
New ETF Could Have Right Internet Retail Moves

New ETF Could Have Right Internet Retail Moves

Benzinga Real-time News ·  2020/11/12 11:41

Emerging markets stocks are believed to be beneficiaries of Joe Biden's ascent to the White House, but investors looking to avoid potential disappointment and embrace dominant equities in developing economies may do well to consider and Internet and online retail fare.

新兴市场股市被认为是乔·拜登(Joe Biden)入主白宫的受益者,但希望避免潜在失望并拥抱发展中经济体占主导地位的股票的投资者可能会好好考虑一下,互联网和在线零售的收益。

What Happened: Plenty of exchange-traded funds check those boxes, including the newest member of the group, the Global X Emerging Markets Internet & E-commerce ETF (NASDAQ:EWEB).

怎么了:许多交易所交易基金(ETF)都选中了这些复选框,包括该集团的最新成员Global X新兴市场互联网和电子商务ETF(纳斯达克:EWEB).

Whether EWEB proves to be a well-timed addition to the world of ETFs remains to be seen, but, appropriately so, the fund debuted on Nov. 11, which just happened to be China's Singles Day, the world's largest online retail event.


Why It's Important: EWEB extends a stretch of nifty launches by Global X, marking the third such launch in about as many weeks. The issuer is one of the dominant forces when it comes to thematic funds and has plenty of successful offerings addressing both emerging markets and online retail, including the Global X E-commerce ETF (NASDAQ:EBIZ).

为什么它很重要:EWEB扩展了一个一系列精致的发布由Global X推出,这是大约两周内的第三次这样的发布。在主题基金方面,发行人是占主导地位的力量之一,有大量针对新兴市场和在线零售的成功产品,包括Global X电子商务ETF(纳斯达克:电子商务).

As for EWEB, the rookie ETF holds 49 stocks and is designed to be a diversified spin a compelling niche, that being emerging markets e-commerce, but that does lead to a massive China weighting at 74%. Brazil, South Korea and South Africa – EWEB's second- through fourth-largest geographic exposures – combine for about 18% of the fund's roster.


China heft aside, EWEB is a credible play on rising incomes in developing economies, something data confirm is happening.


“Between 2000 and 2015, EMs populations grew by 21% while retail sales per capita were nearly 3x higher, rising from $525 to $1,490,” according to Global X research. “Meanwhile, EMs share of total global retail sales rose from 32% in 2000 to 51% in 2015 while EM retail sales growth outpaced DMs with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)of 11.4% 2000-2008 versus 5.7% for DMs during the same time period.”

“2000至2015年间,新兴市场人口增长了21%,人均零售额增长了近3倍,从525美元增至1490美元。”根据Global X研究。“与此同时,新兴市场在全球零售总额中的份额从2000年的32%上升到2015年的51%,而新兴市场零售额的增长速度超过了新兴市场,2000-2008年间的复合年增长率(CAGR)为11.4%,而同期新兴市场的复合年增长率为5.7%。”

What's Next: EWEB offers long-term investors some promise as it's buoyed by factors such as rising digitization, incomes and urbanization.


“Wage growth is beginning to shift the socioeconomic profiles of many EMs, especially those in Asia,” notes Global X. “At a high-level, there were 3.2 billion people in the global middle class in 2017 with an estimated 150 million more joining annually. Overwhelmingly, with a projected 88% by 2023, these new entrants will be from Asia.”

Global X指出:“工资增长正开始改变许多新兴市场,特别是亚洲新兴市场的社会经济状况。”从高层次来看,2017年全球中产阶级有32亿人,估计每年还会有1.5亿人加入。预计到2023年,这些新进入者的比例将达到88%,占压倒性优势,这些新进入者将来自亚洲。

The new ETF charges 0.65% per year, or $65 on a $10,000 investment.


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