
Planting Hope's Hope and Sesame(R) Sesamemilk Has Lowest Water Usage Across Dairy and Plant Milks, per Life Cycle Assessment With Planet FWD

Planting Hope's Hope and Sesame(R) Sesamemilk Has Lowest Water Usage Across Dairy and Plant Milks, per Life Cycle Assessment With Planet FWD

根据Planet FWD的生命周期评估,Plant Hope's Hope and Sesamelk(R)芝麻奶在乳制品和植物奶中的用水量最低
Accesswire ·  2023/11/01 08:25
  • Planting Hope conducted a cradle-to-grave Life Cycle Assessment study (LCA) of its Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk in conjunction with Planet FWD, the leading decarbonization platform for consumer companies.
  • The study determined that Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk uses 76% less water than oat milk, 87% less water than almond milk, and 92% less water than whole dairy milk.
  • Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk also has the lowest greenhouse gas emissions per gram of protein delivered within its comparative set (including dairy, oat, and almond).
  • Planting Hope will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday, November 15 th to discuss the results of the Planet FWD LCA.
  • Planting Hope与消费公司领先的脱碳平台Planet FWD合作,对其Hope and Sesamemilk进行了终身生命周期评估(LCA)。
  • 该研究确定,Hope and Sesamemilk的用水量比燕麦奶少76%,比杏仁奶少87%,比全脂乳制品少92%。
  • Hope and Sesamemilk在其对照组中,每克蛋白质(包括乳制品、燕麦和杏仁)的温室气体排放量也是最低的。
  • Planting Hope 将于 11 月 15 日星期三举办网络研讨会 第四 来讨论 Planet FWD LCA 的结果。

CHICAGO, IL and VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / November 1, 2023 / The Planting Hope Company Inc. (TSXV:MYLK)(OTCQB:MYLKF), a dynamic Foodtech innovation company dedicated to creating delicious, sustainable food and beverage solutions through advanced ingredient, formulation, and packaging technology, proudly announces the results of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study conducted by Planet FWD for Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk in comparison to milk and milk alternatives. The study demonstrated that Hope and Sesame Unsweetened Original Sesamemilk uses 76% less water than generic oat milk, 87% less water than generic almond milk, and 92% less water than whole dairy milk cradle-to-grave benchmarks, based on average water use data for the US.

伊利诺伊州芝加哥和不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华/ACCESSWIRE/2023 年 11 月 1 日/充满活力的食品科技创新公司 The Planet Hope Company Inc. (TSXV: MYLK) (OTCQB: MYLK) 自豪地宣布了Planet FWD 针对希望和芝麻芝麻奶进行的一项生命周期评估 (LCA) 研究的结果与牛奶和牛奶替代品相比。该研究表明,根据美国的平均用水量数据,Hope and Sesame无糖原味芝麻奶的用水量比普通燕麦奶少76%,比普通杏仁奶少87%,比全脂牛奶终身基准少92%。

Water Use of Different Milks (Cradle-to-Grave, L/kg), calculated by Planet FWD July 2023
不同牛奶的用水量(从摇篮到坟墓,升/千克),由 Planet FWD 计算 2023 年 7 月

"The Planting Hope Company is focusing not just on feeding people today but using our planet's resources efficiently enough to feed the growing population of tomorrow. Hope and Sesame's commitment to developing a more sustainable milk alternative is clear and we're honored to partner with the team to deliver high-fidelity data that validates and narrates their lower impact on the planet," said Julia Collins, Founder and CEO of Planet FWD.

“Planting Hope Company不仅专注于为当今的人们提供食物,还要足够有效地利用我们星球的资源来养活未来不断增长的人口。Planet FWD创始人兼首席执行官朱莉娅·柯林斯说,Hope and Sesame对开发更可持续的牛奶替代品的承诺是明确的,我们很荣幸能与该团队合作提供高保真数据,以验证和叙述它们对地球的较小影响。

Water usage is a top area of sustainability focus for consumers, retailers, and foodservice, with Whole Foods Market calling out water stewardship as a top food trend in their recent Whole Foods Market's Top 10 Food Trend Predictions for 2024 report.

用水是消费者、零售商和餐饮服务业可持续发展的首要关注领域,Whole Foods Market在最近的《Whole Foods Market 2024年十大食物趋势预测》报告中将水资源管理列为最重要的食物趋势。

Additionally, Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk was found to have the lowest level of CO2 emissions per one gram of protein delivered within its comparative set. Hope and Sesame emits 0.13Kg/Liter of C02 per gram of protein, while oat milk and dairy milk each emit 0.18Kg/Liter and almond milk emits 0.48Kg/liter.

此外,Hope and Sesamemilk被发现,在其比较集合中,每输送一克蛋白质的二氧化碳排放量最低。Hope and Sesame 每克蛋白质排放 0.13 千克/升二氧化碳,而燕麦奶和奶制品每升排放 0.18 千克/升,杏仁奶每升排放 0.48 千克/升。

"When we embarked on developing the world's first commercialized sesame milk, our goal was to create a dairy alternative that delivered comparable nutrition to dairy milk but with a greatly improved environmental footprint over existing plant milk alternatives," said Julia Stamberger, Planting Hope co-founder and CEO. "Sesame is an amazing crop that's been right there under our noses for 4,000 years: naturally pest resistant and self-pollinating, sesame thrives in hot, dry environments with little water, and functionally is a fantastic cover crop, often its primary agricultural use. But sesame has been underutilized as a source of human nutrition: those little seeds are packed with dense nutrition, including protein, calcium, magnesium, and other minerals. In addition to needing little water to grow our core crop, the base for sesamemilk is the ultra-nutritious pulp remaining after sesame seeds are pressed for oil - a dry extraction process that doesn't require added water, unlike the water-intensive processing required for the base ingredients of many other alternative milks."

Planting Hope联合创始人兼首席执行官Julia Stamberger表示:“当我们着手开发世界上第一款商业化芝麻奶时,我们的目标是创造一种乳制品替代品,该替代品可提供与牛奶相当的营养,但与现有的植物奶替代品相比,环境足迹要大大改善。”“芝麻是一种神奇的作物,在我们的眼皮底下已经存在了4,000年:芝麻具有天然抗虫性和自花授粉,可以在炎热干燥的环境中生长,几乎没有水,从功能上讲,它是一种极好的覆盖作物,通常是它的主要农业用途。但是芝麻作为人类营养的来源一直没有得到充分利用:这些小种子富含丰富的营养,包括蛋白质、钙、镁和其他矿物质。除了需要很少的水来种植我们的核心作物外,芝麻奶的基础是芝麻籽榨油后剩下的超营养果肉——这是一种不需要添加水的干式提取过程,与许多其他替代牛奶的基础原料所需的水密集型加工不同。”

Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk is also certified upcycled by the Upcycled Food Association, as the ultra nutrition-dense sesame pulp remaining from sesame oil extraction that is the base of sesame milk has traditionally been discarded or used for animal feed.

Hope and Sesamemilk 还获得了 Upcycled Food Association 的升级再造认证,因为作为芝麻奶基础的麻油提取中残留的超营养密集芝麻浆传统上会被丢弃或用于动物饲料。

Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk contains 8g of complete protein per serving (Barista Blend contains 4g per serving), including all nine essential amino acids, comparable to dairy milk and 8x the protein in most almond milks and 2-3x the protein in most oat milk.

Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk 每份含有 8 克完整蛋白质(Barista Blend 每份含有 4g),包括所有九种必需氨基酸,相当于牛奶,是大多数杏仁奶中的蛋白质的 8 倍,大多数燕麦奶中蛋白质的 2-3 倍。

"More than 75% of the planet is intolerant of dairy [1] , which is why the plant-based milk category has been consistently scaling at a remarkable 15% CAGR for more than 15 years, with no signs of slowing down. What was a $7B global market in 2010 and $35B in 2022 is projected to exceed $120B worldwide by 2030 [2] . Consumers who are buying plant-based milk tell us that they are doing so for health and wellness reasons as well as environmental concerns. Yet many of the most broadly distributed current milk alternatives do not deliver comparable nutrition to dairy," continued Ms. Stamberger. "It took Planting Hope than 5 years of focused R&D and a multi-million dollar financial investment to create Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk, and we're proud to have achieved our goal: resetting the standard for what's possible in plant-based milk with a delicious, sustainable, functional plant milk that froths, foams, steams and performs like a dream in hot and iced beverages, is globally relevant and scalable, delivers comparable nutrition to dairy milk and uses 76%+ less water than the top alternatives. This is the future of plant milk."

“全球超过75%的人对乳制品不耐受 [1],这就是为什么植物性牛奶类别在超过15年的时间里一直以惊人的15%复合年增长率增长,没有任何放缓迹象的原因。2010年全球市场为70亿美元,2022年为350亿美元,预计到2030年,全球市场将超过1200亿美元 [2]。购买植物性牛奶的消费者告诉我们,他们这样做是出于健康和保健原因以及环境问题。然而,目前许多分布最广泛的牛奶替代品无法提供与乳制品相当的营养,” 斯坦伯格女士继续说道。“Planting Hope花了5年多的集中研发和数百万美元的金融投资才创造出Hope and Sesamemilk,我们很自豪能够实现我们的目标:用美味、可持续、功能性植物奶重塑植物奶的标准,这种植物奶在热饮和冰饮中起泡、起泡、蒸煮并表现出梦幻般的效果,具有全球相关性和可扩展性,可提供与乳牛奶相当的营养和用途比顶级替代品少76%以上。这就是植物奶的未来。”

Since its launch in 2022, Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk has won more than a dozen industry and consumer awards for taste and performance, and distribution is expanding rapidly across trend-setting independent cafés and retailers in the United States and Canada.

自2022年推出以来,Hope and Sesamemilk凭借口味和性能赢得了十多个行业和消费者奖项,在美国和加拿大引领潮流的独立咖啡馆和零售商中,分销范围正在迅速扩大。

Packaged exclusively in recyclable Tetra Pak aseptic cartons, Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk has a 14-month shelf life with no refrigeration required across its supply chain and distribution.

Hope and SesameMilk 完全采用可回收的利乐无菌纸箱包装,保质期为 14 个月,供应链和配送过程中无需冷藏。



The Company will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday, November 15 th to discuss the results of the Planet FWD LCA, which will also cover its RightRice High Protein Veggie Rice. To register for this webinar and receive final details on scheduling, please email

该公司将于11月15日星期三举办网络研讨会 第四 将讨论Planet FWD LCA的结果,该研究还将涵盖其RightRice高蛋白素食大米。要注册此次网络研讨会并获得有关日程安排的最终详细信息,请发送电子邮件至。

Private Placement of Convertible Note Units


Accredited investors in the United States and internationally (outside of Canada) can find out more about the Company's private placement opportunity and make an investment (via the Issuance platform) at this direct link:


About The Planting Hope Company Inc.

关于 Planting Hope 公司简介

Planting Hope is reimagining today's food so that our planet can feed 10 billion people tomorrow. A Foodtech-driven company at the forefront of sustainable consumer food and beverage evolution, Planting Hope transforms nutrient-dense, widely cultivated crops into innovative, nutrient-rich products that reimagine pantry staples in the largest, fastest growing global food categories.

Planting Hope正在重新构想当今的食物,这样我们的星球明天就能养活100亿人。Planting Hope是一家由食品科技驱动的公司,站在可持续消费食品和饮料发展的最前沿,它将营养丰富、广泛种植的作物转化为创新的、营养丰富的产品,重新定义了全球规模最大、增长最快的食品类别的食品储藏室必需品。

Our award-winning breakthrough brands, including Hope and Sesame Sesamemilk, RightRice High-Protein Veggie Rice, and Mozaics Real Veggie Chips, are not only disrupting global markets but also significantly reducing environmental footprints. Available across the US and Canada in grocery retailers (Whole Foods Market, Sprouts Farmers Markets), through foodservice operators (CAVA Mediterranean restaurants - NYSE: CAVA), and e-commerce and alternative retail channels (Amazon, QVC), our products blend culinary innovation with advanced technology, offering breakthrough products with wide moats. Our products are poised to disrupt global food and beverage categories, make a positive impact on the world , and provide investors with valuable opportunities in the growing sustainable food market.

我们屡获殊荣的突破性品牌,包括 Hope and Sesamemilk、RightRice 高蛋白素食大米和 Mozaics Real Veggie Chips,不仅颠覆了全球市场,还显著减少了环境足迹。我们的产品在美国和加拿大的杂货零售商(Whole Foods Market、Sprouts Farmers Markets)、餐饮服务运营商(CAVA 地中海餐厅——纽约证券交易所代码:CAVA)以及电子商务和替代零售渠道(亚马逊、QVC)都有售,将烹饪创新与先进技术相结合,提供具有广泛护城河的突破性产品。我们的产品有望颠覆全球食品和饮料类别,对世界产生积极影响,并在不断增长的可持续食品市场中为投资者提供宝贵的机会。

This is the food that Gen Z is demanding and that Gen Alpha will grow up with: this is the future of food.


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在 上浏览更多内容,在此处订阅 Planting Hope 新闻电子邮件,然后在 LinkedIn 上关注我们。



Company Contact:
Julia Stamberger
CEO and Co-founder
(773) 492-2243

(773) 492-2243

Investor Relations + Media Contact:
Elyssia Patterson
VP of Investor Relations
(312) 675-4996

投资者关系 + 媒体联系人:
(312) 675-4996

Media Contact:
Corinn Williams
(773) 492-2243

(773) 492-2243

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Certain disclosure in this news release, including disclosure regarding the terms, amount to be raised, closing(s), TSXV approval and other matters related to the Offering, the expected use of proceeds therefrom, and the goals, and strategy of the Company constitutes forward-looking statements that are subject to numerous risks, uncertainties and other factors outside of the Company's control that may cause future results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. In preparing the forward-looking statements in this news release, the Company has applied several material assumptions, including, but not limited to, the assumption that all conditions precedent (including TSXV approval) of the Offering will be satisfied in a timely manner; investor interest in the Offering; that general economic and business conditions will not change in a materially adverse manner; customer appeal of the Company's products; the effectiveness of the Company's proposed strategies; and that the Company will be able to raise additional funds on reasonable terms. Although the management of the Company believes that the assumptions made and the expectations represented by such statements are reasonable, there can be no assurance that any forward-looking statement herein will prove to be accurate. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


[1] Source: Examine Research Database, October 2022
[2] Source: Strategic Market Research, December 21, 2022

[1] 资料来源:研究数据库,2022 年 10 月
[2] 资料来源:战略市场研究,2022年12月21日

SOURCE: The Planting Hope Company Inc.

资料来源:Planting Hope Company

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