
Transition Metals Provides an Update on Its Pike Warden Project and Will Present Results at the Yukon Geoscience Forum & Trade Show

Transition Metals Provides an Update on Its Pike Warden Project and Will Present Results at the Yukon Geoscience Forum & Trade Show

Transition Metals提供了其派克监狱项目的最新情况,并将在育空地区地球科学论坛和贸易展上公布结果
newsfile ·  2023/11/20 07:40
  • Assays from field sampling completed in September 2023 confirm three new polymetallic mineralized areas, named Nemean Lion, Minotaur, and Hercules showings
  • Highlight assay values from grab samples include: 2.91 g/t Au, 6.57 g/t Ag, and >1% Mo
  • Results from high-resolution LiDAR, orthophotography, and multispectral alteration mapping products highlight new target corridors
  • Transition Metals Co-founder and COO, Greg Collins, will present results from Pike Warden at 2:10pm on Tuesday, November 21, 2023 at the Yukon Geoscience Forum & Trade Show
  • 2023 年 9 月完成的实地采样分析证实了三个新的多金属矿化区域,分别命名为 Nemean Lion、Minotaur 和 Hercules 展区
  • 来自采集样本的重点分析值包括:2.91 g/t Au、6.57 g/t Ag 和 > 1% Mo
  • 高分辨率激光雷达、正射摄影和多光谱变化测绘产品的结果突显了新的目标走廊
  • Transition Metals联合创始人兼首席运营官格雷格·柯林斯将于2023年11月21日星期二下午2点10分在育空地区地球科学论坛和贸易展上公布派克·沃登的业绩

Sudbury, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - November 20, 2023) - Transition Metals Corp. (TSXV: XTM) ("Transition", "the Company") is pleased to provide an update regarding results from sampling conducted in September 2023 on its Pike Warden project ("the Property") located 65km southwest of Whitehorse, Yukon.


Three new polymetallic mineralized areas were confirmed on the property, named the Nemean Lion, Minotaur, and Hercules showings, bringing the total number of showings on the Property to 25 (see figure 1). Geochemical results from select grab samples returned highlight values up to 2.91 g/t Au and >1% Mo (see table 1). In September, the Company completed a follow-up program of fieldwork resulting in the collection of 78 surface grab and float samples from across the underexplored northeast section of the property. These mineralized areas, among others, were successfully identified from the final products received from the remote sensing surveys previously announced in a press release dated October 24, 2023.

在该物业上确认了三个新的多金属矿化区域,名为 尼米亚狮子 牛头怪,以及 大力神 ,使该物业的放映总数达到25个(见图1)。选定采集样品的地球化学结果返回的亮点值高达 2.91 g/t Au 和 > 1% Mo(见表 1)。9月,该公司完成了一项后续实地考察计划,从该物业未开发的东北部分收集了78份地表采集和浮标样本。除其他外,这些矿化区域是从先前在2023年10月24日的新闻稿中宣布的遥感调查中获得的最终产品中成功识别出来的。

Scott McLean, P.Geo., CEO of Transition Metals, commented, "The polymetallic nature of the observed mineralization and field relationships from the collected samples, display characteristics of the molybdenum rich halo that often occurs peripheral to a copper porphyry-style system. We are highly encouraged with the wide distribution of mineralization and alteration across the Property and view Pike Warden as a large, emerging, previously unrecognized mineralized system."

Transition Metals 首席执行官 P.Geo. 斯科特·麦克莱恩评论说, “观测到的矿化的多金属性质和采集样品中的场关系显示出富钼光环的特征,这种光环通常出现在铜斑岩型系统的外围。我们对整个物业的矿化和蚀变分布广泛感到鼓舞,并将Pike Warden视为一个大型的、新兴的、以前未被认可的矿化系统。”

Table 1.

表 1。

Zone Sample Type Gold (g/t) Silver (g/t) Copper % Lead % Mo%
Minataur D938889 Grab 2.91 1.22 Tr Tr Tr
Hercules D938883 Grab 0.04 2.43 Tr Tr 0.53
Nemean Lion D938892 Grab Tr 6.50 Tr Tr >1
区域 示例 类型 黄金 (g/t) 银 (g/t) 铜% 铅含量% Mo%
Minataur D938889 抓住 2.91 1.22 Tr Tr Tr
大力神 D938883 抓住 0.04 2.43 Tr Tr 0.53
尼米亚狮子 D938892 抓住 Tr 6.50 Tr Tr >1

Yukon Geoscience Forum & Trade Show


This week, Company representatives will present the results from two years of work at its Pike Warden project at the Yukon Geoscience Forum & Trade Show on November 21 at 2:10 local time in the KDCC Longhouse. The Forum (Nov 19th to 22nd) is the largest geoscience and minerals industry conference "North of 60", and provides an opportunity for the mining sector, First Nations, government, and local communities to meet and explore challenges and opportunities related to advancing the Yukon's exploration and mining industry.

本周,公司代表将于当地时间11月21日2点10分在KDCC长屋举行的育空地球科学论坛和贸易展览会上介绍其派克沃登项目两年工作的成果。论坛(11 月 19 日)第四 到 22)是最大的地球科学和矿产行业会议 “60年代以北”,为采矿业、原住民、政府和当地社区提供了一个机会,使他们能够面对和探索与发展育空地区的勘探和采矿业相关的挑战和机遇。

Next Steps


The Company is working to integrate recently received data into the growing geological database for this project. Over the coming months, the Exploration Team will continue to refine the geological model, initiate petrographic studies to better understand controls on mineralization, and highlight and refine priority targets for diamond drilling on the Property. Results from sampling have been encouraging thus far, and the Company will seek appropriate permits for next season from the Government of Yukon while continuing to engage with Carcross/Tagish First Nation about future planned work programs.

该公司正在努力将最近收到的数据整合到该项目不断增长的地质数据库中。在接下来的几个月中,勘探小组将继续完善地质模型,启动岩相学研究,以更好地了解对矿化的控制,并突出和完善该物业钻探的优先目标。到目前为止,抽样结果令人鼓舞,该公司将向育空地区政府寻求下个赛季的适当许可,同时继续与Carcross/Tagish First Nation就未来计划的工作计划进行接触。

About the Pike Warden Property

关于 Pike Warden 房产

The Pike Warden property is located approximately 65 kilometres southwest of Whitehorse, Yukon, and is composed of 203 contiguous mining claims totaling approximately 41 km2. The property encompasses a combination of historic and recently discovered high-grade polymetallic gold, copper, and silver epithermal showings that are indicative of a large epithermal-porphyry system in the vicinity of the Bennett Lake Volcanic Complex. In June 2022, Transition entered into an option agreement to acquire a 100% interest in the property from the Vendor in exchange for cash, shares, and work expenditures over a four-year period (see Company news release dated June 28, 2022).

Pike Warden地产位于育空地区怀特霍斯西南约65公里处,由203个连续采矿区组成,总面积约为41平方公里。该物业包括历史和最近发现的高品位多金属金、铜和银的超热成热展览,这表明贝内特湖火山群附近有一个大型的表温斑岩系统。2022年6月,Transition签订了一项期权协议,从卖方手中收购该物业的100%权益,以换取四年期内的现金、股票和工作支出(见2022年6月28日的公司新闻稿)。

Yukon Mineral Exploration Program


Transition Metals Corp. would like to acknowledge financial support from the 2023-24 Yukon Mineral Exploration Program (YMEP). This program supports placer and hard rock exploration projects by reimbursing a percentage of approved exploration expenditures, with the intent to support early-stage projects and stimulate new mineral discoveries. It's important to note that the opinions and views expressed in this announcement are those of Transition Metals Corp., and do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Yukon.

Transition Metals Corp. 谨此感谢2023-24年育空矿产勘探计划(YMEP)的财政支持。该计划通过报销一定比例的已批准勘探支出来支持砂岩和硬岩勘探项目,旨在支持早期项目并刺激新的矿产发现。值得注意的是,本公告中表达的观点和观点是过渡金属公司的观点和观点,不一定反映育空地区的政府的观点和观点。

Qualified Person


The technical elements of this press release have been approved by Mr. Benjamin Williams, P.Geo. (PGO), who is a Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101.


About Transition Metals Corp.


Transition Metals Corp. (TSXV: XTM) is a Canadian-based, multi-commodity explorer. Its award-winning team of geoscientists has extensive exploration experience which actively develops and tests new ideas for discovering mineralization in places that others have not looked, often allowing the company to acquire properties inexpensively. Joint venture partners earn an interest in the projects by funding a portion of higher-risk drilling and exploration, allowing Transition to conserve capital and minimize shareholder's equity dilution.

Transition Metals Corp.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:XTM)是一家总部位于加拿大的多商品勘探公司。其屡获殊荣的地球科学家团队拥有丰富的勘探经验,他们积极开发和测试在其他人从未见过的地方发现矿化的新想法,这通常使公司能够以低廉的价格收购房产。合资伙伴通过为部分高风险钻探和勘探提供资金来赚取项目利息,这使Transition能够节省资本并最大限度地减少股东的股权稀释。

Further information is available at or by contacting:


Scott McLean
President and CEO
Transition Metals Corp.
Tel: (705) 669-1777

电话:(705) 669-1777

Cautionary Note on Forward-Looking Information


Except for statements of historical fact contained herein, the information in this news release constitutes "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities law. Such forward-looking information may be identified by words such as "plans", "proposes", "estimates", "intends", "expects", "believes", "may", "will" and include without limitation, statements regarding estimated capital and operating costs, expected production timeline, benefits of updated development plans, foreign exchange assumptions and regulatory approvals. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from such statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, among others, metal prices, competition, risks inherent in the mining industry, and regulatory risks. Most of these factors are outside the control of the Company. Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking information. Except as otherwise required by applicable securities statutes or regulation, the Company expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

除此处包含的历史事实陈述外,本新闻稿中的信息构成加拿大证券法所指的 “前瞻性信息”。此类前瞻性信息可以用 “计划”、“提议”、“估计”、“打算”、“期望”、“相信”、“可能”、“将” 等词语来识别,包括但不限于有关估计资本和运营成本、预期生产时间表、更新发展计划的收益、外汇假设和监管批准的陈述。无法保证此类陈述会被证明是准确的;实际结果和未来事件可能与此类陈述存在重大差异。可能导致实际结果出现重大差异的因素包括金属价格、竞争、采矿业固有的风险和监管风险等。这些因素大多是公司无法控制的。提醒投资者不要过分依赖前瞻性信息。除非适用的证券法规或法规另有要求,否则公司明确表示不打算或承担任何更新公开前瞻性信息的意图或义务,无论这些信息是由于新信息、未来事件还是其他原因造成的。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Figure 1: Pike Warden property scale preliminary alteration mapping figure, with prominent structural trends, highlighting polymetallic showings and new molybdenite occurrences.

图 1: Pike Warden地产规模的初步变化映射图,具有明显的结构趋势,突出显示了多金属的展示和新的辉钼矿矿点。

To view the source version of this press release, please visit


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