
StageZero Life Sciences Partners With My One Medical Source and 1,000+ Medical Access Points in the USA

StageZero Life Sciences Partners With My One Medical Source and 1,000+ Medical Access Points in the USA

StageZero 生命科学与 My One Medical Suciences 合作,并在美国 1,000 多个医疗接入点
Accesswire ·  2023/11/14 11:20

Aristotle and AVRT to be offered to My One Medical Source's Customer Base

亚里士多德和AVRT将提供给我的One Medical Sources的客户群

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / November 14, 2023 / StageZero Life Sciences, Ltd. (TSX:SZLS)(OTCQB:SZLSF) ("StageZero" or the "Company"), an integrated healthcare company with the first and only mRNA multi-cancer diagnostic for screening for multiple, key cancers from a single sample of blood - Aristotle, and an oncologist-led adjunctive treatment protocol with early data - METRICS study - showing an improvement in outcome in cancer patients, announces it is partnering with My One Medical Source ("MOMS") to offer the StageZero suite of diagnostics and treatment protocols to MOMS' national customer base.

安大略省多伦多/ACCESSWIRE /2023年11月14日/ StageZero Life Sciences, Ltd.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:SZLS)(“StageZero” 或 “公司”),一家综合医疗保健公司,拥有第一种也是唯一一种用于从单一血液样本中筛查多种关键癌症的mRNA多癌症诊断——亚里士多德,以及由肿瘤学家主导的辅助治疗方案早期数据——METRICS研究——显示癌症患者的预后有所改善,宣布将与My One Medical Source(“MOMS”)合作提供StageZero诊断和治疗套件与 MOMS 全国客户群签订的协议。

"MOMS has over 1,000 Medical Access Points ("MAPS") across the USA and connects providers, employers and patients with clinical laboratories. It instantly establishes a national patient service center network for StageZero and CareOncology and takes our high complexity lab and makes it into 50 State local labs with all of the attendant customer base. MOMS will actively promote StageZero's diagnostic programs" said James Howard-Tripp, Chairman and CEO of StageZero. "Coupled with the CareOncology clinical group providing clinical oversight, and via telehealth, we can cater to all 50 States and actively engage with the MAPS and their customer base, as well as draw in new patients. The new programs we are introducing continue to enhance our visibility" he further added.

“MOMS在美国拥有1,000多个医疗接入点(“MAPS”),并将提供商、雇主和患者与临床实验室联系起来。它立即为StageZero和CareOncology建立了全国患者服务中心网络,并将我们的高复杂性实验室扩展到50个州地方实验室,并拥有所有相关的客户群。妈妈们将积极推广StageZero的诊断计划。” StageZero董事长兼首席执行官詹姆斯·霍华德-特里普说。“再加上提供临床监督的CareOncology临床小组以及通过远程医疗,我们可以满足所有50个州的需求,积极与MAPS及其客户群互动,并吸引新患者。我们推出的新计划继续提高我们的知名度。” 他进一步补充说。

Approximately 1.9 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer this year, with more than half of them diagnosed with late stage cancer1. Five-year survival rates for stage 3 and 4 cancer is significantly poorer than if it is diagnosed at stage 1 or 2 (eg Colorectal: 90% if found early vs 14% if found late); cost of treating late stage cancer is also 2-4 times higher than treating early stage cancer. It is critical that cancer be diagnosed as early as possible.


The US cancer screening market is $77.4 billion, with a CAGR of 7%2. The economic burden associated with cancer is $150.8 billion3. Self-funded healthcare employers account for approx. 64% of all employers and employ 100 million Americans. Cancer is a key driver of their healthcare costs.4,5,6




1. American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures 2022. Atlanta: American Cancer Society; 2022. (Accessed 1.30.22); Siegel RL, Miller KD, Fuchs HE, Jemal A. Cancer Statistics, 2021. CA Cancer J Clin. 2021 Jan;71(1):7-33.
3. National Cancer Institute. Financial burden of cancer care. March 2020. Accessed October 14, 2020.
4. Kaiser Family Foundation. Health Insurance Coverage of the Total Population [Internet]. KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). 2022. Available from:

1。美国癌症协会。2022年癌症事实与数据。亚特兰大:美国癌症协会;2022年。(访问时间为 1.30.22);Siegel RL、Miller KD、Fuchs HE、Jemal A. Cancer Statistics,2021 年。CA Cancer J Clin. 2021 年 1 月;71 (1): 7-33。
3.国家癌症研究所。癌症医疗的经济负担。2020 年 3 月。已于 2020 年 10 月 14 日访问。
4。凯撒家庭基金会。总人口的健康保险覆盖范围 [互联网]。KFF(凯撒家庭基金会)。2022年。可从以下地址获得:

About My One Medical Source:

关于 My One Medical 来源:

My One Medical Source (MOMS) is the go-to resource for all of your testing related needs. They are shifting the existing paradigm of specialized testing for those who need it and those who supply it to a new model that empowers both parties and makes healthcare more accessible.


By building a national network of medical access points, the MOMS platform connects those who need testing with urgent care centers, pharmacies, and private test sites for sample collection.


With the more than 13 billion tests performed in over 250,000 labs each year there comes a critical need for an organized, simplified process. The future of test management is here.


About StageZero Life Sciences, Ltd.

关于 StageZero 生命科学有限公司

StageZero Life Sciences, Ltd. is a vertically integrated healthcare company dedicated to improving the early detection and management of cancer and other chronic diseases through next-generation diagnostics and unique telehealth programs that provide clinical interventions to assist patients who currently have cancer (COC Protocol) as well as help patients reduce the risk of developing late-stage disease (AVRT).

StageZero Life Sciences, Ltd. 是一家垂直整合的医疗保健公司,致力于通过下一代诊断和独特的远程医疗计划改善癌症和其他慢性病的早期发现和管理,这些计划提供临床干预措施以帮助目前患有癌症的患者(COC协议),并帮助患者降低患晚期疾病(AVRT)的风险。

The Company's next generation test, Aristotle, is the first ever mRNA multi-cancer panel for simultaneously screening for multiple cancers from a single sample of blood with high sensitivity and specificity for each cancer. Aristotle uses mRNA technology to identify the molecular signatures of multiple cancer types and is built on the Company's patented technology platform, the Sentinel Principle. The Sentinel Principle has been validated in more than 9,000 patients and used by more than 100,000 patients in North America.


The Care Oncology Clinic offers a supervised treatment regimen (the COC Protocol) for people diagnosed with cancer of any type or stage. Developed by scientists and oncologists, the COC Protocol is intended for adjunctive administration alongside standard-of-care cancer therapy. It is an individualized therapeutic approach which seeks to simultaneously target multiple metabolic cancer pathways. The aim is to restrict cancer cell energy supply and use, which may make it more difficult overall for cancer cells to survive, grow and adapt to changing conditions in the body. As a result, such cells can potentially become more vulnerable to attack from cell-killing therapies such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Its patented COC Protocol incorporates a multifaceted approach, supported by peer-reviewed scientific studies, which highlight the potential of certain treatments to target the specific energy requirements of cancer cells, impacting their ability to grow and multiply.

Care Oncology Clinic为被诊断患有任何类型或阶段的癌症的患者提供有监督的治疗方案(COC协议)。COC协议由科学家和肿瘤学家开发,旨在与标准护理癌症疗法一起进行辅助给药。它是一种个性化的治疗方法,旨在同时靶向多种代谢性癌症途径。目的是限制癌细胞的能量供应和使用,这可能会使癌细胞总体上更难存活、生长和适应体内不断变化的状况。结果,此类细胞可能更容易受到放射疗法和化疗等细胞杀伤疗法的攻击。其获得专利的COC协议采用了多方面的方法,并得到了同行评审的科学研究的支持,这些方法突显了某些治疗可能针对癌细胞的特定能量需求,影响其生长和繁殖能力。

AVRT is a Physician-Led, telehealth program for identifying and managing the early warning signs of cancer and chronic disease. Our program includes: a comprehensive online health evaluation; blood tests to measure markers of inflammation and metabolism; an in-depth initial physician consultation; regular physician follow-up appointments and interval screening.


Aristotle, as well as additional cancer diagnostics are processed at the Company's clinical laboratory, StageZero Life Sciences, Inc., a CAP accredited and CLIA certified high-complexity reference laboratory in Richmond, Virginia.

亚里士多德以及其他癌症诊断由该公司的临床实验室StageZero Life Sciences, Inc. 处理,这是一家位于弗吉尼亚州里士满的CAP认证并获得CLIA认证的高复杂度参考实验室。

StageZero Life Sciences trades on the Toronto Stock exchange under the symbol SZLS and on the OTCQB under the symbol SZLSF.

StageZero Life Sciences在多伦多证券交易所上市,股票代码为SZLS,在场外交易所上市,股票代码为SZLSF。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements identified by words such as "expects", "will" and similar expressions, which reflect the Company's current expectations regarding future events. The forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause the Company's actual events to differ materially from those projected herein. Investors should consult the Company's ongoing quarterly filings and annual reports for additional information on risks and uncertainties relating to these forward-looking statements. The reader is cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements. The Company disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law.

本新闻稿包含前瞻性陈述,以 “期望”、“将来” 等词语和类似表述来识别,这些陈述反映了公司当前对未来事件的预期。前瞻性陈述涉及风险和不确定性,可能导致公司的实际事件与本文预测的发生重大差异。投资者应查阅公司正在进行的季度申报和年度报告,以获取有关这些前瞻性陈述的风险和不确定性的更多信息。提醒读者不要依赖这些前瞻性陈述。除非法律要求,否则公司不承担任何更新这些前瞻性陈述的义务。

For further information please contact:
Investor Relations
Rebecca Greco
1-855-420-7140 ext. 1838

1-855-420-7140 分机 1838

SOURCE: StageZero Life Sciences Ltd

来源:StageZero 生命科学有限公司

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