
Green Batteries: RecycLiCo's Lithium Carbonate Qualified by Battery Cell Test

Green Batteries: RecycLiCo's Lithium Carbonate Qualified by Battery Cell Test

绿色电池:RecycliCo 的碳酸锂通过电池测试认证
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/11/15 06:00

SURREY, British Columbia, Nov. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

不列颠哥伦比亚省萨里,2023 年 11 月 15 日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)--

RecycLiCo Battery Materials Inc. ("RecycLiCo" or the "Company"), (TSX.V: AMY; OTCQB: AMYZF; FSE: ID4) a pioneer in sustainable lithium-ion battery recycling technology, is pleased to announce that the company's lithium carbonate regenerated from recycled battery waste has successfully been qualified by C4V's Phase 1 Supply Chain Qualification program through testing in battery cells.

可持续锂离子电池回收技术的先驱RecycLico电池材料公司(“RecycLico” 或 “公司”)(TSX.V:AMY;OTCQB:AMYZF;FSE:ID4)很高兴地宣布,该公司从回收电池废物中再生的碳酸锂已通过电池测试,成功通过C4V第一阶段供应链认证计划的认证。

The qualification program conducted by New York based C4V, a lithium ion battery technology company that creates next-generation storage materials with expertise in Gigafactory solutions, has yielded exceptional test results. The lithium carbonate, derived from battery waste using RecycLiCo's patented process, has been converted to cathode material and assembled into battery cells. The battery cell tests demonstrated good capacity and stability throughout cycle testing. These tests meet C4V's rigorous benchmarks and affirms that the quality of RecycLiCo's recycled lithium rivals that of mined lithium, positioning RecycLiCo at the forefront of sustainable battery material production.


Given the escalating demand for lithium and the limitations of mining to meet future needs, the Company anticipates a shift in the market. "As demand for lithium soars, it's becoming increasingly clear that mining alone cannot sustainably meet global needs. This test confirms that our recycled lithium is not just a viable alternative, but we believe it will soon be considered more valuable than mined lithium," stated Zarko Meseldzija, CEO and Director of RecycLiCo.

鉴于对锂的需求不断增加以及采矿业在满足未来需求方面的局限性,该公司预计市场将发生变化。“随着对锂需求的飙升,越来越明显的是,光靠采矿业无法可持续地满足全球需求。该测试证实,我们回收的锂不仅是一种可行的替代品,而且我们相信它很快就会被认为比开采的锂更有价值。” Recyclico首席执行官兼董事扎尔科·梅塞尔齐亚说。

This paradigm shift underscores the importance of RecycLiCo's mission to innovate within the recycling space, ensuring a greener and more efficient battery supply chain for the future. This development is poised to attract new partnerships, drive industry change, and deliver tangible benefits.


Prior to the qualification of RecycLiCo's lithium carbonate, C4V also qualified RecycLiCo's NMC811 precursor cathode active material ("pCAM") in cell production and performance evaluations. RecycLiCo's lithium carbonate and pCAM will both undergo phase 2 testing, which will focus on producing pouch cells and commercial size prismatic cells.

在Recyclico的碳酸锂获得认证之前,C4V还对Recyclico的 NMC811 前体阴极活性物质(“pCam”)进行了电池生产和性能评估的认证。Recyclico的碳酸锂和pCam都将接受第二阶段的测试,该测试将专注于生产软包电池和商业尺寸的方形电池。

"We are pleased to announce the successful qualification of lithium carbonate in Phase 1 process. As being the key component in battery value chain, this milestone underscores our unwavering commitment to driving sustainable solutions and the industry forward," Commented Baasit Ali, Engineering Manager, Supply Chain of C4V.

“我们很高兴地宣布,碳酸锂已成功通过第一阶段工艺的认证。作为电池价值链的关键组成部分,这一里程碑凸显了我们对推动可持续解决方案和行业发展的坚定承诺。” C4V供应链工程经理Baasit Ali评论道。

Meseldzija emphasizes the broader vision: "Securing this validation drives us towards a future where our closed-loop process not only recycles but revolutionizes battery production, supporting a fully integrated, on-site battery lifecycle."


About RecycLiCo

关于 RecycLic

RecycLiCo Battery Materials Inc. is a battery materials company specializing in sustainable lithium-ion battery recycling and materials production. RecycLiCo has developed advanced technologies that efficiently recover battery-grade materials from lithium-ion batteries, addressing the global demand for environmentally friendly solutions in energy storage. With minimal processing steps and up to 99% extraction of lithium, cobalt, nickel, and manganese, the patented, closed-loop hydrometallurgical process turns lithium-ion battery waste into battery-grade cathode precursor, lithium hydroxide, and lithium carbonate for direct integration into the re-manufacturing of new lithium-ion batteries.

Recyclico电池材料公司是一家电池材料公司,专门从事可持续锂离子电池回收和材料生产。Recyclico开发了先进的技术,可以有效地从锂离子电池中回收电池级材料,从而满足全球对环保储能解决方案的需求。这种获得专利的闭环湿法冶金工艺通过最少的加工步骤和高达 99% 的锂、钴、镍和锰的提取,将锂离子电池废弃物转化为电池级阴极前驱体、氢氧化锂和碳酸锂,直接集成到新锂离子电池的再制造中。

About C4V

关于 C4V

C4V is a lithium-ion battery technology company possessing critical insight related to the optimum performance of lithium-ion batteries and Gigafactory designs. C4V's discoveries have been fruitful in vastly extending battery life, safety and charge performance, however more important is the Gigafactory offering that allows emerging countries to establish their own robust manufacturing ecosystem. C4V works with industry-leading raw material suppliers and equipment supply chain to bring to market fully optimized batteries possessing key economic advantages providing the ultimate "best in class" performance for various applications and end-to-end solutions to produce them on a Gigawatt hour scale.

C4V是一家锂离子电池技术公司,拥有与锂离子电池最佳性能和Gigafactory设计相关的重要见解。C4V的发明在极大地延长电池寿命、安全性和充电性能方面取得了丰硕成果,但更重要的是Gigafactory的产品,它使新兴国家能够建立自己的强大制造生态系统。C4V与行业领先的原材料供应商和设备供应链合作,将具有关键经济优势的完全优化的电池推向市场,为各种应用提供终极 “同类最佳” 性能,并提供端到端解决方案,以千兆瓦时规模生产这些电池。

For more information, please contact:
Teresa Piorun
Senior Corporate Secretary
Telephone: 778-574-4444


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