
Revasum Inc and Asahi Diamond America, Inc Join Forces to Revolutionize Silicon Carbide Wafer Grinding

Revasum Inc and Asahi Diamond America, Inc Join Forces to Revolutionize Silicon Carbide Wafer Grinding

Revasum Inc 和 Asahi Diamond America, Inc. 联手革新碳化硅晶圆研磨
PR Newswire ·  01/15 13:41

SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif., Jan. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Revasum Inc, a global leader in semiconductor manufacturing equipment, and Asahi Diamond America, Inc, a renowned provider of diamond and cubic boron nitride tools, are pleased to announce their strategic collaboration aimed at enhancing silicon carbide (SiC) wafer grinding.

加利福尼亚州圣路易斯奥比斯波,2024年1月15日 /PRNewswire/ — 全球半导体制造设备领导者Revasum Inc和著名的金刚石和立方氮化硼工具供应商朝日钻石美国公司很高兴地宣布了旨在加强碳化硅(SiC)晶圆研磨的战略合作。

The collaboration centers around the utilization of Revasum's industry-leading 7AF-HMG Silicon Carbide Grinder, a cutting-edge solution specifically designed for the unique challenges posed by 150mm and 200mm silicon carbide wafers. This collaboration brings together Revasum's expertise in semiconductor grinding and Asahi Diamond America's cutting-edge abrasive technology, marking a significant step forward in silicon carbide wafer manufacturing.


The 7AF-HMG is distinguished by its hard material optimized grind engine that quickly and precisely thins and planarizes 150mm and 200mm silicon carbide wafers. Its advanced features and precision make it a game changer in the industry, ensuring highly efficient and productive processing of bare substrates and device wafers at customer facilities.

7AF-HMG 的特点是其经过硬质材料优化的研磨引擎,可快速精确地将 150 毫米和 200 毫米的碳化硅晶片变薄和平面化。其先进的功能和精度使其成为行业的游戏规则改变者,可确保在客户设施中对裸基板和设备晶圆进行高效和高产的处理。

Scott Jewler, CEO of Revasum Inc, expressed his enthusiasm stating, "Our work with Asahi Diamond America is a testament to our commitment to innovation and excellence in semiconductor manufacturing. The 7AF-HMG Silicon Carbide Grinder is a groundbreaking solution that addresses the unique challenges of silicon carbide wafers, and this cooperation will propel the industry forward by improving efficiency and performance."

Revasum Inc首席执行官斯科特·朱勒表达了他的热情,他说:“我们与朝日钻石美国公司的合作证明了我们对半导体制造创新和卓越的承诺。7AF-HMG 碳化硅研磨机是解决碳化硅晶圆独特挑战的开创性解决方案,这种合作将通过提高效率和性能推动行业向前发展。”

Koichi "Ken" Kikuchi, President of Asahi Diamond America, Inc, echoed this sentiment, saying, "Asahi Diamond America is thrilled to collaborate with Revasum Inc to elevate silicon carbide wafer grinding to new heights. Our cutting-edge grind wheels combined with Revasum's advanced tools will empower semiconductor manufacturers to achieve unprecedented precision and efficiency in silicon carbide wafer processing."

朝日钻石美国公司总裁菊池幸一也表达了这一观点,他说:“朝日钻石美国很高兴与Revasum Inc合作,将碳化硅晶片研磨提升到新的高度。我们的尖端研磨轮与Revasum的先进工具相结合,将使半导体制造商能够在碳化硅晶圆加工中实现前所未有的精度和效率。”

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About Revasum Inc:

关于 Revasum Inc:

Revasum Inc is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of advanced semiconductor processing equipment. With a focus on innovation and reliability, Revasum provides cutting-edge solutions for the production of silicon carbide wafers and other semiconductor materials.

Revasum Inc是先进半导体加工设备设计和制造领域的全球领导者。Revasum专注于创新和可靠性,为碳化硅晶圆和其他半导体材料的生产提供尖端的解决方案。

About Asahi Diamond America, Inc:


Asahi Diamond America, Inc is a leading provider of diamond and cubic boron nitride tools for a wide range of industries, including semiconductor manufacturing. With a commitment to quality and precision, Asahi Diamond America delivers advanced tools that enhance the efficiency and performance of semiconductor processing.

Asahi Diamond America, Inc是金刚石和立方氮化硼刀具的领先供应商,为包括半导体制造在内的各种行业提供钻石和立方氮化硼工具。Asahi Diamond America致力于提高质量和精度,提供先进的工具,以提高半导体加工的效率和性能。

SOURCE Revasum

来源 Revasum

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