
Can Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. (NASDAQ:COLL) Improve Its Returns?

Can Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. (NASDAQ:COLL) Improve Its Returns?

Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:COLL)能否提高回报?
Simply Wall St ·  2023/12/13 05:40

One of the best investments we can make is in our own knowledge and skill set. With that in mind, this article will work through how we can use Return On Equity (ROE) to better understand a business. We'll use ROE to examine Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. (NASDAQ:COLL), by way of a worked example.

我们能做的最好的投资之一是我们自己的知识和技能。考虑到这一点,本文将探讨如何使用股本回报率(ROE)来更好地了解业务。举一个有效的例子,我们将使用投资回报率来研究Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:COLL)。

Return on equity or ROE is a key measure used to assess how efficiently a company's management is utilizing the company's capital. Simply put, it is used to assess the profitability of a company in relation to its equity capital.


See our latest analysis for Collegium Pharmaceutical

查看我们对 Collegium Pharmaceal 的最新分析

How Is ROE Calculated?

ROE 是如何计算的?

The formula for ROE is:

ROE 的公式是:

Return on Equity = Net Profit (from continuing operations) ÷ Shareholders' Equity

股本回报率 = 净利润(来自持续经营)¥股东权益

So, based on the above formula, the ROE for Collegium Pharmaceutical is:

因此,根据上述公式,Collegium Pharmaceutical的投资回报率为:

5.0% = US$9.0m ÷ US$179m (Based on the trailing twelve months to September 2023).

5.0% = 900万美元 ¥1.79亿美元(基于截至2023年9月的过去十二个月)。

The 'return' is the profit over the last twelve months. So, this means that for every $1 of its shareholder's investments, the company generates a profit of $0.05.

“回报” 是过去十二个月的利润。因此,这意味着公司每投资1美元,就会产生0.05美元的利润。

Does Collegium Pharmaceutical Have A Good Return On Equity?

Collegium Pharmaceutical有良好的股本回报率吗?

By comparing a company's ROE with its industry average, we can get a quick measure of how good it is. However, this method is only useful as a rough check, because companies do differ quite a bit within the same industry classification. If you look at the image below, you can see Collegium Pharmaceutical has a lower ROE than the average (11%) in the Pharmaceuticals industry classification.

通过将公司的投资回报率与其行业平均水平进行比较,我们可以快速衡量其表现如何。但是,这种方法仅在粗略检查时有用,因为各公司在相同的行业分类中确实存在很大差异。如果你看下图,你会发现Collegium Pharmaceutical的投资回报率低于制药行业分类中的平均水平(11%)。

NasdaqGS:COLL Return on Equity December 13th 2023
纳斯达克股票代码:COLL 股本回报率 2023 年 12 月 13 日

That certainly isn't ideal. That being said, a low ROE is not always a bad thing, especially if the company has low leverage as this still leaves room for improvement if the company were to take on more debt. When a company has low ROE but high debt levels, we would be cautious as the risk involved is too high. You can see the 2 risks we have identified for Collegium Pharmaceutical by visiting our risks dashboard for free on our platform here.

这当然不理想。话虽如此,较低的投资回报率并不总是一件坏事,尤其是在公司的杠杆率较低的情况下,因为如果公司承担更多债务,这仍有改善的余地。当一家公司的投资回报率低但债务水平高时,我们会谨慎行事,因为所涉及的风险太高。您可以通过访问我们的 Collegium Pharmaceutical 来查看我们发现的 2 种风险 风险仪表板 在我们的平台上免费使用。

The Importance Of Debt To Return On Equity


Companies usually need to invest money to grow their profits. The cash for investment can come from prior year profits (retained earnings), issuing new shares, or borrowing. In the first two cases, the ROE will capture this use of capital to grow. In the latter case, the debt required for growth will boost returns, but will not impact the shareholders' equity. That will make the ROE look better than if no debt was used.


Combining Collegium Pharmaceutical's Debt And Its 5.0% Return On Equity

合并Collegium Pharmaceutical的债务及其5.0%的股本回报率

We think Collegium Pharmaceutical uses a significant amount of debt to maximize its returns, as it has a significantly higher debt to equity ratio of 3.98. The combination of a rather low ROE and high debt to equity is a negative, in our book.

我们认为,Collegium Pharmaceutical使用大量债务来最大限度地提高回报,因为它的负债权益比率要高得多,为3.98。在我们的书中,相当低的投资回报率和较高的债权比率相加是负数。



Return on equity is one way we can compare its business quality of different companies. In our books, the highest quality companies have high return on equity, despite low debt. All else being equal, a higher ROE is better.


Having said that, while ROE is a useful indicator of business quality, you'll have to look at a whole range of factors to determine the right price to buy a stock. Profit growth rates, versus the expectations reflected in the price of the stock, are a particularly important to consider. So you might want to check this FREE visualization of analyst forecasts for the company.


But note: Collegium Pharmaceutical may not be the best stock to buy. So take a peek at this free list of interesting companies with high ROE and low debt.

但请注意:Collegium Pharmaceutical可能不是最好的买入股票。因此,来看看这份投资回报率高、债务低的有趣公司的免费清单。

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