
NICB: Victims Of Pinellas Park Tornado Should Be Wary Of Potential Repair Scams

NICB: Victims Of Pinellas Park Tornado Should Be Wary Of Potential Repair Scams

NICB:皮内拉斯公园龙卷风的受害者应警惕潜在的维修骗局 ·  2020/12/18 05:39

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DES PLAINES, Ill.,Dec. 17, 2020/PRNewswire/ --As the Pinellas Park area recovers from the damage caused by powerful winds and tornadoes, theNational Insurance Crime Bureau(NICB) reminds consumers that in the aftermath, homeowners should remain alert to potential fraud by deceitful contractors and home repair businesses.

伊利诺伊州德斯普兰斯,2020年12月17日/PRNewswire/ — 随着皮内拉斯公园地区从强风和龙卷风造成的破坏中恢复过来,国家保险犯罪局(NICB)提醒消费者,事后,房主应保持警惕,警惕欺诈性承包商和房屋维修企业的潜在欺诈行为。

After a disaster, shady contractors often go door-to-door offering clean up and/or construction and repair services. Most are reputable, but some are not. One common scheme is to pocket a down-payment and then never show up for the job, or never complete a job that was started. Another scheme is to use inferior materials and perform shoddy work in order to increase profit.

灾难发生后,阴暗的承包商经常挨家挨户提供清理和/或施工和维修服务。大多数信誉良好,但有些不是。 一个 常见的计划是将首付存入口袋然后从不露面,或者从不完成已经开始的工作。另一种计划是使用劣质材料进行劣质工作以增加利润。

"If you didn't request it, reject it."


Almost all scams are unsolicited?they begin with a visit from a contractor who seeks to help victims rebuild. That is why NICB recommends that "if you didn't request it, reject it." Before hiring any contractor, call your insurance company. Your insurer will honor its policy so there is no need to rush into an agreement with a contractor who solicits your repair work?especially when you did not request it.

几乎所有的骗局都是来不请自来的?首先是寻求帮助受害者重建的承包商的来访。这就是为什么 NICB 建议 “如果你没有申请,就拒绝”。在雇用任何承包商之前,请致电您的保险公司。你的保险公司会遵守其保单,这样就没有必要匆忙与向你招揽维修工作的承包商达成协议?尤其是当你没有要求的时候。

NICB suggests you consider these tips before hiring a contractor:Get more than one estimate.Get everything in writing; cost, work to be done, time schedules, guarantees, payment schedules and other expectations should be detailed.Demand references and check them out.Ask to see the salesperson's driver's license and write down the license number and their vehicle's license plate number.Never sign a contract with blanks; unacceptable terms could be added later.Never pay a contractor in full or sign a completion certificate until the work is finished and ensure reconstruction is up to current code.Make sure you review and understand all documents sent to your insurance carrier.Never let a contractor pressure you into hiring them.Never let a contractor interpret the insurance policy language.Never let a contractor discourage you from contacting your insurance company.

NICB 建议你在雇用承包商之前考虑这些小贴士:多做一个估算值。把所有内容都写成书面形式;应详细说明成本、待完成的工作、时间表、担保、付款时间表和其他预期。需求参考资料然后去看看。要求看销售人员的驾照然后写下牌照号码和他们的车牌号。永远不要签订空白的合同;以后可能会增加不可接受的条款。永远不要付款全权承包商或签署完工证书,直到工作完成,并确保重建取决于当前的法规。请务必查看并理解发送给保险公司的所有文件。切勿让承包商强迫你雇用他们。永远不要让承包商解释保险单语言。永远不要让承包商阻止你联系保险公司。

For a free brochure with tips to avoid post-disaster fraud, clickhere.


REPORT FRAUD: Anyone with information concerning insurance fraud or vehicle theft can report it anonymously by calling toll-free 800.TEL.NICB (800.835.6422) or submitting aformon our website.

举报欺诈: 任何了解保险欺诈或车辆盗窃信息的人都可以拨打免费电话 800.TEL.NICB (800.835.6422) 或在我们的网站上提交表格,匿名举报。

ABOUT THE NATIONAL INSURANCE CRIME BUREAU: Headquartered inDes Plaines, Ill., the NICB is the nation's leading not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to preventing, detecting and defeating insurance fraud and vehicle theft through data analytics, investigations, learning and development, government affairs and public affairs. The NICB is supported by more than 1,400 property and casualty insurance companies and self-insured organizations. NICB member companies wrote more than$526 billionin insurance premiums in 2019, or more than 82% of the nation's property-casualty insurance. That includes more than 95% ($241 billion) of the nation's personal auto insurance. To learn more

关于国家保险犯罪局: NICB 总部位于伊利诺伊州印德斯普莱恩斯,是美国领先的非营利组织,专门致力于通过数据分析、调查、学习与发展、政府事务和公共事务来预防、发现和打击保险欺诈和车辆盗窃。NICB得到1,400多家财产和意外伤害保险公司和自保组织的支持。NICB成员公司在2019年缴纳了超过5,260亿美元的保险费,占全国财产意外伤害保险的82%以上。这包括全国超过95%(合2410亿美元)的个人汽车保险。要了解更多信息,请访问。

SOURCE National Insurance Crime Bureau


News published on 17 december 2020 at 18:39 and distributed by:

新闻于 2020 年 12 月 17 日 18:39 发布,发布方:

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