
Stocks of the Hour: Atlantic Lithium, Findi, Odessa Minerals, Jindalee Resources

Stocks of the Hour: Atlantic Lithium, Findi, Odessa Minerals, Jindalee Resources

sharecafe ·  2023/11/14 19:50

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Atlantic Lithium (AIM:ALL, ASX:A11, OTCQX ALLIF) has rejected a non-binding indicative offer from Assore International Holdings to acquire the rest of the shares it does not already own for A$0.63. In response, Neil Herbert, Executive Chairman of Atlantic Lithium, said, "Assore, a major African mining company, has been a leading investor and key contributor to the Company's success since its listing in London in 2015. We look forward to maintaining our strong relationship with Assore as we progress Ewoyaa towards production." Neil Herbert Atlantic Lithium Executive Chairman is on this Fridays webinar as mentioned you can register via the SC or FNN website. Shares are trading 32.47 per cent higher at 51 cents.

大西洋锂业(AIM: ALL,ASX: A11,OTCQX ALLIF)拒绝了Assore International Holdings提出的以0.63澳元收购其尚未拥有的其余股份的不具约束力的指示性提议。对此,大西洋锂业执行董事长尼尔·赫伯特表示:“自2015年在伦敦上市以来,非洲大型矿业公司Assore一直是公司成功的主要投资者和关键贡献者。随着Ewoyaa向生产迈进,我们期待与Assore保持牢固的关系。”如前所述,大西洋锂业执行董事长尼尔·赫伯特将参加本周五的网络研讨会,你可以通过SC或FNN网站进行注册。股价上涨32.47%,至51美分。

Findi (ASX:FND) has raised $37.6 million ahead of its TSI India IPO, from leading Indian investment firm Piramal Alternatives. The funds will be allocated with respect to working capital and capital expenditure. Commenting on the news, Findi Chairman Mr Nicholas Smedley said, "Piramal undertook extensive due diligence on TSI India before they made their investment which is a great endorsement for both our business plan and the sector outlook for Findi as a whole." Shares are trading 35.85 per cent higher at $1.08.

Findi(澳大利亚证券交易所股票代码:FND)在TSI印度首次公开募股之前已从领先的印度投资公司Piramal Alternatives筹集了3,760万美元。资金将用于营运资金和资本支出。Findi董事长尼古拉斯·斯梅德利在评论这一消息时说:“皮拉马尔在投资TSI India之前对他们进行了广泛的尽职调查,这极大地支持了我们的商业计划和整个Findi的行业前景。”股价上涨35.85%,至1.08美元。

Odessa Minerals (ASX:ODE) announced that their assay results have defined standout drilling targets for Lithium in Pegmatites its Yinnetharra Lithium Project. In response, David Lenigas, Executive Director of Odessa, said, "Odessa's exploration team have processed thousands of rock chip and soil samples from Lockier Range over the past 6 months and the results have now defined some exceptional lithium rich areas that will be targeted with our maiden drilling programme." Shares are trading 50 per cent higher at 1.2 cents.

敖德萨矿业 (ASX: ODE) 宣布,他们的化验结果为其Yinnetharra锂项目确定了伟晶岩中锂的突出钻探目标。对此,敖德萨执行董事戴维·莱尼加斯说:“在过去的6个月中,敖德萨的勘探团队已经处理了来自洛基尔山脉的数千份岩屑和土壤样本,结果现已确定了一些特殊的富锂区域,这些区域将成为我们首次钻探计划的目标。”股价上涨50%,至1.2美分。

Jindalee Resources (ASX:JRL) announced exceptional metallurgical lithium results from its 100% owned, McDermitt Lithium Project located in Oregon, USA. The lithium grade will now increase 57% higher than the average Mineral Resource grade. Shares are trading 10 per cent higher $1.10.

金达利资源 (ASX: JRL) 宣布,其全资拥有的位于美国俄勒冈州的麦克德米特锂矿项目取得了优异的冶金锂业绩。现在,锂等级将比平均矿产资源等级提高57%。股价上涨10%,上涨1.10美元。


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