
Gamer Pakistan Launches Audience Testing And Market Research Initiative For Independent Game Developers

Gamer Pakistan Launches Audience Testing And Market Research Initiative For Independent Game Developers

Gamer Pakistan为独立游戏开发者推出受众测试和市场研究计划
Benzinga ·  2023/10/24 08:32

Gamer Pakistan Inc. (NASDAQ:GPAK), an early-stage technology and esports company focused on game development and in-game AI community engagement, and organizing esports events in Pakistan, today announced the launch of a new initiative to provide independent game developers with collaborative market research and in-depth audience testing in Pakistan.

Gamer Pakistan Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:GPAK)是一家早期科技和电子竞技公司,专注于游戏开发和游戏内人工智能社区参与,并在巴基斯坦组织电子竞技活动。该公司今天宣布启动一项新计划,为独立游戏开发者提供巴基斯坦的合作市场研究和深入的受众测试。

Selected independent developers will partner with Gamer Pakistan to test their games, backed by the Company's unparalleled, in-depth insights into the behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns of Pakistani collegiate esports and youth mobile gaming communities. The initiative aims to provide developers with:

在公司对巴基斯坦大学电子竞技和青少年移动游戏社区的行为、偏好和参与模式的无与伦比的深入见解的支持下,选定的独立开发者将与Gamer Pakistan合作测试他们的游戏。该计划旨在为开发者提供:

  • In-Depth Insights: Utilize proprietary analytics for deep understanding of gamer behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns, thereby allowing for precision fine-tuning of game mechanics, storylines, and monetization strategies.
  • Mass Exposure: Benefit from an extensive network and community engagement to garner widespread attention and constructive feedback.
  • Resource Support: Leverage Gamer Pakistan's technological infrastructure to optimize game performance and user experience.
  • Market Entry Support: With a vast community and industry expertise, Gamer Pakistan aims to significantly streamline and support developer journeys in bringing games to market.
  • 深度见解: 利用专有分析来深入了解玩家的行为、偏好和参与模式,从而可以精确调整游戏机制、故事情节和盈利策略。
  • 大规模曝光: 受益于广泛的网络和社区参与,以获得广泛关注和建设性反馈。
  • 资源支持: 利用巴基斯坦Gamer的技术基础设施来优化游戏性能和用户体验。
  • 市场准入支持: Gamer Pakistan拥有庞大的社区和行业专业知识,旨在显著简化和支持开发者将游戏推向市场的旅程。

"The aim of this new initiative is not just to test games, but to help independent game developers bring their creations successfully to market," said Jim Knopf, CEO, President & Director of Gamer Pakistan. "Partnering with us will offer developers a unique opportunity to access a thriving and passionate market in Pakistan. With nearly 37 million gamers, Pakistan has one of the highest concentrations of the key gaming and esports demographic in the world with ~65% of the country's 207 million population under the age of 30. Our exclusive access to a 1.96 million market audience of Pakistan students will provide a fantastic cohort of testers for developers to refine and improve their new games. We look forward to working with initiative participants and empowering them with the insights, support and exposure needed to optimize games for commercial launch."

Gamer Pakistan首席执行官、总裁兼董事Jim Knopf表示:“这项新计划的目的不仅是测试游戏,还在于帮助独立游戏开发商成功将其作品推向市场。”“与我们合作将为开发商提供进入巴基斯坦蓬勃发展和充满激情的市场的难得机会。巴基斯坦拥有近3700万游戏玩家,是世界上主要游戏和电子竞技人群中最集中的国家之一,该国2.07亿人口中约有65%年龄在30岁以下。我们对196万巴基斯坦学生市场受众的独家访问将为开发者提供一批出色的测试人员,以完善和改进他们的新游戏。我们期待与计划参与者合作,为他们提供优化游戏商业发布所需的见解、支持和曝光度。”

How to Apply


Independent game developers interested in this collaborative initiative are invited to submit their applications through the official Gamer Pakistan website. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for a detailed discussion and potential onboarding.

欢迎对这项合作计划感兴趣的独立游戏开发者通过Gamer Pakistan官方网站提交申请。将联系入围候选人,进行详细讨论和潜在的入职培训。

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