
Imperial Mining Provides Crater Lake Project Update

Imperial Mining Provides Crater Lake Project Update

GlobeNewswire ·  2023/10/25 18:00

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Crater Lake: "The most exciting hard-rock scandium project in the world"

MONTREAL, Oct. 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Imperial Mining Group Ltd. ("Imperial") (TSX VENTURE: IPG; OTCQB: IMPNF) is pleased to share its work plan to mark the eighth week of office of President and CEO Pierre Neatby as the first of regular updates.


"I am excited about the company's prospects and the state of advancement of the Crater Lake Project," said Pierre Neatby. "My first eight weeks at Imperial have gone by very quickly, and I am more impressed with the company and the Crater Lake project every day. We have a great resource, a compelling PEA, and a strong team, and our host province, Quebec, is mining-friendly, hosts eight major aluminum smelters, and has recently attracted and supported major projects linked to critical minerals. I am also a strong believer in the future of scandium. Canada, the US, the EU (and others) have declared scandium a "critical" metal, and many governments want to see more regional supply chains to reduce the political risk of supply disruptions. Many companies want to use more scandium and have been waiting for more supply to come into the market. Imperial is ready to become the world's first primary scandium producer.

Pierre Neatby说:“我对该公司的前景和火山口湖项目的进展状况感到兴奋。”我在Imperial的头八个星期过得很快,我对这家公司和陨石坑湖项目的印象一天比一天深。我们拥有丰富的资源、令人信服的PEA和强大的团队,我们的东道主魁北克省对采矿友好,拥有八家大型铝冶炼厂,最近还吸引和支持了与关键矿物相关的重大项目。我也强烈相信钪的未来。加拿大、美国、欧盟(和其他国家)已经宣布钪是一种“危急”金属,许多政府希望看到更多的地区性供应链,以降低供应中断的政治风险。许多公司希望使用更多的钪,并一直在等待更多的供应进入市场。Imperial准备成为世界上第一家初级钪生产商。

I want to share our work objectives for the next year:


Objective 1: Strategic partnerships.

目标1: 战略合作伙伴关系。

Strategic partnerships are critical to help financially support the next steps in our development of the Crater Lake Project, which are the Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) and the Definitive Feasibility Study (FS). Both these studies build upon the June 2022 Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA), which showed strong economics [$1.72 billion NPV (at 10%) and 32.8% IRR]. We will contemplate partnerships in several forms, including the following which are popular:


1) Off-take agreements are promises made today to purchase scandium or rare earths in the future at market prices. Included with the promise can be a payment made up-front or a pre-payment made up-front.
2) Royalty agreements are similar to off-take agreements, except that they most often include a significant up-front financing payment in exchange for output from the project in the future.
3) Investment in the project. This would involve creating a separate company (i.e. Crater Lake Company) where the investor would pay to acquire a share in Crater Lake Company.
4) Investment in the Company. This would involve a partner wanting to be a shareholder of Imperial Mining Group Ltd.
1) 承购协议今天做出了承诺,未来将以市场价格购买钪或稀土。承诺包括预付款或预付款。
2) 版税协议与承购协议类似,不同之处在于,承购协议通常包括一大笔预付融资款项,以换取未来项目的产出。
3) 对该项目的投资。这将涉及创建一家独立的公司(即陨石湖公司),投资者将支付收购陨石湖公司的股份。
4) 对公司的投资。这将涉及合作伙伴希望成为帝国矿业集团有限公司的股东。

Partnerships can include one or several of the above or be tailored specifically for the partner.


We are working to conclude a partnership with a company that has expressed interest in the Crater Lake Project. We cannot say more due to a confidentiality agreement signed with this company.


We have also hired a consultant (Oct. 1, 2023) to introduce our project to specific companies in Asia that have shown interest in Imperial and Crater Lake. In addition, we are negotiating with two other parties for similar consultancy agreements. Through their businesses, these consultants have direct access to companies that have shown interest in Scandium and Crater Lake. At least two of these people acting as consultants for Imperial are shareholders. A success fee will be paid to these consultants if an investment or partnership takes place. Only then will there be a cost to Imperial.


Objective 2: Funding from other sources


i) Government:


We continue to seek out funding from different levels of government. In October 2023, we submitted an Expression of Interest for a $5m grant to Natural Resources Canada under the Critical Minerals Research, Development and Demonstration Program.


In October 2022, we submitted a white paper for funding to the US Government under Title III. We received a reply in September 2023 that while our project is of interest, funding to the level we requested is currently out of reach. We are continuing discussions and seeking access to other departments within the US government.


In October 2023, we applied to the 2024 BHP Xplor cohort (up to $500,000) to help fund the Crater Lake Project.


We have had discussions with representatives of the Quebec government, and we understand that there are programs we may qualify for that exist to help fund some of the work we are doing. We will be seeking further information on these programs in the coming weeks and participating in those we qualify for.


ii) Flow Through


We are assessing our capital needs for work to be done on-site in 2024 to determine if flow-through shares might be an appropriate funding mechanism.


iii) Gold properties:


Imperial's two gold properties (Opawica and La Ronciere) are valuable assets in the Province of Quebec. There has been activity in the region of our two gold projects this year, with a significant gold company making deals to acquire assets. Although the properties are not the strategic priority for Imperial, we are discussing further developing these assets with interested parties and generating cash to help move Crater Lake forward.

帝国能源的两处黄金资产(Opawica和La Ronciere)是魁北克省的宝贵资产。今年,我们的两个黄金项目在该地区开展了活动,一家重要的黄金公司达成了收购资产的交易。尽管这些资产不是帝国能源的战略重点,但我们正在与感兴趣的各方讨论进一步开发这些资产,并创造现金帮助推动陨石坑湖向前发展。

Objective 3: Better define the demand for Al-Sc alloys

目标3 更好地定义对Al-Sc合金的需求

We are working with Albecour Inc. under a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU"), signed July 12, 2023, to investigate the potential of producing specialty Scandium-Aluminum alloys in the Province of Québec. The work is to evaluate and, if deemed commercially viable, enter into a commercial agreement to manufacture Scandium-Aluminum master alloys.

根据2023年7月12日签署的谅解备忘录,我们正在与Albecour Inc.合作,调查QuéBEC省生产特种钪铝合金的潜力。这项工作是评估,并在被认为商业可行的情况下,达成一项商业协议,以生产钪铝中间合金。

In parallel, we are investigating the potential uses of scandium-aluminum in light-weighting applications such as electrical distribution wires.


We are working with technical experts to understand better the different applications of Al-Sc alloys and the companies that would most benefit from larger volumes of the alloy.


We continue working with McMaster University (Hamilton, Ont) to use scandium-aluminum alloys in 3D printing. We are exploring a new approach for generating scandium-aluminum powders suitable for the 3D printing of aluminum components that are costly to produce using traditional manufacturing methods. Imperial is supporting the research work of a PhD candidate at McMaster.


Objective 4: Progress environmental permitting.

目标4: 在环境允许的情况下取得进展。

Crater Lake environmental permitting is a long-lead item for mine approval. It addresses multiple technical, environmental and social data. We will continue weather data collection from the Crater Lake site, which we started in September 2022, for 4 more seasons for which we have retained AtkinsRealis (formerly SNC-Lavalin.)


In October 2023, we retained WSP Canada to prepare desktop reviews of the effect of mining at Crater Lake and transporting ore over winter roads on fauna, flora and indigenous lifestyles in Quebec and Labrador in anticipation of environmental permitting from the governments of Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador and Canada, under their respective legislations. We are currently engaged in other negotiating with a consulting firm to advance social and environmental data collection in anticipation of the 2024 field season, which includes geotechnical and negative drilling for environmental permitting and mine tailings localization.

2023年10月,我们聘请WSP Canada准备桌面审查,评估在火山口湖采矿和通过冬季道路运输矿石对魁北克和拉布拉多的动植物和土著生活方式的影响,以期得到魁北克、纽芬兰、拉布拉多和加拿大政府根据各自法律的环境许可。我们目前正在与一家咨询公司进行其他谈判,以推进社会和环境数据的收集,以迎接2024年的野外季节,其中包括为环境许可而进行的岩土和负向钻探以及尾矿本地化。

Objective 5: Prefeasibility Study.

目标5: 预可行性研究。

We are launching the start of the Pre-Feasibility Study.


The first actions under the Pre Feasibility relate to the environmental permitting discussed above, and concurrently, we will work on optimizing the mineral processing flow sheet. In October 2023, Imperial started optimizing its mineral processing and hydrometallurgical flowsheet for scandium and rare earths at SGS Lakefield to support the preparation of a Prefeasibility Study of the Crater Lake Project in northeastern Quebec. This optimization will be done using a 600kg ore sample that is part of a 15-tonne bulk sample extracted from Crater Lake and stored in Sept-Iles, Quebec. The optimization will begin with the base-case flow sheet used in the 2022 PEA and work to improve the recovery of the payable metals (scandium and rare earths) while improving the flow sheet's capital and operating costs. The result of this optimization work will guide the engineering design of the larger pilot testing to be used in the Feasibility Study. The optimization work is supported by a $500,000 grant from Le Consortium de recherche et d'innovation en transformation métallique (CRITM), which is one of the nine industrial research sector groups (RSRIs) in Québec. CRITM is funded by the Ministère des Ressources Naturelles du Québec. It is a network dedicated to industrial research and offers companies strategic support and financial assistance to carry out their research projects. In December 2022, Imperial applied for funding under CRITM's Critical and Strategic Minerals program.

在前期可行性下的第一批行动涉及上述环境许可,同时,我们将致力于优化选矿工艺流程。2023年10月,Imperial开始优化其在SGS Lakefield的钪和稀土的选矿和湿法冶金流程,以支持魁北克东北部火山口湖项目的预可行性研究的准备工作。这一优化将使用600公斤的矿石样品进行,该样品是从火山口湖提取并储存在魁北克9月-伊尔斯的15吨散装样品的一部分。优化将从2022年PEA使用的基本情况流程图开始,努力提高可支付金属(钪和稀土)的回收率,同时改善流程图的资本和运营成本。这项优化工作的结果将指导工程设计的较大规模的先导试验将用于可行性研究。优化工作得到了Le Consortium de Recherche et d‘Innovation en Transform Mé滑石粉协会提供的500,000美元赠款的支持,该协会是QuéBEC的九个工业研究部门小组之一。CRITM由资源与自然资源部(SecurèRe Des Resources)提供资金,并由́BEC提供。它是一个致力于工业研究的网络,为公司提供战略支持和财政援助,以开展他们的研究项目。2022年12月,帝国能源根据CRITM的关键和战略矿产计划申请资金。

Additional work related to the Pre-Feasibility will be initiated in 2024, including hiring the engineering firm that will issue the PFS report.


Objective 6: Increase market awareness.


We want more people to hear about Crater Lake, scandium and Imperial Mining.


In October 2023, eResearch ( completed an Industry Report on Scandium, and we expect to see additional research reports on the sector and the company in the coming months.


On October 18, 2023, Imperial presented at the 2nd Annual Metal Events Scandium Conference in San Antonio and will be presenting at the Quebec Mines et Energie conference in Quebec City on November 21.

2023年10月18日,帝国理工学院在第二届发送在圣安东尼奥举行的年度金属活动钪会议上,他将出席11月21日在魁北克市举行的魁北克Mines et Energie会议。

We are participating in InvestorNews forums and interviews. The first interview with Jack Lifton is on the Imperial website.


We have recently been assigned a booth at the annual Prospectors and Developers Association (PDAC) trade show that takes place annually in Toronto. Next year's show will take place March 3-6, 2024. Please come and meet us there if you are in Toronto.


We are also working on a new Investor Relations program that we can provide details of soon.




My first eight weeks have been hectic, and I anticipate the next year to be even more as we roll up our sleeves to deliver on big objectives to deliver in a short period of time.


To assist with the delivery of the objectives noted above, I have asked Dr. Luc Duchesne, VP of Corporate Development, to increase his involvement, and he has graciously accepted. He will take responsibility for the environmental permitting process and work with our consultant Yakum Consuting, to deliver the improved flowsheet. I thank him for his efforts to date and for the efforts to come.

为了协助实现上述目标,我已请企业发展副总裁吕克·杜切斯博士增加他的参与,他欣然接受了。他将负责环境许可流程,并与我们的顾问Yakum Consuting合作,提供改进的流程图。我感谢他迄今所作的努力和今后的努力。

I have appreciated the support of shareholders during this challenging time for the mining industry, specifically the junior mining sector, where valuations have fallen during the past few weeks. But I want to leave you with a comforting quote from Dr. Anthony Williams-Jones from McGill University, who has authored or co-authored over 350 peer-reviewed scientific papers and who stated:


"I consider the Crater Lake project to be the most exciting hard-rockscandiumproject in the world."


I agree with Dr. Williams-Jones.




Imperial is a Canadian technology metals company focused on advancing its flagship Crater Lake scandium and rare earth projects in Québec. Imperial is publicly listed on the TSX Venture Exchange as "IPG" and on the OTCQB Exchange as "IMPNF" and is led by an experienced team of mineral development professionals.


For further information please contact:


Imperial Mining Group Ltd.
Pierre Neatby
President and Chief Executive Officer
Phone: +1 (514) 360-0571

Twitter: @imperial_mining Facebook: Imperial Mining Group


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