
Golden Spike Announces IP Survey Results Over the Gregory River Property

Golden Spike Announces IP Survey Results Over the Gregory River Property

Golden Spike 公布了格雷戈里河房产的知识产权调查结果
Accesswire ·  2023/10/24 10:55

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / October 24, 2023 / Golden Spike Resources Corp. (CSE:GLDS) (OTCQB:GSPRF) (Frankfurt:L5Y) ("Golden Spike" or the "Company") is pleased to provide the results of an Induced Polarization/Resistivity ("IP") survey completed earlier this year over its 100%-owned Gregory River property (the "Property") located in Newfoundland, Canada.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华/ACCESSWIRE/2023年10月24日/金穗资源公司(Golden Spike Resources Corp.)(CSE:GLD)(OTCQB:GSPRF)(法兰克福:15年)(“金穗“或”公司“)很高兴提供今年早些时候完成的对其位于加拿大纽芬兰的100%拥有的格雷戈里河物业(”该物业“)进行的激发极化/电阻率(”IP“)调查的结果。



  • The IP survey covers the Lode 9 Target area and revealed several chargeability anomalies within the prospective Gregory River volcanogenic massive sulphide ("VMS") corridor, including:
  • Lode 9 Anomaly: 500 metre ("m") long, north-trending anomaly coinciding with the historic Lode 9 prospect and Noranda drill hole GR-91-2 (7.2 metres grading 2.12% copper and 0.60 g/t gold).
  • West Anomaly: 300m long, north trending anomaly, subparallel to and west of the Lode 9 Anomaly.
  • Northeast Anomaly: 500m long, north-northeast trending anomaly in the northeast corner of the survey.
  • IP调查覆盖了Lode 9目标区,并发现了格雷戈里河火山成因块状硫化物(VMS)走廊内的几个可充电异常,包括:
  • 9号矿脉异常:500米长的北向异常与历史悠久的Lode 9探矿和Noranda钻孔GR-91-2(7.2米品位2.12%铜和0.60克/吨金)重合。
  • 西异常点:长300米,北向异常,与洛德9号异常近平行,以西。
  • 东北异常:全长500米,北东向异常位于调查的东北角。

Golden Spike's CEO, Keith Anderson commented, "We are very pleased with the results of the IP survey, which has revealed several interesting chargeability anomalies within our target Gregory River VMS corridor and identifies new target areas. The survey provides us with valuable information to improve our understanding of this priority target area will help guide our drill hole targeting."

Golden Spike的首席执行官Keith Anderson评论说:“我们对IP调查的结果感到非常满意,它揭示了我们的目标格雷戈里河VMS走廊内几个有趣的可充电异常现象,并确定了新的目标区域。该调查为我们提供了宝贵的信息,以增进我们对这一优先目标区域的了解,这将有助于指导我们的钻孔目标定位。”

2023 IP Survey


The Company retained Eastern Geophysics Limited ("Eastern") from Corner Brook, Newfoundland to carry out the IP program in late April 2023. The IP program is part of the Company's Phase 2 exploration program and was initially designed to comprise of two grids, one at the Lode 9 Target and the other at the Steep Brook Target. Both of these areas cover favourable lithological and structural environments are considered high-priority target areas to host Cyprus-type VMS-style mineralization. Due to rapidly melting snow creating difficult access conditions only a portion of the Lode 9 grid was completed in April and the Steep Brook grid remains to be surveyed during the next field program.

本公司于2023年4月下旬聘请纽芬兰Corner Brook的东方地球物理有限公司(“东方”)进行知识产权计划。IP计划是公司第二阶段勘探计划的一部分,最初设计由两个电网组成,一个在Lode 9 Target,另一个在陡峭溪Target。这两个地区都覆盖了有利的岩性和构造环境,被认为是塞浦路斯式VMS式矿化的高度优先目标区。由于积雪迅速融化,造成进入条件困难,洛德9号电网只有一部分在4月份完成,陡峭的布鲁克电网仍需在下一次实地计划期间进行勘察。

The Lode 9 grid comprised of 11, east-west oriented, 100-metre ("m") spaced lines, each ranging between 400m and 950m in length and together totaling approximately 7.75 line-kilometres. The lines were surveyed using a pole-dipole configuration with "A"-spacing (electrode intervals) of 50m and "N" ("depth") values from 1 to 6. The survey was performed on newly cut and chained grid lines and all electrode stations were subsequently measured with differential GPS positioning for greater accuracy.

Lode 9电网由11条东西走向、100米(“m”)间隔的线路组成,每条线路的长度在400米到950米之间,总长约为7.75公里。测线采用极-偶极配置,“A”间距(电极间距)为50m,“N”(深度)值为1到6。测量是在新切割和链接的网格线上进行的,随后所有电极站都使用差分GPS定位进行测量,以提高精度。

The survey was designed to outline potential chargeable and resistive features that could indicate the presence of VMS-style alteration and associated sulphide mineralization, and to identify new drill targets. The survey results are very encouraging and resulted in several moderate intensity chargeability anomalies, coincident with areas of higher resistivity, and in some cases historically explored prospects. The survey data remains to be further evaluated thorough inversions, which can generate a more accurate representation of the resistivity and chargeability distributions at deeper levels and better define drilling targets.


The main anomalies resulting from the IP survey are shown on Figure 1 and described below:


Lode 9 Anomaly


The Lode 9 chargeability anomaly (Figure 1) is approximately 500m in length and on surface is low-moderate intensity but appears to intensify with depth (N=4 and N=6). The south portion of the anomaly at N=2 is coincident with the surface exposure of the Lode 9 VMS prospect, which is a small outcrop on the edge of the Gregory River that exposes a 2-3m wide stratabound zone of sulphide mineralization. The outcrop was historically sampled by RioCanex (Rio Tinto) in 1981 and returned the following significant results:

Lode 9充电性异常(图1)长约500米,表面为中低强度,但似乎随着深度的加深而增强(N=4和N=6)。位于N=2的异常的南段与洛德9号VMS勘探的地表暴露相吻合,该勘探是格雷戈里河沿岸的一个小露头,暴露出2-3米宽的硫化物矿化层控带。RioCanex(力拓)在1981年对露头进行了历史性的抽样,并返回了以下重要结果:

  • 4.04 % copper ("Cu") and 0.72 grams per tonne ("g/t") gold ("Au") over 2.1m
  • 2.66% Cu over 0.95m
  • 2.52% Cu and 0.58 g/t Au over 1.5m
  • 2.04% Cu and 0.41 g/t gold over 1.2m
  • 2.1m以上每吨4.04%铜及0.72克金
  • 2.66%铜大于0.95米
  • 超过1.5米的2.52%铜和0.58g/t Au
  • 1.2m以上2.04%铜和0.41g/t黄金

The northern part of the Property, including the Lode 9 Target area was also previously explored by Noranda in 1991, who completed geological mapping, a soil survey, ground geophysics (magnetics, VLF, HLEM) and four wide-spaced diamond drill holes, only one of which was at the Lode 9 chargeability anomaly. The soil survey revealed multiple, north trending, >100 ppm copper soil anomalies (with values as high as 1,000 ppm) over lengths up to 1,200 metres. Zinc soil anomalies (>100 ppm with individual soil samples as high as 4,000 ppm) overlap with many of the copper anomalies. Portions of these soil anomalies coincide the Lode 9 chargeability anomaly.

包括Lode 9目标区在内的北部地区也曾在1991年由Noranda勘探,他完成了地质测绘、土壤调查、地面地球物理(磁学、甚低频、Hlem)和四个大间距的钻石钻孔,其中只有一个位于Lode 9带电异常。土壤调查显示,在长达1,200米的范围内,有多个北向>100ppm的铜土壤异常(值高达1000ppm)。锌土壤异常(>100ppm,个别土壤样本高达4000ppm)与许多铜异常重叠。这些土壤异常的一部分与Lode9电荷性异常相吻合。

Noranda core hole GR-91-2 was drilled below the Lode 9 prospect and intersected 7.2m grading 2.12% Cu and 0.60 g/t Au at a vertical depth of about 20m below the outcrop. Even though Noranda recommended additional follow-up drilling, none was ever completed.


This historical work further supports the Lode 9 area as a prime target for follow-on drilling to test for VMS-style mineralization. Although the Company has not been able to validate all of these historical exploration results, the work was completed by well-known major companies RioCanex (Rio Tinto) and Noranda and returned copper and gold values in similar ranges to recent sampling completed by Golden Spike on other portions of the property. Furthermore, it is believed that these companies would have had sampling methodologies and quality control processes in place that were considered industry-standard for that time and therefore the Company believes that it is reasonable to report these sampling and drill results as historical and to use them as a guide for future exploration at these prospects.

这一历史工作进一步支持了洛德9区作为后续钻探的主要目标,以测试VMS风格的矿化。尽管公司未能验证所有这些历史勘探结果,但工作已由知名大公司RioCanex(Rio Tinto)和Noranda完成,返回的铜和黄金价值范围与Golden Spike最近完成的对该矿产其他部分的采样类似。此外,相信这些公司已具备当时被视为行业标准的采样方法和质量控制程序,因此本公司认为,将这些采样和钻探结果报告为历史并将其用作未来勘探的指南是合理的。

Figure 1: Lode 9 Target IP Survey - Chargeability (N=2)

图1:LODE 9目标IP调查-收费情况(N=2)

West Anomaly


The West Anomaly occurs mid-way between the Lode 9 chargeability anomaly (Figure 1) and the Gregory River Fault ("GRF"). At N=2 it occurs as a moderate strength 300m long, north-trending chargeability high that remains open to the north, potentially continuing onto ground that was not surveyed during the recent program. To the south, the anomaly remains open towards the southern property boundary. At depth (N=4 and N=6) the anomaly appears to intensify.


Approximately 300m northwest of the north tip of the West Anomaly, in an area not covered by the recent IP survey, Noranda historical drillhole GR-91-1A intersected approximately 10m of cherty exhalate at a vertical depth of about 100m, which was mineralized with 4-8% pyrite and anomalous values of gold (averaging 0.18g/t Au over 8 m), but no significant copper. Exhalites are strata-bound cherty horizons that are often part of the VMS hydrothermal system and can be spatially related to nearby VMS mineralization.

在西异常北端西北约300米处,在最近的激电测量未覆盖的地区,Noranda历史钻孔GR-91-1A型在垂直深度约100米处穿过约10米的Cherty喷出液,其矿化含有4-8%的黄铁矿和金的异常值(平均0.18g/t Au超过8米),但没有显著的铜。喷流岩是受地层约束的深蓝色层位,通常是VMS热液系统的一部分,可以在空间上与附近的VMS矿化有关。

Being in the vicinity of both an exhalate and a large regional structure (GRF), along with anomalous trends of copper and zinc soil anomalies are all significant indicators and suggest that this area deserves further review and potentially drill testing.


Northeast Anomaly


In the northeast corner of the IP survey is moderate strength, north-northeast trending chargeability anomaly that can be traced for approximately 500m (Figure 1) and continues to the northeast beyond the IP survey area. At N=2 the anomaly occurs within mafic volcanics, close to the interpreted contact with gabbro. A 1991 Noranda zinc soil anomaly (> 150 ppm, maximum value 400 ppm) is adjacent to, and just downslope (west) from the IP anomaly. The anomaly is only measured at surface (N=2) and there is limited data about possible depth extents due to anomaly's location on the edge of the survey. Very few outcrops occur in the vicinity of the anomaly and therefore no historical rock sampling has been completed, however this intriguing anomaly requires additional review to determine its merit as a potential drilling target.


Southeast Anomaly


In the far southeast corner of the IP grid is another potential chargeability anomaly that is on the edge of the grid and remains only partially defined (Figure 1). However, this is an area that should be covered by additional prospecting and potentially an extension to the IP grid to the east to provide better coverage. Although there is very little outcrop exposure in this area, an isolated outcrop in the western part of the anomaly was sampled by Golden Spike last year, returning 1.22% Cu, 0.10% Zn and 1,350 ppm Co in an area with multiple 5-10cm wide sulphide bearing quartz veins hosted in a significantly silicified and chlorite altered mafic rock.

在IP网格的最东南角是另一个潜在的计费异常,它位于网格边缘,仅保留部分定义(图1)。然而,这是一个应该通过额外勘探和可能向东延伸IP网格以提供更好覆盖的地区。尽管该地区露头露头很少,但Golden Spike去年在异常西部的一个孤立露头取样,在一个明显硅化和绿泥石蚀变的镁铁质岩石中含有多个5-10厘米宽的硫化物石英脉的地区,返还了1.22%的铜、0.10%的锌和1350ppm的钴。

Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved for disclosure by Mr. Robert Cinits, P.Geo, a Director of the Company and a "Qualified Person" within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新闻稿中的科技信息已由Robert Cinits,P.Geo先生审核并批准披露,他是公司的董事成员,也是国家仪器43-101-矿产项目披露标准所指的“合格人士”。

About Golden Spike


Golden Spike Resources Corp. (CSE:GLDS), (OTCQB: GSPRF), (Frankfurt: L5Y) is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on identifying, acquiring and unlocking value in mineral opportunities in Canada and other low-risk jurisdictions. The Company currently holds 100% interest in the 3,425-hectare Gregory River Property in Newfoundland, strategically centered over an approximate 11-kilometer-long stretch of the Gregory River VMS-belt, a north-northeast trending corridor of very prospective ground with potential to host Cyprus-type polymetallic VMS deposits. In addition, the Property hosts a cluster of historically explored, high-grade, copper ±gold vein structures.

金穗资源公司(CSE:GLDs),(OTCQB:GSPRF),(法兰克福:L5Y)是一家加拿大矿产勘探公司,专注于在加拿大和其他低风险司法管辖区发现、收购和释放矿产机会的价值。本公司目前持有位于纽芬兰的3,425公顷Gregory River矿藏的100%权益,该矿藏战略上位于Gregory River VMS地带一段约11公里长的地段上,这是一条由北向东北走向的走廊,具有极具远景的土地,具有蕴藏塞浦路斯式多金属VMS矿床的潜力。此外,该物业还拥有一系列历史上勘探过的高品位铜±金脉构造。



Keith Anderson, President and CEO


Golden Spike Resources Corp.
830 - 1100 Melville St.,Vancouver, BC, V6E 4A6
+1 (604) 786-7774;

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华梅尔维尔街830-1100,邮编:V6E 4A6

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This release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements relate to future events or future performance and reflect the expectations or beliefs of management of the Company regarding future events. Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" occur.


Additionally, forward-looking information involve a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results to be materially different from any future plans, intentions, activities, results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks include, without limitation: the volatility of global capital markets, political instability, unanticipated costs, risks relating to the extent and duration of the conflict in Eastern Europe and its impact on global markets, the lack of availability of capital and financing, general economic, market or business conditions, adverse weather conditions, failure to maintain all necessary government permits, approvals and authorizations, failure to maintain community acceptance (including First Nations), increase in costs, litigation, failure of counterparties to perform their contractual obligations, failure of the exploration program, including the recent IP survey and potential future drilling to result in the discovery of significant precious and/or base metal mineralization, and those risks, uncertainties and factors set forth in the Company's disclosure record under the Company's profile on SEDAR at . Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information contained herein. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement or forward-looking information disclosed herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.


SOURCE: Golden Spike Resources Corp.


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