
EnWave Reports 2023 Fourth Quarter and Annual 2023 Consolidated Financial Results

EnWave Reports 2023 Fourth Quarter and Annual 2023 Consolidated Financial Results

GlobeNewswire ·  2023/12/15 09:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EnWave Corporation (TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U) ("EnWave", or the "Company") reported the Company's consolidated interim financial results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended September 30, 2023.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华,2023年12月15日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——EnWave Corporation(多伦多证券交易所-V: NEW | FSE: E4U)(“EnWave” 或 “公司”)公布了公司截至2023年9月30日的第四季度和财年的合并中期财务业绩。

All values in thousands and denoted in CAD unless otherwise stated.


  • EnWave's annual 2023 financial results demonstrated positive Adjusted EBITDA(1), strong margins, reduced expenses and a stable cash position. Q4 financial performance was down year over year due to the inherent volatility in large-scale Radiant Energy Vacuum ("REV") machine orders.
  • Reported revenue for Q4 2023 of $1,457, representing a decrease of $1,367 relative to the comparable period in the prior year. The decrease was primarily due to fewer machine contracts in the quarter and was partially offset by royalty revenues of $381, representing an increase of $80 relative to the comparable period in the prior year.
  • Reported an Adjusted EBITDA(1) loss of $324 for Q4 2023, a decrease of $297 from the comparable period in the prior year.
  • Reported an overall decrease in Selling, General & Administrative ("SG&A") costs (including Research & Development ("R&D")) of $405 for Q4 2023 relative to the comparable period in the prior year, with the decrease primarily related to a continued focus on cost containment by managing non-revenue generating spending.
  • Reported cash and cash equivalents of $4,171 and no debt as at September 30, 2023.
  • EnWave的2023年度财务业绩显示调整后息税折旧摊销前利润为正值(1),强劲的利润率,减少的支出和稳定的现金状况。由于大规模辐射能真空(“REV”)机器订单的固有波动,第四季度的财务业绩同比下降。
  • 2023年第四季度公布的收入为1,457美元,与去年同期相比减少了1,367美元。下降的主要原因是本季度的机器合同减少,但部分被381美元的特许权使用费收入所抵消,与去年同期相比增加了80美元。
  • 报告了调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润(1) 2023年第四季度亏损324美元,比去年同期减少297美元。
  • 报告称,与去年同期相比,2023年第四季度的销售、一般和管理(“SG&A”)成本(包括研发(“研发”)总体下降了405美元,下降的主要原因是继续通过管理非创收支出来控制成本。
  • 截至2023年9月30日,报告的现金及现金等价物为4,171美元,没有债务。

Consolidated Financial Performance:


($ '000s) Three months ended
September 30,
Year ended
September 30,
2023 2022 Change
2023 2022 Change
Revenues 1,457 2,824 (48)% 11,363 11,048 3%
Direct costs (1,036) (1,725) (40)% (6,930) (5,872) 18%
Gross margin 421 1,099 (62)% 4,433 5,176 (14)%
Operating expenses
General and administration 435 537 (19)% 2,188 2,737 (20)%
Sales and marketing 229 421 (46)% 1,396 2,102 (34)%
Research and development 357 468 (24)% 1,577 1,998 (21)%
1,021 1,426 (28)% 5,161 6,837 (25)%
Net (loss) continuing operations (605) (451) (34)% (1,579) (2,642) 40%
Net (loss) income discontinued operations 770 (1,822) 142% (4,933) (4,285) (15)%
Adjusted EBITDA(1) (324) (27) (1,100)% 379 (681) 156%
Loss per share:
Basic and diluted – continuous operations $(0.01) $0.00 $(0.01) $(0.02)
Basic and diluted – discontinued operations $0.01 $(0.02) $(0.05) $(0.04)
$0.00 $(0.02) $(0.06) $(0.06)
(千美元) 三个月已结束
2023 2022 改变
2023 2022 改变
收入 1,457 2,824 (48)% 11,363 11,048 3%
直接成本 (1,036) (1,725) (40)% (6,930) (5,872) 18%
毛利率 421 1,099 (62)% 4,433 5,176 (14)%
一般和行政 435 537 (19)% 2,188 2,737 (20)%
销售和营销 229 421 (46)% 1,396 2,102 (34)%
研究和开发 357 468 (24)% 1,577 1,998 (21)%
1,021 1,426 (28)% 5,161 6,837 (25)%
净额(亏损)持续经营业务 (605) (451) (34)% (1,579) (2,642) 40%
已终止业务的净(亏损)收入 770 (1,822) 142% (4,933) (4,285) (15)%
调整后 EBITDA(1) (324) (27) (1,100)% 379 (681) 156%
基本和稀释 — 连续运营 $ (0.01) 0.00 美元 $ (0.01) $ (0.02)
基本业务和摊薄后业务——已终止业务 0.01 美元 $ (0.02) 美元 (0.05) $ (0.04)
0.00 美元 $ (0.02) $ (0.06) $ (0.06)
(1) Adjusted EBITDA is a non-IFRS financial measure. Refer to the Non-IFRS Financial Measures disclosure below for a reconciliation to the nearest IFRS equivalent.
(1) 调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润是非国际财务报告准则的财务指标。有关与最接近的《国际财务报告准则》对账情况,请参阅下文的非国际财务报告准则财务指标披露。

EnWave's annual consolidated financial statements and MD&A are available on SEDAR at and on the Company's website


Key Financial Highlights for the Year Ended 2023 (expressed in '000s):


  • Revenue for the year ended 2023 of $11,363, compared to $11,048 for the year ended 2022, an increase of $315. The increase in revenue was primarily a result of the change in sales mix of large and small machines.
  • Royalty Revenues for the year ended 2023 of $1,465 compared to $1,352 for the year ended 2022, an increase of $113. The increase in royalties was primarily a result of increased production and sales by current partners.
  • Gross margin for the year ended 2023 was 39% compared to 47% for the year ended 2022. The decrease in margin was a result of the overall change in sales mix of large and small machines in addition to fewer resales relative to fiscal 2022.
  • SG&A expenses (including R&D) for the year ended 2023 were $5,161, compared to $6,837 for the year ended 2022, a reduction of $1,676. The decrease resulted from concerted efforts to maintain discretionary spending, including lower personnel costs across all departments, use of external consultants and having lower legal fees.
  • Adjusted EBITDA profit (refer to Non-IFRS Financial Measures section below) for the year ended 2023 was $379, compared to a loss of $681 for the year ended 2022, an improvement of $1,060. The increase in adjusted EBITDA was primarily due to the reduction of SG&A expenses (including R&D).
  • 截至2023年的年度收入为11,363美元,而截至2022年的收入为11,048美元,增长了315美元。收入的增长主要是大型和小型机器销售结构变化的结果。
  • 截至2023年的财年,特许权使用费收入为1,465美元,而截至2022年的特许权使用费收入为1,352美元,增加了113美元。特许权使用费的增加主要是当前合作伙伴增加产量和销售额的结果。
  • 截至2023年,毛利率为39%,而截至2022年的毛利率为47%。与2022财年相比,利润率下降是大型和小型机器的销售结构总体变化以及转售减少的结果。
  • 截至2023年的财年,销售和收支出(包括研发)为5,161美元,而截至2022年的年度为6,837美元,减少了1,676美元。减少的原因是齐心协力维持可自由支配的支出,包括降低所有部门的人事成本、使用外部顾问和降低律师费。
  • 调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润(请参阅 非国际财务报告准则财务指标 截至2023年,截至2023年的财年)为379美元,而截至2022年的亏损为681美元,增长了1,060美元。调整后息税折旧摊销前利润的增加主要是由于销售和收购支出(包括研发)的减少。

Significant Corporate Accomplishments in Q4 2023 and Subsequently:

2023 年第四季度及以后的重大企业成就:

  • Signed a Technology Evaluation and License Option Agreement with Moleciwl Cyf of Wales to develop fruit and vegetable products for the Welsh market.
  • Received approval for a cost-shared funding project through the Food Processing Growth Fund ("FPGF"), for which we gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, to purchase a seasoning machine and packaging system for the REVworx facility. The total estimated cost of the seasoning machine and packaging system is $419 of which $314, being 75% of approved project costs, will be covered by the FPGF.
  • Signed a Commercial License Agreement and Equipment Purchase Agreement with Michael Foods, to produce certain food products using REV technology in the United States. Michael Foods is a subsidiary of Post Holdings, a multi-billion-dollar supplier of foodservice, food ingredient and retail offerings.
  • Signed a Commercial License Agreement with a major pet treat company for further exploration of products in the pet treat space with successful preliminary product development at the Pet Treat Company's Innovation Centre in the United States.
  • Signed an Equipment Purchase Agreement with BranchOut Foods, a current royalty partner, for a 120 kW REVTM machine to complement the 10kW and 60kW REVTM machinery they currently use in the production of a portfolio of fruit and vegetable products. Delivery of the machine will be in late 2024 based on their build-out plans.
  • Signed a Research and Development License Agreement and received a purchase order for a 10kW REVTM machine with a major university in Australia for use with key stakeholders in the food and processing industry throughout Australia.
  • Subsequent to year end, NutraDried received a tax refund payment of $497 USD from the Internal Revenue Service of a total potential $1,183 USD tax refund relating to the Employee Retention Tax Credit for businesses affected during the COVID-19 pandemic. No further communication has been received from the Internal Revenue Service related to the remaining potential tax refund and there is no certainty it will be issued.
  • 与威尔士Moleciwl Cyf签署了技术评估和许可选项协议,为威尔士市场开发水果和蔬菜产品。
  • 通过食品加工增长基金(“FPGF”)获得费用分摊资助项目的批准,我们衷心感谢不列颠哥伦比亚省通过农业和食品部为RevWorx设施购买调味机和包装系统提供的财政支持。调味机和包装系统的总估计成本为419美元,其中314美元,占批准项目成本的75%,将由FPGF支付。
  • 与Michael Foods签署了商业许可协议和设备购买协议,在美国使用REV技术生产某些食品。迈克尔食品是邮政控股的子公司,邮政控股是一家价值数十亿美元的餐饮服务、食品原料和零售产品供应商。
  • 与一家大型宠物零食公司签署了商业许可协议,以进一步探索宠物零食领域的产品,并在美国宠物零食公司的创新中心成功开发了初步产品。
  • 与目前的特许权使用费合作伙伴 BranchOut Foods 签署了 120 kW REV 的设备购买协议TM 可补充 10kW 和 60kW REV 的机器TM 他们目前用于生产一系列水果和蔬菜产品的机器。根据他们的扩建计划,这台机器将在2024年底交付。
  • 签署了研发许可协议并收到了 10kW REV 的采购订单TM 与澳大利亚一所主要大学合作的机器,供澳大利亚各地食品和加工行业的关键利益相关者使用。
  • 年底之后,NutraDried从美国国税局获得了497美元的退税,其中总额为1,183美元,这笔退税款与在 COVID-19 疫情期间受影响的企业的员工留存税抵免有关。尚未收到美国国税局关于剩余潜在退税的进一步通报,也不确定是否会发放。

Non-IFRS Financial Measures:


This news release refers to Adjusted EBITDA which is a non-IFRS financial measure. We define Adjusted EBITDA as earnings before deducting amortization and depreciation, stock-based compensation, foreign exchange gain or loss, finance expense or income, income tax expense or recovery and non-recurring impairment, restructuring and severance charges, government assistance and discontinued operations. This measure is not necessarily comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies and should not be construed as an alternative to net income or cash flow from operating activities as determined in accordance with IFRS. Please refer to the reconciliation between Adjusted EBITDA and the most comparable IFRS financial measure reported in the Company's consolidated financial statements.


Three months ended
September 30,
Year ended
September 30
($ '000s) 2023 2022 2023 2022
Net (loss) income after income tax 165 (2,273) (6,512) (6,927)
Amortization and depreciation 276 329 1,117 1,098
Stock-based compensation 88 212 556 1,132
Foreign exchange (gain) loss (59) (114) 27 (96)
Finance income (53) (40) (185) (144)
Finance expense 29 37 128 118
Non-recurring impairment expense - - 315 -
Government assistance - - - (147)
Discontinued operations (770) 1,822 4,933 4,285
Adjusted EBITDA (324) (27) 379 (681)
9 月 30 日
(千美元) 2023 2022 2023 2022
所得税后的净(亏损)收入 165 (2,273) (6,512) (6,927)
摊销和折旧 276 329 1,117 1,098
基于股票的薪酬 88 212 556 1,132
外汇(收益)损失 (59) (114) 27 (96)
财务收入 (53) (40) (185) (144)
财务费用 29 37 128 118
非经常性减值支出 - - 315 -
政府援助 - - - (147)
已终止的业务 (770) 1,822 4,933 4,285
调整后 EBITDA (324) (27) 379 (681)

Non-IFRS financial measures should be considered together with other data prepared accordance with IFRS to enable investors to evaluate the Company's operating results, underlying performance and prospects in a manner similar to EnWave's management. Accordingly, these non-IFRS financial measures are intended to provide additional information and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS. For more information, please refer to the Non-IFRS Financial Measures section in the Company's MD&A available on .

应将非国际财务报告准则财务指标与根据国际财务报告准则编制的其他数据一起考虑,以使投资者能够以与EnWave管理层相似的方式评估公司的经营业绩、基本业绩和前景。因此,这些非《国际财务报告准则》财务指标旨在提供额外的信息,不应孤立地考虑,也不能替代按照《国际财务报告准则》编制的业绩衡量标准。欲了解更多信息,请参阅 非国际财务报告准则财务指标 该公司 MD&A 中的部分可在上查阅。

About EnWave
EnWave is a global leader in the innovation and application of vacuum microwave dehydration. From its headquarters in Delta, BC, EnWave has developed a robust intellectual property portfolio, perfected its Radiant Energy Vacuum (REV) technology, and transformed an innovative idea into a proven, consistent, and scalable drying solution for the food, pharmaceutical and cannabis industries that vastly outperforms traditional drying methods in efficiency, capacity, product quality, and cost.

关于 enWave
EnWave 是真空微波脱水创新和应用领域的全球领导者。EnWave总部位于不列颠哥伦比亚省三角洲,开发了强大的知识产权组合,完善了其Radiant Energy Vacuum(REV)技术,并将创新理念转变为适用于食品、制药和大麻行业的成熟、一致和可扩展的干燥解决方案,在效率、产能、产品质量和成本方面远远超过传统的干燥方法。

With more than fifty royalty-generating partners spanning twenty-six countries and five continents, EnWave's licensed partners are creating profitable, never-before-seen snacks and ingredients, improving the quality and consistency of their existing offerings, running leaner and getting to market faster with the company's patented technology, licensed machinery, and expert guidance.


EnWave's strategy is to sign royalty-bearing commercial licenses with food producers who want to dry better, faster and more economical than freeze drying, rack drying and air drying, and enjoy the following benefits of producing exciting new products, reaching optimal moisture levels up to seven times faster, and improve product taste, texture, color and nutritional value.


Learn more at

在 上了解更多信息。

EnWave Corporation

EnWave 公司

Mr. Brent Charleton, CFA
President and CEO

Brent Charleton 先生,CFA

For further information:


Brent Charleton, CFA, President and CEO at +1 (778) 378-9616

布伦特·查尔顿,首席财务官,总裁兼首席执行官,+1 (778) 378-9616

Dylan Murray, CFO at +1 (778) 870-0729

Dylan Murray,首席财务官 +1 (778) 870-0729

Safe Harbour for Forward-Looking Information Statements: This press release may contain forward-looking information based on management's expectations, estimates and projections. All statements that address expectations or projections about the future, including statements about the Company's strategy for growth, product development, market position, expected expenditures, and the expected synergies following the closing are forward-looking statements. All third-party claims referred to in this release are not guaranteed to be accurate. All third-party references to market information in this release are not guaranteed to be accurate as the Company did not conduct the original primary research. These statements are not a guarantee of future performance and involve a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


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