
Lion Copper and Gold Corp. Announces Further Expansion of Bear Mineralization

Lion Copper and Gold Corp. Announces Further Expansion of Bear Mineralization

Lion Copper and Gold Corp. 宣布进一步扩大熊矿化范围
newsfile ·  2023/10/27 08:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 27, 2023) - Lion Copper and Gold Corp. (TSXV: LEO) (OTCQB: LCGMF) ("Lion CG" or the "Company") today released assay results from its 2023 exploration program in the Yerington District of Nevada. This exploration program was funded by a US$2,500,000 early advance of Stage 3 funding under the Company's agreement with Nuton LLC, a Rio Tinto venture (see February 10, 2023 news release).

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年10月27日)-狮子铜金公司(TSXV:LEO)(OTCQB:LCGMF)(“狮子CG“或”公司“)今天公布了2023年在内华达州叶灵顿地区勘探项目的化验结果。根据公司与力拓合资企业Nuton LLC的协议(见2023年2月10日新闻稿),该勘探项目的资金来自第3阶段250万美元的早期预付款。

Five targets were drilled (Figure 1) with the most compelling results produced at the Bear deposit, a large and partially-defined zone of porphyry copper mineralization, located almost entirely on private lands and concealed beneath a thick fault slice of younger Tertiary ignimbrites and alluvial cover. The Bear deposit was previously jointly held by Anaconda Copper Mining Company ("Anaconda"), one of the largest copper mining companies of the 20th century, and Phelps Dodge Corporation ("Phelps Dodge", now Freeport-McMoRan), with Lion CG having subsequently consolidated the Bear deposit by way of multiple private landowner lease and purchase option agreements.

钻探了五个目标(图1)最引人注目的是Bear矿床,这是一个大型的、部分确定的斑岩铜矿化带,几乎完全位于私人土地上,隐藏在由较新的第三纪原生岩和冲积盖层组成的厚断层片之下。Bear矿藏之前由二十世纪最大铜矿公司之一的水蟒铜矿公司(“Anaconda”)和菲尔普斯·道奇公司(“菲尔普斯·道奇”,现为自由港-麦克莫兰)共同持有,Lion CG随后通过多个私人土地所有者租赁和购买期权协议的方式整合了Bear矿藏。

Bear Deposit 2023 Drilling Highlights (Figure 2, Table 1):


  • Diamond core drill hole B-053A encountered 926 ft of 0.31% TCu, including 233 ft of 0.47% TCu, collared 925 ft northwest of legacy Anaconda drill hole B-014
  • Diamond core drill hole B-054 encountered 1,048 ft of 0.26% TCu, including 131 ft of 0.50% TCu, collared 925 ft northwest from B-053A
  • 钻石取心钻孔B-053A遇到926英尺的0.31%TCU,包括233英尺的0.47%TCU,在旧有的蟒蛇钻孔B-014西北925英尺处
  • B-054钻石取心钻孔遇到了1048英尺的0.26%TCU,包括131英尺的0.50%TCU,从B-053A向西北方向带箍925英尺

These deep angle drill holes were located along a northwest projection of elevated copper grades defined by legacy Anaconda drilling and a coincident magnetic low and strong Induced Polarization (IP) anomaly, both of which are recognized trends in the Yerington District. Information gained from this recent drilling not only expands the size of the Bear deposit but also highlights additional targets which remain untested.


Travis Naugle, Lion CG's CEO, states, "The thick intervals of copper mineralization encountered in our latest drilling continue to showcase the immense size and potential of the Bear deposit. With mineralized intercepts expanding over 1,800 feet from previously known mineralization, we have only begun to touch on the boundaries of this expansive porphyry system that covers more than three square miles. Despite historic drilling by major miners like Phelps Dodge and Anaconda, who calculated over 6.4 billion pounds of contained copper potential on Anaconda lands alone (not NI 43-101 compliant), and the private land consolidation completed by the Company, the deposit remains woefully underexplored for such a legacy asset. These exceptional results validate our belief that systematic exploration can unlock substantial new zones of high-grade copper mineralization and significantly expand the known footprint of the deposit."*

Lion CG首席执行官特拉维斯·诺格尔表示:“在我们最新的钻探中遇到的厚厚的铜矿化间隔继续展示了Bear矿床的巨大规模和潜力。随着矿化截距从先前已知的矿化扩展到1800英尺以上,我们才刚刚开始触及这个占地超过3平方英里的广阔斑岩系统的边界。尽管菲尔普斯·道奇和水蟒等大型矿商进行了历史性的钻探,他们计算出仅水蟒土地上蕴含的铜矿储量就超过64亿磅(不符合NI 43-101),而且该公司完成了私人土地整理,但可悲的是,对于这样一项遗留资产,该矿藏的勘探程度仍然很低。这些不同寻常的结果证实了我们的信念,即系统勘探可以解锁大量高品位铜矿化的新区域,并显著扩大已知的矿床足迹。“*

Background of the Bear Deposit:
The Bear deposit is a large porphyry copper exploration target situated on private lands and located approximately three miles north of Anaconda's former Yerington open pit mine, in Lyon County, Nevada. The deposit was first identified by Anaconda in 1961. From 1961 to 1967, Anaconda drilled 38 drill holes totaling 101,827 ft in order to better define the deposit. From 1969 to 1973 Phelps Dodge acquired the eastern part of the property and drilled an additional 12 holes, totaling 34,008 ft, which further expanded the deposit to the east. In 1980, Anaconda developed a non-compliant NI 43-101 resource estimate* of 735 Mt of 0.44% TCu that only covered a small portion of the footprint of the deposit (Figure 2).

Bear矿床是一个大型斑岩铜矿勘探目标,位于私人土地上,位于内华达州里昂县Anaconda以前的耶灵顿露天矿以北约3英里处。1961年,蟒蛇首次发现了这一矿藏。1961年至1967年,为了更好地确定矿藏,蟒蛇共钻了38个孔,总计101,827英尺。从1969年到1973年,菲尔普斯·道奇收购了这处房产的东部,并又钻了12个洞,总计34,008英尺,进一步将矿藏扩大到了东部。1980年,蟒蛇制定了一个不合规的NI 43-101资源估计*,735公吨的0.44%TCU,只覆盖了矿藏足迹的一小部分(图2)。

The footprint of the deposit covers more than three-square miles and extends 2.5 miles (4 km) in length in a northwest-southeast direction and 1.7 miles (2.7 km) in length in the northeast-southwest direction. Lion CG, through its wholly owned subsidiary Singatse Peak Services, LLC (SPS), has consolidated the property through private land lease/purchase option agreements and controls a land position of approximately 2,330 acres.

该矿床的占地面积超过3平方英里,西北-东南方向长2.5英里(4公里),东北-西南方向长1.7英里(2.7公里)。Lion CG通过其全资子公司Singatse Peak Services,LLC(SPS)通过私人土地租赁/购买选择权协议整合了该物业,并控制了约2330英亩的土地头寸。

In a program funded by Freeport Nevada LLC ("Freeport") in 2015 and 2016, the Company drilled six deep holes totaling 20,275 ft, which demonstrated an extension of the deposit to the north-northeast. Drilling by Anaconda, Phelps Dodge and Lion CG all intersected thick zones of copper mineralization ranging from 490 ft to 2,843 ft thick (Figure 3, Table 2). No oxide mineralization or supergene enrichment has thus far been identified at the Bear deposit. The zones of primary sulfide mineralization remain open in several directions where the limits of mineralization are not closed off by drilling.

在2015年和2016年由自由港内华达有限责任公司(“自由港”)资助的一个项目中,该公司钻了6个总长达20,275英尺的深孔,证明了矿藏向东北偏北延伸。蟒蛇、菲尔普斯·道奇和Lion CG的钻探都横跨了厚度从490英尺到2,843英尺的厚铜矿化带(图3,表2)。到目前为止,在Bear矿床还没有发现氧化物矿化或表生富集物。原生硫化物矿化带在几个方向上保持开放,在这些方向上,矿化的界限没有被钻探所封闭。

Given the very large footprint of the known mineralization, the deposit remains highly attractive for further exploration with core holes currently spaced at 500-to-1,000-foot intervals.


*Historical estimates of grade and tonnage or of contained metal were obtained from available historical records produced by Anaconda and Phelps Dodge and do not use current mineral resource categories under NI43-101. The Company believes historic information is relevant for planning purposes but should otherwise not be relied upon. Additional drilling and analysis would be required to verify such historical estimates. A qualified person has not completed sufficient work to classify the historical estimates as a current mineral resource. The Company is not treating the historical estimates as current mineral resources.


Bear Deposit 2023 Drilling Results:
Two angled diamond core drill holes, B-053A and B-054 were collared and drilled to depths of 3,503 ft and 3,458 ft, respectively, northwest along the mineralization trend previously identified by Anaconda legacy drill holes B-013 and B-014. Legacy drill holes B-013 and B-014 intersected large zones of sulfide mineralization, including intervals with grades greater than 1.0% TCu. Higher copper grades intersected in legacy drill holes occur within a felsic endoskarn host rock, a magnetite-chalcopyrite rich rock associated with occurrences of massive chlorite and actinolite which are related to the contact of the older host rocks of granodiorite and younger quartz monzonite. The extension of the endoskarn zone and mineral assemblage was intercepted in B-053A and B-054 along a northwesterly projection. Though the total copper grades are less than those reported in legacy holes, it is not unexpected to have strongly variable copper grades within the endoskarn zones due to the irregular distribution of copper typically found in this type of geologic environment.


The intercepts in B-053A and B-054 have expanded the Bear deposit 1,850 ft in the northwesterly direction as represented by a +200 ft grade times thickness zone (Figure 4). This same zone is seen in drill hole B-015, located 1,900 ft west-northwest, containing 125 ft of 0.44% TCu, including 44 ft of 0.76% TCu. Legacy drill holes B-007, B-009A, B-011, and B-012, on a north-south drill line at the western edge of the known deposit, were too shallow to test for the western extent of the Bear deposit as shown in Figure 4. Deeper step-out drilling west-northwest of these legacy drill holes are expected to further expand the deposit footprint.


B-053A and B-054 are the only angled drill holes ever drilled in the deposit and have therefore now better defined the structural orientation of the mineralized zones. The quartz monzonite porphyry dikes and associated mineralization strike roughly east-west to northwest-southeast with a 45° northerly dip as shown in the cross-section (Figure 5). Mineralization at the Bear deposit appears to include a first pulse that occurred with the intrusion of quartz monzonite into the granodiorite and is characterized as a skarn along the contact. A second pulse of mineralization appears to have occurred, where quartz monzonite porphyry dikes intrude into the quartz monzonite and mineralized veinlets are strongly seen in and along the margins of the porphyry dikes.


In general, porphyry copper deposits have a high pyrite shell, with lesser chalcopyrite mineralization surrounding a zone with higher copper grades. Drill holes B-053A and B-054 contain sulphide mineralization percentages consistently average greater than 3%, and in some cases up to 35%. These are some of the highest percentages of sulphide mineralization ever observed in any of the drilling completed at Bear. The high sulphide mineralization percentages in B-053A and B-054 may be indicative of a high pyrite shell and proximity of a higher-grade copper mineralized zone.


Future exploration work is recommended to focus on the mineralized quartz porphyry dikes which remain open down-dip to the north and up-dip to the south, as well as along strike to the east and west. Higher grade zones might be found to occur in well-developed felsic skarns or within closely spaced quartz porphyry dikes with overlapping zones of altered mineralization. The source of the mineralized quartz porphyry dikes remains an untested target below the current depth of exploration.


Additional 2023 Exploration Results:
Exploration objectives outside the Bear deposit included evaluation of the following drill targets (Figure 1):


  • MacArthur expansion to the northeast and southeast (MacArthur East and MacArthur Wedge targets)
  • Mason Pass Prospect
  • Reno Prospect
  • Singatse Target
  • 麦克阿瑟向东北和东南部的扩张(麦克阿瑟东部和麦克阿瑟·韦奇的目标)
  • 梅森山口展望
  • 雷诺展望
  • 单一目标

A total of 9,945 feet of reverse circulation drilling were completed to evaluate these four targets. Additionally, a surface geochemical sampling and testing grid across the MacArthur-Mason Pass area is currently in progress and scheduled to be completed in late 2023.


Results Include the Following Highlights:


  • The one reverse circulation drill hole at MacArthur Wedge identified 5 to 10 ft zones of oxide and sulphide mineralization with grades up to 0.25% TCu
  • Reverse circulation drill holes at MacArthur East identified 10 to 20 ft zones of chalcocite enrichment with grades up to 0.25% TCu (5 ft intervals up to 0.38% TCu)
  • MacArthur Wedge的一个反循环钻孔发现了5至10英尺的氧化物和硫化物矿化带,品位高达0.25%TCu.
  • 麦克阿瑟东部的反循环钻孔发现了10至20英尺的辉铜矿富集带,品位高达0.25%TCU(5英尺间隔高达0.38%TCU)

Please see Table 3 for a list of significant intercepts from the 2023 exploration program.


MacArthur Expansion:
Three reverse circulation drill holes were drilled on the northeastern edge of the current resource pit shell to test IP geophysical anomalies (MacArthur East) and one additional drill hole 1,800 ft southeast of the current pit shell (MacArthur Wedge). Two drill holes (QM-333 and QM-334) at MacArthur East intercepted 10-20 ft intervals of oxide or chalcocite mineralization above the IP anomalies. Below the enrichment zone, the IP anomalies were characterized by 2-3% (locally higher) pyrite. QM-332, southeast of resource shell also intercepted 5-10 ft zones of low-grade oxide mineralization.


Mason Pass Prospect, Reno Prospect, and Singatse Target Exploration:
Additional drilling took place at the Mason Pass Prospect, Reno Prospect, and Singatse Target locations. Four reverse circulation drill holes were completed at the Mason Pass Prospect with depths ranging from 500 to 600 ft. These drill holes tested for mineralization below and adjacent to trenches excavated in 2022 that discovered oxide copper grades up to 0.70% over 20 ft (see December 13, 2022 news release).

Mason Pass展望、Reno展望和Singatse Target Explore:
在梅森帕斯勘探、雷诺勘探和Singatse Target地点进行了额外的钻探。在梅森帕斯展望完成了四个反循环钻孔,深度从500到600英尺不等。这些钻孔在2022年挖掘的战壕下方和附近进行了矿化测试,在20英尺的范围内发现了高达0.70%的氧化铜品位(见2022年12月13日的新闻稿)。

Four reverse circulation drill holes were completed at the Reno Prospect with depths ranging from 500 to 1,300 ft. These drill holes tested for a potential eastward extension of plus 0.2% TCu oxide and sulphide intercepts seen in 1960's and 1970's legacy Anaconda drilling and to test for expansion of mineralization intersected in the 2022 drilling program (see November 10, 2022 news release). Two of the drill holes were cased for future core drilling to test at-depth IP geophysical anomalies. One of these cased drill holes intersected an interval of 5 ft of 1.01% TCu.

在Reno Prospect完成了四个反循环钻孔,深度从500英尺到1,300英尺不等。 这些钻孔测试了20世纪60年代和70年代遗留的Anaconda钻探中发现的+0.2% TCu氧化物和硫化物拦截物的潜在向东延伸,并测试了2022年钻探计划中矿化带的扩展(见2022年11月10日新闻稿)。 其中两个钻孔已下套管,以便将来进行岩心钻探,以测试深部IP地球物理异常。 其中一个套管钻孔的井段为5英尺,含1.01%的TCu。

A single drill hole at the Singatse Target was intended to test for a faulted northwest extension of the mineralization from the Yerington pit.


Quality Assurance & Control:
All samples were collected via reverse circulation or diamond core drilling by Alford Drilling, LLC (of no relation to Tony Alford, a director of the Company) of Elko, NV. Core samples were sawed on the Yerington Property site by Company personnel. All samples were delivered to ALS Geochemistry in Reno or, alternatively, were picked up by ALS Geochemistry, NV for sample preparation. Multi-element analyses were completed using an aqua regia digestion and ICP-MS finish in North Vancouver, BC. Thirty-six samples from one drill hole were analyzed by Paragon Geochemical using a multi-element analysis with an ICP-MS finish in Reno, NV. Commercially-prepared certified reference materials and blanks were inserted by the Company at 50-ft intervals to ensure precision of results as a quality control measure. The Company also applied a chain of custody program to confirm sample security during all stages of sample collection, shipment, and storage.

所有样本均由内华达州埃尔科的Alford Drilling,LLC(与本公司董事Tony Alford无关)通过反循环或金刚石岩心钻探收集。 岩芯样本由公司人员在耶灵顿地产现场锯成。 所有样品都被运送到里诺的ALS地球化学公司,或者由内华达州的ALS地球化学公司提取进行样品制备。 在北温哥华,BC使用王水消化和ICP-MS完成多元素分析。 Paragon地球化学公司使用多元素分析和内华达州里诺市的ICP-MS完成对一个钻孔中的36个样品进行了分析。 公司以50英尺的间隔插入商业制备的经认证的参考物质和空白,以确保结果的精度作为质量控制措施。 该公司还应用了监管链计划,以确认样品收集,运输和储存所有阶段的样品安全性。

About Lion CG
Lion Copper and Gold Corp. is a Canadian-based company advancing its flagship copper assets at Yerington, Nevada through an Option to Earn-in Agreement with Rio Tinto.

关于Lion CG
Lion Copper and Gold Corp.是一家总部位于哥伦比亚的公司,通过与力拓达成的期权收益协议,推进其在内华达州耶灵顿的旗舰铜资产。

About Nuton
Nuton is an innovative venture that aims to help grow Rio Tinto's copper business. At the core of Nuton is a portfolio of proprietary copper leach related technologies and capability - a product of almost 30 years of research and development. Nuton offers the potential to economically unlock copper from primary sulfide resources through leaching, achieving market-leading recovery rates, contributing to an increase in copper production from copper bearing waste and tailings, and getting higher copper recoveries on oxide and transitional material. One of the key differentiators of Nuton is the potential to produce the world's lowest impact copper while having at least one Net Positive impact at each of our deployment sites, across our five pillars: water, energy, land, materials and society.


On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Stephen Goodman


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The technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by C. Travis Naugle, QP MMSA, CEO of Lion Copper and Gold Corp. and a qualified person as defined in NI 43-101.

本新闻稿中的技术信息已由C. Travis Naugle,QP MMSA,Lion Copper and Gold Corp.首席执行官,NI 43-101中定义的合格人员。

Certain information in this news release constitutes forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Any statements that are contained in this news release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-Looking statements are often identified by terms such as "may", "expect", or the negative of these terms and similar expressions. Forward-Looking statements in this news release include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the future exploration activities and anticipated results. Forward-Looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks, including, without limitation, risks associated with exploration activity; general economic conditions; adverse industry events; marketing costs; loss of markets; future legislative and regulatory developments; inability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources, and/or inability to access sufficient capital on favorable terms; the ability of Lion CG to implement its business strategies; competition; currency and interest rate fluctuations and other risks.

根据适用的证券法,本新闻稿中的某些信息构成前瞻性陈述。本新闻稿中包含的任何非历史事实陈述的陈述可能被视为前瞻性陈述。前瞻性陈述通常由诸如“可能”、“预期”或这些术语的否定词以及类似表达来识别。本新闻稿中的前瞻性陈述包括但不限于有关未来勘探活动和预期结果的陈述。前瞻性陈述必然涉及已知和未知的风险,包括但不限于与勘探活动相关的风险;总体经济状况;不利的行业事件;营销成本;市场损失;未来的立法和监管发展;无法从内部和外部来源获得足够的资本,和/或无法以优惠的条款获得足够的资本; Lion CG实施其业务战略的能力;竞争;货币和利率波动以及其他风险。

Figure 1


Table 1. Significant Intercepts; Bear deposit, 2023
Drill Hole From
Interval feet %
Inclination Azimuth
B-053A 2,212 3,138 926 0.31 primary sulphide -60° 210
includes 2,567 2,800 233 0.47 primary sulphide
and 2,951 3,086 135 0.43 primary sulphide
B-054 2,311 3,359 1,048 0.26 primary sulphide -70° 205
includes 2,311 2,442 131 0.50 primary sulphide
and 2,467 2,744 277 0.36 primary sulphide
表1. 重大拦截;熊矿床,2023年
钻孔 从…

间隔英尺 百分比
倾角 方位角
B-053A 2212 3138 926 0.31 原生硫化物 -60° 210
包括 2567 2800 二百三十三 0.47 原生硫化物
2951 3086 一百三十五 0.43 原生硫化物
B-054 2311 3359 1,048 0.26 原生硫化物 -70° 205
包括 2311 2442 131 0.50 原生硫化物
2467 2744 二百七十七 0.36 原生硫化物
Table 2: Significant Historic Drill Hole Intercepts
Company Year Drill Hole From
Anaconda 1961 Bear 1 896 2,139 1,243 0.19
Anaconda 1963 Bear 10 1,736 3,392 1,656 0.38
Anaconda 1963 Bear 13 1,929 3,436 1,507 0.42
Anaconda 1964 Bear 14 1,355 3,370 2,015 0.32
Anaconda 1964 Bear 17 1,319 3,703 2,384 0.38
Anaconda 1965 Bear 19 2,510 3,329 819 0.26
Anaconda 1962 Bear 2 1,209 2,510 1,301 0.38
Anaconda 1965 Bear 20 1,429 2,256 827 0.31
Anaconda 1966 Bear 21 1,133 3,976 2,843 0.21
Anaconda 1966 Bear 22 1,632 4,012 2,380 0.43
Anaconda 1966 Bear 23B 1,597 2,649 1,052 0.50
Anaconda 1967 Bear 24 2,781 4,211 1,430 0.30
Anaconda 1967 Bear 25 1,815 3,323 1,508 0.30
Anaconda 1967 Bear 31 2,474 2,964 490 0.55
Anaconda 1967 Bear 32 1,169 2,403 1,234 0.28
Anaconda 1963 Bear 6A 1,590 3,288 1,698 0.39
Anaconda 1963 Bear 8 1,377 2,650 1,273 0.29
Anaconda 1961 MH 2 1,802 2,374 572 0.17
Phelps Dodge 1969 L-1 2,800 3,470 670 0.40
Phelps Dodge 1969 L-2 1,360 1,900 540 0.42
Phelps Dodge 1970 L-3 1,277 1,893 616 0.18
Phelps Dodge 1970 L-5 2,900 3,900 1,000 0.40
Phelps Dodge 1970 L-8 1,660 2,290 630 0.40
Phelps Dodge 1973 L-12 820 1,320 500 0.31
Lion CG 2015 B-048 1,573 2,731 1,158 0.42
Lion CG 2015 B-049 1,588 2,926 1,338 0.22
Lion CG 2015 B-050 2,429 2,951 522 0.36
Lion CG 2016 B-051 2,191 3,675 1,484 0.26
Lion CG 2016 B-052 2,081 2,748 667 0.14
公司 钻孔 从…

响尾蛇 一九六一年 轴承1 八百九十六 2139 1243 0.19
响尾蛇 一九六三年 承担10 1,736 3392 1,656 0.38
响尾蛇 一九六三年 轴承13 1929 3436 1,507 0.42
响尾蛇 1964年 轴承14 1,355 3370 2015 0.32
响尾蛇 1964年 熊17 1,319 3703 2384 0.38
响尾蛇 1965年 熊19 2510 3329 819 0.26
响尾蛇 一九六二年 熊2 1209 2510 1301 0.38
响尾蛇 1965年 轴承20 1429 2,256 八百二十七 0.31
响尾蛇 1966年 轴承21 1133 3976 2843 0.21
响尾蛇 1966年 轴承22 1,632 4,012 2380 0.43
响尾蛇 1966年 熊23 B 1597 2649 1,052 0.50
响尾蛇 1967 熊24 2781 4211 1430 0.30
响尾蛇 1967 熊25 1,815 3,323 1508 0.30
响尾蛇 1967 熊31 2474 2964 四百九十 0.55
响尾蛇 1967 轴承32 1169 2,403 1,234 0.28
响尾蛇 一九六三年 熊6A 1,590 3,288 1698 0.39
响尾蛇 一九六三年 熊8 1377 2650 1,273 0.29
响尾蛇 一九六一年 MH 2 1,802 2374 五百七十二 0.17
菲尔普斯道奇 一九六九年 L-1 2800 3470 六百七十 0.40
菲尔普斯道奇 一九六九年 L-2 1360 1900 540 0.42
菲尔普斯道奇 1970年 L-3 1277 1,893 六百一十六 0.18
菲尔普斯道奇 1970年 L-5 2900 3900人 千人 0.40
菲尔普斯道奇 1970年 L-8 1,660 2290 630 0.40
菲尔普斯道奇 1973年 L-12 820 1320 500人 0.31
狮子CG 2015年 B-048 1,573 2731 1158 0.42
狮子CG 2015年 B-049 1,588 2926 1,338 0.22
狮子CG 2015年 B-050 2429 2951 五百二十二 0.36
狮子CG 2016 B-051 2,191 3675 1,484 0.26
狮子CG 2016 B-052 2,081 2748 667 0.14
Table 3: 2023 Exploration Results
Drill Hole From
Mineralization Type Inclination Azimuth Area
QM-332 440 445 5 0.12 oxide -90° N/A MacArthur Wedge
535 545 10 0.13 oxide
640 645 5 0.25 primary sulphide
QM-333 255 270 15 0.21 oxide -55° 180 MacArthur East
285 300 15 0.17 chalcocite
315 335 20 0.19 chalcocite/sulphide
375 385 10 0.25 chalcocite
QM-334 350 365 15 0.13 chalcocite -55° 180 MacArthur East
670 690 20 0.18 primary sulphide
MP-001 230 240 10 0.33 primary sulphide -55° 295 Mason Pass Prospect
RP-004 755 760 5 1.01 primary sulphide -70° 215 Reno Prospect
钻孔 从…

矿化类型 倾角 方位角 面积
QM-332 四百四十 445 5. 0.12 氧化物 -90度 不适用 麦克阿瑟·韦奇
535 545 10 0.13 氧化物
640 六百四十五 5. 0.25 原生硫化物
QM-333 二五五 270 15个 0.21 氧化物 -55° 180 东麦克阿瑟
二百八十五 300个 15个 0.17 辉铜矿
315 三百三十五 20个 0.19 辉铜矿/硫化物
三百七十五 385 10 0.25 辉铜矿
QM-334 350 三百六十五 15个 0.13 辉铜矿 -55° 180 东麦克阿瑟
六百七十 六百九十 20个 0.18 原生硫化物
MP-001 230 240 10 0.33 原生硫化物 -55° 295 梅森山口展望
公司简介 七百五十五 七百六十 5. 1.01 原生硫化物 -70° 215 雷诺展望

Figure 5


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