
Vaxil Bio Enters Into Letter of Intent With Copper Bullet Mines in Respect of a Proposed Reverse Takeover

Vaxil Bio Enters Into Letter of Intent With Copper Bullet Mines in Respect of a Proposed Reverse Takeover

Vaxil Bio与Copper Bullet Mines就拟议的反向收购签订意向书
GlobeNewswire ·  01/10 15:01

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NESS-ZIONA, Israel, Jan. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vaxil Bio Ltd. ("Vaxil" or the "Company") (TSXV:VXL) and Copper Bullet Mines Inc., a corporation existing under the laws of Canada ("CBMI") are pleased to announce that they have entered into a non-binding letter of intent dated January 9, 2024 (the "LOI"), pursuant to which Vaxil and CBMI intend to complete a business combination or other similarly structured transaction which will constitute a reverse take-over of Vaxil (the "Transaction"). It is intended that the Transaction will be an arm's length "Reverse Takeover" for Vaxil as that term is defined in Policy 5.2 of the Corporate Finance Manual of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV").

以色列NESS-ZIONA,2024年1月10日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Vaxil Bio Ltd.(“Vaxil” 或 “公司”)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:VXL)和根据加拿大法律成立的Copper Bullet Mines Inc.(“CBMI”)欣然宣布,他们已于2024年1月9日签订了一份不具约束力的意向书(“LOI”),根据该协议,Vaxil和CBMI打算完成业务合并或其他类似结构的交易,这将构成对Vaxil的反向收购(“交易”)。正如多伦多证券交易所风险交易所(“TSXV”)企业融资手册第5.2条政策所定义的那样,该交易将是Vaxil的公平的 “反向收购”。

The LOI is to be superseded by a definitive merger, amalgamation or share exchange agreement (the "Definitive Agreement") to be signed on or prior to February 28, 2024, or such later date as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties in writing. The Transaction is subject to requisite regulatory approval, including the approval of the TSXV, and standard closing conditions, including the approval of the directors of each of Vaxil and CBMI of the Definitive Agreement, completion of due diligence investigations to the satisfaction of each of Vaxil and CBMI, and the conditions described below. The legal structure for the Transaction will be confirmed after the parties have considered all applicable tax, securities law and accounting efficiencies.


Vaxil is at arm's length to CBMI, and no director, officer or insider of Vaxil or CBMI beneficially owns, or controls or directs, directly or indirectly, any securities of the other party. Therefore, the Transaction is expected to be an Arm's Length Transaction as defined under TSXV Policy 1.1 - Interpretation and will not be considered a "related party transaction" for the purpose of Multilateral Instrument 61-101 Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions.

Vaxil与CBMI保持一定距离,Vaxil或CBMI的任何董事、高级管理人员或内部人员均不直接或间接地以实益方式拥有、控制或指挥另一方的任何证券。因此,该交易预计将是多伦多证券交易所政策1.1所定义的独立交易- 口译 并且不会被视为第61-101号多边文书所指的 “关联方交易” 在特殊交易中保护少数证券持有人

About Vaxil Bio Ltd.

Vaxil Bio Ltd 公司简介

Vaxil is incorporated under the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) with its registered and head office in Toronto, Ontario. Vaxil is a "reporting issuer" in the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario.

Vaxil 是根据以下规定注册成立的 《商业公司法》 (安大略省)注册总部设在安大略省多伦多市。Vaxil是艾伯塔省、不列颠哥伦比亚省和安大略省的 “报告发行人”。

Vaxil will hold a meeting of its shareholders (the "Vaxil Shareholders' Meeting"), as soon as reasonably practicable, to vote on the Transaction and the Divestment (as defined below). Matters to be approved by Vaxil's shareholders at Vaxil Shareholders' Meeting, among other matters:


  • a change of name of the Company to such name as is directed by CBMI and acceptable to applicable regulatory authorities effective upon closing of the Transaction (the "Closing");
  • the consolidate its shares on a ratio to be determined;
  • the approval of a new equity incentive plan to be effective upon Closing;
  • the election of a slate of directors appointed by CBMI, which elections will be effective upon Closing;
  • the approval of the Transaction; and
  • the approval of the Divestment.
  • 将公司名称更改为由CBMI指示的名称,并在交易结束(“收盘”)后生效,该名称可为相关监管机构所接受;
  • 按待确定的比率合并其股份;
  • 批准新的股权激励计划,该计划将在交易完成时生效;
  • 选举由CBMI任命的董事名单,该选举将在闭幕时生效;
  • 交易的批准;以及
  • 撤资的批准。

In addition to the Transaction, it is expected that prior to the closing of the Transaction Vaxil will divest all existing assets except cash to unrelated third parties (the "Divestment"), which may require shareholder approval and is subject to approval of the TSXV.


Trading in the common shares of Vaxil (each an "Vaxil Share") has been halted in accordance with the policies of the TSXV and will remain halted until such time as all required documentation in connection with the Transaction has been filed with and accepted by, and permission to resume trading has been obtained from, the TSXV. There can be no assurance that trading of Vaxil Shares will resume prior to the completion of the Transaction.

根据多伦多证券交易所的政策,Vaxil普通股(均为 “Vaxil股票”)的交易已暂停,并将一直暂停,直到与该交易有关的所有所需文件已提交并获得多伦多证券交易所接受并获得恢复交易的许可。无法保证Vaxil股票的交易将在交易完成之前恢复。

About Copper Bullet Mines Inc.


Since its incorporation on April 10, 2021, the team at CBMI, has acquired through staking and option a significant land package in the heart of Arizona's Copper Triangle. CBMI's Copper Springs property has more than 96 historic drill holes and a historic, non-43-101 compliant inferred mineral resource of 47 million tonnes grading 0.4% copper (NI 43-101 Technical Report Copper Springs Project, Gila County, Arizona. Feinstein, 2022), equating to over 400 million lbs of copper contained. This historic resource is one of many exploration targets across the Copper Springs project and represents approximately 10% of the HSOB (Historic Supergene Oxide Blanket) footprint which was identified by wide spaced drilling in the 1960s.

自2021年4月10日成立以来,CBMI的团队已通过质押和期权收购了位于亚利桑那州铜三角中心的一揽子重要土地。CBMI的铜泉地产拥有超过96个历史钻孔,历史上不符合43-101标准的推断矿产资源为4700万吨,铜品位为0.4%(NI 43-101技术报告亚利桑那州吉拉县铜泉项目)。费恩斯坦,2022年),相当于所含铜量超过4亿磅。这种历史资源是铜泉项目的众多勘探目标之一,约占20世纪60年代通过大间距钻探确定的HSOB(历史超基因氧化层)足迹的10%。

The project is adjacent to Arizona State highway 60, located 1 hour east of Phoenix. High voltage power lines cross the project and water is available from perennial springs. The Copper Springs Project is surrounded by producing mines, including Capstone's Pinto Valley, KGHM's Carlotta mine, Group Mexico's Ray Mine, and various other mines and projects owned by South 32, BHP, Rio Tinto and Freeport-McMoRan.

该项目毗邻亚利桑那州60号州道,位于凤凰城以东1小时路程处。高压电力线横穿该项目,常年泉水可用。铜泉项目周围环绕着生产矿山,包括凯普斯通的平托谷、KGHM的卡洛塔矿、墨西哥集团的雷矿以及South 32、必和必拓、力拓和弗里波特麦克莫兰拥有的其他各种矿山和项目。

The Globe Miami area, the northeast part of the Copper Triangle where the Copper Springs project is situated has produced over 37 billion lbs of copper. A recent report published by the Arizona Geological Study suggest unmined resources to be over 94 billion lbs of copper (Geology and History of the Globe-Miami Region, Gila and Pinal County, Arizona. Briggs, 2022). The Copper Triangle is also home to 2 of the 3 copper smelters in the USA.


From exploration through discovery, development, capital raising, and successful execution of commercial mining and milling operations, CBMI's team includes a full-range of experienced industry professionals. Additional information about CBMI may be found on its website:


Any reference to historical estimates and resources should not be relied upon. These historical estimates are not current and a Q. P. has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate and Copper Bullet Mines Inc. is not treating the historical estimate as a current resource estimate.

不应依赖对历史估计和资源的任何引用。这些历史估计值不是最新的,质量保证没有做足够的工作来对历史估计值进行分类,Copper Bullet Mines Inc.也没有将历史估计值视为当前的资源估计。

Concurrent Financing


In connection with the Transaction, CBMI intends to complete a brokered private placement, of subscription receipts (the "Subscription Receipts"), with an agent or syndicate of agents to be selected, on a best-efforts basis, to raise aggregate gross proceeds of a minimum of $1,500,000 (the "Concurrent Financing"), at an anticipated price of $0.20 per Subscription Receipt (the "Concurrent Financing Price"). The proceeds of the Concurrent Financing will be used for general corporate and working capital purposes and to fund exploration expenses on CBMI's mineral properties. The Concurrent Financing is a condition precedent to the Transaction. The agent(s) will receive a cash commission up to 8.0% of the aggregate gross proceeds realized by CBMI from the Concurrent Financing. CBMI will also issue to the agent(s) that number of compensation warrants (the "Compensation Warrants") equal to 8.0% of the aggregate number of Subscription Receipts sold pursuant to the Concurrent Financing. Each Compensation Warrant will entitle the holder thereof to acquire one CBMI Share at an exercise price equal to the Concurrent Financing Price for a period of 24 months following the Closing.


Upon satisfaction of the conditions to closing the Transaction, the escrow release conditions in respect of the Subscription Receipts, each Subscription Receipt will automatically be exchanged for, without additional payment or further action on the part of the holder thereof, one common share of CBMI (each a "CBMI Share"). In connection with the completion of the Transaction, the CBMI Shares issued to Subscription Receipt holders will be subsequently cancelled and exchanged for equivalent common shares of Vaxil.

在满足完成交易的条件、有关认购收据的托管发放条件后,每份认购收据将自动兑换成CBMI的一股普通股(每股为 “CBMI股份”),无需其持有人额外付款或采取进一步行动。随着交易的完成,向认购收据持有人发行的CBMI股票随后将被取消,并交换成Vaxil的等值普通股。

Selected Financial Information of CBMI


The following selected consolidated financial information of CBMI has been supplied to Vaxil by CBMI for purposes of inclusion herein in accordance with TSXV requirements:


Income Statement Year ended December 31, 2022
Nine months ended, September 30, 2023
Revenue - -
Total Expenses 682,769 593,520
Net Income (Loss) (682,769) (593,520)
Balance Sheet
Current Assets 107,403 95,202
Total Assets 107,403 95,202
Current Liabilities 424,952 253,102
Total Liabilities 424,952 253,102
Shareholders' Equity (Deficiency) (317,549) (146,069)
损益表 截至2022年12月31日的年度
收入 - -
支出总额 682,769 593,520
净收益(亏损) (682,769) (593,520)
流动资产 107,403 95,202
总资产 107,403 95,202
流动负债 424,952 253,102
负债总额 424,952 253,102
股东权益(亏损) (317,549) (146,069)

Conditions to Transaction


Prior to completion of the Transaction (and as conditions of closing):


  • Completion of mutual satisfactory due diligence investigations of CBMI and Vaxil
  • The parties will prepare a management information circular or filing statement in accordance with the rules of the TSXV, outlining the terms of the Transaction.
  • Vaxil and CBMI will enter into a Definitive Agreement in respect to the Transaction on or prior to February 28, 2024.
  • Vaxil and CBMI will, if necessary, obtain the requisite board and shareholder approvals for the Transaction and any ancillary matters contemplated in the Definitive Agreement.
  • All requisite regulatory approvals relating to the Transaction, including, without limitation, the TSXV, will have been obtained.
  • CBMI will close the Concurrent Financing for gross proceeds of not less than $1,500,000.
  • 完成对CBMI和Vaxil的相互满意的尽职调查调查
  • 双方将根据多伦多证券交易所的规则准备管理信息通告或申报声明,概述交易条款。
  • Vaxil和CBMI将在2024年2月28日当天或之前就该交易签订最终协议。
  • 如有必要,Vaxil和CBMI将就该交易以及最终协议中规定的任何辅助事项获得必要的董事会和股东批准。
  • 与该交易有关的所有必要监管批准,包括但不限于多伦多证券交易所,都将获得批准。
  • CBMI将关闭总收益不少于150万美元的并行融资。

The Proposed Transaction


Pre-Closing Capitalization of Vaxil


As of the date hereof, Vaxil has issued and outstanding 136,978,973 common shares of Vaxil (each an "Vaxil Share") and securities exercisable or exchangeable for, or convertible into, or other rights to acquire, an aggregate of 13,109,440 Vaxil Shares at various exercise prices per Vaxil Share. The Vaxil Shares are currently listed on the TSXV under the symbol "VXL".

截至本文发布之日,Vaxil已发行和流通136,978,973股Vaxil普通股(均为 “Vaxil股份”)和可行使或可兑换、可转换为或其他收购权的证券,每股Vaxil股票的行使价总计为13,109,440股。Vaxil股票目前在多伦多证券交易所上市,股票代码为 “VXL”。



As a condition to closing the Transaction, concurrently with, or immediately prior to Closing, and subject to Vaxil shareholder approval, Vaxil will undertake a share consolidation (the "Consolidation"). The Consolidation will occur on the basis of one (1) post-Consolidation common share of Vaxil ("Vaxil Consolidated Shares") for such number of Pre-Consolidation Vaxil Shares as determined by the equation (A/B) * C, which is anticipated to be a consolidation ratio of 1:16.3557, where:

作为完成交易的条件,Vaxil将进行股票合并(“合并”),在完成交易的同时或紧接在收盘之前,并经Vaxil股东批准。整合将在合并后的Vaxil的一(1)股普通股(“Vaxil合并股份”)的基础上进行,其中,合并前的Vaxil股份数量由方程(A/B)* C确定,合并比率预计为 1:16.355 7,其中:

A = Number of issued and outstanding Vaxil Shares immediately prior to the Consolidation.
B = Vaxil's working capital balance immediately prior to the Transaction, plus the amount owed pursuant to the Loan (as defined herein), plus $1,000,000.
C = The Concurrent Financing Price.
一个 = 合并前夕已发行和流通的Vaxil股票数量。
B = 交易前Vaxil的营运资金余额, 根据贷款所欠的金额(定义见此处), 1,000,000 美元。
C = 并行融资价格。

Pre-Closing Capitalization of CBMI


CBMI is incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act and, as of the date hereof, has (a) 32,237,000 CBMI Shares issued and outstanding, (b) 150,000 warrants exercisable to acquire 150,000 CBMI Shares (the "CBMI Warrants") at an exercise price of $0.10 and expire on March 27, 2025. The holders of CBMI Warrants may, at the option of the holders thereof, elect to replace their CBMI Warrants with warrants to acquire Vaxil Shares, but otherwise bearing the same terms as the CBMI Warrants which they replace.

CBMI 成立于 《加拿大商业公司法》 截至本文发布之日,已有(a)已发行和流通的32,237,000股CBMI股票,(b)15万份认股权证可供行使,用于以0.10美元的行使价收购15万股CBMI股票(“CBMI认股权证”),并将于2025年3月27日到期。CBMI认股权证的持有人可以选择将其CBMI认股权证替换为认股权证以收购Vaxil股票,但其条款与他们所取代的CBMI认股权证相同。

CBMI has agreed to pay 2674443 Ontario Inc. (the "Finder"), an arm's length party, a finder's fee of $200,000 plus applicable tax, payable in CBMI Shares immediately prior to the closing of the Transaction at a deemed price per CBMI Share equal to the Concurrent Financing pricing, which would be immediately issued and exchanged for Vaxil Shares upon the successful closing of the Transaction.

CBMI已同意向2674443 Ontario Inc.(“Finder”)(“发现者”)支付20万美元的发现费外加适用税款,该费用将在交易结束前立即以CBMI股票的认定价格支付,每股CBMI股票的认定价格等于并行融资定价,该价格将在交易成功完成后立即发行并兑换成Vaxil股票。

Terms of the Transaction


It is currently anticipated that Vaxil will acquire CBMI by way of a three-corner amalgamation, share exchange, plan of arrangement or other similar form of transaction as agreed by the parties to ultimately form the resulting issuer (the "Resulting Issuer"). The final structure of the Transaction is subject to the receipt of tax, corporate and securities law advice for both Vaxil and CBMI. Upon completion of the Transaction, the Resulting Issuer will carry on the business of CBMI.


Pursuant to the Transaction, one (1) Vaxil Consolidated Shares will be issued to the holders of CBMI Shares in exchange for each one (1) CBMI Share issued and outstanding as at the effective date of the Transaction.


Pursuant to the terms of the LOI, it is proposed that Vaxil will acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares of CBMI for an aggregate purchase price of $7,747,400 payable on a non-cash basis by the issuance of such aggregate number of shares of the Resulting Issuer (the "Resulting Issuer Shares") to the CBMI shareholders, pro rata, based on the number of CBMI Shares held by each CBMI shareholder at a price per Resulting Issuer Share equal to the Concurrent Financing Price.


Upon completion of the Transaction, it is expected that the former shareholders of CBMI will hold approximately 65.64% of the shares of the Resulting Issuer (the "Resulting Issuer Shares"). (on a non-diluted basis), the former shareholders of Vaxil will hold approximately 17.05% of the Resulting Issuer Shares, the Subscription Receipts holders will hold approximately 15.27% of the Resulting Issuer Shares and the Finder will hold approximately 2.04% of the Resulting Issuer Shares.


It is expected that the Resulting Issuer will be classified as a Tier 2 Mining Issuer.


In connection with the Transaction, within 20 days of signing of the LOI, Vaxil will provide CBMI with a loan facility in an amount not to exceed $125,000 (the "Loan"), subject to TSXV approval. The Loan will be secured over the assets of CBMI, including any of the subsidiary of CBMI, as well as a pledge of shares of the subsidiary of CBMI. Interest on the Loan shall accrue on any outstanding amount at the rate of 10% per annum, payable upon maturity. Once the Loan has been funded, until the earlier of (i) the Loan being fully repaid, or (ii) the closing of the Transaction, Vaxil shall be entitled to appoint a board observer to CBMI.


Insiders, Officers and Board of Directors of the Resulting Issuer


Upon completion of the Transaction, it is anticipated that the board of directors of the Resulting Issuer shall consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of ten directors, a majority of whom shall be nominated by CBMI. The nominees of CBMI are expected to consist of, at a minimum, Daniel Weir, Mohamad Basim Anwer, Erika Dohring, Doug Harris, Keith Minty and Gadi Levin. The parties expect Daniel Weir to act as CEO Arif Shivji to act as CFO and Dr. Michael Feinstein to be VP Exploration.


Following completion of the Transaction, it is anticipated that no one will exercise control or direction over more than 10% of the issued and outstanding shares of the Resulting Issuer.


The following sets outs the names and backgrounds of all persons who are expected to be considered insiders of the Resulting Issuer.


Daniel Weir, CEO and Director

Daniel Weir,首席执行官兼董事

Daniel has worked for over 20 years at some of the top financial firms in Canada. He worked as an Institutional Equity Trader, Sales and Investment banking as well as a broker. He was the Head of Institutional Equity Sales at a boutique firm focused on financing Mining companies. Having raised billions of dollars, both publicly and privately, Mr. Weir has expertise at evaluating and financing mining deals. He has sat on boards of potash, graphite and copper-zinc mining companies. Dan spent the past 8 years working in Africa, developing a graphite project. Mr. Weir has overseen exploration projects, and the designing and engineering of processing plants. Mr. Weir graduated from the University of Toronto.

丹尼尔在加拿大一些顶级金融公司工作了20多年。他曾担任机构股票交易员、销售和投资银行以及经纪人。他曾是一家专注于为矿业公司融资的精品公司的机构股票销售主管。威尔先生在公开和私下筹集了数十亿美元,在评估和融资矿业交易方面拥有专业知识。他曾在钾肥、石墨和铜锌矿业公司的董事会任职。在过去的8年中,丹在非洲工作,开发了一个石墨项目。Weir先生曾监督勘探项目以及加工厂的设计和工程。Weir 先生毕业于多伦多大学。

Mohamad Basim Anwer, Director


Mohamad has 20 years of multisector experience, which includes wealth management, project logistics and financing, mining and LME metals warehousing and distribution. During his tenure with Thani Investments in Dubai, and subsequent to that he was engaged in Mining projects as an advisor assisting with project planning and corporate valuations and financing of mineral resource projects worldwide. He is based in Dubai, with additional offices in Zug, Switzerland, the UK, Morocco, and Singapore. He is the Chairman of Peninsula Shipping, and CEO of Regionality Group of companies. His businesses operate in various countries as product distribution and advisory partners. Mr. Anwer graduated from Purdue University in the USA.

穆罕默德拥有20年的多领域经验,包括财富管理、项目物流和融资、采矿和伦敦金属交易所金属仓储和配送。在迪拜Thani Investments任职期间,他以顾问的身份参与采矿项目,协助全球矿产资源项目的项目规划、企业估值和融资。他常驻迪拜,在瑞士楚格、英国、摩洛哥和新加坡设有办事处。他是半岛航运董事长兼区域集团公司首席执行官。他的业务作为产品分销和咨询合作伙伴在不同国家开展业务。Anwer 先生毕业于美国普渡大学。

Erika Dohring, Director


Erika has extensive knowledge and expertise in epithermal gold and silver deposits, as well as base metals systems including porphyry copper and VMS. She grew into a career as an exploration geologist with exposure to capital markets and economic evaluation, and most recently as an entrepreneur. As manager of corporate development and JV programs of Riverside Resources, she successfully launched and led multiple early-stage gold and silver exploration programs and was part of the team that spun out the public company Capitan Silver Corp. Most recently, Mrs. Dohring has launched two private Mexican ventures. Mrs. Dohring graduated from Institut Beauvais in France with a Master's Degree in Geology and Mining Engineering.

Erika在超热液金和银矿床以及包括斑岩铜和VMS在内的基本金属系统方面拥有丰富的知识和专业知识。她成长为一名勘探地质学家,接触资本市场和经济评估,最近还是一名企业家。作为Riverside Resources的企业发展和合资项目经理,她成功启动并领导了多个早期黄金和白银勘探项目,并且是分拆上市公司Capitan Silver Corp的团队的一员。最近,多林夫人创办了两家墨西哥私人企业。多林女士毕业于法国博韦学院,获得地质与采矿工程硕士学位。

Doug Harris, Director


Doug has over 25 years of audit, buy side, sell side and advisory experience participating in over $2 billion of transactions. Doug has served as a director of several public companies, chairing audit and independent committees, and provides advisory and CFO services through his company Harris Capital Corporation to a number of mining companies. Mr. Harris obtained his MBA from the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto.

道格拥有超过25年的审计、买方、卖方和咨询经验,参与了超过20亿美元的交易。道格曾担任多家上市公司的董事,主持审计和独立委员会,并通过他的公司Harris Capital Corporation向多家矿业公司提供咨询和首席财务官服务。哈里斯先生在多伦多大学罗特曼管理学院获得工商管理硕士学位。

Keith Minty, Director

Keith Minty,导演

Keith has 30 years of professional experience in mineral resource exploration and development of precious and base metals and industrial minerals in Canada and internationally. He has been directly involved in increasing mineral resource project's value through resource development, constructing, operating and managing gold and platinum group metal projects. Mr. Minty has been associated with resource exploration and development companies such as Hunter Dickinson, Viceroy Resources, North American Palladium, and Aurvista Gold. He is currently an active member of the board of directors of companies. Mr. Minty obtained a B.Sc. in Mining Engineering from Queen's University, he received his MBA from Athabasca University.

Keith 在加拿大和国际上的矿产资源勘探和贵金属和基本金属及工业矿物开发方面拥有 30 年的专业经验。他通过资源开发、建造、运营和管理黄金和铂金集团金属项目,直接参与提高矿产资源项目的价值。明蒂先生曾在资源勘探和开发公司工作,例如亨特·狄金森、Viceroy Resources、北美钯金和Aurvista Gold。他目前是公司董事会的活跃成员。Minty 先生拥有女王大学采矿工程学士学位和阿萨巴斯卡大学工商管理硕士学位。

Gadi Levin, Director


Mr. Levin is the chairman and CEO of Vaxil Bio and has also served as Chief Financial Officer and Director of Vaxil Bio Ltd since March 1, 2016. In addition, Mr. Levin is a director of EV Nickel Inc. and Eco (Atlantic) Oil and Gas Ltd. Mr. Levin has over 20 years of experience working with public U.S., Canadian and multi-jurisdictional public companies, primarily in the CFO function. Mr. Levin began his CPA career at the accounting firm Arthur Andersen, where he worked for nine years, specializing in U.S. listed companies involved in initial public offerings. Mr. Levin has a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Accounting and Information Systems from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and a post graduate diploma in Accounting from the University of South Africa. He received his Chartered Accountant designation in South Africa and has an MBA from Bar Ilan University in Israel.

莱文先生是Vaxil Bio的董事长兼首席执行官,自2016年3月1日起还担任Vaxil Bio Ltd的首席财务官兼董事。此外,莱文先生还是EV Nickel Inc.和Eco(大西洋)石油和天然气有限公司的董事。Levin先生在美国、加拿大和跨司法管辖区的上市公司有超过20年的工作经验,主要担任首席财务官职务。莱文先生的注册会计师生涯始于Arthur Andersen会计师事务所,他在那里工作了九年,专门研究参与首次公开募股的美国上市公司。Levin 先生拥有南非开普敦大学会计与信息系统商学学士学位和南非大学会计学研究生文凭。他在南非获得了特许会计师资格,并拥有以色列巴伊兰大学的工商管理硕士学位。

Arif Shivji, CFO

首席财务官 Arif Shivji

Arif Shivji is a registered CPA in BC & Alberta, US CPA in Illinois, and a CFA charterholder. After his MBA from the Richard Ivey School Business, Shivji became Manager of Transaction Services with PwC Advisory where he performed buy-side due diligence on acquisitions in Canada, US, and UK. Mr. Shivji has been providing part time CFO services to private & public companies. In addition, he has set up two CPCs on the TSX and a junior mining IPO on the CSE exchange. Previously, Shivji was founder & CFO of Predator Midstream that grew to 90 staff when it was sold to a large public company (Secure Energy). Since May 2021, Shivji has been CFO of Copper Bullet leveraging his 25 years of professional finance experience.

Arif Shivji是不列颠哥伦比亚省和艾伯塔省的注册会计师,伊利诺伊州的美国注册会计师,以及特许金融分析师的持有人。在理查德·艾维商学院获得工商管理硕士学位后,Shivji成为普华永道咨询公司的交易服务经理,在那里他对加拿大、美国和英国的收购进行了买方尽职调查。Shivji先生一直为私营和上市公司提供兼职首席财务官服务。此外,他在多伦多证券交易所设立了两个CPC,并在CSE交易所设立了初级矿业首次公开募股。此前,Shivji曾是Predator Midstream的创始人兼首席财务官,当Predator Midstream被出售给一家大型上市公司(Secure Energy)时,该公司的员工人数已增加到90人。自2021年5月以来,Shivji凭借其25年的专业财务经验一直担任Copper Bullet的首席财务官。

Dr. Michael Feinstein, VP Exploration


Michael is a Geological Scientist and Consultant with global experience coordinating, leading, and supporting high-value geological exploration and evaluation initiatives. Michael has led the evaluation of more than 40 properties and managed mineral exploration initiatives for more than 15 international clients. He excels at identifying profitable business opportunities for landowners and potential investors, conducting extensive scientific investigation of geological features to determine the presence of valuable minerals. His experience leading successful projects is a result of his persistence in addressing the problems at hand and keeping the big picture in view.




The Transaction may require sponsorship under the policies of the TSXV unless an exemption from sponsorship is granted. Vaxil intends to apply for an exemption from sponsorship requirements of the TSXV in connection with the Transaction. There can be no assurance that such exemption will ultimately be granted.


Qualified Person


Michael Feinstein, is the "Qualified Person" under National Instrument 43-101-Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, and he has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical disclosure contained in this press release.

迈克尔·费恩斯坦是《国家仪器》43-101-下的 “合格人士”《矿业项目披露标准》,以及 已审查并批准本新闻稿中包含的科学和技术披露。



Bayline Capital Partners is acting as financial advisor to CBMI.

Bayline Capital Partners担任CBMI的财务顾问。

Further Information


All information contained in this news release with respect to Vaxil and CBMI was supplied by the parties respectively, for inclusion herein, and each party and its directors and officers have relied on the other party for any information concerning the other party.


The securities to be issued in connection with the Transaction have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons (as defined in Regulation S promulgated under the U.S. Securities Act) unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.


Completion of the Transaction is subject to a number of conditions, including but not limited to, TSXV acceptance and, if applicable, pursuant to the requirements of the TSXV, disinterested shareholder approval. Where applicable, the Transaction cannot close until the required shareholder approval is obtained. There can be no assurance that the transaction will be completed as proposed or at all.


Investors are cautioned that, except as disclosed in the management information circular or filing statement to be prepared in connection with the Transaction, any information released or received with respect to the transaction may not be accurate or complete and should not be relied upon. Trading in the securities of a capital pool company should be considered highly speculative.


The TSX Venture Exchange Inc. has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release.




Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward Looking Information


This news release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws relating to the proposal to complete the Transaction, the Divestment and associated transactions. Any such forward-looking statements may be identified by words such as "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "projects", "plans" and similar expressions. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Statements about, among other things, the expected terms of the Transaction and Divestment, the number of securities of Vaxil that may be issued in connection with the Transaction, the ownership ratio of the Resulting Issuer post-closing, the Concurrent Financing, shareholder approval, CBMI's strategic plans and the parties' ability to satisfy closing conditions and receive necessary approvals are all forward-looking information. These statements should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results. Such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those implied by such statements. Although such statements are based on management's reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that the Transaction or the Divestment will occur or that, if the Transaction or the Divestment do occur, it will be completed on the terms described above. Vaxil and CBMI assume no responsibility to update or revise forward-looking information to reflect new events or circumstances unless required by applicable law.

本新闻稿包含适用证券法所指的 “前瞻性信息”,与完成交易的提议、撤资和相关交易有关。任何此类前瞻性陈述都可以用 “期望”、“预期”、“相信”、“项目”、“计划” 等词语和类似表述来识别。提醒读者不要过分依赖前瞻性陈述。除其他外,关于交易和撤资的预期条款、Vaxil可能发行的证券数量、收盘后最终发行人的所有权比例、并行融资、股东批准、CBMI的战略计划以及双方满足成交条件和获得必要批准的能力的声明均为前瞻性信息。不应将这些陈述视为对未来业绩或结果的保证。此类陈述涉及已知和未知的风险、不确定性和其他因素,这些因素可能导致实际结果、业绩或成就与此类陈述所暗示的有重大差异。尽管此类陈述基于管理层的合理假设,但无法保证交易或撤资会发生,也无法保证如果交易或撤资确实发生,将按照上述条款完成。除非适用法律要求,否则Vaxil和CBMI不承担更新或修改前瞻性信息以反映新事件或情况的责任。

For more information, please contact:


Vaxil Bio Ltd. Copper Bullet Mines Inc.
Gadi Levin, CEO
Daniel Weir, CEO
Vaxil Bio Ltd. 铜子弹矿业公司

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