
Hedge Fund Strategies Are Getting ETF-ed: Are Lower Fees Inevitable?

Hedge Fund Strategies Are Getting ETF-ed: Are Lower Fees Inevitable?

Benzinga ·  2023/11/10 15:29

As institutional money increasingly flows into ETFs, market watcjers are beginning to question whether the high fees charged by hedge fund managers are still justifiable.


A tweet by Corey Hoffstein highlighted that the Simplify Market Neutral Equity Long Short ETF (NYSE:EQLS) (expense ratio = 1%) recently bagged $104 million from General Electric's pension fund. Earlier, Michigan's pension fund had also put in $364 million in another of Simplify's ETFs.

科里·霍夫斯坦的一条推文强调,简化市场中立股票多头空头ETF(纽约证券交易所代码:EQLS)(支出比率= 1%)最近从通用电气的养老基金中获得了1.04亿美元。此前,密歇根州的养老基金还向Simplify的另一只ETF投入了3.64亿美元。

Given the state of the mortgage market, Simplify has recently launched its Simplify MBS ETF (NYSE:MTBA) investing in mortgage-backed securities (MBS), as reported by Bloomberg. The fund seeks to provide attractive yields versus comparable U.S. Treasuries while carrying little to no credit risk.

彭博社报道,鉴于抵押贷款市场的状况,Simplify最近推出了Simplify MBS ETF(纽约证券交易所代码:MTBA),投资于抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)。与可比的美国国债相比,该基金旨在提供有吸引力的收益率,同时几乎没有信用风险。

Related: Simplify Launches the MTBA ETF, Revolutionizing Exposure to Mortgage-Backed Securities

相关信息:Simplify推出MTBA ETF,彻底改变抵押贷款支持证券的敞口

Simplify's website states that their ETF strategies are designed to "efficiently hedge portfolios against rising interest rates, generate risk-managed income, gain exposure to alternatives." Through their institutional-grade alternative investment strategies, Simplify is offering investors a low-cost and transparent investment vehicle, as compared to investing in hedge funds.

Simplify的网站指出,他们的ETF策略旨在 “有效地对冲投资组合以抵御利率上升,产生风险管理收入,获得另类投资机会”。与投资对冲基金相比,Simplify通过其机构级另类投资策略,为投资者提供了低成本和透明的投资工具。

Another ETF that mimics a hedge fund, the iMGP DBi Managed Futures Strategy ETF (NYSE:DBMF) (ER= 0.85%) "seeks to replicate the pre-fee performance of leading managed futures hedge funds and outperform through fee/expense disintermediation." The ETF is part of the iMGP Funds portfolio.

另一只模仿对冲基金的ETF,iMGP dBi Managed Futures Strategy ETF(纽约证券交易所代码:DBMF)(ER= 0.85%)“旨在复制领先管理期货对冲基金的预付费表现,并通过费用/支出去中介化来跑赢大盘。”该ETF是iMGP基金投资组合的一部分。

DBMF began in 2022 with just $60 million in assets, but now boasts more than $834 billion in assets under management. Along the same lines, the First Trust Managed Futures Strategy ETF (NYSE:FMF) (ER = 0.95%) with $162 million in assets, and the Simplify Managed Futures Strategy ETF (NYSE:CTA) (ER = 0.78%) with $159 million AUM are all attracting institutional money now.

DBMF始于2022年,当时只有6000万美元的资产,但现在管理的资产超过8,340亿美元。同样,拥有1.62亿美元资产的第一信托管理期货策略ETF(纽约证券交易所代码:FMF)(ER = 0.95%)和资产管理规模为1.59亿美元的简化期货管理策略ETF(纽约证券交易所代码:CTA)(ER = 0.78%)现在都吸引了机构资金。

The KFA Mount Lucas Managed Futures Index Strategy ETF (NYSE:KMLM) (ER = 0.90%) is another hedge fund strategy mimicking investment vehicle which has been quick to garner $295 million in AUM. The WisdomTree Managed Futures Strategy Fund (NYSE:WTMF) (ER=0.65%) is yet another example.

KFA Mount Lucas管理期货指数策略ETF(纽约证券交易所代码:KMLM)(ER = 0.90%)是另一种模仿投资工具的对冲基金策略,已迅速获得2.95亿美元的资产管理规模。WisdomTree管理期货策略基金(纽约证券交易所代码:WTMF)(ER= 0.65%)是另一个例子。

A key reason for the influx of institutional funds into these ETFs is hedge fund fees. Hedge funds typically charge 2% of the fund's net asset value as a management fee, along with a performance fee of 20% of the fund's profit. Given that strategy-mimicking ETFs charge less than 1% in fees, it's conceivable that investor sentiment might drive these fees even lower.


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