
This CPG Company Achieves Substantial Fiscal 2023 Revenue & EBITDA Growth

This CPG Company Achieves Substantial Fiscal 2023 Revenue & EBITDA Growth

Benzinga ·  2023/10/18 15:04

Delivra Health Brands Inc. (TSXV:DHB) (OTCQB:DHBUF), a prominent player in the health and wellness consumer packaged goods (CPG) sector, recently disclosed its financial and operational results for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023.

Delivra Health Brands 多伦多证券交易所股票代码:DHB)(OTCQB:DHB)(场外交易代码:DHBUF)是健康和保健消费品(CPG)领域的杰出参与者,最近披露了截至2023年6月30日的财年的财务和运营业绩。

The company, known for its innovative brands Dream Water and LivRelief, focuses on delivering high-quality products to the global market.

该公司以其创新品牌Dream Water和LivRelief而闻名,专注于向全球市场提供高质量的产品。

See Also: EXCLUSIVE: Cannabis Companies On Importance Of Brands Going Mainstream, Entry Into Consumer Packaged Good Market

另请参阅: 独家:大麻公司谈品牌走向主流、进入消费者包装商品市场的重要性

Financial Highlights


  • Net revenue increased by 20% to $9,791 compared to $8,139 in fiscal 2022, primarily due to higher sales in the USA.
  • Gross profit reached $4,823 with a 49% gross profit margin, compared to $2,604 and a 32% margin in fiscal 2022, driven by reduced fees, lower indirect cost of sales and fewer financial inventory write-downs.
  • Total expenses, including SG&A and excluding non-cash items, decreased by 23% to $4,704 compared to $6,145 in fiscal 2022, resulting from operational changes and cost reductions.
  • Adjusted EBITDA improved by 119% to $517 in fiscal 2023, up from $2,765 in fiscal 2022, attributed to higher net sales, a stronger gross margin, and overall expense reduction.
  • 净收入增长了20%,达到9,791美元,而2022财年的收入为8,139美元,这主要是由于在美国的销售额增加。
  • 毛利达到4,823美元,毛利率为49%,而2022财年的毛利率为2,604美元,利润率为32%,这得益于费用降低、间接销售成本降低和财务库存减记减少。
  • 由于运营变化和成本降低,总支出(包括销售和收购以及不包括非现金项目)与2022财年的6,145美元相比下降了23%,至4,704美元。
  • 调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润从2022财年的2765美元增长了119%,至2023财年的517美元,这要归因于净销售额的增加、毛利率的提高以及总体开支的减少。

Gord Davey, president and CEO of Delivra Health, expressed satisfaction with the company's achievements and outlined future growth plans. "In the coming year, we expect to continue to increase our revenues and profitability through a combined focus on Canada, USA, international and e-commerce markets," he said.

Gord DaveyDelivra Health总裁兼首席执行官对公司取得的成就表示满意,并概述了未来的增长计划。他说:“在来年,我们预计将通过共同关注加拿大、美国、国际和电子商务市场,继续增加收入和盈利能力。”

In May, the company announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Delivra Inc., granted a subsidiary of Canopy Growth Corporation (NASDAQ:CGC) a strategic licensing agreement to manufacture, distribute, and sell LivRelief brand-infused topical products in Canada.

5月,该公司宣布其全资子公司Delivra Inc. 授予了一家子公司 Canopy GROWT 纳斯达克股票代码:CGC)一项战略许可协议,旨在在加拿大制造、分销和销售注入LivRelief品牌的外用产品。

Price Action


DHBUF shares were trading down at 38.27% at $0.01 per share Wednesday afternoon.


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