
SourceCode and Eviden Team Up to Bring Full-Scale HPC, AI, and Quantum Solutions to North American Market

SourceCode and Eviden Team Up to Bring Full-Scale HPC, AI, and Quantum Solutions to North American Market

SourceCode 和 Eviden 联手为北美市场推出全面的高性能计算、人工智能和量子解决方案
PR Newswire ·  2023/10/26 09:02

NORWOOD, Mass., Oct. 26, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- SourceCode and Eviden Team Up to Bring Full-Scale HPC, AI, and Quantum Solutions to North American Market

马萨诸塞州诺伍德2023年10月26日 /PRNewswire/ — SourceCode 和 Eviden 联手为北美市场推出全面的高性能计算、人工智能和量子解决方案

SourceCode, a pioneer of hardware co-design from device to datacenter, today announced a landmark partnership with Eviden, an Atos business and a global leader in next-gen technology. The partnership will serve the North American market with a unique portfolio of High Performance Computing (HPC), AI, and quantum technologies that covers the entire computing spectrum. SourceCode is a portfolio company of Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. ("Cerberus"), a global leader in alternative investing.

从设备到数据中心硬件协同设计的先驱SourceCode今天宣布与Atos旗下企业、下一代技术的全球领导者Eviden建立具有里程碑意义的合作伙伴关系。该合作伙伴关系将为北美市场提供涵盖整个计算领域的独特高性能计算 (HPC)、人工智能和量子技术组合。SourceCode是另类投资领域的全球领导者Cerberus Capital Management, L.P.(“Cerberus”)旗下的投资组合公司。

Both companies will exhibit at the 35th Supercomputing trade show and conference, SC23, at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver on November 12-17.

两家公司都将在第35届超级计算贸易展和会议SC23上展出 科罗拉多州 的会议中心 丹佛11 月 12 日至 17 日

New On-Prem Exascale Offering in North America

新的本地Exascale产品 北美

The SourceCode-Eviden partnership will serve a new class of customers by bringing Eviden's full-scale enterprise, HPC, AI, and quantum solutions together with SourceCode's stellar customer care, co-design engineering, professional services, and SourceCode Labs global test bed centers.

SourceCode-eViden的合作伙伴关系将通过将Eviden的全面企业、HPC、人工智能和量子解决方案与SourceCode出色的客户服务、共同设计工程、专业服务和SourceCode Labs的全球测试平台中心相结合,为新一类客户提供服务。

Eviden is a global leader in the HPC market and delivers the industry's most advanced and comprehensive HPC portfolio. The state-of-the-art technologies from Eviden include the BullSequana XH3000 system, one of the few highly scalable systems on the market and recently selected by EuropHPC to be the first Exascale system at Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, one of the largest research institutions in Europe.

Eviden 是 HPC 市场的全球领导者,提供业界最先进、最全面的 HPC 产品组合。Eviden 最先进的技术包括 BullSequana XH3000 系统,这是市场上为数不多的高度可扩展的系统之一,最近被 EuropHPC 选为美国最大的研究机构之一 Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH 的第一个百万兆级系统 欧洲

Advanced Computing "as a Service"

高级计算 “即服务”

Customers will also benefit from Eviden's advanced computing "as-a-Service" solutions. This includes Eviden's JARVICE XE platform software for HPC, AI, and quantum workloads. JARVICE XE brings patented container technology and is first to market by delivering HPC Federation as-a-service in an off-the-shelf software platform.

客户还将受益于Eviden的高级计算 “即服务” 解决方案。这包括 Eviden 针对高性能计算、人工智能和量子工作负载的 JARVICE XE 平台软件。JARVICE XE 带来了获得专利的容器技术,并率先在现成的软件平台中提供 HPC Federation 即服务,将其推向市场。

New Quantum Computing Environment


Rapid advances in quantum information science have led to a growing customer need to devise quantum algorithms, run quantum applications on traditional accelerators, and experiment with quantum hardware, on-prem or as-a-service.


Through this partnership, SourceCode will offer the brand-new Eviden Qaptiva Application Development Platform, the most comprehensive environment for building quantum-native or quantum-inspired applications. This platform enables organizations to make tangible progress towards quantum computing while enhancing their readiness to leverage emerging quantum computing hardware, regardless of modality (the particular scientific approach to achieving quantum entanglement and superposition) or mode of operation (on-premises or as-a-service).

通过此次合作,SourceCode将提供全新的Eviden Qaptiva应用程序开发平台,这是构建量子原生或受量子启发的应用程序的最全面的环境。该平台使组织能够在量子计算方面取得切实进展,同时增强他们利用新兴量子计算硬件的准备程度,无论其模式(实现量子纠缠和叠加的特定科学方法)或操作模式(本地或即服务)如何。

Focusing on North America

专注于 北美

"Eviden's mission is to provide the best-in-class HPC, AI and quantum solutions to the global market, and finding the right partner for North America was paramount," said Emmanuel Le Roux, SVP and Global Head HPC, AI & Quantum at Eviden. "SourceCode's 30+ year history of serving academic, government, and commercial customers, coupled with the engineering expertise of SourceCode Labs, and the company's financial strength, and deep commitment to co-design fully resonate with Eviden's values and customer needs."

“Eviden 的使命是为全球市场提供一流的 HPC、AI 和量子解决方案,并为其寻找合适的合作伙伴 北美 是最重要的,” 说 伊曼纽尔·勒鲁,Eviden 高级副总裁兼高性能计算、人工智能和量子全球主管。“SourceCode在为学术、政府和商业客户提供服务方面已有30多年的历史,再加上SourceCode Labs的工程专业知识、公司的财务实力以及对共同设计的坚定承诺,完全符合Eviden的价值观和客户需求。”

"Eviden is one of few companies in the world capable of engineering truly scalable yet efficient solutions, from exascale supercomputers down," said Arthur Ataie, CEO of SourceCode. "Our co-design business model and Eviden's products are ideally suited to the needs of the AI-enabled enterprise. Together, we can serve a new segment of the market with compelling new solutions."

他说:“Eviden是世界上为数不多的能够设计出真正可扩展且高效的解决方案(从百万兆级超级计算机到下)的公司之一。” 亚瑟·阿泰伊,SourceCode 首席执行官。“我们的共同设计商业模式和Eviden的产品非常适合支持人工智能的企业的需求。通过合作,我们可以通过引人注目的新解决方案为新的市场细分市场提供服务。”

About Eviden


Eviden is a next-gen technology leader in data-driven, trusted and sustainable digital transformation with a strong portfolio of patented technologies. With worldwide leading positions in advanced computing, security, AI, cloud and digital platforms, it provides deep expertise for all industries in more than 47 countries. Bringing together 57,000 world-class talents, Eviden expands the possibilities of data and technology across the digital continuum, now and for generations to come. Eviden is an Atos Group company with an annual revenue of c. € 5 billion.

Eviden 是数据驱动、可信和可持续的数字化转型领域的下一代技术领导者,拥有强大的专利技术组合。它在高级计算、安全、人工智能、云和数字平台方面处于全球领先地位,为超过47个国家的所有行业提供深厚的专业知识。Eviden 汇集了 57,000 名世界一流的人才,为现在和子孙后代扩展了整个数字连续体中数据和技术的可能性。Eviden 是一家源讯集团旗下公司,年收入约为 50 亿欧元。

About SourceCode

关于 SourceCode

Founded in 1992, SourceCode is a global provider of co-designed, custom, certified IT systems for next generation intelligent infrastructure. The company's edge devices, desktop, servers, storage, clusters, and reference architectures are available via its industry-leading ecommerce platform as well as its customer-centered engineering-led engagement model. Learn more at .

SourceCode 成立于 1992 年,是一家为下一代智能基础设施提供共同设计、定制和认证的 IT 系统的全球供应商。该公司的边缘设备、台式机、服务器、存储、集群和参考架构均可通过其业界领先的电子商务平台以及以客户为中心的工程主导型参与模式获得。要了解更多信息,请访问。

Cindee Mock

Cindee Mock
*** @sourcecode .com



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来源 sourceCode

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