the beliefs, opinions, and projections on the date the statements are made and are based upon a number of assumptions and estimates that, while considered reasonable by the respective parties, are inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties and contingencies. Readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements and information contained in this news release concerning these times. Except as required by law, the Company does not assume any obligation to update the forward-looking statements of beliefs, opinions, projections, or other factors, should they change, except as required by law


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release .


SOURCE: Marvel Discovery Corp.


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