
Surge Battery Metals Begins Complete Flow Sheet Testing

Surge Battery Metals Begins Complete Flow Sheet Testing

Surge Battery Metals 开始完成流程表测试
newsfile ·  2023/12/12 08:00

West Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 12, 2023) - Surge Battery Metals Inc. (TSXV: NILI) (OTCQX: NILIF) (FSE: DJ5) (the "Company" or "Surge") is pleased to announce the commencement of additional mineral processing test work on 2023 drill samples from its high-grade lithium clay discovery at Nevada North (NNLP).

不列颠哥伦比亚省西温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.,2023年12月12日)——Surge Battery Metals Inc.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:NILI)(场外交易所股票代码:NILI)(FSE:DJ5)(the”公司“或”激增“)很高兴地宣布,对其在内华达北部(NNLP)发现的高品位锂粘土的2023年钻探样本开始额外的矿物加工测试工作。

Working closely with Surge Director Dr. Vijay Metha, Kemetco Research Inc. of Richmond, B.C. has been engaged to provide bench testing on three composite samples of mineralized clay obtained from the 2023 sonic core drilling program.

位于不列颠哥伦比亚省里士满的Kemetco Research Inc.与Surge董事Vijay Metha博士密切合作,对从2023年声波岩心钻探计划中获得的三个矿化粘土复合样本进行台架测试。

The samples are composites of three geographically diverse holes (NN2302, NN2303, NN2304) and collected from different depths within the holes. Material was sub-sampled from the original 2.5 ft (0.76 meter) sample intervals representing lower (1,000 to 2,000 ppm Li) medium (2,000 to 4,000 ppm Li), and high (>4,000 ppm Li) grade material. Each composite sample contains 12 to 15 kg of material.

这些样本是三个不同地理位置的孔(NN2302、NN2303、NN2304)的复合物,是从孔内不同深度采集的。材料是从最初的 2.5 英尺(0.76 米)采样间隔中对材料进行了子采样,分别代表较低(1,000 到 2,000 ppm Li)介质(2,000 到 4,000 ppm Li)和高(>4,000 ppm Li)等级的材料。每个复合样品含有 12 到 15 千克的材料。

Testing is aimed at determining at a bench scale how the mineralized material can be processed to separate the lithium from the mineralized rock, and from there to refine and optimize the conceptual flow sheet to produce a saleable product. Tests will include disaggregation, followed by differential wet screening to determine Li grade, carbonate content, and other chemical parameters in the various particle size fractions present in the claystone. The material will then be subjected to leaching tests to determine extractability, acid consumption, and uptake of other elements into the leach solution. The end goal is to precipitate lithium carbonate from the leach solutions to simulate the full extractive process at a bench scale.


Testing has begun with the completion of the full test program targeted for the end of Q1 2024.


Initial metallurgical tests on coarse rejects from the 2022 reverse circulation drill samples performed by Kappes, Cassidy, and Associates (KCA) of Reno, Nevada yielded favorable results regarding acid consumption to separate lithium from the uppermost high-grade clay unit. (Press Release dated May 4, 2023)

内华达州里诺市的Kappes、Cassidy and Associates (KCA) 对2022年反循环钻探样品中的粗糙废弃物进行的初步冶金测试在从最高等级粘土单元中分离锂的消耗酸方面取得了良好的结果。(2023年5月4日的新闻稿)

Mr. Greg Reimer, Chief Executive Officer, and Director commented: "I am very pleased to be advancing on schedule with our aggressive plan to develop our high-grade lithium clay discovery. Our early testing demonstrated that the front-end lithium extraction using a traditional sulphuric acid leach for the NNLP can be performed at acid rates comparable with those for advanced lithium clay projects in the same class. This testing aims to further prove that work and advance from there to develop and test the fully optimized flow sheet to yield a high purity lithium solution and a purified lithium carbonate sample."

Greg Reimer 先生,首席执行官兼董事 评论说:“我很高兴能够按计划推进我们开发高品位锂粘土发现的积极计划。我们的早期测试表明,使用传统的硫酸浸出法进行 NNLP 的前端锂提取,其酸率与同类先进锂粘土项目的酸率相当。该测试旨在进一步证明这一点行之有效,然后继续开发和测试完全优化的流程图,以产生高纯度的锂溶液和纯化的碳酸锂样品。”

Qualified Person as Defined Under National Instrument 43-101

国家文书 43-101 所定义的合格人员

Alan J. Morris, MSc, CPG of Spring Creek, Nevada, a Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101 has reviewed and approved the technical aspects of this news release.

内华达州斯普林克里克市CPG理学硕士艾伦·莫里斯是National Instrument 43-101所定义的合格人士,已经审查并批准了本新闻稿的技术方面。

Grant of Stock Options


The Company wishes to announce that it has granted a total of 2,100,000 stock options, exercisable for a period of five years, at an exercise price of 52 cents a share to certain directors, officers, and consultants.


About Surge Battery Metals Inc.

关于 Surge 电池金属公司

The Company is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company active in the exploration for lithium in Nevada whose primary listing is on the TSX Venture Exchange in Canada and the OTCQX Market in the US. The Company's maintains a focus on exploration for high value battery metals required for the electric vehicle (EV) market.


About the Nevada North Lithium Project


The Company owns the Nevada North Lithium Project located in the Granite Range southeast of Jackpot, Nevada about 73 km north-northeast of Wells, Elko County, Nevada. The first round of drilling, completed in October 2022, identified a strongly mineralized zone of lithium bearing clays occupying a strike length of almost 1,620 meters. Widths of the mineralized horizons are at least 400 meters, supported by highly anomalous soil values indicating potential for the clay horizons to be much greater in extent. The potential for a significant lithium deposit can be illustrated by the average lithium content within all near surface clay zones intersected in 2022 drilling, applying a 1000 ppm cut-off, was 3254 ppm.

该公司拥有内华达州北部锂矿项目,该项目位于内华达州杰克波特东南部的花岗岩山脉,位于内华达州埃尔科县韦尔斯东北偏北约73公里处。第一轮钻探于 2022 年 10 月完成,确定了一个由含锂粘土构成的强矿化带,走向长度将近 1,620 米。矿化地平线的宽度至少为400米,由高度异常的土壤值支持,这表明粘土层的范围有可能更大。2022年钻探中所有相交的近地表粘土区的平均锂含量为3254 ppm,可以说明存在大量锂矿床的潜力,截止值为1000 ppm。

The 2023 drill program is designed to expand the known lithium-rich clay from the current 1,620 meters strike length to more than 3,500 meters and the known width of the mineralization to 950 meters from the previously drill-indicated 400 meters. The program is now completed, and we are awaiting assay results. Initial assay results from the first hole of the 2023 season had a high of 8070 ppm lithium with an average of 4,067 ppm lithium at a 1,000 ppm cut-off (See news release September 12, 2023).

2023 年的钻探计划旨在将已知的富锂粘土从目前的 1,620 米的走向长度扩大到 3,500 米以上,将已知的矿化宽度从先前钻探的 400 米扩大到 950 米。该项目现已完成,我们正在等待化验结果。2023 赛季第一洞的初步化验结果显示,锂含量最高为 8070 ppm,在临界值为 1,000 ppm 时,锂含量平均为 4,067 ppm(参见 2023 年 9 月 12 日发布的新闻稿)。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


"Greg Reimer"


Greg Reimer,
President & CEO


Contact Information
Email :
Phone : 604-662-8184


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随时了解 Surge 电池金属的最新信息 推特Facebook领英Instagram 优酷

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This document may contain certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws. When used in this news release, the words "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "target, "plan" or "planned", "possible", "potential", "forecast", "intend", "may", "schedule" and similar words or expressions identify forward-looking statements or information. These forward-looking statements or information may relate to future prices of commodities including lithium and nickel, the accuracy of mineral or resource exploration activity, reserves or resources, regulatory or government requirements or approvals including approvals of title and mining rights or licenses and environmental, local community or indigenous community approvals, the reliability of third party information, continued access to mineral properties or infrastructure or water, changes in laws, rules and regulations including in the United States, Nevada or California or any other jurisdiction which may impact upon the Company or its properties or the commercial exploitation of those properties, currency risks including the exchange rate of USD$ for Cdn$ or other currencies, fluctuations in the market for lithium related products, changes in exploration costs and government royalties, export policies or taxes in the United States or any other jurisdiction and other factors or information. The Company's current plans, expectations, and intentions with respect to development of its business and of its Nevada properties may be impacted by economic uncertainties arising out of any pandemic or by the impact of current financial and other market conditions (including US government subsidies or incentives) on its ability to secure further financing or funding of its Nevada properties. Such statements represent the Company's current views with respect to future events and are necessarily based upon several assumptions and estimates that, while considered reasonable by the Company, are inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive, political, environmental (including endangered species, habitat preservation and water related risks) and social risks, contingencies, and uncertainties. Many factors, both known and unknown, could cause results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from the results, performance or achievements that are or may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements or information to reflect changes in assumptions or changes in circumstances or any other events affecting such statements and information other than as required by applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

多伦多证券交易所风险投资交易所及其监管服务提供商(该术语在多伦多证券交易所风险投资交易所的政策中定义)均不对本新闻稿的充分性或准确性承担责任。 本文件可能包含1995年《美国私人证券诉讼改革法》和适用的加拿大证券法所指的某些 “前瞻性陈述”。在本新闻稿中使用时,“预期”、“相信”、“估计”、“预期”、“目标”、“计划” 或 “计划”、“可能”、“潜在”、“预测”、“打算”、“可能”、“时间表” 等词语或表达方式表示前瞻性陈述或信息。这些前瞻性陈述或信息可能与包括锂和镍在内的大宗商品的未来价格、矿产或资源勘探活动的准确性、储量或资源、包括所有权和采矿权或许可证的批准以及环境的批准在内的监管或政府要求或批准、当地社区或土著社区的批准、第三方信息的可靠性、矿产或基础设施或水的持续获取、包括美国、内华达州在内的法律、规章和法规的变化有关或加利福尼亚州或任何其他可能影响公司或其财产或这些财产的商业开发的司法管辖区、货币风险,包括美元兑加元或其他货币的汇率、锂相关产品市场的波动、勘探成本和政府特许权使用费的变化、美国或任何其他司法管辖区的出口政策或税收以及其他因素或信息。公司目前在业务和内华达州物业发展方面的计划、预期和意图可能会受到任何疫情引起的经济不确定性的影响,也可能受到当前财务和其他市场状况(包括美国政府补贴或激励措施)对其内华达州物业获得进一步融资或融资的能力的影响。此类陈述代表了公司当前对未来事件的看法,必然基于多种假设和估计,尽管公司认为这些假设和估计是合理的,但本质上会受到重大的商业、经济、竞争、政治、环境(包括濒危物种、栖息地保护和水相关风险)以及社会风险、突发事件和不确定性的影响。许多因素,包括已知和未知因素,都可能导致业绩、业绩或成就与此类前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的业绩、业绩或成就存在重大差异。除非适用法律、法规和法规的要求,否则公司无意更新这些前瞻性陈述或信息以反映假设的变化或情况变化或影响此类陈述和信息的任何其他事件,也不承担任何义务。

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