
Unfilled Jobs Are Costing the Economy Over $1 Trillion a Month

Unfilled Jobs Are Costing the Economy Over $1 Trillion a Month

GlobeNewswire ·  2023/11/16 08:00

With American professionals quitting their jobs at a slower pace, new research from Fiverr Pro and Lightcast sheds light on the impact of open jobs on businesses and the economy at large

随着美国专业人士辞职的步伐放缓,Fiverr Pro和Lightcast的最新研究揭示了空缺职位对企业和整个经济的影响

The Cost of Unfilled Jobs


Unfilled Jobs Are Costing the Economy over $1 Trillion a Month

NEW YORK, Nov. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fiverr International Ltd. (NYSE: FVRR), the company that is changing how the world works together, today released the findings of new research from Fiverr Pro, Fiverr's end-to-end solution for medium to large businesses seeking top professional talent, in partnership with the economist team at Lightcast, highlighting the high economic cost of open job positions across the country.

纽约,2023 年 11 月 16 日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——正在改变世界合作方式的公司 Fiverr International Ltd.(纽约证券交易所代码:FVRR)今天发布了来自以下机构的新研究结果 Fiverr Pro,Fiverr与经济学家团队合作,为寻求顶尖专业人才的大中型企业提供的端到端解决方案 Lightc,凸显了全国各地空缺职位的高昂经济成本。

According to the analysis from Fiverr Pro and Lightcast, the cost – as determined by the anticipated output in revenue per open role for an average of 3.7 million newly posted open jobs across all industries in 2023* – is a staggering $1.08 trillion per month. Therefore, if every new open role was filled in one month, nearly a trillion dollars would be added to the economy. "Had we filled all of our openings, we could see a potential of around 15% more dollars of economic growth," comments Ron Hetrick, Senior Labor Economist at Lightcast.

根据Fiverr Pro和Lightcast的分析,成本——由2023年所有行业平均370万个新发布的空缺职位中每个空缺职位的预期收入产出决定*——高达惊人的每月1.08万亿美元。因此,如果在一个月内填补每一个新的空缺职位,将为经济增加近一万亿美元。 “如果我们填补了所有空缺职位,我们可以看到经济增长的潜力增加约15%,” 评论Lightcast高级劳工经济学家罗恩·赫特里克。

"Our research highlights a critical need for business leaders to revisit their approach to hiring, especially as we enter a new financial year for many. With significant loss of potential business output at risk, businesses should consider other hiring options, such as freelancers, to fill the skills gap and support the wider team to continue driving business output," comments Shai-Lee Spigelman, GM of Fiverr Pro.

“我们的研究突出表明,商界领袖迫切需要重新审视他们的招聘方式,尤其是在许多人进入新的财政年度之际。由于潜在业务产出面临重大损失的风险,企业应考虑其他招聘选择,例如自由职业者,以填补技能缺口,并支持更广泛的团队继续推动业务产出,” 评论 Fiverr Pro 总经理 Shai-Lee Spigelman。

Today's research also sheds a stark light on how open job positions affect individual businesses' bottom lines, finding that just one open role costs businesses, on average, nearly $25,000 a month in output. Open positions in the following highly skilled professions cost businesses even more:


  1. Legal (i.e., Lawyers, Legal Support): $48,902/month per open role
  2. Computer & Math (i.e., Software Developers, Data Scientists): $42,458/month per open role
  3. Engineers & Technicians: $37,173/month per open role
  4. Business & Finance (i.e., HR, Marketing, Accountants): $33,800/month per open role
  5. Arts & Media (i.e., Artists, Designers, Media): $30,038/month per open role
  1. 法律(即律师、法律支持):每个空缺职位每月48,902美元
  2. 计算机与数学(即软件开发人员、数据科学家):每个空缺职位每月42,458美元
  3. 工程师和技术人员:每个空缺职位每月37,173美元
  4. 商业与财务(即人力资源、市场营销、会计师):每个空缺职位每月33,800美元
  5. 艺术与媒体(即艺术家、设计师、媒体):每个空缺职位每月30,038美元

"The data begs the question – can businesses really afford to lose out on this much potential growth simply because they can't fill open positions? Businesses must be smarter about their hiring strategy moving forward," comments Spigelman. She adds: "2024 must be the time for businesses to finally embrace the freelance movement. With an estimated 6.7 million independent skilled professionals in the U.S. and platforms like Fiverr Pro that fill jobs with skilled, talented freelancers in just one day on average, there is no reason to wait."

“数据引出了一个问题——企业真的能承受得起仅仅因为无法填补空缺职位而损失如此巨大的潜在增长吗?企业必须更明智地制定未来的招聘策略,” 评论斯皮格尔曼。她补充说: 2024年一定是企业最终接受自由职业运动的时候。据估计 6,700,000 美国的独立技能专业人士以及像Fiverr Pro这样的平台平均在一天之内就能用熟练、有才华的自由职业者填补工作,没有理由等待。”

Indeed, new data from Fiverr's recent report with Harvard Business Review Analytic Services found that 51% of business leaders surveyed agree that in the future, their organization will likely employ more freelance workers than it does now – a good sign that business leaders are starting to consider other, arguably more untraditional ways to fill skills gaps within their organizations. "If anything, I hope our new research today pushes the other 49% to do the same, but now," adds Spigelman.

事实上,Fiverr最近与《哈佛商业评论》分析服务公司联合发布的报告中的新数据发现,51%的受访商界领袖同意,将来,他们的组织雇用的自由职业者可能会比现在更多,这是一个好兆头,表明商界领袖开始考虑其他可以说是更非传统的方法来填补组织内部的技能缺口。“如果有的话,我希望我们今天的新研究能推动其他49%的人也这样做,但现在,” 斯皮格尔曼补充说。

From a broader economic perspective, the research clearly points to how sought-after skill sets associated with these professions significantly contribute to the nationwide $1.08 trillion economic cost of open roles. More specifically, jobs in the Computer & Math category, such as Software & Web Developers, System & Security Analysts, and Database & Network Architects, cost over $120 billion per month.


  1. Computer & Math (i.e., Software Developers, Data Scientists): Open roles contributing over $120 billion in economic cost per month across 2.2 million open roles
  2. Business & Finance (i.e., HR, Marketing, Accountants): Open roles contributing $76 billion in economic cost per month across 1.7 million open roles
  3. Engineers & Technicians: Open roles contributing $49 billion in economic cost per month across nearly 1 million open roles
  4. Arts & Media (i.e., Artists, Designers, Media): Open roles contributing $19 billion per month across 485,000 open roles
  5. Legal (i.e., Lawyers, Legal Support): Open roles contributing $12 billion per month across nearly 189,000 open roles
  1. 计算机与数学(即软件开发人员、数据科学家):在220万个空缺职位中,空缺职位每月贡献超过1200亿美元的经济成本
  2. 商业与金融(即人力资源、市场营销、会计师):空缺职位在170万个空缺职位中每月贡献760亿美元的经济成本
  3. 工程师和技术人员:空缺职位在将近100万个空缺职位中每月贡献490亿美元的经济成本
  4. 艺术与媒体(即艺术家、设计师、媒体):空缺职位在485,000个空缺职位中每月贡献190亿美元
  5. 法律(即律师、法律支持):空缺职位在近18.9万个空缺职位中每月贡献120亿美元

"Many companies have multiple postings of roles critical to their output. Unfilled jobs cost companies real money; there should be a much higher sense of urgency than many companies seem to have," adds Hetrick.

“许多公司发布了多个对他们的产出至关重要的职位。空缺的工作会使公司付出真金白银;紧迫感应该比许多公司看起来要高得多,” Hetrick 补充说。

For more data, see here.

更多数据,请参见 这里

About Fiverr
Fiverr's mission is to change how the world works together. We exist to democratize access to talent and to provide talent with access to opportunities so anyone can grow their business, brand, or dreams. From small businesses to Fortune 500, over 4 million customers worldwide worked with freelance talent on Fiverr in the past year, ensuring their workforces remain flexible, adaptive, and agile. With Fiverr Business Solutions, large companies can find the right talent and tools, tailored to their needs to help them thrive and grow. On Fiverr, you can find over 600 skills, ranging from programming to 3D design, digital marketing to content creation, from video animation to architecture.

关于 Fiverr
Fiverr 的使命是改变世界协同工作的方式。我们的存在是为了使获得人才的机会民主化,并为人才提供获得机会,使任何人都能发展自己的业务、品牌或梦想。从小型企业到《财富》500强,在过去的一年中,全球有超过400万客户在Fiverr上与自由职业者合作,确保他们的员工保持灵活性、适应性和敏捷性。借助 Fiverr Business Solutions,大公司可以找到适合其需求的人才和工具,以帮助他们蓬勃发展和发展。在Fiverr上,你可以找到超过600种技能,从编程到三维设计,从数字营销到内容创作,从视频动画到建筑。

Don't get left behind – come be a part of the future of work by visiting, read our blog, and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

不要被抛在后面——来参观,成为未来工作的一部分,请阅读我们的 博客,然后继续关注我们 推特Instagram,以及 Facebook

About Lightcast
Lightcast provides trusted global labor market data, analytics, and expert guidance that empowers communities, corporations, and learning providers to make informed decisions and navigate the increasingly complex world of work. With a database of more than one billion job postings and career profiles, our team provides best-in-class customer service with robust data, clear analysis, and expert guidance on skills, jobs, and opportunities.


Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, and Moscow, Idaho, Lightcast is active in more than 30 countries and has offices in the United Kingdom, Italy, New Zealand, and India. The company is backed by global private equity leader KKR. For more, visit .

Lightcast总部位于马萨诸塞州波士顿和爱达荷州莫斯科,活跃在30多个国家,并在英国、意大利、新西兰和印度设有办事处。该公司得到了全球私募股权领导者KKR的支持。欲了解更多,请访问 。

Ron Hetrick Bio
Ron Hetrick is the Senior Labor Economist and VP of Staffing Product at Lightcast. With 30 years experience in labor economics, he is a leading expert in the current state of the U.S. labor market. He had a 20-year career with Allegis Group building and overseeing market analytics and data science teams and was a senior and supervisory economist for 8 years with the Bureau of Labor Statistics in Washington D.C. Hetrick has provided analysis for prior Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, The Council of Economic Advisors to the President, Congress, and numerous Fortune 100 companies and trade associations.


Data Methodology
Data was gathered by dividing the industry output (as determined by using information from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Gross Output by Industry Table for calendar year 2022) by the number of workers (as determined from the Household Survey for all industries estimate and industry employment annual averages for 2022 for the chosen industries from the Payroll Survey of the Bureau of Labor Statistics). Salary data was calculated by the percentage difference salary of key occupational (SOC 2) groups vs total median salary. Output produced by key industries and SOCs both at the individual level and then value lost for all open positions in those SOCs was calculated by taking the overall Gross Output number divided by the overweighted key SOC 2s and applying those to open positions.

数据收集方法是将行业产出(使用经济分析局提供的信息,2022年按行业分列的总产出表确定)除以工人人数(根据所有行业的家庭调查估算值和劳工统计局薪资调查中选定行业的2022年行业就业年平均值确定)。薪资数据是根据关键职业(SOC 2)群体的工资与总工资中位数的百分比差异计算得出的。关键行业和SOC在个人层面的产出以及这些SOC中所有未平仓头寸的价值损失是通过将总产出数除以超加权关键SOC 2并将其应用于未平仓头寸计算得出的。

Press Contact
Siobhan Aalders
Laura Podesta

Siobhan Aalders

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


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