
1933 Industries Provides Corporate Update

1933 Industries Provides Corporate Update

1933 Industries 提供公司最新情况
Accesswire ·  2023/10/27 07:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / October 27, 2023 / 1933 Industries Inc. (the "Company" or "1933 Industries") (CSE:TGIF)(OTCQB:TGIFF), a Nevada-focused cannabis cultivator and producer, is pleased to provide a corporate update regarding the retrofit of its cultivation facility, upcoming tax relief events and the proposed amendments to its 10% Senior Unsecured Convertible Debentures Due December 31, 2023.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华/ACCESSWIRE/2023 年 10 月 27 日/ 专注于内华达州的大麻种植商和生产商1933 Industries Inc.(“公司” 或 “1933 Industries”)(CSE: TGIF)(OTCQB: TGIFF)很高兴就其种植设施的改造、即将举行的税收减免活动以及2023年12月31日到期的10%优先无担保可转换债券的拟议修正案提供公司最新情况。

Construction and Retrofit Update


The Company is pleased to announce that the upgrades and improvements undertaken over the last several months to its cultivation facility in Las Vegas have been completed. A large scale retrofit of the irrigation system was undertaken for the long-term success of the facility and the capital investment has already demonstrated significant improvements in flower production and yields. The Company also added an additional bloom room with 65 lights, thus increasing the total number of lights in the facility's 17 bloom rooms to 806. The Company anticipates that these enhancements will increase the Company's ability to offer consistent flower quality and value.


The Company anticipates that its fourth quarter financial report will demonstrate revenue growth as a result of these improvements, with both the cultivation and production business units contributing to this strong performance. The Company's AMA brand continues to rank as one of the top selling brands in Nevada according to both BDSA and Headset cannabis market sales data. The Company will announce its fourth quarter financial report, as well as its year-end financial results on November 28, 2023.


Proposed Amendments to Debentures and Meeting Date


The Company will be holding an Extraordinary Meeting of the Holders of 10% Senior Unsecured Convertible Debentures due December 31, 2023, to seek approval for the following proposed amendments:


To consider, and if thought fit, an extraordinary resolution, to:


(i) approve the settlement of the Debentures upon maturity and the principal debt owed thereunder, excluding any interest in arrears, through the issuance of a unit (each a "Unit") to the Debentureholders, each Unit being issued at a deemed price of $0.02 per Unit, comprising one common shares and one share purchase warrant exercisable into one additional common share of the Company at a price of $0.05 (the lowest price allowable under Canadian Securities Exchange rules) for a period of five years from the date of issuance, subject to certain acceleration provisions, with 50,000 Units being issued for each $1,000 in principal value Debentures held; or

(i) 批准通过向债券持有人发行一个单位(各为 “单位”),在债券到期时结算债券及其所欠的主要债务,其中不包括任何拖欠的利息,每个单位以每单位0.02美元的认定价格发行,包括一股普通股和一份股票购买权证,可行使成公司另外一股普通股,价格为0.05美元(加拿大证券允许的最低价格)交易所规则)自发行之日起五年内有效,但会有一定的加速拨款,每持有1,000美元本金债券可发行50,000个单位;或

(ii) approve the settlement of the Debentures upon maturity and the principal debt owed thereunder, excluding any interest in arrears, through the issuance of a new 10% unsecured convertible debenture (the "New Debenture") with a two year maturity, convertible into units at a price of $0.05 per unit, each unit comprising one common share of the Company and one share purchase warrant exercisable into one additional common share of the Company at a price of $0.05 for a period of five years from the date of issuance of the New Debenture, subject to certain acceleration provisions as more particularly defined in the indenture governing warrants issuable upon conversion of the New Debenture.

(ii) 批准通过发行期限为两年的新的10%无抵押可转换债券(“新债券”)在到期时结算债券以及根据该债券所欠的主要债务(“新债券”),以每单位0.05美元的价格转换为单位,每单位包括一股公司普通股和一份可行使成公司额外一股普通股的股票购买权证,价格为自新债券发行之日起五年内为0.05美元,但有某些限制加速条款在管理新债券转换后可发行的认股权证的契约中有更具体的定义。

Options (i) and (ii) above collectively referred to herein as the "Debenture Settlement Options" and (ii) authorize the Board of Directors of the Company, in its sole discretion, to determine which of (i) or (ii) will be in the best interest of the Company and proceed with either (i) or (ii) above.

上述选项(i)和(ii)在本文中统称为 “债券结算选项”,以及(ii)授权公司董事会自行决定哪个(i)或(ii)符合公司的最大利益,并继续进行上述(i)或(ii)中的任何一个。

The details of the Extraordinary Meeting are as follows:


Place: Virtual Meeting Only

地点: 仅限虚拟会议

Time: 9:00 a.m. PST

时间: 太平洋标准时间上午 9:00

Date: November 14, 2023

日期: 2023年11月14日

Notice of the Extraordinary Meeting and Information Circular were mailed to Debentureholders as of the record date.




Impact of Rescheduling Cannabis as Schedule III and Amendment of State Tax


The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently recommended to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) that marijuana be rescheduled from a Schedule I to Schedule III substance, as defined by the Controlled Substances Act. If implemented, the rescheduling would have a significant impact on cannabis companies as it would eliminate 280E taxation. This tax prohibits cannabis operators from deducting business expenses from gross income, leading to higher taxes than ordinary businesses are required to pay. The recommendation is encouraging to companies operating in the sector and the Company will continue to follow any developments closely, with the expectation that tax relief will have a positive benefit on the industry.


As of January 1st, 2024, the Company will gain relief as a change to the Nevada Wholesale Marijuana Tax (WMT) comes into effect, amending how companies are taxed under the fair market value calculation. The WMT will apply to non-vertically integrated sales. Under existing law, the Department of Taxation determines the fair market value of wholesale cannabis and establishes a per pound rate, irrespective of the actual price of the product sold to dispensaries. The change means that a 15% tax will be calculated based on the actual sales price, resulting in significant cost savings for cultivators.

从2024年1月1日起,随着内华达州大麻批发税(WMT)的变更生效,该公司将获得减免,该变更修改了根据公允市场价值计算对公司的征税方式。WMT 将适用于非垂直整合的销售。根据现行法律,税务部确定大麻批发的公允市场价值,并确定每磅税率,无论出售给药房的产品的实际价格如何。这一变化意味着将根据实际销售价格计算15%的税,从而为耕种者节省大量成本。

"We are pleased that the Nevada Department of Taxation has taken meaningful steps towards relieving some of the tax burden that operators like 1933 Industries face. We are also encouraged by the ongoing discussion of rescheduling cannabis to Schedule III", said Mr. Paul Rosen, 1933 Industries' CEO and Chairman of the Board. "Tax relief for the cannabis industry is a necessary step towards leveling the playing field and discouraging the illicit market from continuing to operate." Mr. Rosen added, "We continue to focus on efficient practices to operate a lean and sustainable company and streamline our business units to significantly improve operational efficiencies and reduce corporate overhead."

“我们很高兴内华达州税务局采取了有意义的措施来减轻像1933 Industries这样的运营商面临的部分税收负担。关于将大麻重新列入附表三的讨论也令我们感到鼓舞。” 1933 Industries首席执行官兼董事会主席保罗·罗森说。“大麻行业的税收减免是创造公平竞争环境和阻止非法市场继续运作的必要步骤。”罗森补充说:“我们将继续专注于高效实践,以运营一家精益和可持续发展的公司,精简我们的业务部门,以显著提高运营效率并减少企业管理费用。”

The Company also announces the issuance of 1,000,000 stock options pursuant to the Company's stock option plan. The options are exercisable for a period of five years at a price of $0.05 per share.


About 1933 Industries Inc.

关于 1933 Industries Inc.

1933 Industries is a Nevada-based company, focusing on the cultivation and manufacturing of a large portfolio of cannabis consumer-packaged goods in a variety of formats for both the wholesale and retail markets. Its product offerings through its in-house brands include: wholesale flower, pre-rolls, and extracted products under the AMA and Level X brands for the Nevada market; and Canna Hemp, a national cannabidiol (CBD) brand of wellness products that includes tinctures, gummies, topicals and sports recovery products. The Company owns 91% of Alternative Medicine Association, LC (AMA) and 100% of Infused MFG LLC (Infused). For more information, please visit

1933 Industries是一家总部位于内华达州的公司,专注于为批发和零售市场种植和制造各种形式的大麻消费包装商品。其通过内部品牌提供的产品包括:面向内华达州市场的AMA和Level X品牌的批发鲜花、预卷和提取物;以及Canna Hemp,一个全国性的大麻二酚(CBD)品牌的健康产品,包括酊剂、软糖、外用药和运动恢复产品。该公司拥有替代医学协会、LC(AMA)91%的股份和Infused MFG LLC(Infused)100%的股份。欲了解更多信息,请访问

For further information please contact:
Alexia Helgason, VP, IR, Marketing, Media

Alexia Helgason,投资者关系副总裁、营销、媒体

Paul Rosen, CEO


Disclaimer for Forward-Looking Information
Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Notice regarding Forward Looking Statements: This news release contains forward-looking statements. The use of any of the words "anticipate", "continue", "estimate", "expect", "may", "will", "project", "should", "believe" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which the forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements because the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. These statements speak only as of the date of this news release. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors and risks including various risk factors discussed in the Company's disclosure documents, which can be found under the Company's profile on . 1933 Industries undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.

关于前瞻性陈述的通知:本新闻稿包含前瞻性陈述。使用 “预期”、“继续”、“估计”、“预期”、“可能”、“将”、“项目”、“应该”、“相信” 和类似表述中的任何词语都是为了识别前瞻性陈述。尽管公司认为前瞻性陈述所依据的预期和假设是合理的,但不应过分依赖前瞻性陈述,因为公司无法保证这些陈述会被证明是正确的。由于前瞻性陈述涉及未来的事件和状况,因此就其本质而言,它们涉及固有的风险和不确定性。这些声明仅代表截至本新闻稿发布之日。由于许多因素和风险,包括公司披露文件中讨论的各种风险因素,实际业绩可能与目前的预期存在重大差异,这些文件可在公司的简介下找到。除非法律要求,否则1933 Industries没有义务公开更新或修改任何前瞻性信息,无论是由于新信息、未来事件还是其他原因。

SOURCE: 1933 Industries Inc.

来源: 1933 工业公司

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