
Digital Trends Wins Highest Honors (Twice!) at the 2020 MarCom Awards

Digital Trends Wins Highest Honors (Twice!) at the 2020 MarCom Awards

“数字趋势”荣获最高荣誉(两次!)在2020年的MarCom颁奖典礼上 ·  2020/12/20 22:59

PORTLAND, Ore., December 9, 2020 — Digital Trends Media Group, the world’s largest independent tech publisher, is celebrating a double win at 2020’s 17th annual MarCom Awards.

俄勒冈州波特兰,2020年12月9日-世界上最大的独立科技出版商Digital Trends Media Group在2020年第17届年度MarCom Awards上庆祝双赢。

Digital Trends won the highest honor, a Platinum Award, not once but twice, placing their work in the top 17 percent of entries. Platinum Awards go to entries earning scores of 90 to 100, and are exclusive to “those entries judged to be among the most outstanding entries in the competition. Platinum Winners are recognized for their excellence in terms of quality, creativity, and resourcefulness,” according to MarCom.

Digital Trends获得了最高荣誉,白金奖,不是一次,而是两次,将他们的作品放在了前17%的参赛作品中。白金奖颁发给得分在90到100分之间的参赛作品,并只授予“那些被评为比赛中最杰出参赛作品的参赛作品”。根据MarCom的说法,白金奖获得者在质量、创造力和足智多谋方面都表现出色。

In the Strategic Communications category, MarCom honored Digital Trends’ collaboration with Sony Pictures on a campaign promoting the feature film, Zombieland: Double Tap. And in the Digital Media subcategory Web Video, MarCom awarded Digital Trends’ collaboration with Lionsgate for a campaign fostering awareness around Midway.

在战略传播类,MarCom表彰了Digital Trends与索尼影业(Sony Pictures)在宣传故事片“僵尸之地:双击”(Zombieland:Double Tap)活动上的合作。在数字媒体子类别网络视频方面,MarCom授予Digital Trends与狮门影业(Lionsgate)的合作,以促进人们对中途岛的认识。

“Our audience craves entertainment content in all forms, from cinema to streaming to gaming, and this recognition honors the work we’re doing everyday to help top content marketers like Sony Pictures and Lionsgate connect to Digital Trends’ HENRY audience,” says Digital Trends Media Group CRO, Bob Gruters.

Digital Trends Media Group CRO鲍勃·格鲁特斯表示:“我们的观众渴望各种形式的娱乐内容,从电影院到流媒体,再到游戏,我们每天都在努力帮助索尼影业和狮门影业等顶级内容营销者与Digital Trends的亨利观众建立联系,这种认可体现了我们对这些内容的认可。”

Video was the cornerstone of the integrated marketing campaigns, which generated millions of impressions across Digital Trends Media Group’s web and social properties, and drove purchases on Fandango. Multiple pieces of custom content were generated for each respective campaign to appeal to Millennial audiences.

视频是整合营销活动的基石,在Digital Trends Media Group的网络和社交资产上产生了数百万的印象,并推动了在Fandango上的购买。为了吸引千禧一代的观众,每个活动都生成了多个定制内容。

“The power of these campaigns is in our engagement,” continues Greg Bell, Digital Trends’ Vice President of Partner Solutions and Head of the West Coast. “Our audience is full of Super Engaged Entertainment Enthusiasts, and we’re able to meet them across platforms with nuanced information that keeps their attention and, importantly, drives action for our entertainment partners.”

Digital Trends负责合作伙伴解决方案的副总裁兼西海岸负责人格雷格·贝尔(Greg Bell)继续说:“这些活动的力量在于我们的参与。”我们的观众都是超级参与的娱乐爱好者,我们能够在不同的平台上与他们见面,提供细微差别的信息,保持他们的注意力,更重要的是,推动我们的娱乐合作伙伴采取行动。“

The MarCom Awards are put together by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP), an international organization consisting of thousands of marketing, communication, advertising, public relations, digital and web professionals. AMCP is the marketing industry’s premiere third party evaluator of creative communications work, and they’ve judged over 200 thousand submissions since 1994 when they formed.


These wins continue an ongoing streak of awards for Digital Trends. Most recently they nabbed two golds and a platinum at the 2020 dotCOMM Awards. About Digital Trends Media Group

这些奖项延续了数字趋势奖(Digital Trends)正在进行的一系列奖项。最近,他们在2020年DOTComm大奖上获得了两枚金牌和一枚白金。关于数字趋势传媒集团

Digital Trends Media Group is an award-winning publishing company encompassing a number of Millennial-focused media brands including Digital Trends and Digital Trends en Español; men’s lifestyle publication, The Manual; and a number of other popular titles. With easy-to-understand reviews and entertaining news and videos, Digital Trends Media Group serves more than 125 million unique visitors each month across partners and platforms. The company’s syndicate partners include Apple TV, Android TV, ABC News, Roku, Oath, Fire TV, Atmosphere, DailyMotion and more than 200 broadcast news stations. Digital Trends Media Group is headquartered in Portland, OR with offices in New York City,Los Angeles, Detroit, Toronto and Chicago. For more information, visit

Digital Trends Media Group是一家屡获殊荣的出版公司,旗下拥有多个专注于千禧一代的媒体品牌,包括Digital Trends和Digital Trends en Español;男士生活方式出版物The Manual;以及其他一些受欢迎的图书。凭借简单易懂的评论和娱乐性的新闻和视频,Digital Trends Media Group每月通过合作伙伴和平台为超过1.25亿独立访问者提供服务。该公司的财团合作伙伴包括苹果电视,安卓电视,ABC新闻,罗库《誓言》、《烈火电视台》、《大气》、《每日动态》以及200多家广播新闻电台。Digital Trends Media Group总部设在波特兰,在纽约市、洛杉矶、底特律、多伦多和芝加哥设有办事处。欲了解更多信息,请访问。

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