
Avricore Health Corporate Update – Company Demonstrates Strong Growth

Avricore Health Corporate Update – Company Demonstrates Strong Growth

Avricore Health 企业最新动态——公司表现出强劲增长
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/11/30 12:58

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AVRICORE HEALTH INC. (TSXV: AVCR) (the "Company" or "AVCR") reports on its third quarter results which demonstrate significant growth in pharmacy locations offering HealthTab driving strong revenue growth and operational cashflow positivity. With demand for clinical services growing in pharmacies thanks to the ever-expanding scope and demonstrated success they are having with it; the Company expects to finish the year well ahead of the year previous and have great momentum for 2024.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华,2023 年 11 月 30 日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)— AVRICORE HEALTH INC.多伦多证券交易所股票代码:AVCR)(“公司” 或 “AVCR”)报告了其第三季度业绩,这些业绩显示,提供HealthTab的药房显著增长,推动了强劲的收入增长和运营现金流的积极性。由于范围不断扩大,药房对临床服务的需求不断增长,并取得了成功;该公司预计今年年底将远远领先于上年,并在2024年保持强劲势头。

"Patients and pharmacists are discovering and accessing new information that's having a powerful impact on their care and support thanks to HealthTab," said Hector Bremner, CEO of Avricore Health Inc. "Our ambition of helping more people live better is becoming reality each day and we are poised to make big breakthroughs in bringing this service to more patients around the world."

Avricore Health Inc.首席执行官赫克托·布雷姆纳说:“借助HealthTab,患者和药剂师正在发现和访问对他们的护理和支持产生巨大影响的新信息。我们帮助更多人生活得更美好的愿望每天都在变为现实,我们准备在将这项服务提供给全球更多患者方面取得重大突破。”

Revenues and Operational Net-Positive Results Grow


Trends are still yet to be established with respect to test usage and system deployment cadence, the two primary ways the company generates revenues. The Company is not only pioneering the first turnkey solution for point-of-care testing and health data insights, but policy and funding within Canada and other nations to support this type of work in pharmacies is being implemented in real-time. However, year-over-year revenue comparisons are demonstrating strong gross revenue increases, while the Company's fiscal discipline is leading to ever-increasing net-cashflow, despite significant investment in the HealthTab network growth.


In the three months ended September 30, 2023 revenue increased by 27% year-over-year to $953,454 and gross profit increased by 21% to $261,778. In the nine months ended September 30, 2023 revenue increased by 169% year-over-year to $2,130,744 and gross profit increased by 144% to $701,930.


While a non-cash item, stock-based compensation, made up most of the Company's expenses leading to a net loss thus far, it's important to recognize that a $412,400 net positive cashflow from operations was achieved, representing an increase in cash from operations of $825,960 over 2022.


For additional perspective on the positive fiscal track of the Company, consider that the Company achieved a 169% increase over 2022 nine-months revenues and a 144% increase in gross profit over the same period with operating expenses (excluding stock-based compensation) only increasing by 16%.


All of this means the Company is growing rapidly and remains in a confident position to meet future demand.


Looking Ahead


The Company has previously announced new programs and partnerships where work is ongoing. The team expects significant growth and new revenue opportunities in the year ahead as these opportunities mature. These include:


  • Being selected by Barts Heart Centre and national cardiovascular charity HEART UK to assess the feasibility of community pharmacists in the UK's ability to complement opportunistic blood pressure checks with cholesterol testing to assess overall cardiovascular risk and build on the clinical services offered.
  • Ascensia Diabetes Care, a global diabetes care company, to integrate their blood glucose monitoring (BGM) systems, marketed as CONTOURNEXT GEN and CONTOURNEXT ONE, with HealthTab and bringing near-to-patient data into HealthTab results.
  • Launching with Rexall Pharmacies, one of Canada's largest and most respected pharmacy brands, the second national chain to roll out HealthTab.
  • 被Barts Heart Center和全国心血管慈善机构HEART UK选中,负责评估英国社区药剂师是否有能力将机会性血压检查与胆固醇测试相辅相成,以评估整体心血管风险并在所提供的临床服务基础上再接再厉。
  • 全球糖尿病护理公司Ascensia Diabetes Care将把他们的血糖监测(BGM)系统(以CONTOURNEXT GEN和CONTOURNEXT ONE的名义销售)与HealthTab整合,并将接近患者的数据纳入HealthTab的结果中。
  • 与加拿大最大和最受尊敬的药房品牌之一Rexall Pharmacies共同推出,这是第二家推出HealthTab的全国连锁药房。

The Company continues many other interesting and potentially exciting conversations as it seeks to drive greater collaboration between various parties interested in patient health, both within Canada and internationally.


2023 Objectives
Further expansion of HealthTab with current partners.
(Update: There are currently 703 participating Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies and Loblaw family stores offering screening tests to patients via HealthTab)

Expansion of HT in other pharmacy groups in Canada.
(Update The Company recently announced Rexall Pharmacies is beginning to take HealthTab systems and looks forward to working with them.)

International expansion.
(Update: The Company is excited to learn more and drive demand for HealthTab in the UK and beyond, this work is in progress.)

Hiring key positions to support technical and business development efforts.
(Update: Adding a team member last year has been sufficient to date in terms of personnel, and the use of AI tools allows the Company to drive productivity while effectively managing expenses. The team is constantly reviewing human resources needs and has an action plan in place to grow the team on an as-needed basis.)

Revenue growth and profitability.
(Update: The company's revenues and gross profitability continue to trend in the right direction and considering the ever-rising numbers of systems, test demand and potential for more public funding aimed at pharmacy, the Company is very confident in its long-term goals.

2023 年目标
(更新: 目前有703家参与的Shoppers Drug Mart药房和Loblaw家族门店(通过HealthTab向患者提供筛查测试)

(更新 该公司最近宣布,Rexall Pharmacies开始采用HealthTab系统,并期待与他们合作。)

(更新: 该公司很高兴能了解更多信息并推动英国及其他地区对HealthTab的需求,这项工作正在进行中。)

(更新: 迄今为止,就人员而言,去年增加一名团队成员已经足够了,人工智能工具的使用使公司能够在有效管理开支的同时提高生产力。该团队不断审查人力资源需求,并制定了行动计划,以根据需要扩大团队。)

(更新: 该公司的收入和总盈利能力继续朝着正确的方向发展,考虑到系统数量的不断增加、测试需求以及针对药房的更多公共资金的潜力,该公司对其长期目标充满信心。

HealthTab Market Fast Facts

HealthTab 市场速览

  • Point of Care Testing Market to reach $93.21 Billion USD in 2030 (Source)
  • Nearly 13.6 Million Canadians expected to be diabetic or prediabetic by 2030, with many undiagnosed (Source)
  • Over 1 in 3 Americans, approximately 88 million people, have pre-diabetes (Source)
  • Close to 160,000 Canadians 20 years and older are diagnosed with heart disease each year, often it's only after a heart attack they are diagnosed. (Source)
  • There are more that 10,000 pharmacies in Canada, 88,000 pharmacies in the US, nearly 12,000 in the UK.
  • 即时护理测试市场将在2030年达到932.1亿美元(来源)
  • 预计到2030年将有近1360万加拿大人患有糖尿病或糖尿病前期,其中许多人未被诊断(来源)
  • 超过三分之一的美国人(约8,800万人)患有糖尿病前期(来源)
  • 每年有将近16万名20岁及以上的加拿大人被诊断出患有心脏病,通常是在心脏病发作后才被诊断出患有心脏病。(来源)
  • 加拿大有超过10,000家药房,美国有88,000家药房,英国有近12,000家。

About HealthTab


HealthTab is a turnkey point-of-care testing solution that combines best-in-class point-of-care technologies with a secure, cloud-based platform for tackling pressing global health issues. With just a few drops of blood from a finger prick, the system generates lab-accurate results on the spot and data is reported in real time. The test menu includes up to 23 key biomarkers for screening and managing chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease (e.g., HbA1c, Lipid Profile, eGFR). HealthTab has also recently added capabilities for bacterial and viral tests, such as strep and COVID-19.
The HealthTab network model is unlike anything in pharmacy today. It gives knowledgeable and trusted pharmacists a greater role in primary care delivery, while empowering patients to take more control of their health. It also reduces costs and waiting times and provides many potential revenue streams including equipment leasing & consumables, direct access testing, disease prevention & management programs, sponsored health programs, decentralized clinical trials, real world data (RWD) sets, and third-party app integration through API.

HealthTab 是一站式即时医疗测试解决方案,它将一流的即时医疗技术与安全的基于云的平台相结合,用于解决紧迫的全球健康问题。只需从手指刺中滴下几滴血,该系统即可当场生成实验室准确的结果,并实时报告数据。测试菜单包括多达23种关键生物标志物,用于筛查和管理慢性病,例如糖尿病和心脏病(例如HbA1c、脂质谱、eGFR)。HealthTab 最近还增加了细菌和病毒检测功能,例如链球菌和 COVID-19。
HealthTab网络模型与当今药房中的任何模型都不一样。它让知识渊博、值得信赖的药剂师在初级保健提供中发挥更大的作用,同时使患者能够更好地控制自己的健康。它还降低了成本和等待时间,并提供了许多潜在的收入来源,包括设备租赁和消耗品、直接访问测试、疾病预防和管理计划、赞助的健康计划、分散的临床试验、真实世界数据 (RWD) 集以及通过API进行第三方应用程序集成。

About Avricore Health Inc.

关于 Avricore Health Inc.

Avricore Health Inc. (TSXV: AVCR) is a pharmacy service innovator focused on acquiring and developing early-stage technologies aimed at moving pharmacy forward. Through its flagship offering HealthTab, a wholly owned subsidiary, the Company's mission is to make actionable health information more accessible to everyone by creating the world's largest network of rapid testing devices in community pharmacies.

Avricore Health Inc.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:AVCR)是一家药房服务创新者,专注于收购和开发旨在推动药房向前发展的早期技术。通过其旗舰产品HealthTab(一家全资子公司),该公司的使命是通过在社区药房创建世界上最大的快速检测设备网络,让所有人更容易获得可操作的健康信息。



Avricore Health Inc.
Hector Bremner, CEO 604-773-8943

Avricore Health Inc
赫克托·布雷姆纳,首席执行官 604-773-8943

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Information in this press release that involves Avricore Health's expectations, plans, intentions, or strategies regarding the future are forward-looking statements that are not facts and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Avricore Health generally uses words such as "outlook," "will," "could," "would," "might," "remains," "to be," "plans," "believes," "may," "expects," "intends," "anticipates," "estimate," "future," "positioned," "potential," "project," "remain," "scheduled," "set to," "subject to," "upcoming," and similar expressions to help identify forward-looking statements. In this press release, forward-looking statements include statements regarding: the completion of the placement and the expected timing thereof and the Company's expected use of proceeds from the placement; the unique features that the HealthTab platform offers to pharmacists and patients. Forward-looking statements reflect the then-current expectations, beliefs, assumptions, estimates and forecasts of Avricore Health's management. The forward-looking statements in this press release are based upon information available to Avricore Health as of the date of this press release. Forward-looking statements believed to be true when made may ultimately prove to be incorrect. These statements are not guarantees of the future performance of Avricore Health and are subject to a few risks, uncertainties, and other factors, some of which are beyond its control and may cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations, including without limitation: failure to meet regulatory requirements; changes in the market; potential downturns in economic conditions; and other risk factors described in Avricore's public filings. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update them publicly to reflect new information or the occurrence of future events or circumstances, unless otherwise required to do so by law.

本新闻稿中涉及Avricore Health对未来的预期、计划、意图或战略的信息均为前瞻性陈述,不是事实,涉及许多风险和不确定性。Avricore Health 通常使用诸如 “展望”、“将”、“可能”、“可能”、“保留”、“未来”、“计划”、“相信”、“可能”、“期望”、“打算”、“预期”、“估计”、“未来”、“定位”、“潜在”、“项目”、“保留”、“计划”、“计划”、“计划”、“计划”、“计划”、“计划”、“设定”、“设定”、“定位”、“定位”、“定位”、“定位”、“定位”、“定位”、“定位”、“定位”、“定位”、“定位”、“计划”、“计划”” “受制于”、“即将到来” 和类似的表述,以帮助识别前瞻性陈述。在本新闻稿中,前瞻性陈述包括以下方面的陈述:配售的完成及其预期时间以及公司对配售收益的预期用途;HealthTab平台为药剂师和患者提供的独特功能。前瞻性陈述反映了Avricore Health管理层当时的预期、信念、假设、估计和预测。本新闻稿中的前瞻性陈述基于Avricore Health截至本新闻稿发布之日获得的信息。前瞻性陈述被认为是真实的,最终可能会被证明是不正确的。这些声明不能保证Avricore Health的未来表现,并且受一些风险、不确定性和其他因素的影响,其中一些因素是其无法控制的,可能导致实际业绩与当前的预期存在重大差异,包括但不限于:未能满足监管要求;市场变化;经济状况的潜在衰退;以及Avricore公开文件中描述的其他风险因素。这些前瞻性陈述仅代表其发表之日,除非法律另有要求,否则公司没有义务公开更新这些陈述以反映新信息或未来事件或情况的发生。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

多伦多证券交易所风险交易所及其监管服务提供商(该术语在多伦多证券交易所风险交易所的政策中定义)均不对充分性或准确性承担责任 此版本的。

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