
Bravada Closes First Tranche of Previously Announced Financing; Extends Offering; Evaluating New Opportunities for Nevada Portfolio

Bravada Closes First Tranche of Previously Announced Financing; Extends Offering; Evaluating New Opportunities for Nevada Portfolio

newsfile ·  2023/11/08 09:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 8, 2023) - Bravada Gold Corporation (TSXV: BVA) ("Bravada" or "Company") announces that it has closed the first tranche of its previously-announced non-brokered private placement to issue up to 15,000,000 units ("Units") at a price of $0.035 per Unit for gross proceeds of $525,000 (the "Offering") with a 10% over-allotment option (Greenshoe). The first tranche consists of 4,057,143 Units for proceeds of $142,000. Each Unit consists of one common share and one share purchase warrant, with each warrant exercisable to purchase one additional common share for a period of three years at an exercise price of $0.05 per share.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(新闻文件公司-2023 年 11 月 8 日)- 布拉瓦达黄金公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:BVA) (“Bravada” 或 “公司”)宣布,它已经完成了先前宣布的第一批非经纪私募股权,以每单位0.035美元的价格发行最多1500万个单位(“单位”),总收益为52.5万美元(“发行”),并有10%的超额配股权(Greenshoe)。第一批包括4,057,143个单位,收益为14.2万美元。每个单位由一股普通股和一份股票购买权证组成,每份认股权证可行使以每股0.05美元的行使价再购买一股普通股,为期三年。

Securities issued pursuant to the first tranche closing include common shares, share purchase warrants and non-transferable finder warrants issued as finders' fees, all of which carry a legend restricting trading of the securities until March 8, 2024. The Company paid finders' fees comprised of an aggregate $2,100 cash and 60,000 finder warrants, with each finder warrant exercisable to purchase one common share for a period of three years at an exercise price of $0.05 per share. The Offering and payment of finders' fees is subject to TSX Venture Exchange acceptance.


Funds received from the first tranche closing of the Offering are proposed to be spent as follows:


  • Immediate working capital - CDN $28,100 / US $3,250
  • Property maintenance - US$8,200
  • Regulatory fees - CDN $39,500 / US$19,200
  • Future working capital - CDN $26,000 / US $4,000
  • 即时营运资金-28,100 加元/3,250 美元
  • 物业维护-8,200 美元
  • 监管费-39,500 加元/19,200 美元
  • 未来营运资金-26,000 加元/4,000 美元

No amounts are proposed to be spent on investor relations activities or payments to non-arm's length parties.


The Company has extended the remainder of the Offering for a period of 30 days until December 8, 2023, subject to TSX Venture Exchange acceptance.


President Joe Kizis comments, "Market downturns are painful for Junior explorers and their shareholders, but they historically have been times of great opportunity to acquire attractive properties, which is particularly important in highly competitive Tier One jurisdictions like Nevada. We believe this is a time to selectively add to our Nevada portfolio where we see unique opportunities, while maintaining projects that we have significantly advanced towards production and new discoveries. We are evaluating such potential new opportunities for Bravada, while being careful to control related financial obligations. We will always welcome appropriate partners under mutually beneficial terms, of course."

乔·基齐斯总统评论说, “市场低迷对初级勘探者及其股东来说是痛苦的,但从历史上看,这是收购有吸引力的房产的绝佳机会,这在内华达州等竞争激烈的一级司法管辖区尤其重要。我们认为,现在是有选择地增加我们在内华达州的投资组合的时候,我们可以看到独特的机会,同时保持我们在生产和新发现方面取得重大进展的项目。我们正在评估Bravada的此类潜在新机会,同时谨慎控制相关的财务义务。当然,我们将始终以互惠互利的条件欢迎合适的合作伙伴。”

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities in the United States of America. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons (as defined in the 1933 Act) unless registered under the 1933 Act and applicable state securities laws, or an exemption from such registration is available.


2024 Plans

2024 年计划

Despite years of major gold production, Nevada continues to produce excellent new gold/silver discoveries with many in areas previously thought to be completely explored or beneath altered rock that does not contain anomalous gold concentrations. Subject to further financing, the Company is planning a 2024 exploration program that will include drilling approximately 2,600 metres in 15 holes at the Highland low-sulfidation-type project. The property consists of 192 Federal lode claims (~1,500 hectares) located within the prolific Walker Lane Gold belt, where large gold/silver discoveries have been made increasingly beneath "barren" surface alteration. Previous drilling by Bravada on the Highland property intersected vein zones with high-grade intercepts, confirming the potentially productive nature of the system. The Company's best hole, H02013, intersected 1.5 meters (m) of 66.9 grams of gold per ton (g/t) and 397.7g/t silver within a 12.2m intercept of 9.5g/t gold and 109.4g/t silver (previously announced, true thicknesses estimated at 65% of the intervals). A thin layer of alluvial gravel covers much of the property and several targets have been identified that have not been previously tested with drilling.

尽管多年来黄金产量巨大,但内华达州继续发现大量新的金/银,其中许多发现位于以前被认为已完全勘探的地区或不含异常金浓度的岩石下方。视进一步融资而定,该公司正在计划2024年的勘探计划,其中包括在高地低硫化型项目的15个孔中钻探约2600米。该地产包括192份联邦矿脉(约1,500公顷),位于多产的Walker Lane金带内,在 “贫乏” 的地表变化下越来越多地发现了大量的金/银。Bravada先前在Highland地产上的钻探与矿脉区域相交,并有高品位的截距,这证实了该系统的潜在生产性质。该公司的最佳钻孔 H02013 在9.5克/吨黄金和109.4克/吨银(先前公布的真实厚度估计为间隔的65%)的122米截距内,与每吨(g/t)的66.9克黄金和397.7克/吨的银相交了1.5米(m)。一层薄薄的冲积碎石覆盖了该物业的大部分区域,并且已经确定了几个以前未通过钻探测试过的目标。

Highland is a large property with multiple "hot spots" of high-grade gold at surface. Widespread samples of float, outcrop, and soils collected at the Big Hammer target, for example, contain anomalous gold and pathfinder geochemistry, with values ranging from 0.1g/t to 1.0/g/t Au, with a maximum of 15g/t Au. Minimal erosion indicates undiscovered high-grade vein deposits will be preserved in their entirety.

Highland 是一处大型地产,表面有多个高品位金 “热点”。例如,在 Big Hammer 目标采集的大量浮子、露头和土壤样本中含有异常的金和探路者地球化学,其值介于 0.1g/t 到 1.0/g/t Au 之间,最大金含量为 15g/t。侵蚀微乎其微,表明未被发现的高品位矿脉沉积物将得到完整保存。

Additional geologic mapping, soil sampling, and geophysics are also being planned to refine drill targets on the SF/HC property and the Gabel property, both Carlin-type properties adjacent to new gold discoveries in the Battle Mountain-Eureka Gold belt. Permitting is anticipated after integration of that data with drilling later in 2024.


About Bravada

关于 Bravada

Bravada is an exploration company with a portfolio of high-quality properties in Nevada, one of the best mining jurisdictions in the world. Bravada has successfully identified and advanced properties with the potential to host high-margin deposits while successfully attracting partners to fund later stages of project development. Bravada's value is underpinned by a substantial gold and silver resource with a positive PEA at Wind Mountain, and the Company has significant upside potential from possible new discoveries at its exploration properties.


Since 2005, the Company has signed 33 earn-in joint-venture agreements for its properties with 20 publicly traded companies, as well as a similar number of property-acquisition agreements with private individuals. Bravada currently has 10 projects in its portfolio, consisting of 810 claims for approximately 6,500 ha in two of Nevada's most prolific gold trends. Most of the projects host encouraging drill intercepts of gold and already have drill targets developed. Several videos are available on the Company's website that describe Bravada's major properties, answering commonly asked investor questions. Simply click on this link .


Joseph Anthony Kizis, Jr. (AIPG CPG-11513) is the qualified person responsible for reviewing and preparing the technical data presented in this release and has approved its disclosure.

小约瑟夫·安东尼·基齐斯(AIPG CPG-11513) 是负责审查和准备本新闻稿中提供的技术数据的合格人员,并已批准其披露。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


Joseph A. Kizis, Jr., Director, President, Bravada Gold Corporation

Joseph A. Kizis, Jr.,Bravada Gold Corporation 董事兼总裁

For further information, please visit Bravada Gold Corporation's website at; or contact us at 604.641.2759 or by email at

欲了解更多信息,请访问Bravada Gold Corporation的网站;或致电 604.641.2759 或发送电子邮件至 联系我们。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


This news release may contain forward-looking statements including, but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. These statements are based on a number of assumptions, including, but not limited to, assumptions regarding the amount of the Offering and completion of the Offering, general economic conditions, interest rates, commodity markets, regulatory and governmental approvals for the company's projects, and the availability of financing for the company's development projects on reasonable terms. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, the timing and receipt of government and regulatory approvals, and continued availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. Bravada Gold Corporation does not assume any obligation to update or revise its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except to the extent required by applicable law.

本新闻稿可能包含前瞻性陈述,包括但不限于对即将到来的工作计划的时间和内容、地质解释、财产所有权的接受、潜在的矿产回收过程等的评论。前瞻性陈述涉及未来的事件和状况,因此涉及固有的风险和不确定性。实际结果可能与此类报表中目前的预期结果存在重大差异。这些陈述基于许多假设,包括但不限于有关发行金额和发行完成情况、总体经济状况、利率、大宗商品市场、公司项目的监管和政府批准以及公司开发项目在合理条件下的融资可用性的假设。可能导致实际业绩与前瞻性陈述存在重大差异的因素包括市场价格、开采和勘探成功率、政府和监管部门批准的时间和获得情况、资本和融资的持续可用性以及总体经济、市场或商业状况。除非适用法律要求,否则Bravada Gold Corporation不承担任何更新或修改其前瞻性陈述的义务,无论是由于新信息、未来事件还是其他原因。

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