
Ground-Breaking New Book by Behavioral Experts at DIMA Innnovations Shed the Light on Perception in the Business World

Ground-Breaking New Book by Behavioral Experts at DIMA Innnovations Shed the Light on Perception in the Business World

prnewswire ·  2020/12/21 23:00

PHOENIX,Dec. 22, 2020/PRNewswire/ -- As organizations become more diverse and expand into multi-cultural areas, it has never been more critical to recognize the power of perception. Dr.Diane Hamilton, Thinkers50 Radar inductee and author of Cracking the Curiosity Code, and Dr.Maja Zelihic, Fulbright Specialist, have come together to create a book that business experts have lauded as a critical success. In The Power of Perception: Eliminating Boundaries to Create Successful Global Leaders, the authors address how perceptions are formed and their impact on critical business issues including innovation, creativity, decision making, engagement, and effective leadership.Continue Reading


In addition to the book, the authors have co-founded DIMA Innovations and created the Perception Power Index (PPI), which determines the factors that impact perception. After years of research to validate this 32-question assessment, they determined that perception is an EPIC process, which requires evaluation, prediction, interpretation, and correlation to come to conclusions. The book and assessment are available at and can be part of a critical means of helping employees and leaders master their power of perception.


In today's diverse business world, employees and leaders must know when perceptions work for them and when they work against them. How people perceive, not what they perceive, is what influences how and what they think and believe, which, in turn, affects behaviors. If individuals are to engage others, both of their own and other cultures, they must become more self-aware of their perceptions and those of others. Individuals can shape and alter thinking to allow perceptions to become more effective employees, decision-makers, and leaders.


What are the experts saying about "The Power of Perception" and the Perception Power Index? A profound piece of work from Dr.Diane Hamiltonand Dr.Maja Zelihic. They wrote, "perception is reality in the workplace." What I really appreciate about this book is that they clearly see the potential to change the reality of the workplace by thoughtfully changing one's perception of that reality—a powerful, paradigm-changing thought. Well done, Diane and Maja! Doug Conant - Founder & CEO,Conant Leadership; Chairman, The CEO Force for Good; Former CEO, Campbell Soup; Former Chairman, Avon ProductsPerception is such a powerful force in our everyday lives, but few of us really understand how it works, how it affects us, and how we can better use it to our advantage. Drs. Hamilton and Zelihic have written a definitive, practical, and actionable guide to comprehending the power of perception and harnessing it with intention. Jeff Hoffman - Chairman of the Board at Global Entrepreneurship Network,Hollywoodfilm producer, Grammy and Emmy-Award Winner ProducerIt is extremely rare to find a book that can change your life, and this is one of them. The Power of Perception gives you tools and ideas that will shift the way you look at the world and dramatically increase both your personal and leadership success. John Spence - Global Business Expert, Former CEO of an International Rockefeller FoundationPerceptions define our existence. How great to see a book that not only acknowledges this fact but also offers the hope of improving our world by seeing things differently. Jim McKelvey - Co-founder of Square and Author of The Innovation Stack: Building an Unbeatable Business one Crazy Idea at a TimeRecognizing the value of perception is critical to an organization's success. Drs.Diane HamiltonandMaja Zelihicexamine the importance of perception and how it can empower people to feel like they contribute in distinct ways. This recognition can lead to a clear ROI, with more productive employees who have fewer conflicts. Laura Huang - Associate Professor at Harvard Business School; Author of Edge: Turning Adversity into AdvantagePerception is everything, it is the way we see the world, the canvas we behold. Drs. Hamilton and Zelihic's book makes the concept of Perception so very reachable for all. It brings to the forefront the power that perception can create in our lives and what we can do to harness this as a powerful tool. A must read for anyone interested in creating greater success and thus a more profound life. Rhiannon Reese - Top 10 Global Coach, CEO of The Conscious Coaching Collective, Author of How to Climb Mount Everest in Sandals In the Power of Perception, Drs.Diane HamiltonandMaja Zelihicexplore the ways in which how we see determine what we see. The differences in how we all perceive the world can make "reality" and "truth" tricky concepts. Understanding how to manage that is an increasingly important issue in a globalizing world where diversity is paramount to success, making this book a must read. Bethany McLean - Journalist, Author of The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron

专家们对“感知的力量”和“感知能力指数”有何看法?黛安·汉密尔顿博士和玛雅·泽利希奇博士的深刻作品。他们写道,“感知是工作场所的现实。”我真正欣赏这本书的地方是,他们清楚地看到了通过深思熟虑地改变工作场所的现实来改变现实的潜力。她对现实的看法--“欧元”是一个强有力的、改变范式的想法。做得好,黛安和玛雅!道格·科南特-Conant Leadership创始人兼首席执行官;CEO Force for Good董事长;前CEO,金宝汤雅芳产品前董事长感知在我们的日常生活中是如此强大的力量,但我们很少有人真正了解它是如何工作的,它如何影响我们,以及我们如何更好地利用它来为我们服务。汉密尔顿博士和泽利希克博士写了一本明确的、实用的、可操作的指南来理解感知的力量,并有意识地利用它。杰夫·霍夫曼-全球创业网络董事会主席,好莱坞电影制片人,格莱美和艾美奖获得者制片人找到一本可以改变你生活的书是极其罕见的,这本书就是其中之一。感知的力量给了你工具和想法,这些工具和想法将改变你看待世界的方式,并极大地提高你个人和领导的成功。约翰·斯宾塞-全球商业专家、国际洛克菲勒基金会(International Rockefeller FoundationPerceptions)前首席执行官定义了我们的存在。看到一本书不仅承认了这一事实,而且提供了通过以不同的方式看待事物来改善我们的世界的希望,这真是太好了。吉姆·麦凯尔维-Square的联合创始人和《创新堆栈:一次打造一个无与伦比的商业一个疯狂的想法》(The Innovation Stack:Building a Unbeatable Business One Crazy Idea at Time)一书的作者认识到感知的价值对一个组织的成功至关重要。黛安·汉密尔顿(Diane Hamilton)博士和玛雅·泽利希(Maja Zelihich)博士研究了感知的重要性,以及它如何让人们感觉到他们以不同的方式做出了贡献。这种认可可以带来清晰的投资回报,员工的工作效率更高,冲突也更少。劳拉·黄(Laura Huang)-副教授哈佛商学院;“边缘:将逆境转化为优势”一书的作者感知就是一切,它是我们看待世界的方式,是我们看到的画布。汉密尔顿博士和泽利希克博士的书使得感知的概念对所有人来说都是非常容易理解的。它将感知可以在我们生活中创造的力量以及我们可以做些什么来将其作为一种强大的工具加以利用。这是任何对创造更大的成功,从而创造更深刻的人生感兴趣的人的必读读物。里亚农·里斯(Rhiannon Reese)-全球十大教练,有意识的教练集体的首席执行官,著有如何穿着凉鞋攀登珠穆朗玛峰在《感知的力量》一书中,黛安·汉密尔顿博士和玛雅·泽利希博士探索了我们如何看待确定我们所看到的。我们对世界的认知方式不同,使得“现实”和“真相”这两个概念变得微妙起来。在一个多元化对成功至关重要的全球化世界里,理解如何管理这一点是一个越来越重要的问题,这使得这本书成为必读之书。贝瑟尼·麦克莱恩--记者,著有《房间里最聪明的人:安然的惊人崛起与斯堪的纳利式的衰落》

To find out more about perception in the workplace or take a free course to develop your power of perception, please go to


About DIMA Innovations:


DIMA Innovations is a U.S.-based innovative company co-founded byDiane Hamilton, Ph.D., andMaja Zelihic, Ph.D., to improve workplace performance. To learn more, please email[email protected].

迪马创新公司是一家总部位于美国的创新型公司,由黛安·汉密尔顿(Diane Hamilton)博士和玛雅·泽利希克(Maja Zelihic)博士共同创立,旨在提高工作场所的绩效。要了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件至[受电子邮件保护].

Related Images


the-power-of-perception.png The Power of Perception: Eliminating Boundaries to Create Successful Global Leaders Power of Perception book by authors Dr.Diane Hamiltonand Dr.Maja Zelihic

The-power-of-perception.png感知的力量:消除界限造就成功的全球领导者作者Diane Hamilton博士和Maja Zelihic博士合著的《感知的力量》一书

Related Links


The Power of Perception Site


The Power of Perception on Amazon


SOURCE DIMA Innovations


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