
K2 Expands Gold Mineralization Footprint at the Wels Project - Yukon

K2 Expands Gold Mineralization Footprint at the Wels Project - Yukon

K2 扩大了 Wels 项目的金矿化足迹-育空地区
newsfile ·  2023/12/13 06:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 13, 2023) - K2 Gold Corporation (TSXV: KTO) (OTCQB: KTGDF) (FSE: 23K) ("K2" or the "Company") today announced exploration drill results from its 2023 Reverse Circulation ("RC") drilling program at the Wels Project, located in west-central Yukon Territory 60km south of Newmont's Coffee gold deposit. These results demonstrate the presence of a mineralized system of significant size and scale at the Wels Project.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.,2023 年 12 月 13 日)-K2 Gold Corporation(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:KTO)(场外交易代码:KTGD)(FSE:23K)(”K2“或者”公司“)今天公布了其2023年反循环(“RC”)钻探计划的勘探钻探结果,该项目位于育空地区中西部,位于纽蒙特咖啡金矿以南60公里处的韦尔斯项目。这些结果表明,韦尔斯项目存在一个规模和规模巨大的矿化系统。



  • First ever drilling at Chai target defines a >270m wide corridor hosting multiple mineralized structures: 0.827 g/t Au over 13.72m in WRC23-007 from 76.20m down hole, including 3.63 g/t Au over 1.53m.
  • 首次在 Chai 目标钻探确定了一条宽度超过 270 米的走廊,其中包含多个矿化结构:在 WRC23-007 中,从 76.20 米深的井下 13.72 米处钻探超过 13.72 米的 0.827 克/吨金,包括超过 1.53 米的 3.63 克/吨金。
  • Reconnaissance drilling at the Pekoe target intersected 0.411 g/t Au over 38.10m in WRC23-011 from 9.14m down hole; the first pierce point into a >900m long structure.
  • 在 Pekoe 目标处进行的侦察钻探在 WRC23-011 中从井下 9.14 米处与 0.411 g/t Au 在 38.10 米处相交;这是进入长度超过 900 米的建筑物的第一个穿孔点。
  • All 2023 RC holes intersected gold mineralization, and all structures drilled to date remain open along strike and at depth.
  • 所有 2023 年 RC 孔都与金矿化区相交,迄今为止钻探的所有结构沿走向和深度均保持开放状态。

"Using a 'Proof-of-Concept' approach, the 2023 Wels drill program demonstrated the existence of a structurally controlled gold system nearly 3km2 in size. This successfully expands the known footprint of mineralization on the property by 1000%. To date, less than 40% of the Wels property has been explored, and all existing targets remain open along strike and at depth. Based on these positive results a systematic property-wide exploration program is being planned to explore and target high grade zones within these newly defined gold bearing structures." - Anthony Margarit, President and CEO of K2 Gold.

“使用'概念验证'的方法,2023 年 Wels 钻探计划证明了将近 3 千米的结构控制金系统的存在2 大小。这成功地将该物业上已知的矿化足迹扩大了1000%。迄今为止,已经勘探了不到40%的韦尔斯地产,并且所有现有目标在打击和深度上都保持开放状态。基于这些积极成果,正在计划一项系统的全物业勘探计划,在这些新定义的含金结构中勘探和瞄准高品位区域。” ——K2 Gold总裁兼首席执行官安东尼·玛格丽特。

Figure 1: Wels Property: Drill Plan over Gold in Soil

1: Wels Property:土壤中黄金的钻探计划

Table 1: Assay summary table from the second phase of RC drilling at Wels.

表 1: 韦尔斯钢筋混凝土钻探第二阶段的化验汇总表。

Hole ID From (m) To (m) Width (m) Au (g/t) Target
WRC23-007 24.38 27.43 3.05 0.48 Chai
and 57.91 64.01 6.1 0.49
and 76.2 89.92 13.72 0.827
incl. 77.72 79.25 1.53 3.63
WRC23-008 39.62 51.82 12.2 0.486
and 132.59 137.16 4.57 0.775
WRC23-009 60.96 67.06 6.1 0.516
and 74.68 96.01 21.33 0.232
and 108.2 117.35 9.15 0.231
WRC23-010 143.26 144.78 1.52 0.743 Pekoe
and 160.02 167.64 7.62 0.205
WRC23-011 9.14 47.24 38.1 0.411
and 102.11 106.68 4.57 0.428
WRC23-012 44.2 48.77 4.57 0.571 Saddle West
and 106.68 123.44 16.76 0.255
洞 ID 从 (m) 到 (m) 宽度 (m) 金 (g/t) 目标
WRC23-007 24.38 27.43 3.05 0.48
57.91 64.01 6.1 0.49
76.2 89.92 13.72 0.827
包括。 77.72 79.25 1.53 3.63
WRC23-008 39.62 51.82 12.2 0.486
132.59 137.16 4.57 0.775
WRC23-009 60.96 67.06 6.1 0.516
74.68 96.01 21.33 0.232
108.2 117.35 9.15 0.231
WRC23-010 143.26 144.78 1.52 0.743 Pekoe
160.02 167.64 7.62 0.205
WRC23-011 9.14 47.24 38.1 0.411
102.11 106.68 4.57 0.428
WRC23-012 44.2 48.77 4.57 0.571 Saddle West
106.68 123.44 16.76 0.255

Discussion of Results


K2's 2023 Wels exploration program consisted of the first drill holes at the Chai, Pekoe, and Saddle West target areas and confirms that all target areas host gold bearing structures.

K2 的 2023 年 Wels 勘探计划包括在 Chai、Pekoe 和 Saddle West 目标区域的第一批钻孔,并确认所有目标区域都拥有含金结构。

At the Chai Zone, three holes were drilled in a NNE-SSW oriented fence with tip-to-tail coverage to cover broad surficial gold geochemical anomalism, and several previously identified geophysical anomalies. In the south of the zone, hole WRC23-007 drilled an interval of 0.827 g/t Au over 13.72m within a gabbroic intrusive immediately above the contact with quartzite to the south. In the northern portion of the zone hole WRC23-009 drilled broad intervals of low-grade gold entirely within quartzite. Host rock does not appear to play a significant role in mineralization at this time.

在 Chai Zone,在朝向 NNE-SSW 的围栏上钻了三个洞,围栏从头到尾的覆盖范围以覆盖广泛的表层金地球化学异常,以及先前发现的几个地球物理异常。在该区域的南部,WRC23-007 钻孔在南部与石英岩接触点正上方的辉岩侵入体内钻探了 13.72 米的间隔 0.827 g/t Au。在钻孔的北部,WRC23-009 完全在石英岩中钻出了大段的低品位金。目前,宿主岩似乎在矿化中没有发挥重要作用。

Two holes were completed at the Pekoe Zone, located 1.3km northwest of the Saddle area. The holes were widely spaced, situated 200m apart, and tested separate structures identified by K2's geophysical surveys. Hole WRC23-011 intersected 0.411 g/t Au over 38.10m from 9.14 down hole within a structure that extends for more than 900m in a WNW-ESE orientation. Hole WRC23-010 tested a separate NW-SE trending geophysical feature and returned minor gold mineralization within both siltstone and quartzite, including 0.205 g/t Au over 7.62m from 160.02m down hole.

位于萨德尔地区西北1.3公里处的Pekoe区域完成了两个洞。这些洞间隔很大,相隔200米,并测试了K2的地球物理调查所确定的独立结构。WRC23-011 洞在一座以 WNW-ESE 方向延伸超过 900 米的结构中,从 9.14 的井下 38.10 米处与 0.411 g/t Au 相交。WRC23-010 孔测试了单独的西北偏东南趋势地球物理特征,并在粉砂岩和石英岩中返回了少量金矿化,包括从井下 160.02 米处钻出 7.62 米处的 0.205 克/吨金。

The final hole of the 2023 program was drilled at the Saddle West target as a 100m step out west of known mineralization along the trend of the Saddle Main structure. The hole intersected a zone returning 0.255 g/t Au over 16.76m from 106.68m down hole at the contact between quartzite and a mafic dyke. Unfortunately, the hole and a portion of the drill rods were lost in heavily altered dyke before reaching the planned target depth and the interpreted extension of the Saddle Main structure.


Interpretation and Next Steps


Less than 40% of the Wels property has been explored by K2 to date, and only 4 target areas have been tested. The results from the first drill tests of the Chai and Pekoe targets combined with the previously released results from the Saddle Zone successfully identified at least 12 new gold bearing structures (K2 Gold News Release November 6, 2023) and demonstrate the presence of a significant broad scale mineralized system at the Wels Project.

迄今为止,K2已经勘探了不到40%的韦尔斯地产,并且仅测试了4个目标区域。Chai和Pekoe目标的首次钻探测试结果与先前发布的鞍区结果相结合,成功确定了至少12种新的含金结构(K2 Gold 新闻稿 2023 年 11 月 6 日)并证明韦尔斯项目中存在一个重要的广泛矿化系统。

With a limited number of drill holes at the Chai Zone, K2 successfully defined a broad zone of mineralization which exceeded expectations based on prior surface sampling.

由于Chai Zone的钻孔数量有限,K2成功地定义了广阔的矿化区域,根据先前的地表采样,该区域超出了预期。

All mineralization observed to date is structurally controlled, with all rock types on the property proven to host gold. The Saddle, Chai and Pekoe Zones host kilometre-scale gold-in-soil anomalies and corresponding geophysical anomalies which suggest through-going structures and warrant follow up drilling. All structures drilled to date remain open along strike and at depth.


About the Wels Project

关于 Wels 项目

The Wels Project lies approximately 40km east of the community of Beaver Creek and 60km south of Newmont Goldcorp's Coffee deposit discovered by Kaminak Gold Corporation (formerly a Discovery Group company prior to its acquisition by Goldcorp-Newmont). Both the Coffee project and the Wels project lie within the Tintina Gold Belt share similar characteristics and are host to structurally controlled gold mineralization within intrusive rocks exhibiting multiple trends of mineralization. The Wels land position consists of 350 contiguous quartz claims covering 7,200 hectares and lies within the traditional territory of White River First Nation.

这个 韦尔斯项目 位于比弗溪社区以东约40公里处,位于卡米纳克黄金公司(在被Goldcorp-Newmont收购之前曾是一家探索集团公司)发现的纽蒙特金科普咖啡矿床以南60公里处。Coffee项目和Wels项目都位于丁蒂纳金带内,具有相似的特征,在侵入性岩石中存在结构控制的金矿化,呈现出多种矿化趋势。韦尔斯的土地位置包括350个连续的石英地块,占地7,200公顷,位于怀特河原住民的传统领土内。

Qualified Person ("QP") and QA/QC

合格人员(“QP”)和 QA/QC

The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements set out in NI 43-101 and reviewed and approved by Eric Buitenhuis, M.Sc., P.Geo., K2's QP and Vice President of Exploration.

本新闻稿中的技术信息是根据NI 43-101中规定的加拿大监管要求编制的,并由Eric Buitenhuis、理学硕士、P.Geo.、K2的QP和勘探副总裁进行了审查和批准。

The analytical work for the 2023 RC drilling program was performed by ALS Laboratories ("ALS"), an internationally recognized and accredited analytical services provider. All samples were submitted to ALS's Whitehorse, Yukon facility where they were prepared using procedure PREP-31 (crush, split, and pulverize 250g to better than 85% passing 75 microns). Pulp samples were then analysed for gold by method Au-AA23, a 30-gram Fire Assay fusion with an atomic absorption finish (AAS). A 0.5g pulp was analysed by aqua-regia acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) for 36 elements using method ME-ICP41. Samples returning greater than 10 g/t Au by the Au-AA23 method were subsequently analysed by method Au-GRA21, a 30-gram Fire Assay fusion with a gravimetric finish.

2023 年 RC 钻探计划的分析工作由国际认可和认可的分析服务提供商 ALS 实验室(“ALS”)进行。所有样本均提交给 ALS 位于育空地区怀特霍斯的工厂,在那里采用 PREP-31 程序(粉碎、分裂和粉碎 250 克至超过 85%,超过 75 微米)进行制备。然后,通过Au-AA23方法对纸浆样品进行金分析,这是一种30克的具有原子吸收表面处理(AAS)的火焰试验融合。使用 ME-ICP41 方法,通过 aqua-regia 酸消化和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 (ICP-AES) 对 36 种元素对 0.5 克纸浆进行了分析。随后,使用Au-gra21方法对通过Au-AA23方法返回的金含量超过10 g/t的样品进行了分析,该方法是一种30克的火焰分析融合,采用重量法完成。

Quality Assurance and Quality Control procedures include the insertion of coarse blanks and certified assay standards into the sample string at a rate of approximately 1/20 (5%). Samples were placed in sealed bags and delivered directly to ALS's preparation facility in Whitehorse by K2 personnel or contractors.


About K2 Gold

关于 K2 Gold

K2 is a proud member of Discovery Group and currently has projects in Southwest USA and the Yukon.

K2是Discovery Group的骄傲成员,目前在美国西南部和育空地区有项目。

The Mojave Project is a 5,830-hectare oxide gold project with base metal targets located in California. Multiple previously recognized surface gold targets have been successfully drilled in the past, most notably by Newmont and BHP. Since acquiring the property, K2 has completed geochemical and geophysical surveys, geologic mapping, LiDAR, a WorldView 3 alteration survey, and successfully completed a 17-hole RC drill program focused on the Dragonfly and Newmont Zones. Highlights from K2's drilling program include 6.68 g/t Au over 45.72m from surface at the Dragonfly Zone, and 1.69 g/t Au over 41.15m from 44.20m depth at the Newmont Zone.

这个 莫哈韦项目 是一个占地5,830公顷的氧化金项目,其贱金属目标位于加利福尼亚州。过去,已经成功钻探了多个先前认可的地表金目标,其中最著名的是纽蒙特和必和必拓的钻探。自收购该物业以来,K2已经完成了地球化学和地球物理调查、地质测绘、激光雷达、WorldView 3变更调查,并成功完成了以蜻蜓区和纽蒙特地区为重点的17孔RC钻探计划。K2钻探计划的亮点包括在蜻蜓区距离地表超过45.72米处的6.68克/吨金矿,以及在纽蒙特区从44.20米深度超过41.15米处的1.69克/吨金矿。

The Si2 Gold Project is located in Esmeralda County, approximately 60km northwest of Tonopah, Nevada, and 20km northwest of Allegiant Gold's Eastside deposit (1.4Moz Au, 8.8 Moz Ag). The project is road accessible and consists of 118 BLM lode claims covering 986 Ha, 65 of which are under option from Orogen Royalties Inc. (TSXV: OGN). The claims cover an 8 km2 area of steam heated alunite-kaolinite-buddingtonite alteration within a sequence of felsic to intermediate volcanic rocks displaying brecciation and strongly anomalous mercury.

这个 Si2 黄金项目 位于埃斯梅拉达县,位于内华达州托诺帕西北约60公里处,Allegiant Gold东区矿床(1.4Moz Au,8.8 Moz Ag)西北 20 公里处。该项目是道路通行的,包括118份BLM地块索赔,占地986公顷,其中65份由Orogen Troyalties Inc.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:OGN)进行选择。索赔涵盖8公里2 蒸汽加热的明矾土-高岭石-芽丁顿石在一系列长英质至中间火山岩中呈现角砾岩和强烈异常汞的变化区域。

K2's 2023 diamond drill program at the Si2 Project confirmed that the system is gold bearing. The project was initially identified using the same methods, and by the same exploration team that identified AngloGold Ashanti's 4.22 Moz Au Silicon project1 near Beatty, Nevada, and was staked based on its strong geological similarities to Silicon.

K2 在 Si2 项目上的 2023 年金刚石钻探计划证实该系统是含金的。该项目最初是使用相同的方法确定的,也是由确定AngloGold Ashanti的4.22 Moz Au Silicon项目的同一个勘探小组确定的1 位于内华达州比蒂附近,并因其与硅的强烈地质相似性而受到质押。

K2 is committed to transparency, accountability, environmental stewardship, safety, diversity, inclusion, and community and indigenous engagement.

K2 致力于透明度、问责制、环境管理、安全、多元化、包容性以及社区和土著人的参与

On behalf of the Board of Directors,


Anthony Margarit
President and CEO


For further information about K2 Gold Corporation or this news release, please visit our website at, contact our office at 778-266-1456, or email

有关K2 Gold Corporation或本新闻稿的更多信息,请访问我们的网站,致电 778-266-1456 联系我们的办公室,或发送电子邮件至。

K2 Gold Corporation is a member of Discovery Group based in Vancouver, Canada. For more information please visit:

K2 Gold Corporation是总部位于加拿大温哥华的探索集团的成员。欲了解更多信息,请访问。

Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains forward-looking statements that are not historical facts. Forward- looking statements involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results, performance, prospects, and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the exploration program at Si2, Wels, and Mojave, including results of drilling, and future exploration plans at Si2, Wels, and Mojave. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located, the Company's inability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for its planned activities, and the Company's inability to raise the necessary capital or to be fully able to implement its business strategies. The reader is referred to the Company's public disclosure record which is available on SEDAR (). Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on these statements, which only apply as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. Except as required by securities laws and the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange, the Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of any of the securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful, including any of the securities in the United States of America. No securities of the Company have been or will, in the foreseeable future, be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for account or benefit of, U.S. Persons (as defined in Regulation S under the 1933 Act) unless registered under the 1933 Act and applicable state securities laws, or an exemption from such registration requirements is available.




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