
CoTec Holdings Corp. Files Third Quarter 2023 Results and Reports $3.2 Million Net Income With Continued Focus on Operational Roll-Out

CoTec Holdings Corp. Files Third Quarter 2023 Results and Reports $3.2 Million Net Income With Continued Focus on Operational Roll-Out

Cotec Holdings Corp. 公布2023年第三季度业绩并报告净收入320万美元,继续专注于运营推广
Accesswire ·  2023/11/13 07:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / November 13, 2023 / CoTec Holdings Corp. (TSXV:CTH) ("CoTec" or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has filed its unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements and the accompanying management discussion and analysis ("MD&A") for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023. The financial statements and MD&A can be accessed under the Company's SEDAR profile at .

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华/ACCESSWIRE/2023年11月13日/CoTec Holdings Corp.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:CTH)(“CoTec” 或 “公司”)欣然宣布,它已提交截至2023年9月30日的三个月和九个月未经审计的中期简明合并财务报表以及随附的管理层讨论与分析(“MD&A”)。可以在公司的SEDAR简介下访问财务报表和管理分析报告,网址为 。

The Company announced its third profitable quarter with net income for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2023, of $3.2 million and $13.1 million respectively. The net income for the quarter was driven by an upward revaluation of CoTec's investments in Binding Solutions Limited ("BSL") and Maginito Limited ("Maginito") as a result of arm's length investment activities during the quarter.

该公司宣布了其第三个盈利季度,截至2023年9月30日的季度和九个月的净收入分别为320万美元和1,310万美元。由于本季度的独立投资活动,CoTec对Binding Solutions Limited(“BSL”)和Maginito Limited(“Maginito”)的投资进行了上调,推动了本季度的净收入。

Other highlights for the quarter include:


  • CoTec's investee, Maginito, completed its purchase of the remaining 58% equity interest in HyProMag Limited ("HyProMag") bringing its interest to 100% ("HyProMag Acquisition"). During the first quarter, Maginito provided HyProMag GmbH ("HyProMag Germany") with a convertible loan of EUR2.5 million. Following the HyProMag Acquisition, Maginito's interest in HyProMag Germany will increase by a net 10% from 80% to 90% on conversion of the loan.
  • Converted its GBP2 million convertible loan to Mkango Resources Ltd. ("Mkango") into Maginito stock, increasing its ownership stake from 10% to 20.6%.
  • CoTec's investee, BSL, secured a US$17.5 million equity investment from Australian based Mineral Resources Limited ("MinRes") at an increased valuation.
  • BSL commissioned and began commercial testing at their pilot plant in Teesside, United Kingdom.
  • Entered a binding option agreement for the acquisition of the Lac Jeannine mining claims for application of BSL's technology and made the first payment of US$40,000 to the vendors pursuant to the option agreement.
  • Engaged a drilling contractor for Lac Jeannine and completed a bulk sample and maiden resource drilling program early October 2023.
  • CoTec's investee, Ceibo Inc. ("Ceibo"), secured an investment from BHP Ventures to support its early-stage revolutionary copper leaching technology.
  • Invested a further US$120,000 in MagIron LLC ("MagIron") to fund working capital and maintain the Company's interest at ~16.94% on a fully diluted basis.
  • Engaged Hybrid Financial Ltd ("Hybrid") to assist in creating awareness of the Company with financial professionals.
  • Entered a Memorandum of Understanding for collaboration with the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom to identify and commercialize new disruptive technologies related to critical mineral extraction.
  • Cotec的投资方Maginito完成了对HyproMag Limited(“HyproMag”)剩余的58%股权的收购,使其权益达到100%(“收购HyproMag”)。在第一季度,Maginito向HyproMag GmbH(“HyproMag Germany”)提供了250万欧元的可转换贷款。收购HyproMag后,转换贷款后,Maginito在德国HyproMag的权益将净增加10%,从80%增加到90%。
  • 将其向Mkango Resources Ltd.(“Mkango”)提供的200万英镑可转换贷款转换为Maginito股票,将其所有权从10%增加到20.6%。
  • Cotec的投资方BSL从总部位于澳大利亚的矿产资源有限公司(“MinRes”)获得了1750万美元的股权投资,估值有所增加。
  • BSL 在其位于英国提赛德的试点工厂进行了委托并开始了商业测试。
  • 签订了具有约束力的期权协议,收购Lac Jeannine矿业索赔,以应用BSL的技术,并根据期权协议向卖方支付了第一笔4万美元。
  • 聘请了 Lac Jeannine 的钻探承包商,并于 2023 年 10 月初完成了散装样品和首次资源钻探计划。
  • CoTec的投资方Ceibo Inc.(“Ceibo”)获得了必和必拓风险投资的投资,以支持其早期革命性的铜浸出技术。
  • 又向MagIron LLC(“MagIron”)投资了12万美元,为营运资金提供资金,并在全面摊薄的基础上将公司的权益维持在约16.94%。
  • 聘请Hybrid Financial Ltd(“Hybrid”)协助提高金融专业人士对公司的认识。
  • 与英国伯明翰大学签订了合作谅解备忘录,以确定和商业化与关键矿物开采有关的新颠覆性技术。

Mr. Julian Treger, CEO of the Company commented, "The third quarter was another exceptional quarter for CoTec. We reported a further $3.2 million net income during the quarter, bringing our net income for the year to date to $13.1 million."


"Operationally, we have made significant progress through the developments at Maginito and Lac Jeannine, whilst the increased valuation of the MinRes investment in BSL and the BHP investment in Ceibo demonstrates further validation of our investment criteria."

“在运营方面,我们在Maginito和Lac Jeannine的开发方面取得了重大进展,而MinRes对BSL的投资和必和必拓对Ceibo的投资估值的提高表明我们的投资标准得到了进一步验证。”

"CoTec continues to successfully execute its growth strategy to become a mid-tier resource producer with first revenue expected as early as 2025/2026, a mere four years after inception compared to traditional mining operations of 10 years plus. CoTec has acquired four technologies and three asset opportunities in key energy transition commodities with a medium-term goal to target ten technologies and thirty assets. Through our collaboration with the University of Birmingham CoTec is positioning itself at the forefront of disruptive technologies in the critical minerals and the low carbon resources space."


"Maginito's completion of the HyProMag Acquisition and the subsequent conversion of our Mkango convertible loan into Maginito equity completes the transaction structure that we envisaged at the outset of our investments into Maginito and Mkango. We now own a 20.6% equity interest in Maginito and have formed a 50:50 joint venture with Maginito for the roll-out of the HyProMag technology in the US."


"Rare Earth Elements are recognized by the US Government as a critical mineral, which could significantly benefit HyProMag US in its roll-out, providing further potential upside for CoTec shareholders."

“稀土元素被美国政府视为一种关键矿物,这可能会使HyproMag US的推出受益匪浅,为Cotec股东提供进一步的潜在上行空间。”

"Securing the Lac Jeannine property was another major step for CoTec where we are targeting the production and sale of iron ore pellets from the tailings facilities. We have commenced our drilling program and bulk sampling during the quarter and completed it in early October. The drilling program will form the cornerstone for the maiden resource estimate whilst the bulk sample will be used for independent metallurgy testing and further testing with BSL of its cold agglomeration technology pursuant to our feasibility study. We expect to complete the feasibility study by mid 2024 and, if successful, first revenue is expected by 2025/2026."

“保护Lac Jeannine财产是CoTec的又一重要举措,我们的目标是生产和销售来自尾矿设施的铁矿石颗粒。我们已经在本季度开始了钻探计划和批量采样,并于10月初完成。钻探计划将构成首次资源估算的基石,而根据我们的可行性研究,散装样品将用于独立的冶金测试和BSL对其冷团聚技术的进一步测试。我们预计将在2024年中期完成可行性研究,如果成功,预计将在2025/2026年之前实现第一笔收入。”

"We believe that the progress made during the quarter significantly increases the value proposition of CoTec and that the HyProMag US joint venture and Lac Jeannine project, if successful, could individually represent value materially in excess of CoTec's current market value."

“我们认为,本季度取得的进展极大地提高了Cotec的价值主张,如果成功,HyproMag美国合资企业和Lac Jeannine项目各自的价值可能会大大超过Cotec当前的市场价值。”

About CoTec

关于 Cotec

CoTec is a publicly traded investment issuer listed on the Toronto Venture Stock Exchange ("TSX-V") and the OTCQB and trades under the symbol CTH and CTHCF respectively. The Company is an environment, social, and governance ("ESG")-focused company investing in innovative technologies which have the potential to fundamentally change the way metals and minerals can be extracted and processed for the purpose of applying those technologies to undervalued operating assets and recycling opportunities, as the Company transitions into a mid-tier mineral resource producer.


CoTec is committed to supporting the transition to a lower carbon future for the extraction industry, a sector on the cusp of a green revolution as it embraces technology and innovation. The Company has made four investments to date and is actively pursuing operating opportunities where current technology investments could be deployed.


For further information, please contact:


Braam Jonker - (604) 992-5600

Braam Jonker-(604) 992-5600

Forward-Looking Information Cautionary Statement


Statements in this press release regarding the Company and its investments which are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" that involve risks and uncertainties, including statements relating to management's expectations with respect to its current and potential future investments and the benefits to the Company which may be implied from such statements and, in particular: the increase in the Company's ownership position in Maginito; the Company's joint venture with Maginito for the purposes of using the HyProMag technology to produce and sell rare earth materials in the US; the possibility of producing and selling iron ore pellets from tailings located on the Lac Jeannine property using the BSL technology; and the Birmingham MoU. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature, they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results in each case could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements, due to known and unknown risks and uncertainties affecting the Company, including but not limited to resource and reserve risks; environmental risks and costs; labor costs and shortages; uncertain supply and price fluctuations in materials; increases in energy costs; labor disputes and work stoppages; leasing costs and the availability of equipment; heavy equipment demand and availability; contractor and subcontractor performance issues; worksite safety issues; project delays and cost overruns; extreme weather conditions; and social disruptions. For further details regarding risks and uncertainties facing the Company please refer to "Risk Factors" in the Company's filing statement dated April 6, 2022, and in the Company's other filings with Canadian securities regulators, copies of which may be found under the Company's SEDAR profile at .

本新闻稿中关于公司及其投资的非历史事实的声明是涉及风险和不确定性的 “前瞻性陈述”,包括与管理层对其当前和潜在未来投资的预期以及此类陈述可能暗示的公司收益有关的陈述,特别是:公司在Maginito的所有权地位的增加;公司与Maginito的合资企业,目的是使用HyproMag技术进行生产而且卖得稀有美国的土壤材料;使用BSL技术从位于Lac Jeannine地产的尾矿中生产和销售铁矿石颗粒的可能性;以及伯明翰谅解备忘录。由于前瞻性陈述涉及未来的事件和状况,因此就其本质而言,它们涉及固有的风险和不确定性。由于影响公司的已知和未知风险和不确定性,每种情况的实际结果可能与此类声明中目前的预期存在重大差异,包括但不限于资源和储备风险;环境风险和成本;劳动力成本和短缺;不确定的材料供应和价格波动;能源成本增加;劳资纠纷和停工;租赁成本和设备可用性;承包商和分包商绩效问题;工作场所安全问题;项目延误和成本超支;极端天气条件;以及社会混乱。有关公司面临的风险和不确定性的更多详细信息,请参阅公司2022年4月6日的申报声明中的 “风险因素”,以及公司向加拿大证券监管机构提交的其他文件,其副本可在公司的SEDAR简介中找到,网址为。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


SOURCE: CoTec Holdings Corp.


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