
Li3 Lithium Shifts Focus to Its 100%-Owned Northern Lights Copper Project Located in Nevada in Close Proximity to Nevada Copper's Producing Mine

Li3 Lithium Shifts Focus to Its 100%-Owned Northern Lights Copper Project Located in Nevada in Close Proximity to Nevada Copper's Producing Mine

Li3 Lithium将重点转移到其100%拥有的北极光铜矿项目上,该项目位于内华达州,靠近内华达铜业的生产矿
newsfile ·  2023/12/15 08:00
  • Prior small-scale copper production in the early 1900s
  • Historic reports document copper mineralization grading 3% to 12% Cu
  • Recent sampling confirms ore-grade copper (1% to 19% Cu) over widths up to 4 meters at the surface
  • Accelerated exploration program to be undertaken as a priority to test width & grade
  • 此前在 1900 年代初小规模铜产量
  • 历史报告记录铜矿化度为 3% 至 12%
  • 最近的采样证实,矿石级铜(1% 至 19% Cu)的宽度可达地表 4 米
  • 加速勘探计划将作为测试宽度和坡度的优先事项

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - December 15, 2023) - Li3 Lithium Corp. (TSXV: LILI) (FSE: WD9) ("Li3 Lithium" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it is shifting its focus to copper going forward and, more specifically, to its 100%-owned, 485 hectare Northern Lights Copper Project (the "Project"). The Project is located 25 km from Yerrington, Nevada and is in close proximity to Nevada Copper Corporation's producing Pumpkin Hollow copper mine which has in excess of 6.5 billion lbs of copper equivalent resource. Historic records confirm prior small-scale intermittent production of copper on the Northern Lights property in the early 1900s. Sampling undertaken by the Company confirms that Northern Lights has ore-grade copper (1% to 19% Cu) over widths up to 4 meters at the surface. Review of historic reports dating back to the 1910 to 1920 era suggests that copper mineralization grading 3% to 12% Cu at an average width of 1 to 2 meters (2 to 6 feet) extends to a depth of 100 meters (325 feet). Underground workings are not accessible, and these grades cannot be confirmed without drilling. Results from the Company's data compilation, geologic mapping, surface rock geochemistry, and the magnetic survey confirm that additional exploration at Northern Lights is justified.

安大略省多伦多--(Newsfile Corp.,2023 年 12 月 15 日)-Li3 Lithium Corp.(多伦多证券交易所:LILI)(FSE:WD9)(”Li3 锂电池“或者”公司“)很高兴地宣布,今后它将把重点转移到铜上,更具体地说,转移到其100%拥有的485公顷的北极光铜矿项目(即”项目“)。该项目距离内华达州耶灵顿25公里,紧邻内华达铜业公司生产的南瓜谷铜矿,该矿拥有超过65亿磅的铜当量资源。历史记录证实,20世纪初,北极光矿产曾小规模间歇性生产铜。该公司进行的采样证实,北极光在地表的宽度可达4米处含有矿石级铜(铜含量为1%至19%)。对可追溯到1910年至1920年时代的历史报告的回顾表明,铜矿化度为3%至12%,平均宽度为1至2米(2至6英尺),延伸到100米(325英尺)的深度。地下作业无法进入,如果不进行钻探,就无法确认这些等级。该公司的数据汇编、地质测绘、地表岩石地球化学和磁力调查的结果证实,在北极光进行更多勘探是合理的。

The Company intends to commence a two phase exploration program as recommended in the Northern Lights Copper Project 43-101 Report dated 31 December 2021. Phase 1 will include a ground-based EM (electromagnetic) survey to define high-grade copper mineralization coincident with the magnetic anomalies previously identified. Results from the EM survey, magnetic survey, geologic mapping, and surface copper geochemisty will be used to further refine drill targets. Phase 2 will consist of reverse circulation drilling to confirm copper mineralization indicated by the four data sets described above. Reverse circulation drilling will also confirm the width and grade of copper mineralization projected at depth below the historic workings on the Northern Lights' fault.


As the Company lacks sufficient funds and management resources to simultaneously undertake work on both its 50%-owned Zimbabwe Mutare Lithium Project and its 100%-owned Nevada Northern Lights Copper Project, it has made the difficult decision to disengage from the Mutare Lithium Project. Accordingly, the Company has disposed of its 50% interest in the Mutare Lithium Project for nominal consideration. This will relieve the Company of further funding obligations for the Zimbabwe project and allow it to focus its resources exclusively on its 100%-owned Nevada copper project going forward.


"While the decision to disengage from the Company's Zimbabwe lithium project has been a difficult one, we feel it is the right one and will free up scarce resources to fast-track exploration on the Company's promising 100% owned Nevada copper project. Demand for copper is forecast to undergo unprecedented structural change driven by the global energy transition with mined copper supply forecast to enter a deficit position starting as early as 2025 (see Figure 1 - Copper Demand Chart below). The project's U.S. location coincides nicely with the U.S. Government's recent addition of copper to its Critical Minerals List and opens up the possibility of funding via the U.S. Government's recently approved initiative. The clean energy transition cannot occur without a significant increase in copper production. The U.S Government's legislative and funding initiative will help copper projects in the US that are necessary for the clean energy transition by allocating additional resources to the mining sector, including funding for exploration and feasibility studies," said Steve Dunn, Chairman of Li3 Lithium.

尽管退出该公司津巴布韦锂项目的决定是一个艰难的决定,但我们认为这是正确的,它将腾出稀缺的资源,用于快速勘探公司有望的100%拥有的内华达州铜矿项目。在全球能源转型的推动下,铜需求预计将经历前所未有的结构性变化,预计开采的铜供应最早将从2025年开始进入赤字状态(见下图1——铜需求图)。该项目位于美国,与美国政府最近将铜列入其关键矿产清单非常吻合,这为通过美国政府最近批准的计划获得资金开辟了可能性。如果不大幅增加铜产量,清洁能源转型就不可能发生。美国政府的立法和融资计划将通过向采矿业分配额外资源,包括为勘探和可行性研究提供资金,帮助美国清洁能源转型所必需的铜项目,“Li3 Lithium董事长史蒂夫·邓恩说。

Steve Dunn added, "In light of the strategic shift to its 100%-owned Northern Lights Copper Project and disposal of its Zimbabwe project interest, Francois Auclair, the Company's CEO, President and Director, has tendered his resignation. I will assume the additional role of CEO and President alongside my position as Chairman. Also, the Company is contemplating a name change to better reflect its new copper-only focus. We will keep shareholders apprised once a decision on a new name is decided upon. Any name change will be submitted to shareholders for approval at the next AGM."

史蒂夫·邓恩补充说:”鉴于战略转向其 100% 持股的北极光铜业项目并出售其津巴布韦项目权益,该公司首席执行官、总裁兼董事弗朗索瓦·奥克莱尔已提出辞职。除了担任董事长一职外,我还将担任首席执行官兼总裁一职。此外,该公司正在考虑更名,以更好地反映其新的纯铜业务重点。一旦决定了新名称,我们将随时向股东通报情况。任何名称变更都将在下次股东周年大会上提交给股东批准。”

Nevada - Northern Lights Copper Project
Li3 Lithium's 100%-owned Northern Lights Copper Project is located in the central portion of Nevada's well known Walker Lane Trend about 25 kilometers (15 air miles) southeast of Yerington, Nevada (See Figure 2 below). The property consists of 58 lode mining claims covering 1200 acres (485 hectares) and is in close proximity to Nevada Copper Corporation's producing Pumpkin Hollow copper mine which has total resources in excess of 6.5 million lbs of copper equivalent. There are also several active copper exploration projects underway in close proximity to the property.

Li3 Lithium全资拥有的北极光铜矿项目位于内华达州著名的沃克巷趋势区的中部,位于内华达州耶灵顿东南约25公里(15飞行英里)处(见下图2)。该物业包括58个矿脉采矿权,占地1200英亩(485公顷),紧邻内华达铜业公司生产的南瓜谷铜矿,该矿的总资源超过650万磅的铜当量。该物业附近还有几个活跃的铜勘探项目正在进行中。

The Pumpkin Hollow ore deposit is characterized by an intense magnetic high as shown in Figure 3, which uses the same base map as Figure 2. The Northern Lights project is located between two magnetic highs in the eastern portion of the map (see Figure 3 below).

南瓜谷矿床的特点是磁力强劲,如图 3 所示,该图使用与图 2 相同的底图。北极光项目位于地图东部的两个磁高点之间(见下图 3)。

Mineralization observed on the property consists of: 1) massive magnetite, goethite, hematite, chalcopyrite replacement zones in the Triassic limestone and siltstone; 2) smaller, fracture- controlled zones of magnetite, goethite, hematite with copper oxide; and 3) disseminated pyrite, chalcopyrite, and copper oxides in sedimentary rocks as well as altered dacite porphyry. Visible copper oxide mineralization occurs in a northwest-trending zone approximately 1,500 meters long and 100 meters wide (5,000ft x 330ft). This replacement-skarn style of mineralization (deposit type) is similar to the nearby copper deposit at Pumpkin Hollow, currently in production by Nevada Copper Corporation.

在该物业上观测到的矿化包括:1) 三叠纪石灰岩和粉砂岩中的块状磁铁矿、针铁矿、赤铁矿、黄铜矿替代区;2) 磁铁矿、针铁矿、赤铁矿含氧化铜的较小断裂控区;3) 沉积岩中的浸染黄铁矿、黄铜矿和铜氧化物以及变化的放射岩斑岩。可见的氧化铜矿化发生在长约 1,500 米、宽 100 米(5,000 英尺 x 330 英尺)的西北向区域。这种替代型硅卡岩矿化(矿床类型)与附近的南瓜谷铜矿床类似,该矿床目前由内华达铜业公司生产。

Detailed geologic mapping by the Company and surface rock geochemical results confirm that Northern Lights has ore-grade copper (1% to 19% Cu) over widths up to 4 meters at the surface. Review of historic reports dating back to the 1910 to 1920 era suggests that copper mineralization grading 3% to 12% Cu at an average width of 1 to 2 meters (2 to 6 feet) extends to a depth of 100 meters (325 feet). Underground workings are not accessible, and these grades cannot be confirmed without drilling.


The objective of the Company is to confirm the deposit model with additional surface exploration work following by drilling to define a mineable high-grade copper deposit. The project is currently in the early exploration phase but planned drilling will confirm the grade, thickness and downdip extent of the mineralization confirmed at the surface.


Technical information
Quality Assurance and Quality Control of Li3 Lithium's programs are under the control of the Company's geological employees and are consistent with industry best practices.

Li3 Lithium计划的质量保证和质量控制由公司地质员工控制,符合行业最佳实践。

Qualified Person
John Cleary, is the non-independent qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects for the technical disclosure contained in this news release. Mr. Cleary has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure contained in this news release

根据国家仪器 43-101 的定义,约翰·克莱里是非独立的合格人员- 矿产项目披露标准 感谢本新闻稿中包含的技术披露。克莱里先生已经审查并批准了本新闻稿中包含的技术披露

About Li3 Lithium Corp.
Coincident with this news announcement, Li3 Lithium is focused its 100% owned Northern Lights Copper Project in Nevada. The Northern Lights Copper Project is located in the central portion of Nevada's well known Walker Lane Trend about 25 km southeast of Yerington, Nevada. The property covers 1,200 acres (485 hectares) and is in close proximity to Nevada Copper Corporation's producing Pumpkin Hollow copper mine which has total resources in excess of 6.5 million lbs of copper equivalent. There are also several active copper exploration projects underway in close proximity to the property. Li3 Lithium plans to confirm the deposit model with additional surface exploration work following by drilling to define a mineable high-grade copper deposit.

关于 Li3 锂业公司
与此新闻公告相吻合,Li3 Lithium将其100%拥有的北极光铜矿项目集中在内华达州。北极光铜矿项目位于内华达州著名的 Walker Lane Trend 的中部,位于内华达州耶灵顿东南约 25 公里处。该物业占地1,200英亩(485公顷),紧邻内华达铜业公司生产的南瓜谷铜矿,该矿的总资源超过650万磅的铜当量。该物业附近还有几个活跃的铜勘探项目正在进行中。Li3 Lithium计划通过进一步的地表勘探工作来确认矿床模型,然后进行钻探以确定可开采的高品位铜矿床。

Contact Information:
Li3 Lithium Corp.
Steve Dunn, Chairman
Tel: 416-361-2827

Li3 锂业公司



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