
Emerging Markets Report: Timing Is Everything

Emerging Markets Report: Timing Is Everything

GlobeNewswire ·  2023/11/30 07:07

An Emerging Markets Sponsored Commentary


ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Former Apple CEO, John Scully, is widely credited with the simple phrase, "Timing is Everything." Another Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, would execute on that mantra, crafting revolutionary products into seas of change with the Internet, personal computing, portable music, and smart phones.

佛罗里达州奥兰多,2023年11月30日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——苹果前首席执行官约翰·斯库利因一句简单的短语 “时机决定一切” 而广受赞誉。另一位苹果首席执行官史蒂夫·乔布斯将执行这一口头禅,利用互联网、个人计算、便携式音乐和智能手机,将革命性产品推向变革之海。

The results were epic.


In most great success stories there is a tide, a thing beyond the control or creation of man alone. It is a thing that exists on its own... indomitable, inimitable.

在大多数伟大的成功故事中,都有潮流,这是人类无法控制或创造的。它是一个独立存在的东西... 不屈不挠,不可模仿。

The best of men, companies in this context, will harness the tide, ride the wind, or take this change agent and make it their own.


Because timing IS everything.


A short while ago Laramide Resources announced an "Off-Scale" Radioactivity Reading about a uranium mining discovery:

不久前,Laramide Resources宣布了一份关于铀矿开采发现的 “非标度” 放射性读物:

"Laramide Resources Ltd. (TSX: LAM) (ASX: LAM) (OTCQX: LMRXF), which holds a portfolio of development stage uranium assets strategically positioned in the United States and Australia has been actively exploring for even more uranium on its prospective land package, when it made that banner-making discovery."

“Laramide Resources Ltd.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:LAM)(ASX:LAM)(OTCQX:LMRXF)持有在美国和澳大利亚具有战略意义的开发阶段铀资产组合,在发现这一横幅广告时,一直在积极地在其潜在的土地一揽子计划中勘探更多的铀。”

Here's the comment from CEO Marc Henderson from the press release:


"The exploration discovery of an "off-scale" mineralization reading and the sighting of outcropping uranium at a prospective new drill target was an unexpected bonus and will be followed up in 2024."

“勘探发现 “超规模” 的矿化读数,以及在潜在的新钻探目标处发现露出铀是意想不到的好处,并将于2024年进行后续跟进。”

Bonus is right because "off-scale" indicates high levels of radioactivity which may be associated with the presence of uranium minerals. Specifically, recent reconnaissance exploration at the U-Valley target has discovered extensive zones of surface radioactivity in Westmoreland Conglomerate including isolated "off scale" (>65,535cps) points using a Super-Spec RS-125 Spectrometer. Geological mapping and ground scintillometer surveys are currently underway to refine the target zones ahead of potential scout drilling in the 2024 field season.

奖励是对的,因为 “标度外” 表示放射性水平高,这可能与铀矿物的存在有关。具体而言,最近对U-Valley目标的侦察探索在威斯特摩兰集团中发现了广阔的地表放射性区域,包括使用Super-Spec RS-125 光谱仪的孤立的 “超标度”(>65,535cps)点。目前正在进行地质测绘和地面闪烁仪调查,以便在2024年野外探测季节可能进行侦察钻探之前完善目标区域。

It is important to note within this context that economic viability or concentration of uranium ore require further analysis, including assays and core drilling, to assess the potential for uranium extraction and the economic feasibility of mining in the above area.


Now about that timing part.


Literally the exact same day as this news about off-scale discoveries and progress hit the wire, a compelling article posted at a top mining publication, Kitco, noted that uranium had hit a 15 year high. The article further notes that:

从字面上看,就在有关非规模发现和进展的新闻发布的同一天,一家顶级矿业出版物上发布了一篇引人入胜的文章, Kitco 指出,铀已创下15年来的最高水平。该文章进一步指出:

"The chart tracking uranium futures illustrates remarkable performance since the beginning of 2023, with an increase of over 50%. To put this in perspective, the gold spot price has risen by nearly 10%, while the S&P index has seen an uptick of around 8%."


Historically, this translates into potential greater investment in the uranium category and potential heightened interest in current and prospective uranium operations.


Mining is one of the rarest of industries where the earth may not move beneath your feet but the value sure can. As spot prices rise so do margins as mining costs do not generally change when prices are ascendant.


Laramide's uranium properties could have greater potential profitability if uranium prices stabilize here or even continue to rise.


Having an off-scale discovery right now couldn't be much better -- Not when timing is everything.


About The Emerging Markets Report:


The Emerging Markets Report is owned and operated by Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC), a syndicate of investor relations consultants representing decades of experience. Our network consists of stockbrokers, investment bankers, fund managers, and institutions that actively seek opportunities in the micro and small-cap equity markets.

《新兴市场报告》 由新兴市场咨询公司 (EMC) 拥有和运营,该集团由具有数十年经验的投资者关系顾问组成。我们的网络由股票经纪人、投资银行家、基金经理和积极在微型和小盘股市场寻找机会的机构组成。

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EMC has been paid $100,000 by Laramide Resources Ltd. for various marketing services including this report. EMC does not independently verify any of the content linked-to from this editorial.

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