
Dynasty Gold Drills 163.5 M of 1.0 G/t Including 63 M of 2.1 G/t Gold at Thundercloud

Dynasty Gold Drills 163.5 M of 1.0 G/t Including 63 M of 2.1 G/t Gold at Thundercloud

Dynasty Gold 在 Thundercloud 钻探了 163.5 米 1.0 g/t 的黄金,包括 63 米 2.1 g/t
newsfile ·  2023/11/08 09:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 8, 2023) - Dynasty Gold Corp. (TSXV: DYG) (FSE: D5G1) (OTC Pink: DGDCF) ("Dynasty" or the "Company") is pleased to report final drill results from the Phase 1, 2023 drill program at its Thundercloud property in the Archean Manitou-Stormy Lakes Greenstone belt, 47 kilometers southeast of Dryden in northwestern Ontario.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.,2023年11月8日)——王朝黄金公司(TSXV:DYG)(FSE:D5G1)(场外交易价格:DGDCF)(“王朝” 或 “公司”)欣然报告其位于干燥东南47公里处的Archean Manitou-Stormy Lakes绿石带Thundercloud物业2023年第一阶段钻探计划的最终钻探结果安大略省西北部的登登

Drill hole DP23-10 intersected a broad zone of 163.5 meters of 1.0 g/t at 33 meters from the surface, including higher grade sub-zone of 63 meters at 2.1 g/t and high-grade intervals of 22.5 meters of 4.5 g/t, 7.5 meters of 8.8 g/t and 3 meters of 11.2 g/t together with sub-intervals of 1.5 meters each of 20.3 g/t and 28.3 g/t. This hole demonstrates wide-spread near surface mineralization in the Pelham Zone with multiple higher grade intervals. The ten holes reported for 2023 Phase 1 drilling together with historical holes indicate an open-pit mineable body of gold mineralization at Thundercloud. The two test holes drilled in the previously untested areas of West Pelham also returned mineralization at 21.7 and 45.0 meters from the surface. See Table 1 below.

DP23-10 钻孔在距地表 33 米处横穿了 163.5 米、1.0 g/t 的宽阔区域,包括 63 米、2.1 g/t 和 22.5 米的高品位间隔 4.5 g/t、7.5 米 8.8 g/t 和 3 米 11.2 g/t 以及 1.5 米的子间隔,分别为 20.3 g/t 和 28.3 g/t。该洞展示了佩莱的广泛近地表矿化有多个更高等级间隔的火腿区。2023年第一阶段钻探报告的十个钻孔以及历史钻孔表明,Thundercloud有一片露天可开采的金矿化区。在西佩勒姆以前未经测试的区域钻出的两个测试孔也在距离地表21.7米和45.0米处恢复了矿化。参见下表 1。

The Pelham Zone hosts an historic NI 43-101 open-pit inferred resource of 182,000 ounces of gold at an average grade of 1.37 g/t (see Press Release of January 4, 2022). Following last year's impressive drill results, this year's drilling continued to intersect near-surface broad- and high-grade gold mineralization. The Company plans to conduct metallurgical testing in the coming months on core from both the 2022 and the 2023 Phase 1 drilling to obtain information on potential ore recoveries.


Ivy Chong, the President and Chief Executive Officer stated: "We are pleased with Phase 1 drill results. It indicates a strong potential for achieving an economic open-pit mineable resource in the making. The reported ten holes in Phase 1 drilling have intersected a total of 741.6 meters of mineralization with average grades ranging from 1.0 g/t to 3.28 g/t. Hole DP23-10 demonstrated once again our success in expanding the near surface mineralization in the Pelham Zone. Over ninety percent of the property is yet to be drilled, the potential to add tonnage and improve on grades are enormous in an area where there is excellent infrastructure to support mine development. The Company is awaiting assay results of 5 holes drilled in October 2023 from our Phase 2 drilling program, and will report these results as soon as they are available."

总裁兼首席执行官Ivy Chong表示:“我们对第一阶段的钻探结果感到满意。这表明开发经济型露天可开采资源的巨大潜力。据报道,第一阶段钻探的十个钻孔共穿过 741.6 米的矿化层,平均品位从 1.0 克/吨到 3.28 克/吨不等。DP23-10 孔再次证明了我们在扩大佩勒姆区近地表矿化方面的成功。超过百分之九十的物业尚待钻探,在拥有支持矿山开发的良好基础设施的地区,增加吨位和提高品位的潜力是巨大的。该公司正在等待我们的第二阶段钻探计划于2023年10月钻探的5个孔的化验结果,并将尽快报告这些结果。”

Table 1. Drill Result Highlights

表 1。钻探结果亮点

Hole Number From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Avg. Grade
(g/t Au)
DP-23-10 33.0 196.5 163.5 1.0
Including 42.0 103.5 63.0 2.1
Including 52.5 75.0 22.5 4.5
Including 52.5 55.5 3.0 11.2
Including 52.5 54.0 1.5 20.3
And 67.5 75.0 7.5 8.8
Including 70.5 72.0 1.5 28.3
DP23-W01 45.0 57.0 12.0 0.8
DP23-W03 21.7 33.5 11.8 0.6
洞号 从 (m) 到 (m) 间隔 (m) 平均值。等级
(g/t Au)
DP-23-10 33.0 196.5 163.5 1.0
包括 42.0 103.5 63.0 2.1
包括 52.5 75.0 22.5 4.5
包括 52.5 55.5 3.0 11.2
包括 52.5 54.0 1.5 20.3
而且 67.5 75.0 7.5 8.8
包括 70.5 72.0 1.5 28.3
DP23-W01 45.0 57.0 12.0 0.8
DP23-W03 21.7 33.5 11.8 0.6

The true widths of these drill intercepts are not known. Core recoveries for these drill intercepts were approximately 100 percent.


Table 2. Drill Collar and Hole Information for the drill holes in Current Press Release

表 2.当前新闻稿中有关钻孔的钻环和钻孔信息

NAD83 Zone 15
Hole ID Easting Northing Elevation
Azimuth Dip Depth
DP23-10 534078 5471330 465 105 -55 210
DP23-W01 533937 5471327 466 235 -45 165
DP23-W03 533901 5471313 474 270 -48 204
NAD83 区域 15
洞 ID 向东 北方 海拔
方位角 深度
DP23-10 534078 5471330 465 105 -55 210
DP23-W01 533937 5471327 466 235 -45 165
DP23-W03 533901 5471313 474 270 -48 204

Discussion of Drilling Results


  • The Pelham deposit is an Archean, orogenic, hydrothermal gold deposit that occurs within a regionally defined East-West trending deformation zone, is open at depth, and may be subject to repetition parallel to and along other untested structural trends.
  • Gold mineralization occurs as blebs and stringers of quartz and sulfides with some coarser veins, in metasomatically altered, silicified, locally sheared, fine- to medium-grained, Archean, bi-modal, mafic volcanics. The gold is primarily associated with disseminated to laminated to semi-massive bands of pyrite and lesser pyrrhotite, quartz, carbonates, chlorite and secondary biotite.
  • Hole DP23-10 was collared and drilled from the west towards the east, in the central part of the Pelham Zone, approximately 220 meters southwest from the discovery hole DP22-03 that assayed 73.5 meters of 8.42 g/t. Hole DP23-10 intersected a broad zone of mineralization that assayed 163.5 meters of 1.0 g/t at 33 meters from the surface, including a higher-grade sub-zone of 63 meters of 2.1 g/t, and also including high-grade intervals of 22.5 meters of 4.5 g/t and 7.5 meters of 8.8 g/t respectively.
  • Holes DP23-W01 was drilled from east to west and Hole DP23-W03 were drilled from east to southwest in the untested West Pelham area. Hole DP23-W01 intersected 12 meters of 0.8 g/t from 45 meters from the surface. Hole DP23-W03 intersected 11.8 meters of 0.6 g/t from 21.7 meters from the surface. The core from these holes will be studied for follow-up in the next drill program.
  • 佩勒姆矿床是太古代、造山热液的金矿床,位于区域定义的东西向变形带内,深度开放,可能与其他未经测试的结构趋势平行或沿着其他未经测试的结构趋势重复。
  • 金矿化以石英和硫化物的气泡和串状形式出现,其脉络较为粗糙,发生在交变变化、硅化、局部剪切、细至中等颗粒、太古时期、双模态、镁铁质火山岩中。金主要与黄铁矿和次级软铁矿、石英、碳酸盐、亚氯酸盐和次生黑云母的浸染至层压至半块状带有关。
  • DP23-10 孔是从西向东钻探的,位于佩勒姆区中部,距离探测 73.5 米 8.42 g/t 的 DP22-03 发现洞西南方向约 220 米。DP23-10 洞穿过了一个宽阔的矿化区域,在距离地表 33 米处测出了 1.0 g/t 的 163.5 米,包括 63 米的 2.1 g/t 的高品位子地带,还包括高品位间隔分别为 4.5 g/t 的 22.5 米和 8.8 g/t 的 7.5 米。
  • 在未经测试的西佩勒姆地区,DP23-W01 孔是从东向西钻探的,DP23-W03 孔是从东向西南钻探的。DP23-W01 孔从距地表 45 米处穿过 12 米,长度为 0.8 g/t。DP23-W03 孔在距离地表 21.7 米处相交 11.8 米,长度为 0.6 g/t。将对这些钻孔的岩心进行研究,以便在下一个钻探计划中进行后续研究。

Quality Assurance & Quality Control
Drilling completed at the Thundercloud property was with NQWL-sized diamond drill core. All drill holes were logged, photographed, and sample intervals were selected by geologists on the Property, mostly as 1.5 m samples. The drill core was then cut with a diamond saw, along lines marked by geologists. Bagged samples were sealed with zip ties and transported to ALS Global Geochemistry Laboratory in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and to Actlab Activation Laboratories Ltd. in Dryden, Ontario for fire assay. ALS's ME-ICP61 33 elements package was used for the geochemical analyses. Oreas standards and blanks were inserted into the sample stream to check on the comparative accuracy of the gold assays received. AA-23 gold fire assays and the 4-acid-dissolution geochemical analyses were conducted on the samples at the ALS Global Geochemistry Laboratory in Vancouver, B.C, and all gold values higher than 10 g/t were re-assayed by using Au-GRA21 gravimetric fire assays.

在 Thundercloud 地产完成的钻探使用的是 NQWL 大小的金刚石钻芯。所有钻孔都经过记录、拍照,采样间隔由地质学家在地质学家中选择,主要采用 1.5 m 的样本。然后用金刚石锯沿着地质学家标出的线条切割钻芯。袋装样本用拉链封好,然后运送到位于曼尼托巴省温尼伯的 ALS 全球地球化学实验室和 Actlab Activation Laboratories Ltd 在安大略省德赖登进行火灾化验。ALS 的 ME-ICP61 33 元素包用于地球化学分析。将Oreas标准品和空白插入样本流中,以检查收到的金化验结果的比较准确性。AA-23 金火分析和 4 酸溶解地球化学分析是在不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华的 ALS 全球地球化学实验室对样品进行的,所有高于 10 g/t 的金值均使用 Au-gra21 重力法火焰分析进行了重新分析。

The technical information in this release has been reviewed by James Rogers, P.Geo, an independent consultant and a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

本新闻稿中的技术信息已由独立顾问兼NI 43-101定义的合格人员詹姆斯·罗杰斯审阅。

About Dynasty Gold Corp.
Dynasty Gold Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company currently focused on gold exploration in North America with projects located in the Manitou-Stormy Lake greenstone belt in Ontario and in the Midas gold camp in Nevada. The Company is currently advancing its Thundercloud gold resource in northwest Ontario. A NI 43-101 Independent Technical Report, dated September 27, 2021 can be found on the Company's and SEDAR websites. The 100% owned Golden Repeat gold project in the Midas gold camp in Elko County, Nevada, is surrounded by a number of large-scale operating mines. For more information, please visit the Company's website .

Dynasty Gold Corp. 是一家加拿大矿产勘探公司,目前专注于北美的黄金勘探,其项目位于安大略省的马尼图-斯托米湖绿岩带和内华达州的迈达斯金矿区。该公司目前正在开发其位于安大略省西北部的Thundercloud黄金资源。2021年9月27日的NI 43-101独立技术报告可在该公司和SEDAR的网站上找到。位于内华达州埃尔科县迈达斯金矿营的 100% 持股的Golden Repeat黄金项目周围环绕着许多正在运营的大型矿山。欲了解更多信息,请访问公司的网站。



"Ivy Chong"
Ivy Chong, President & CEO


For additional information please contact:
Vancouver Office:
Ivy Chong
Phone: 604.633.2100. Email:


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本新闻稿包含某些 “前瞻性陈述”,涉及许多风险和不确定性。无法保证此类陈述会被证明是准确的,实际结果和未来事件可能与此类声明中的预期有重大差异。多伦多证券交易所风险交易所未对本新闻稿的充分性或准确性进行审查,也不承担任何责任。

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