
Prophecy DeFi Provides Subsequent Investment Update

Prophecy DeFi Provides Subsequent Investment Update

Prophecy DeFi 提供后续投资更新
newsfile ·  2023/12/08 07:30

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - December 8, 2023) - Prophecy DeFi Inc. (CSE: PDFI) ("Prophecy DeFi" or the "Company"), wishes to provide additional commentary on its investment strategy, further to its update on December 6, 2023.

安大略省多伦多--(Newsfile Corp.,2023 年 12 月 8 日)-Prophecy DeFi Inc.(CSE:PDFI)(”预言 DeFi“或者”公司“),希望继2023年12月6日的最新情况之后,对其投资策略提供更多评论。

Prophecy DeFi's asset allocation is being rebalanced to a consolidated investment portfolio that includes publicly traded Bitcoin mining companies, and blue-chip and emerging alternative cryptocurrency assets. Within each allocation, investments are made by leveraging smart beta strategies to generate alpha in the cryptocurrency market. The Company would like to provide additional insight into the nature of each of these asset allocations.

Prophecy DeFi的资产配置正在重新平衡为合并的投资组合,其中包括上市的比特币矿业公司以及蓝筹股和新兴的另类加密货币资产。在每次分配中,投资都是通过利用智能测试策略在加密货币市场中产生回报来进行的。公司希望进一步了解每种资产配置的性质。

Publicly Traded Bitcoin Mining Stocks


Bitcoin mining stocks are a cornerstone of the Company's investment portfolio. Their high beta provides investment exposure to amplified price movements relative to underlying spot cryptocurrency assets, providing potential for increased returns.


Developed in 2009, Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency created. As a result of this, Bitcoin has significant first-mover advantage, establishing itself as a store of value. As a result of the asset having a limited supply of 21 million coins, there is a scarcity factor which contributes to its value in the marketplace. In recent years, there has been increasing institutional adoption, as institutional investors and large corporations have acquired Bitcoin, which has further established Bitcoin as the largest cryptocurrency in the world. Specifically, RIOT Blockchain Inc. and Marathon Digital Holdings Inc., have institutional ownership of 43.11% and 36.18%, respectively. Of which, the largest institutional investors include BlackRock, Vanguard and Morgan Stanley.

比特币开发于 2009 年,是第一个创建的加密货币。因此,比特币具有显著的先发优势,确立了自己作为价值储存手段的地位。由于该资产的供应量有限,只有2100万枚硬币,因此存在一个稀缺因素影响了其在市场上的价值。近年来,随着机构投资者和大公司收购比特币,机构采用率越来越高,这进一步确立了比特币作为世界上最大的加密货币的地位。具体而言,RIOT区块链公司和马拉松数字控股公司的机构所有权分别为43.11%和36.18%。其中,最大的机构投资者包括贝莱德、Vanguard和摩根士丹利。

Prophecy DeFi has identified Bitcoin mining companies to exemplify a smart beta opportunity for investment. Investing in Bitcoin mining companies provides exposure to Bitcoin itself and benefit from the appreciation of Bitcoin's price. Moreover, these companies generate revenue through their mining operations, which is positively related to the price of Bitcoin. Both their ability to produce and retain Bitcoin present a compelling investment opportunity at certain points in the market cycle.

Prophecy DeFi已经确定了比特币矿业公司来举例说明投资的智能测试机会。投资比特币矿业公司可以让人们接触比特币本身,并从比特币价格的升值中受益。此外,这些公司通过其采矿业务创造收入,这与比特币的价格呈正相关。在市场周期的某些时刻,他们生产和保留比特币的能力都提供了引人注目的投资机会。

"Every time Bitcoin has corrected over 50%, it has gone on to make a new all-time high within 3 years," said John McMahon, CEO, Prophecy DeFi. "Given the smart beta dynamics that exist with publicly trading Bitcoin mining companies and the current market cycle, there is a tremendous investment opportunity that Prophecy DeFi is allocating capital to."

Prophecy DeFi首席执行官约翰·麦克马洪表示:“每当比特币修正超过50%时,它就会在3年内创下历史新高。”“鉴于公开交易的比特币矿业公司存在的智能测试动态和当前的市场周期,Prophecy DeFi正在向其分配资金的巨大投资机会。”

Publicly traded mining companies trade at a high beta to Bitcoin itself, which provides an opportunity to capture alpha. Year-to-date, the price of Bitcoin has risen 165%, whereas RIOT Blockchain Inc., Marathon Digital Holdings Inc., and CleanSpark Inc.'s share prices have increased 344%, 365% and 416%, respectively.

公开交易的矿业公司以较高的贝塔值交易比特币本身,这为获取alpha提供了机会。今年迄今为止,比特币的价格已经上涨了165%,而RIOT Blockchain Inc.、Marathon Digital Holdings Inc.和CleanSpark Inc.”的股价分别上涨了344%、365%和416%。

Looking ahead to 2024, there are material events on the horizon that could accelerate Bitcoin's adoption globally and make the asset's supply even more scarce. This includes the numerous and ongoing applications for Bitcoin ETFs in the market, which if approved, would create a new flow of both retail and institutional investors. Furthermore, the halving event for Bitcoin will take place in April 2024, at which time the mining rewards will be cut if half from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC. Historically, these halving events have led to a surge in Bitcoin pricing.


Prophecy DeFi is focused on making investments in market leading Bitcoin mining companies and utilizes a sophisticated and comprehensive methodology for analyzing and evaluating investments in both publicly traded Bitcoin mining stocks and cryptocurrencies. This methodology focuses on risk-adjusted, high-reward profiles in relation to factors such as market capitalization, cash flows, revenues and assets. Furthermore, in-depth analyses of financial results, BTC production, balance sheet strength, and share structure of publicly traded Bitcoin mining companies, Prophecy has identified CleanSpark Inc., HIVE Digital Technologies Inc., HUT 8 Mining Corp., Marathon Digital Holdings Inc., and RIOT Blockchain Inc. as market leaders with the highest BTC production relative to market capitalization. These companies also benefit from tremendous market liquidity and demonstrated an ability to operate and execute at a high-level.

Prophecy DeFi专注于投资市场领先的比特币矿业公司,并利用复杂而全面的方法来分析和评估对公开交易的比特币矿业股票和加密货币的投资。该方法侧重于与市值、现金流、收入和资产等因素相关的风险调整后的高回报状况。此外,通过对上市比特币矿业公司的财务业绩、比特币产量、资产负债表实力和股票结构的深入分析,Prophecy已将CleanSpark Inc.、HIVE Digital Technologies Inc.、HUT 8 Mining Corp.、Marathon Digital Holdings Inc.和RIOT Blockchain Inc.确定为比特币产量相对于市值最高的市场领导者。这些公司还受益于巨大的市场流动性,并表现出高水平的运营和执行能力。

Prophecy DeFi's investment process is predicated on blending fundamental assessments with a technical model, which is aimed to identify sector leaders and optimize entry levels for investment.

Prophecy DeFi的投资过程的前提是将基本面评估与技术模型相结合,该模型旨在识别行业领导者并优化投资的进入水平。

Index of Top 25 Cryptocurrency Tokens


Prophecy DeFi has developed an index comprising of the top 25 crypto assets by market capitalization and trade volume. From this index, we carefully analyze and invest in the most promising ones that exhibit Smart Beta characteristics, superior risk-return ratios and possess sufficient liquidity for trade execution.

Prophecy DeFi开发了一个指数,其中包括按市值和交易量排名前25位的加密资产。根据该指数,我们仔细分析和投资最有前途的指数,这些指数具有Smart Beta特征,卓越的风险回报率并具有足够的交易执行流动性。

The second largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization is Ethereum (ETH) and a core investment focus of Prophecy DeFi. Ethereum introduced the concept of smart contracts, self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. This feature opened up a wide range of possibilities, enabling decentralized applications (DApps) and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). As adoption and use of the network increased exponentially, transaction fees increased during periods of overwhelming network demand. In response to this, Layer 2 solutions were developed 'on top' of ETH to alleviate these issues by building a more scalable technology. These Layer 2 solutions are low cost and scalable, which allow Ethereum's technology to have wider adoption, utility and application.

按市值计算,第二大加密货币是以太坊(ETH),也是Prophecy DeFi的核心投资重点。以太坊引入了智能合约的概念,即将协议条款直接写入代码的自动执行合约。此功能开辟了广泛的可能性,使去中心化应用程序 (DApp) 和去中心化自治组织 (DAO) 成为可能。随着网络的采用和使用呈指数级增长,在网络需求压倒的时期,交易费用增加。为了应对这种情况,第 2 层解决方案是在 ETH 的 “顶部” 开发的,旨在通过构建更具可扩展性的技术来缓解这些问题。这些第 2 层解决方案成本低廉且可扩展,使以太坊的技术得到更广泛的采用、实用和应用。

These Layer 2 networks are directly related to Ethereum in many ways. The success and adoption of Layer 2 solutions are directly related to Ethereum's existing userbase and development community. As Layer 2 networks gain traction, they contribute to the overall strength of the Ethereum ecosystem. Given the network benefits that these Layer 2 solutions provide, they have a positive impact on the activity and valuation of Ethereum itself.

这些第 2 层网络在许多方面与以太坊直接相关。第 2 层解决方案的成功和采用与以太坊现有的用户群和开发社区直接相关。随着第 2 层网络获得吸引力,它们为以太坊生态系统的整体实力做出了贡献。鉴于这些第 2 层解决方案提供的网络优势,它们对以太坊本身的活动和估值产生了积极影响。

As a result of the utility that Ethereum and its layer 2 solutions provide, they can provide smart beta investment opportunities within the asset class and are an important component of Prophecy's overall portfolio. The Company utilizes on-chain metrics and tokenization analysis, alongside its macro forecast, to determine its investments in this market segment.


Allocation for Emerging Markets


Prophecy DeFi's consolidated investment portfolio will maintain an allocation for emerging markets, which represent a component of the overall investment strategy that has the potential for asymmetrical returns. This allocation captures alpha while managing overall risk exposure.

Prophecy DeFi的合并投资组合将维持对新兴市场的配置,新兴市场是整体投资策略的一部分,有可能带来不对称的回报。这种分配在管理整体风险敞口的同时捕捉了 alpha 值。

At certain points in the market cycle, development and use of emerging networks increase.


In a growth cycle of the market, more development and volume occur within the cryptocurrency space that adds value to networks. As the major networks become more active and valuable, this activity also flows to smaller ecosystems. In the current cryptocurrency market surge, which is reminiscent of 2020, Bitcoin is spearheading a new bull market, surpassing market expectations, and reaching significant valuation levels. There is the potential for other tailwinds in the sector related to ETF approvals and the Bitcoin halving event, which could redefine the demand landscape. Management believes these factors should have a positive impact on emerging market tokens and a small allocation of capital is reserved to take advantage of these opportunities.


"Prophecy DeFi is committed to exploring dynamic sectors of the cryptocurrency market, ensuring diversified and strategic growth in our investment portfolio," says Leo-Michael Dinolfo, Advisor, Prophecy DeFi.

Prophecy DeFi顾问里奥-迈克尔·迪诺尔福说:“Prophecy DeFi致力于探索加密货币市场的动态领域,确保我们的投资组合实现多元化和战略性增长。”

John McMahon, CEO, Prophecy DeFi added, "Our team's dedication to meticulously executing our investment strategy aims to create value for our shareholders, aligning with our long-term vision for growth and innovation in the digital asset space."

Prophecy DeFi首席执行官约翰·麦克马洪补充说:“我们的团队致力于精心执行投资战略,旨在为股东创造价值,这符合我们在数字资产领域增长和创新的长期愿景。”

For more information on Prophecy DeFi and its updated investment strategy, please visit .

有关Prophecy DeFi及其最新投资策略的更多信息,请访问。

About Prophecy DeFi

关于 Prophecy DeFi

Prophecy DeFi Inc. (PDFI) is a publicly traded investment company whose primary objective is to invest its funds for the purpose of generating returns from capital appreciation and income. It plans to accomplish these goals by bringing together technology start-ups in the Blockchain and Decentralized Finance sectors to fund innovation, elevate industry research, and create new business opportunities in a coherent ecosystem.

Prophecy DeFi Inc.(PDFI)是一家上市投资公司,其主要目标是投资资金,从资本增值和收入中获得回报。它计划通过汇集区块链和去中心化金融领域的技术初创企业来实现这些目标,为创新提供资金,提升行业研究,并在连贯的生态系统中创造新的商机。

For further information, please contact:


John McMahon, CEO
Tel: (416) 764-0314

电话:(416) 764-0314

Forward-Looking Information


Certain information set forth in this news release may contain forward-looking information that involves substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties. This forward-looking information is subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond the control of the Company, including, but not limited to, the impact of general economic conditions, industry conditions, and dependence upon regulatory approvals and the possibility that the completion of the transaction may not occur. Readers are cautioned that the assumptions used in the preparation of such information, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking information. The parties undertake no obligation to update forward-looking information except as otherwise may be required by applicable securities law.


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